427 research outputs found

    Lecture-Conversation in Methodological Instrumentation of Russian as a Foreign Language Teacher

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    The article justifies the urgency of development of lectures-conversations when presenting the theoretical material of the training courses to foreigners. Attention is drawn to the difficulties of foreign students in listening the lecture in its traditional understanding as a monologue of the teacher. The importance of a methodical understanding of the theoretical presentation of the material in question-answer form is emphasised. Scientific novelty and practical significance of research results is seen in the fact that the issues are described from the point of view of the purpose of their performance to the students, the positive effect of the issue, the shortcomings of the question. It is assumed that within this form of classes the teacher can introduce new material, systematize theoretical information studied by students, consolidate students’ knowledge in the subject area, take into account communicative and personal aspects of adaptation of foreign students in Russian educational environment. On the original author’s material of lecture-conversation on theoretical grammar the kinds of questions are demonstrated that are appropriate to use in dialogue with foreign students. Methodological training for teachers in the formulation of various types of questions is proposed. It is concluded that the systematic use of lecture-conversation in teaching practice will contribute to overcoming the communicative and psychological difficulties of foreign students listening to lectures in a foreign language (Russian) that meets the modern trends of multicultural education

    Influence of polymer modification of complex fertilizer on the efficiency of phosphorus and potassium use by winter wheat on the southern chernozem

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    In modern conditions of unprecedented challenges, an alternative to the technological degradation of fertilizer application systems can be the development of original forms of long-acting fertilizers. Despite significant progress in the adaptation of progressive systems of agrochemical impacts, the use of traditional forms of mineral fertilizers does not allow using the full potential of the introduced nutrients, since the processes of incomplete denitrification, immobilization and leaching (leaching) of the main macronutrients (NPK), along with the action of urease, lead to unproductive loss of nutrients in the soil. In addition to economic losses, there are negative environmental consequences – eutrophication of water bodies, emission of greenhouse gases. The studies were carried out in 2022 under production conditions in the Kursk district of the Stavropol Territory on the farm of “StavAgroCom” on southern carbonate chernozem. As a modifier of mineral fertilizers, one of the most common synthetic polymers, polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), was used. The polymer consumption rate was 3, 5 and 7 kg per 1 ton of fertilizer. Yield growth was positively correlated with the dose of polymer in the fertilizer. The analysis of soil properties was carried out by the method of principal components. The resulting clustering in the coordinates of the first two components (in total they explain 65% of the data variation) shows significant differences in soil properties under different experimental options. To assess the efficiency of the use of nutrients depending on the dose of the polymer, a differential indicator was proposed – the additional efficiency of the use of nutrients (E). It was estimated from the increase in yield relative to the zero dose of the polymer per unit reduction in the concentration of this element in the soil according to the proposed formula. It is shown that the polymer use in fertilizer gives a statistically significant increase in the efficiency of phosphorus and potassium use by winter wheat

    Clinical example of diagnostics and treatment of a fungal foreign body in the maxillary sinus

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    The purpose of the study is to research the clinical and diagnostic manifestations of fungal foreign bodies of the maxillary sinus, providing a clinical example for the training of doctors, residents.Цель исследования. Изучить клинико-диагностические проявления грибковых инородных тел верхнечелюстной пазухи с предоставлением клинического примера для обучения врачей, ординаторов


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    The synthesis of new 2-acylcyclopentane-1,3-diones with a saturated С9–С12 acyl chain was described. The compounds were synthesized by the O-acylation of cyclopentane-1,3-dione with appropriate acyl chlorides in the presence of pyridine in chloroform, followed by the O–C- isomerization of the prepared enol acylates under the action of acetone cyanohydrin in acetonitrile in the presence of triethylamine.Описан синтез новых 2-ацилциклопентан-1,3-дионов с насыщенной С9–С12 ацильной цепью О- ацилированием циклопентан-1,3-диона хлорангидридами соответствующих карбоновых кислот в присутствии пиридина в хлороформе c последующей О–С-изомеризацией образующихся енолацилатов под действием ацетонциангидрина в среде ацетонитрила в присутствии триэтиламина

    The moisture response of soil heterotrophic respiration: Interaction with soil properties

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    Soil moisture is of primary importance for predicting the evolution of soil carbon stocks and fluxes, both because it strongly controls organic matter decomposition and because it is predicted to change at global scales in the following decades. However, the soil functions used to model the heterotrophic respiration response to moisture have limited empirical support and introduce an uncertainty of at least 4% in global soil carbon stock predictions by 2100. The necessity of improving the representation of this relationship in models has been highlighted in recent studies. Here we present a data-driven analysis of soil moisture-respiration relations based on 90 soils. With the use of linear models we show how the relationship between soil heterotrophic respiration and different measures of soil moisture is consistently affected by soil properties. The empirical models derived include main effects and moisture interaction effects of soil texture, organic carbon content and bulk density. When compared to other functions currently used in different soil biogeochemical models, we observe that our results can correct biases and reconcile differences within and between such functions. Ultimately, accurate predictions of the response of soil carbon to future climate scenarios will require the integration of soil-dependent moisture-respiration functions coupled with realistic representations of soil water dynamic

    Видеоконтролируемое лечение – инновационный метод мониторинга терапии туберкулеза в условиях ограниченных ресурсов системы здравоохранения

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    The objective of the study: to analyze the potential use of video observed therapy (VOT) as one of the fields of mobile health care for treatment of patients with tuberculosis, to substantiate prospects of using VOT as an alternative to directly observed therapy including settings with limited health care resources.Subjects and Methods. The relevant studies were searched for in the following bibliographic databases: MEDLINE/PubMed, EMBASE, LILACS, IMEMR and IMSEAR, and clinicaltrials.gov. 40 publications devoted to video observed treatment of tuberculosis abroad and in Russia were selected. The recommendations of the World Health Organization on the use of digital technology in tuberculosis treatment, in particular video observed treatment have been studied.Results. The article highlights the advantages of video observed treatment of tuberculosis, the possibility of implementing this approach in different groups of patients taking into account the inclusion and exclusion criteria, assessing effectiveness of its use (improved treatment adherence, higher number of completed observations, better responsibility of patients for the disease and therapy, economic benefits for the health system and the patient). The study speculates on the potential implementation of video observed therapy of tuberculosis in the Russian Federation.Цель исследования: анализ возможностей видеоконтролируемой терапии (ВКТ) как одного из направлений мобильного здравоохранения для мониторинга процесса лечения больных туберкулезом, обоснование перспектив применения ВКТ как альтернативы непосредственно контролируемой терапии, в том числе в условиях ограниченных ресурсов здравоохранения.Материалы и методы. Проведен поиск исследований из библиографических баз данных: MEDLINE/PubMed, EMBASE, LILACS, IMEMR и IMSEAR, а также clinicaltrials.gov. Отобрано 40 публикаций по применению видеоконтролируемой терапии туберкулеза за рубежом и в РФ. Изучены рекомендации Всемирной организации здравоохранения по применению цифровых технологий в терапии туберкулеза, в частности видеоконтролируемого лечения.Результаты. Определены преимущества видеоконтролируемой терапии туберкулеза, возможности реализации данного подхода в различных группах пациентов с учетом критериев включения и исключения с оценкой эффективности его применения (повышение приверженности к терапии, увеличение числа завершенных наблюдений, повышение ответственности пациента за заболевание и терапию, экономическая выгода для системы здравоохранения и пациента). Исследование предопределяет возможности реализации видеоконтролируемой терапии туберкулеза в Российской Федерации