6 research outputs found

    Current approaches to the European Health Policy

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    The purpose of this paper is to identify the key elements that define the new European health policy. We observed that the health policy actually appeared to be an enclave within the integration process. The development of health policy in the new Member States followed a common pattern. Therefore, the European health policy reflected a general desire on behalf of the members to have more clarity of the rules in this area, given the different interpretation of the rules by different Member States.The Lisbon Treaty does not bring substantive changes regarding the public health policy, therefore the Member States shall keep their competence in defining the organization and financing this domain. However, the EU2020 Strategy states that “Europe faces a moment of transformation”. Therefore, the “Europeanization” of health policy could lead to the positive developments that all EU citizens are expecting

    Pleiotropic effects of statins in the complex treatment of patients with acute coronary syndrome

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    Universitatea Stat Medicină şi Farmacie N.Testemiţanu, Catedra Medicină Internă No 5, SCM Sfănta TreimeIn order to study the pleiotropic effects of statins 154 patients with non-ST segment elevation acute coronary syndrome have been examined. We concluded that the pleiotropic effects are represented by the decreasing of C-reactive proteine, the reduction of ischemic events and recurrences, no matter what the effect on the lipoprotein. Cu scopul studierii efectelor pleiotrope ale statinelor au fost incluşi în studiu 154 pacienţii cu sindrom coronarian acut fără supradenivelarea de segment ST. Efectele pleiotrope sunt exprimate prin reducerea proteinei C reactive, evenimentelor clinice şi recurenţelor ischemice independent de efectul pe lipoproteine

    Correlation between chemical structure and antimicrobial activity of synthetic nitrocompounds

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    Catedra farmacologie şi farmacologie clinică Catedra microbiologie, virusologie şi imunologie Catedra Chimia Analitică şi Organică, Universitatea de Stat din MoldovaCorrelation between chemical structure and antimicrobial activity of synthetic nitrocompounds Antimicrobial activity of nitrofuran derivates nitroimidazols, 5-nitro-8-oxychinolones, cloramfenicol and synthetic hydrozones is determined by the obligatory presence of nitro group, and particularities of spectrum of action are correlated with the radicals included in the lateral structures. The researches in this domain will allow the obtaining of the new synthetics compounds with antibacterian, antiprotozoic, and antifungic concomitant actions. Activitatea antimicrobiană a derivaţilor nitrofuranului, nitroimidazolului, 5-nitro-8- oxichinolinei, cloramfenicolului şi bis-hidrazonelor acidului tartaric este determinată de prezneţa obligatorie a grupei nitro, iar particularităţile spectrului de acţiune sunt corelate cu radicalii incluşi în catenele laterale. Cercetările în acest domeniu vor permite de a obţine compuşi sintetici noi cu acţiune antibacteriană, antiprotozoică şi antifungică

    Data from: Genetic diversity in widespread species is not congruent with species richness in alpine plant communities

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    The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) aims at the conservation of all three levels of biodiversity, i.e. ecosystems, species and genes. Genetic diversity represents evolutionary potential and is important for ecosystem functioning. Unfortunately, genetic diversity in natural populations is hardly considered in conservation strategies because it is difficult to measure and has been hypothesized to co-vary with species richness. This means that species richness is taken as a surrogate of genetic diversity in conservation planning, though their relationship has not been properly evaluated. We tested whether the genetic and species levels of biodiversity co-vary, using a large-scale and multi-species approach. We chose the high-mountain flora of the Alps and the Carpathians as study systems and demonstrate that species richness and genetic diversity are not correlated. Species richness thus cannot act as a surrogate for genetic diversity. Our results have important consequences for implementing the CBD when designing conservation strategies

    Data on species richness and genetic diversity in high-mountain vascular plants of the Alps and the Carpathians

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    (i) Floristic data of vascular high-mountain plants from the Alps and the Carpathians, with occurrences of each species with a regular grid system (ii) Species-specific AFLP data (1/0 matrices) separately for samples from Alps and Carpathians, collected along the same grid system as the floristic dat