11 research outputs found

    Effects of surfactant-based wetting agents on cereal growth and physiology

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    Surfactants (surface-active agents) are amphiphilic molecules, possessing a polar hydrophilic head and a non-polar, hydrophobic, long-chain tail. They reduce the surface tension of water and are widely used by the turfgrass industry to mitigate against soil water repellency and alleviate localised dry spots. More recently, applying surfactants to soil has been considered as an alternative way of enhancing nutrient and water use efficiencies of arable crops. However, the mechanisms by which surfactants affect plant physiological responses to soil water deficit and nutrient status remain largely unknown. Thus, this thesis investigated surfactant effects on soil-plant water relations, water uptake and nutrient acquisition, in drying soil and/or elevated vapour pressure deficit. Initially, putative effects of surfactants on rhizosheath formation and nutrient uptake were investigated in two barley genotypes that either lacked (brb) or had (wild type – WT) root hairs, and thus had less and more rhizosheath respectively. Application of surfactant amplified rhizosheath formation when plants were grown in a sandy soil but did not affect nitrogen and phosphorus uptake. Generally, application of surfactant did not affect plant growth, which was 21% greater in WT than in brb plants. Thus, nutrient content (concentration x biomass) was significantly higher in WT than brb plants, indicating the importance of root hairs in nutrient acquisition. Although surfactant application did not affect plant nutrient acquisition, whether they affected plant response to soil water availability was next evaluated. The relationship between soil water potential and soil moisture was determined in surfactant-treated and untreated sandy soils by constructing soil moisture release curves via psychrometry, and by measuring base water potential (leaf water potential of non-transpiring plants) of plants grown in surfactant-treated and untreated soils. At the same bulk soil water content, surfactant-treated soils had a higher soil water potential and plants grown in these soils had a higher base water potential than plants grown in untreated soils. Since application of surfactant augmented rhizosheath development, WT and brb were grown in surfactant-treated and untreated soils and subjected to soil drying and/or elevated evaporative demand, to investigate whether additional rhizosheath development enhanced plant water availability. Surfactant-mediated or genotypic differences in rhizosheath development generally did not affect base water potential or leaf water potential. Surfactant application and genotype did not affect transpiration response to elevated evaporative demand (1-3.5 kPa), thus enhanced rhizosheath formation did not affect water uptake. Overall, applying surfactants enhanced soil water availability independently of rhizosheath formation. Although surfactant application did not affect plant transpiration during soil drying or under high evaporative demand, surfactant effects on whole plant gas exchange of different species (barley and maize) were determined after rewatering from the top or base of the pot. Surfactant application significantly increased shoot dry biomass by approx. 20% in both species. Although rehydration of upper soil layers was delayed following basal rewatering of surfactant-treated soil, whole plant gas exchange and leaf water potential recovered similarly irrespective of surfactant treatments. Thus, applying surfactant enhanced shoot dry biomass independently of plant gas exchange and leaf water status. This research showed that surfactant application can increase soil water availability to plants and enhance rhizosheath formation. However, these effects did not improve nutrient or water uptake capacity by the roots. Further research is needed to determine the mechanisms behind plant growth differences observed in some of the experiments

    Improved predictive modelling of coralligenous formations in the Greek Seas incorporating large-scale, presence–absence, hydroacoustic data and oceanographic variables

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    Our understanding of the distribution of coralligenous formations, throughout but mostly on the Eastern Mediterranean seafloor, is still poor and mostly relies on presence-only opportunistic trawling and fishermen reports. Previous efforts to gather this information created relevant geodatabases that led to a first draft predictive spatial distribution of coralligenous formations in the Mediterranean Sea using habitat suitability modelling techniques. In the last few decades, the use of hydroacoustics to map the seafloor for various geotechnical and habitat mapping projects accumulated high amounts of detailed spatial information about these formations, which remains majorly unexploited. Repurposing these datasets towards mapping key habitats is a valuable stepping stone to implementing the EU Habitat Directive. In Greece, a unique volume of seafloor mapping data has been gathered by the Laboratory of Marine Geology and Physical Oceanography, Geology Department, University of Patras. It accounts for more than 33 marine geophysical expeditions during the last three decades, having collected hydroacoustic data for a total seafloor area of 3,197.68 km2. In the present work, this information has been curated, re-evaluated, and archived to create the most complete, until now, atlas of coralligenous formations in the Greek Seas and the only integrating presence–absence data. This atlas has been used to train and validate a predictive distribution model, incorporating environmental variables derived from open data repositories, whose importance has been assessed and discussed. The final output is an improved probability map of coralligenous formation occurrence in the Greek Seas, which shall be the basis for effective spatial planning, gap detection, and design of future mapping and monitoring activities on this priority habitat

    Biorefinery of Tomato Leaves by Integrated Extraction and Membrane Processes to Obtain Fractions That Enhance Induced Resistance against Pseudomonas syringae Infection

