199 research outputs found

    Comparison of solar activity proxies: eigen vectors versus averaged sunspot numbers

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    We attempt to establish links between a summary curve, or modulus summary curve, MSC, of the solar background magnetic field (SBMF) derived from Principal Component Analysis, with the averaged sunspot numbers (SSN). The comparison of MSC with the whole set of SSN reveals rather close correspondence of cycle timings, duration and maxima times for the cycles 12- 24, 6,7 and -4,-3. Although, in 1720-1760 and 1830-1860 there are discrepancies in maximum amplitudes of the cycles, durations and shifts of the maximum times between MSC and SSN curves. The MSC curve reveals pretty regular cycles with double maxima (cycles 1-4), triple maximum amplitude distributions for cycles 0 and 1 and for cycles -1 and -2 just before Maunder minimum. The MSC cycles in 1700-1750 reveal smaller maximal magnitudes in cycles -3 to 0 and in cycle 1-4 than the amplitudes of SSN, while cycles -2 to 0 have reversed maxima with minima with SSN. Close fitting of MSC or Bayesian models to the sunspot curve distorts the occurrences of either Maunder Minimum or/and modern grand solar minimum (2020-2053). These discrepancies can be caused by poor observations and by difference in solar magnetic fields responsible for these proxies. The dynamo simulations of toroidal and poloidal magnetic field in the grand solar cycle (GSC) from 1650 until 2050 demonstrate the clear differences between their amplitude variations during the GSC. The use of eigen vectors of SBMF can provide additional information to that derived from SSN that can be useful for understanding solar activity.Comment: 23 pages, 9 figur

    Office 4.0 – modern office digital technology, relevant to the post-COVID era

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    The COVID-19 epidemic forced most employers to transfer employees to a remote format, and after the restrictions were lifted, many companies retained this regime. Therefore, an urgent topic today is the discussion of the question of whether the hybrid or online format will remain as established forms of interaction between people. The purpose of the study is to identify the main problems in corporate governance that arose during the forced transfer of some of the personnel to a remote work format and to show the possibilities of their solution based on digital tools. Coordination of work in a team affects not so much the productivity of each employee as the formation of a general vision of the situation, the quality of setting and solving problems, the presence of informal communications and the stability of horizontal ties, and the support and adaptation of new team members. To substantiate the choice of a hybrid office, expert assessments and the method of analysing hierarchies have been applied. The article provides a list of tools that ensure the operation of a hybrid office, formulates their advantages and development prospects. The possibility of assessing the effectiveness of such decisions using the total cost of ownership methodology on the example of introducing a biometrics system in a bank has been shown

    Opportunities for improving the processes of preparing legal acts by public authorities based on the process mining

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    The processes of creating legal acts must meet such criteria as transparency, controllability, compliance with regulations. However, currently the procedures are extremely bureaucratic, pre-planned and go through many instances during the preparation, approval and signing. Of course, most of these processes are necessary, time-tested and legally fixed. At the same time, there are operations that require optimisation, including due to their automation or robotisation. To identify them and ensure that the procedure meet the changing needs of the state, it is important to create conditions for continuous monitoring, timely identification and operational adaptation and optimisation of the rule-making activities of the authorities. In this regard, the issue of applying contemporary technologies and approaches to analysis and the formation of recommendations for improving proactive processes seems extremely relevant. The purpose of this study is to examine the currend specifics of the preparation of the legal acts by the federal executive authorities and to identify areas for this normative documents’ improvement based on the process mining. The research methods used were a literature review and the Russian legal framework analysis, a questionnaire survey and process modelling. The authors analyse how draft legal documents (government and presidential acts, federal laws) are developed in the Russian Federation. They demonstrate the need for a transition to smart management. Its principles will ensure efficiency and flexibility in the preparation of normative legal acts. The metrics for monitoring and controlling the execution of the relevant instructions are formulated and the prospects for the development of their information support as a result of the implementation of process mining technologies are highlighted

    Economic potential and development prospects of small businesses in rural areas

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    The article examines the role of small business in the development of rural areas by the example of bakery production. Moreover, it demonstrates the need for the interaction of small bakery businesses with large enterprises of the industry and grain processors. The article reveals the development trends of small bakery production in rural areas. The conditions for the participation of small bakery businesses in rural areas in the development of the production of functional and specialized bread are substantiated. The article proposes the directions and mechanisms of support for small bakery production at the level of rural territories. The development of modern methods of redistribution of bakery production in proportion to the living population, measures of state support for small bakery production and expansion of the range of bread products that contribute to improving the health of the population of Russia, is the theme of this study. The object of the research is the development of small bakery production as a condition for improving the quality of life of the population in rural areas. The subject of the research is production and management relations that ensure the development of small bakery production and its impact on the quality of life of the population in rural areas.peer-reviewe

