52 research outputs found

    Mešane migracije po talibanskem prevzemu oblasti v Afganistanu: zmogljivosti države in percepcije javnosti v Bolgariji

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    In light of the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan in August 2021, this paper aims to analyze both the Bulgarian population’s attitudes toward newcomers and the capacity of the Republic of Bulgaria to manage mixed migration adequately. Toward this aim, a public perceptions survey was conducted in the cities of Harmanli and Sofia, where four out of five migrant registration and reception centers (RRCs) in Bulgaria are located. The authors argue that the state’s difficulties in coping with an increased influx of migrants and their possible integration are mainly due to its apparent refusal to take the lead in this regard and the lack of communication with the local population, especially where RRCs are situated.Cilj prispevka je analizirati odnos prebivalcev Bolgarije do prišlekov ter zmožnosti Republike Bolgarije za upravljanje mešanih migracij v okoliščinah talibanskega prevzema oblasti v Afganistanu. V ta namen je bila opravljena raziskava javnega mnenja v mestih Harmanli in Sofija, v katerih se nahajajo štirje izmed petih centrov za registracijo in sprejem migrantov v Bolgariji. Avtorja argumentirata, da vzroki za težave države pri spoprijemanju s povečanim prihodom migrantov in njihovo potencialno integracijo ležijo predvsem v dozdevnem zavračanju države, da bi pri tem zavzela proaktivno držo, ter v pomanjkanju komunikacije z lokalnim prebivalstvom, zlasti na območjih, kjer se nahajajo centri za registracijo in sprejem

    Gender change in sport through the lens of law

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    This report aims to analyse gender change and legal cases related to participation in sports, sports ethics, sports legal relations, regulation and others. In order to solve the main tasks, achieve the goal and prove the hypothesis, a complex methodology is applied: a legal method oriented to the practice of law enforcement, a sociological - axiological method, a comparative analysis between methodological concepts, the judicial practice in Bulgaria and the EU. The analysis interprets decisions of the courts in Bulgaria, the EU and the IOC, as well as psychological and normative aspects related to gender change. European gender reassignment practice, as well as the conditions for legal gender reassignment, are also reviewed. Conclusion: legal gender change does not disturb the balance between personal and public relations, including civil law turnover, but this possibility introduces ambiguity, unpredictability and instability in sports legal relations

    Untersuchung der Polarisation und Elektroporation von Lipid-Vesikeln und biologischen Zellen mittels elektro-optischer und konduktometrischer Signalanzeige

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    Dimitrov VV. Untersuchung der Polarisation und Elektroporation von Lipid-Vesikeln und biologischen Zellen mittels elektro-optischer und konduktometrischer Signalanzeige. Bielefeld: Universität Bielefeld; 2013


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    The invasion of Ukraine by Russia has resulted in the displacement of millions of Ukrainians, leading to socio-economic and political challenges for the host countries. The Refugee Response Plan, encompassing heavily affected EU Member States, has been the focus of this study, examining how the issue of refugee integration was addressed, with a specific emphasis on flaws and omissions in the approach. Various demographic and socioeconomic data and strategic national documents related to refugee integration were compared for this analysis. Employment was identified as a key tool for the integration of Ukrainian refugees. The findings revealed a lack of a common refugee integration policy among the surveyed countries despite similar past and current socioeconomic circumstances and security environments, including mixed migration. Ambiguities across these countries, including local population perceptions hindering Ukrainian refugee integration, were observed. Consequently, we assert the necessity for EU harmonized measures, emphasizing their long-term implementation to alleviate the economic burden of the war in Ukraine and provide predictability in the actions of individual governments