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    Tomato leaves have been shown to contain significant amounts of important metabolites involved in protection against abiotic and biotic stress and/or possessing important therapeutic properties. In this work, a systematic study was carried out to evaluate the potential of a sustainable process for the fractionation of major biomolecules from tomato leaves, by combining aqueous extraction and membrane processes. The extraction parameters (temperature, pH, and liquid/solid ratio (L/S)) were optimized to obtain high amounts of biomolecules (proteins, carbohydrates, biophenols). Subsequently, the aqueous extract was processed by membrane processes, using 30–50 kDa and 1–5 kDa membranes for the first and second stage, respectively. The permeate from the first stage, which was used to remove proteins from the aqueous extract, was further fractionated in the second stage, where the appropriate membrane material was also selected. Of all the membranes tested in the first stage, regenerated cellulose membranes (RC) showed the best performance in terms of higher rejection of proteins (85%) and lower fouling index (less than 15% compared to 80% of the other membranes tested), indicating that they are suitable for fractionation of proteins from biophenols and carbohydrates. In the second stage, the best results were obtained by using polyethersulfone (PES) membranes with an NMWCO of 5 kDa, since the greatest difference between the rejection coefficients of carbohydrates and phenolic compounds was obtained. In vivo bioactivity tests confirmed that fractions obtained with PES 5 kDa membranes were able to induce plant defense against P. syringae

    Vegetation Fuel Mapping at Regional Scale Using Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2, and DEM Derivatives—The Case of the Region of East Macedonia and Thrace, Greece

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    The sustainability of Mediterranean ecosystems, even if previously shaped by fire, is threatened by the diverse changes observed in the wildfire regime, in addition to the threat to human security and infrastructure losses. During the two previous years, destructive, extreme wildfire events have taken place in southern Europe, raising once again the demand for effective fire management based on updated and reliable information. Fuel-type mapping is a critical input needed for fire behavior modeling and fire management. This work aims to employ and evaluate multi-source earth observation data for accurate fuel type mapping in a regional context in north-eastern Greece. Three random forest classification models were developed based on Sentinel-2 spectral indices, topographic variables, and Sentinel-1 backscattering information. The explicit contribution of each dataset for fuel type mapping was explored using variable importance measures. The synergistic use of passive and active Sentinel data, along with topographic variables, slightly increased the fuel type classification accuracy (OA = 92.76%) compared to the Sentinel-2 spectral (OA = 81.39%) and spectral-topographic (OA = 91.92%) models. The proposed data fusion approach is, therefore, an alternative that should be considered for fuel type classification in a regional context, especially over diverse and heterogeneous landscapes

    Membrane Cascade Fractionation of Tomato Leaf Extracts—Towards Bio-Based Crop Protection

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    Promising initial results from the use of membrane-fractionated extracts of tomato leaf as crop protection agents have recently been reported. This paper provides additional evidence from larger scale experiments that identify an efficient pipeline for the separation of tomato leaf extracts to generate a fraction with significant defence elicitor activity. A UF tubular membrane 150 kDa, with an internal diameter of 5 mm, proved appropriate for initial extract clarification, whereas afterwards a UF 10 kDa and three NF membranes (200–800 Da) in sequence were evaluated for the subsequent fractionation of this tomato extract. The compositions of sugars, proteins and total biophenols were changed in these fractions with respect to the initial extract. The initial extract ratio of sugars: proteins: biophenols was 1:0.047:0.052, whereas for the retentate of the 800 Da NF membrane, which has the higher crop protection activity, this ratio was 1:0.06:0.1. In this regard, it appears that the main crop protection effect in this fraction was due to the sugars isolated. It was found that with the appropriate membrane cascade selection (UF 150 kDa, UF 10 kDa and NF 800 Da) it was possible to produce (easily and without the need of additional chemicals) a fraction that has significant activity as an elicitor of disease resistance in tomato, whereas the remaining fractions could be used for other purposes in a biorefinery. This is very promising for the wider application of the proposed approach for the relatively easy formulation of bio-based aqueous streams with bio-pesticide activities

    Agri-Food Industry Waste as Resource of Chemicals:The Role of Membrane Technology in Their Sustainable Recycling