    Study of clinical, statistical, anatomical, optical and functional properties of primary keratoectasia in patients living in the Far Eastern Federal District of Russia

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    Purpose. To study clinical, statistical, anatomical, optical and functional properties of primary keratoectasia (PKE) in patients living in Far Eastern Federal District of Russia.Material and methods. A retrospective analysis of medical outpatient cards of 481 patients with PKE who observed in the Khabarovsk branch of the S. Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery Federal State Institution. We studied the detectability of PKE over the years, their quantitative structure and staging, visual acuity, refraction, maximum keratometry-readings and minimum corneal thickness.Results. Keratoconus (KC) occurred in 445 (92.5%) patients, pellucid marginal degeneration (PMD) occurred in 36 (7.5%). Among patients with KC, it was observed in 309 (69.4%) men and 136 (30.6%) in women. PMD was diagnosed in 19 (53%) men and 17 (47%) women. In 386 (86.7%) people with KC, the lesion was bilateral. Among the remaining 59 patients with KC, 6 people (1.3%) had a one-sided process, and 53 (12%) patients had signs of subclinical KC in the second eye. Bilateral PMD was detected in 35 (97%) people, in one (3%) patient the disease was detected in one eye. At comparable average values of refraction and corneal thickness in eyes with PMD and KC 1st stage, astigmatism-at PMD were 2–2.5 times greater.Conclusion. Among patients with KC, 34.9% eyes have the 2nd stage of the disease, in which visual acuity are already sufficiently reduced, and 28.5% eyes have KC the 3rd and the 4th stage and can be classified as visually impaired. The revealed differences in ratio of functional and refractive indexes of eyes with KC and PMD necessitate wider study of their diagnostic features and results of treatment latter

    De-installation of the multi-organic dysfunction syndrome by associating the mitochondrial microcirculatory recruitment with multiple organ support therapy in extracorporeal life support organization