    Higher-Derivative Corrections and AdS5_5 Black Holes

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    Using recent results in four-derivative 5d N=2\mathcal{N}=2 minimal gauged supergravity, we evaluate the regularized on-shell action of the Euclidean solution in this theory that admits a Lorentzian continuation to an AdS5_5 black hole with one electric charge and two angular momenta. We focus on the supersymmetric limit of this solution and employ holography to show that the result can be expressed purely in terms of angular momentum fugacities and the 't Hooft anomalies for the U(1)R\mathrm{U}(1)_{\mathrm R} R-symmetry of the dual 4d N=1\mathcal{N}=1 SCFT. This holographic calculation is in perfect agreement with recent studies of the 4d N=1\mathcal{N}=1 superconformal index ``on the second sheet''. We illustrate the utility of these results in two classes of 4d N=1\mathcal{N}=1 holographic SCFTs that have 't Hooft anomalies with suitable large NN behavior that leads to non-trivial corrections at first subleading order in the 1/N1/N expansion. We also explicitly calculate the Wald entropy of the black hole solution and delineate the leading four-derivative corrections to the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy.Comment: 7 pages, higher-derivative computations done with the Mathematica package available at https://github.com/waskou/SolutionsX; v2: corrections and comments added concerning the entropy formula, ancillary files available at https://github.com/waskou/Solutions

    Influence of Yoga Practices on Stress Coping Strategies

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    Stress coping strategies are used every day. By choosing a different coping style, people seek solution to a complicated task or situation. One of the reliable forms of motor activity, which influences favorably the development of valuable psychic and physical qualities, is yoga. The aim of the research is to determine the positive effect of yoga practices on stress coping strategies. The research was done among 76 women - 42 of them practice yoga in different clubs of the Bulgarian Yoga Federation and yoga students at NSA “Vassil Levski” – experimental group; and control group consisting of 34 women not engaged in any kind of sport or motor activity. The stress coping strategies were evaluated with the questionnaire СОРЕ-1, (Carver, C, & Scheier, M. 1985), adapted for Bulgarian conditions by A. Rusinova-Hristova and G. Karastoyanov (2000). Results show that the first seven stress coping strategies have approximately equal values with the control group. The passive strategies, related to emotion-focused coping with the problem, are dominant. In this case, the structure of the stress coping strategies with the women not engaged in sport is more imperfect than the one with the women practicing yoga.  The arrangement of the leading stress coping strategies, as well as the reliable differences with six of the strategies (43% of all 14 strategies) in favor of the EG is indicative of more harmonious and more perfect structure of the preferred stress coping strategies with women practicing yoga. Conclusion: The leading stress coping strategies with women not engaged in sport are passive. They experience greater difficulty in solving their problems in stressful situations. The leading strategies with women practicing yoga are active. The researched individuals react immediately in stressful situations, concentrate on the problem and actively cope with it. Keywords: Stress coping strategies, yoga, motor activity

    Appendiceal Mucocele Presenting as a Right Adnexal Mass: A Case Report

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    A 68-year-old female presented to the Gynecologic Oncology Clinic with a right-lower quadrant abdominal mass 3 × 4 cm in diameter palpable on pelvic examination. Her routine laboratory tests were normal. Transvaginal ultrasonography revealed a cystic mass in the right adnexa 3.9 cm in diameter, which was thought to arise in the ovary. At the time of laparoscopy, a 3 × 4 cm tumor arising from the distal end of the appendix was noted. A laparoscopic appendectomy with tumor removal was performed. Histologic examination of the surgical specimen revealed a mucocele of the appendix (AM). Although rare, this tumor should be considered in the differential diagnosis of a right adnexal mass. These tumors can be identified laparoscopically and removed by minimally invasive surgery

    Multivariate analysis for the classification of copper lead and copper zinc glasses

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    The similarity patterns in the physicochemical properties of copper-lead and copper-zinc borate glasses were identified by means of finding similarity within the objects of study using multivariate statistical analysis. As exploratory methods of multivariate analysis, cluster analysis, principal components analysis, and two-way clustering were applied for a set of copper-lead and copper-zinc borate glasses. Specific correlations among the physicochemical properties of copper glasses were interpreted. In particular, the effect of Pb and Zn doping metal ion in copper glasses in the structural and mechanical properties is identified. Interestingly, the degree of lead content determines two kinds of glasses with specific physicochemical properties
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