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    The agri-food sector generates substantial quantities of waste material on farm and during the processing of these commodities, creating serious social and environmental problems. However, these wastes can be resources of raw material for the production of valuable chemicals with applications in various industrial sectors (e.g., food ingredients, nutraceuticals, bioderived fine chemicals, biofuels etc.). The recovery, purification and biotransformation of agri-food waste phytochemicals from this microbial spoilage-prone, complex agri-food waste material, requires appropriate fast pre-treatment and integration of various processes. This review provides a brief summary and discussion of the unique advantages and the importance of membrane technology in sustainable recycling of phytochemicals from some of the main agri-food sectors. Membrane-based pressure -driven processes present several advantages for the recovery of labile compounds from dilute streams. For example, they are clean technologies that can operate at low temperature (20–60 °C), have low energy requirements, there is no need for additional chemicals, can be quite automated and electrifiable, and have low space requirements. Based on their permselective properties based on size-, shape-, and charge-exclusion mechanisms, membrane-based separation processes have unpaired efficiency in fractionating biological components while presenting their properties. Pressure-driven membrane processes, such as microfiltration (MF), ultrafiltration (UF) and nanofiltration (NF), as well as other advanced membrane-based processes such as membrane bioreactors (MBR), membrane emulsification (ME) and membrane distillation (MD), are presented. The integration of various membrane technologies from the initial recovery of these phytochemicals (MF, UF, NF) to the final formulation (by ME) of commercial products is described. A good example of an extensively studied agri-food stream is the olive processing industry, where many different alternatives have been suggested for the recovery of biophenols and final product fabrication. Membrane process integration will deliver in the near future mature technologies for the efficient treatment of these streams in larger scales, with direct impact on the environmental protection and society (production of compounds with positive health effects, new job creation, etc.). It is expected that integration of these technologies will have substantial impact on future bio-based societies over forthcoming decades and change the way that these chemicals are currently produced, moving from petrochemical-based linear product fabrication to a sustainable circular product design based in agri-food waste biomass

    Membrane Cascade Fractionation of Tomato Leaf Extracts—Towards Bio-Based Crop Protection

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    Promising initial results from the use of membrane-fractionated extracts of tomato leaf as crop protection agents have recently been reported. This paper provides additional evidence from larger scale experiments that identify an efficient pipeline for the separation of tomato leaf extracts to generate a fraction with significant defence elicitor activity. A UF tubular membrane 150 kDa, with an internal diameter of 5 mm, proved appropriate for initial extract clarification, whereas afterwards a UF 10 kDa and three NF membranes (200–800 Da) in sequence were evaluated for the subsequent fractionation of this tomato extract. The compositions of sugars, proteins and total biophenols were changed in these fractions with respect to the initial extract. The initial extract ratio of sugars: proteins: biophenols was 1:0.047:0.052, whereas for the retentate of the 800 Da NF membrane, which has the higher crop protection activity, this ratio was 1:0.06:0.1. In this regard, it appears that the main crop protection effect in this fraction was due to the sugars isolated. It was found that with the appropriate membrane cascade selection (UF 150 kDa, UF 10 kDa and NF 800 Da) it was possible to produce (easily and without the need of additional chemicals) a fraction that has significant activity as an elicitor of disease resistance in tomato, whereas the remaining fractions could be used for other purposes in a biorefinery. This is very promising for the wider application of the proposed approach for the relatively easy formulation of bio-based aqueous streams with bio-pesticide activities

    Numerical Imbalances of Chromosome 7 in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma

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    Background: Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is an aggressive neoplasm. Many chromosomal and gene alterations have been identified in OSCC, including structural and numerical changes. In this study, we implemented a molecular assay of chromosome 7 (Chr7) in order to investigate the level of its numerical instability in OSCC. Materials and Methods: Using tissue microarray technology, 30 primary OSCCs were cored and re-embedded into one recipient block. Chromogenic in situ hybridization assay was performed based on Chr7 centromeric probedetection. Results: Chr 7 numerical analysis detected polysomy (trisomy/tetrasomy) in 4/30 (13.3%) of the examined tissue OSCC cores. Statistical significance was assessed correlating Chr7 numerical aberrations with stage (p= 0.015), especially detected in cases not related to human papillomavirus (HPV) (p= 0.01). Conclusion: Although Chr7 polysomy is a relatively rare gross genetic event in OSSC, it affects their biological behavior leading toa progressively aggressive phenotype (advanced stage). Furthermore, Chr7 polysomy is observed more frequently in non-viral (HPV) cases

    Indication of West Nile Virus (WNV) Lineage 2 Overwintering among Wild Birds in the Regions of Peloponnese and Western Greece

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    West Nile virus (WNV), a zoonotic mosquito-borne virus, has recently caused human outbreaks in Europe, including Greece. Its transmission cycle in nature includes wild birds as amplifying hosts and ornithophilic mosquito vectors. The aim of this study was to assess WNV circulation among wild birds from two regions of Greece, Peloponnese and Western Greece, during 2022. To this end, a total of 511 birds belonging to 37 different species were sampled and molecularly screened. WNV RNA was detected from February to November in a total of 71 wild birds of nine species originating from both investigated regions. The first eight positive samples were sequenced on a part of NS3 and, according to the phylogenetic analysis, they belonged to evolutionary lineage 2 and presented similarity to previous outbreak-causing Greek strains (Argolis 2017, Macedonia 2010 and 2012). It was more likely to identify a PCR positive bird as the population density and the distance from water sources decreased. The present report provides evidence of WNV occurrence in both Peloponnese and Western Greece during 2022 and underlines its possible overwintering, highlighting the need for avian species surveillance to be conducted annually and throughout the year. Magpies are proposed as sentinels for WNV monitoring