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    World Academy of Medical Sciences (WAMS), Netherland, Fundeni Institute, Bucharest, Romania, Institute of Scientific Research in the field of Mother and Child Health Care, Republic of Moldova, State University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Nicolae Testemitanu”, Republic of Moldova, State Medical University of Samara, The Russian Federation, Aretaieion University Hospital, Athens, Medical School, National, and Kapodistrian The University of Athens, Greece, Odesa National Medicine University, Ukraine, Private Hospital Medical Institution “Via - Intosana”, Republic of Moldova, Medicine University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, Al VI-lea Congres Național de Obstetrică și Ginecologie cu participare internațională, 13-15 septembrie 2018, Chișinău, Republica MoldovaIntroduction: The installation of macro-circulation centralization in MODS triggering in critical obstetric states caused by intravascular coagulation, HELLP, shock, SIRS, septicemia, CARS, embolism of the pulmonary artery, cerebral and other, – microcirculation will also be seriously damaged, as the reduction in blood flow perfusion affects the venous return to eliminate the waste of cellular metabolism, where a marker of tissue hypoxia is the increase in carbon dioxide. Objective: The mitochondrial microcirculatory recruitment with multiple organ support therapy in extracorporeal life support. Material and methods: This is a retrospective study over 35 years, in a lot of critical situations in obstetrics. Results: This disorder generates microcirculatory - mitochondrial distress syndrome, mitochondrial energy collapse, which can be recovered by microcirculation – mitochondrial recruitment to optimize systemic perfusion pressure (SPP), in turn, dependent on mean blood pressure and capillary resistance. Microcirculation - mitochondrial recruitment decentralizes macrocirculation benefits microcirculation in the capillary-cell metabolic area. In cases of manifestation respiratory-pulmonary CO2 ↑ (ARDS), confirmed ↓ PaO2/FiO2 ↓300 to Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (Berlin definition, 2012), thus also aggravates the microcirculatory-mitochondrial distress syndrome, mitochondrial collapse and the recruitment of the microcirculatory-mitochondrial is supplemented with multi-organ support therapy (MOST). 1. Alveolar recruitment through respiratory support in specific ventilation modes, predominantly APRV, with permissive hypercapnia at a normal pH. 2) MOST - extracorporeal with technical support. Extracorporeal Life Support Organization – ELSO. 3) Modeling of extra-vascular pulmonary fluid; 4) Th4 - Th5 thoracic epidural block. Conclusion: The absence of decreasing of the pCO2 tissue hypoxia marker at the A-V difference after microcirculatory - mitochondrial recruitment, rejects the necrosis /apoptosis, cellular hypo-(an)ergic and proves the mitochondrial eu-energetic metabolic remodeling with the elimination of the hypo (an) ergic mitochondria performed by clearance lysosomal (mitophagy), thus demonstrating eu-ergic mitochondria with the normalization of mitochondrial uniporter-Ca ++ and mitochondrial permeability pore transition, which productively inactivate the toxic forms of oxygen and nitrogen.Rezumat. Instalarea centralizării macro-circulaţiei în declanşarea MODS în stări critice de obstetrică cauzate de coagularea intravasculară, HELLP, şoc, SIRS, septicemie, CARS, embolie a arterei pulmonare, cerebrală şi altele; - microcirculaţia va fi de asemenea grav afectată, iar perfuzia fluxului sanguin afectează revenirea venoasă pentru a elimina deşeurile de metabolism celular, unde un marker al hipoxiei tisulare este creşterea dioxidului de carbon, la diferenţa A-V. Această tulburare generează sindromul detresei microcirculator – mitocondriale (MMDs), colapsul energetic mitocondrial, care poate fi de-instalat (recuperat) prin recrutarea microcirculator - mitocondrială odată cu optimizarea presiunii de perfuzie sistemică, în dependenţă de tensiunea arterială medie şi rezistenţa capilară. Recrutarea microcirculator - mitocondrială descentralizează macrocirculaţia şi ameliorează microcrculaţia în spaţiul metabolic capilar-celulă. În cazurile de manifestare a ↑CO2-dependent respirator-pulmonar, confirmat ↓ PaO2 / FiO2 ↓ 300 pentru ARDS, sindromul de detresă respiratorie acută (definiţia de la Berlin, 2012), agravează de asemenea, şi sindromul detresei microcirculator-mitocondriale, colapsul mitocondrial iar recrutarea microcirculator - mitocondrială este suplimentată cu terapia de sprijin multi-organ (MOST). 1. Recrutarea alveolară prin suport respirator în moduri de ventilaţie specifice preponderent APRV, cu hipercapnie permisivă la un pH normal. 2) MOST - extracorporal cu suport tehnic în managmentul vital prin sprijin extracorporeal - ELSO. 3) modelarea fluidului pulmonar extra-vascular; 4) Blocul epidural T4-Th5 toracic. Reducerea markerului hipoxiei tisulare pCO2 la diferenţa A-V după recuperarea microcirculator - mitocondrială, respinge necroza / apoptoza, hipo-(an)ergicul celular şi dovedeşte remodelarea metabolică eu-energetică mitocondrială prin eliminarea hipo (an) mitocondriilor ergice efectuate prin clearance-ul lizozomal (mitofagie), demonstrând astfel mitocondriile eu-ergice cu normalizarea tranziţiei porilor permeabilităţii mitocondriale şi canalului uniporter-Ca ++ , care inactivează productiv formele toxice de oxigen şi azot

    A Comprehensive Diagnosis of Components of Pedagogical Students’ Research Competency

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    Introduction. Nowadays, the aspects of development of research competencies in future experts belong to the most relevant topics, which are widely being discussed both in Russian and in foreign scientific community. One of burning issues in this thematic block is diagnosis of such competencies without which their successful development is impossible. Today, we are witnessing the disparity between a large number of the methods presented in scientific sources and technologies of the formation of students’ research competency and limitation of its criteria and indicators. Moreover, there is lack of adequate methodological tools to estimate objectively the level and quality of scientific literacy and degree of students’ research activity.The aim of the research was to define the content of a comprehensive diagnosis of the components of pedagogical students’ research competency and to justify the criteria, indicators and methods of its evaluation. Methodology and research methods. The methods of analysis, synthesis, generalisation and modelling were employed. The systematic approach was applied, taking into account the provisions of plurality, integrity and structurisation. Results and scientific novelty. The authors presented and described the model of formation of pedagogical students’ practice-focused research competency. The knowledge-based, value-oriented and practical components of the model are correlated to the methods of psycho-pedagogical monitoring, which are relevant to the content of these components. The complex of particular techniques for comprehensive, precise and complete assessment of future teachers’ research competency is designed. The complexity of measurement tools is provided with homogeneity between a theoretical construct (research competency) and operationalised constructs (psychological phenomena estimated in diagnostic techniques). Cumulative application of the selected diagnostic procedures and techniques allows: objective and subjective indicators of formation of research abilities and skills to be compared; motivation and readiness of students for implementation of independent research activity to be defined, taking into account social and professional contexts of its realisation. Practical significance. The authors of the present publication propose to introduce into practice of the higher school the approaches to contents, structure and organisation of the psychological diagnostics of level of students’ research competency, which will give the chance not only to carry out the internal regular and continuous monitoring of formation of one of key characteristics of the identity of the modern expert in educational institutions, but also to optimise the process of multilevel high school preparation, having adjusted work on early identification of its problems and crisis stages to take timely effective correctional measures.Введение. К наиболее актуальным, касающимся функционирования высшей школы темам, широко обсуждающимся как в российском, так и в зарубежном научном сообществе, относятся аспекты освоения будущими специалистами исследовательских компетенций. Одной из острых проблем в данном тематическом блоке является диагностика такого рода компетенций, без которой невозможно их успешное развитие. В настоящее время наблюдается несоразмерность между огромным числом представленных в научных источниках методов и технологий формирования у студентов исследовательской компетентности и ограниченностью ее критериев и показателей, а также отсутствием адекватного методического инструментария, позволяющего объективно оценивать уровень и качество научной грамотности и степень исследовательской активности обучающихся. Цель изложенной в публикации работы – определить содержание комплексной диагностики компонентов исследовательской компетенции у студентов педагогических направлений подготовки и обосновать выбор методик ее измерения. Методология и методы. Исследование, в ходе которого использовались методы анализа, синтеза, обобщения и моделирования, выполнено с опорой на системный подход, базирующийся на положениях множественности, целостности и структуризации. Результаты и научная новизна. Описана авторская модель формирования практико-ориентированной исследовательской компетенции студентов педагогических специальностей. Составляющие модель знаниевый, ценностный и практический компоненты соотнесены с методами психолого-педагогического мониторинга, релевантными содержанию этих компонентов. Сконструирован комплекс конкретных методик для всесторонней, максимально точной и полной оценки исследовательской компетенции будущих педагогов. Комплексность измерительного инструментария обеспечивается гомогенностью между теоретическим конструктом (исследовательской компетенцией) и операционализированными конструктами (психологическими феноменами, оцениваемыми в диагностических методиках). Совокупное применение отобранных диагностических процедур и техник позволяет сопоставлять объективные и субъективные показатели сформированности исследовательских умений, навыков и способностей; определять мотивацию и готовность студентов к осуществлению самостоятельной исследовательской деятельности с учетом социального и профессионального контекстов ее реализации. Практическая значимость. Внедрение в практику высшей школы предлагаемых авторами подходов к содержанию, структуре и организации психологической диагностики уровня исследовательской компетенции обучающихся даст возможность не только проводить в учебных заведениях внутренний регулярный полноценный мониторинг сформированности одной из ключевых характеристик личности современного специалиста, но и оптимизировать процесс многоуровневой вузовской подготовки, наладив работу по оперативному выявлению его проблем и кризисных этапов для своевременного принятия эффективных коррекционных мер.the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, project №18–013–00268 A “Formation of Students’ Research Competencies of the System of Multilevel Psycho-Pedagogical Education and Vocational Development of Pedagogical Personnel in Higher Educational Institution”РФФИ в рамках научного проекта №18–013–00268 А «Формирование исследовательских компетенций обучающихся в системе многоуровневого университетского психолого-педагогического образования и повышения квалификации педагогических кадров

    Metal vapor lasers with increased reliability

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    Results of investigation and development of an excitation pulse generator with magnetic pulse compression by saturation chokes for pumping of active media of CuBr, Sr, and Ca vapor lasers are presented. A high-power IGBT transistor is used as a commutator. The generator can operate at excitation pulse repetition frequencies up to 20 kHz. The total average power for all laser lines of the CuBr laser pumped by this generator is ~6.0 W; it is ~1.3–1.7 W for the Sr and Ca lasers


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    Purpose: To research of spectrum of agents and their biological characteristics in chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM).Materials and Methods: Вacterial and fungous flora in the middle ear of 102 patients aged from 20 to 70 years with CSOM were studied by microbiological and genetic (PCR) methods. To determine adhesive activity of agents was used rapid method Brilis V.М. and antilysozyme activity – method Bukharin O.V.Results: The majority of cases of CSOM were caused by different species of staphylococci with prevalence S.aureus, S.epidermidis. Mycoplasms, mould and yeast-like fungi took up the second position among the pathogens. Non-clostridial anaerobes and chlamidiae were occurred less frequently. In most cases (>90%) agents of CSOM were possessed of adhesive and antilysozyme activities. Among them more 70% strains had the high and middle level of expression of these signs.Summary: Traditional microbiological method of diagnostics is not an informative, because it leave out of account the role mycoplasms, chlamidiae and non-clostridial anaerobes in forming of disease. Main strains of agents of CSOM are possessed of significant adhesive and antilysozyme activities. These signs influence on gravity and duration of course of disease