12 research outputs found

    Slit-mediated repulsion is a key regulator of motor axon pathfinding in the hindbrain

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    The floor plate is known to be a source of repellent signals for cranial motor axons, preventing them from crossing the midline of the hindbrain. However, it is unknown which molecules mediate this effect in vivo. We show that Slit and Robo proteins are candidate motor axon guidance molecules, as Robo proteins are expressed by cranial motoneurons, and Slit proteins are expressed by the tissues that delimit motor axon trajectories, i.e. the floor plate and the rhombic lip. We present in vitro evidence showing that Slit1 and Slit2 proteins are selective inhibitors and repellents for dorsally projecting, but not for ventrally projecting, cranial motor axons. Analysis of mice deficient in Slit and Robo function shows that cranial motor axons aberrantly enter the midline, while ectopic expression of Slit1 in chick embryos leads to specific motor axon projection errors. Expression of dominant-negative Robo receptors within cranial motoneurons in chick embryos strikingly perturbs their projections, causing some motor axons to enter the midline, and preventing dorsally projecting motor axons from exiting the hindbrain. These data suggest that Slit proteins play a key role in guiding dorsally projecting cranial motoneurons and in facilitating their neural tube exit. Slit-mediated repulsion is a key regulator of motor axon pathfinding in the hindbrain (PDF Download Available). Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/7599669_Slit-mediated_repulsion_is_a_key_regulator_of_motor_axon_pathfinding_in_the_hindbrain [accessed Jul 11, 2017]

    A multicentre validation of Metasin: a molecular assay for the intraoperative assessment of sentinel lymph nodes from breast cancer patients

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    Aims: Treatment strategies for breast cancer continue to evolve. No uniformity exists in the UK for the management of node‐positive breast cancer patients. Most centres continue to use conventional histopathology of sampled sentinel lymph nodes (SLNs), which requires delayed axillary clearance in up to 25% of patients. Some use touch imprint cytology or frozen section for intraoperative testing, although both have inherent sensitivity issues. An intraoperative molecular diagnostic approach helps to overcome some of these limitations. The aim of this study was to assess the clinical effectiveness of Metasin, a molecular method for the intraoperative evaluation of SLNs. Methods and results: RNA from 3296 lymph nodes from 1836 patients undergoing SLN assessment was analysed with Metasin. Alternate slices of tissue were examined in parallel by histology. Cases deemed to be discordant were analysed by protein gel electrophoresis. There was concordance between Metasin and histology in 94.1% of cases, with a sensitivity of 92% [95% confidence interval (CI) 88–94%] and a specificity of 97% (95% CI 95–97%). Positive and negative predictive values were 88% and 98%, respectively. Over half of the discordant cases (4.4%) were ascribed to tissue allocation bias (TAB). Conclusions: Clinical validation of the Metasin assay suggests that it is sufficiently sensitive and specific to make it fit for purpose in the intraoperative setting

    Metasin — An Intra-Operative RT-qPCR Assay to Detect Metastatic Breast Cancer in Sentinel Lymph Nodes

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    Nodal status is one of the most important prognostic factors in breast cancer. Established tests such as touch imprint cytology and frozen sections currently used in the intra-operative setting show variations in sensitivity and specificity. This limitation has led to the development of molecular alternatives, such as GeneSearch, a commercial intra-operative real-time quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-qPCR) assay that allows the surgeon to carry out axillary clearance as a one-step process. Since GeneSearch has been discontinued, we have developed the replacement Metasin assay, which targets the breast epithelial cell markers CK19 and mammaglobin mRNA and identifies metastatic disease in sentinel lymph nodes. The optimised assay can be completed within 32 min (6 min for RNA preparation and 26 min instrument run time), making its use feasible in the intraoperative setting. An analysis by Metasin of 154 archived lymph node homogenates previously analysed by both parallel histology and GeneSearch showed concordance for 148 cases. The sensitivity and specificity of Metasin compared with GeneSearch were 95% (CI 83%-99%) and 97% (CI 91%-99%) respectively; compared with histology they were 95% (CI 83%-99%) and 97% (CI 91%-99%), respectively. The sensitivity and specificity of GeneSearch compared with histology were 90% (CI 77%-96%) and 97% (CI 93%-99%) respectively. The positive predictive value of Metasin was 90% and negative predictive value was 98% for both histology and GeneSearch. The positive predictive value of GeneSearch was 92% and the negative predictive value was 97% compared to histology. The discordance rates of Metasin with both GeneSearch and histology were 3.89%. In comparison, the discordance rate of GeneSearch with histology was 4.5%. Metasin's robustness was independently evaluated on 193 samples previously analysed by GeneSearch from the Jules Bordet Institute, where Metasin yielded comparable results

    On the topographic targeting of basal vomeronasal axons through Slit-mediated chemorepulsion

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    The vomeronasal projection conveys information provided by pheromones and detected by neurones in the vomeronasal organ (VNO) to the accessory olfactory bulb (AOB) and thence to other regions of the brain such as the amygdala. The VNO-AOB projection is topographically organised such that axons from apical and basal parts of the VNO terminate in the anterior and posterior AOB respectively. We provide evidence that the Slit family of axon guidance molecules and their Robo receptors contribute to the topographic targeting of basal vomeronasal axons. Robo receptor expression is confined largely to basal VNO axons, while Slits are differentially expressed in the AOB with a higher concentration in the anterior part, which basal axons do not invade. Immunohistochemistry using a Robo-specific antibody reveals a zone-specific targeting of VNO axons in the AOB well before cell bodies of these neurones in the VNO acquire their final zonal position. In vitro assays show that Slit1-Slit3 chemorepel VNO axons, suggesting that basal axons are guided to the posterior AOB due to chemorepulsive activity of Slits in the anterior AOB. These data in combination with recently obtained other data suggest a model for the topographic targeting in the vomeronasal projection where ephrin-As and neuropilins guide apical VNO axons, while Robo/Slit interactions are important components in the targeting of basal VNO axons

    Robos are required for the correct targeting of retinal ganglion cell axons in the visual pathway of the brain

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    Axonal projections from the retina to the brain are regulated by molecules including the Slit family of ligands [Thompson, H., Barker, D., Camand, O., Erskine, L., 2006a. Slits contribute to the guidance of retinal ganglion cell axons in the mammalian optic tract. Dev. Biol. 296, 476–484, Thompson, H., Camand, O., Barker, D., Erskine, L., 2006b. Slit proteins regulate distinct aspects of retinal ganglion cell axon guidance within dorsal and ventral retina. J. Neurosci. 26, 8082–8091]. However, the roles of Slit receptors in mammals, (termed Robos), have not been investigated in visual system development. Here we examined Robo1 and 2 mutant mice and found that Robos regulate the correct targeting of retinal ganglion cell (RGC) axons along the entire visual projection. We noted aberrant projections of RGC axons into the cerebral cortex, an area not normally targeted by RGC axons. The optic chiasm was expanded along the rostro-caudal axis (similar to Slit mutant mice, Plump, A.S., Erskine, L., Sabatier, C., Brose, K., Epstein, C.J., Goodman, C.S., Mason, C.A., Tessier-Lavigne, M., 2002. Slit1 and Slit2 cooperate to prevent premature midline crossing of retinal axons in the mouse visual system. Neuron 33, 219–232), with ectopic crossing points, and some axons projecting caudally toward the corticospinal tract. Further, we found that axons exuberantly projected into the diencephalon. These defects were more pronounced in Robo2 than Robo1 knockout animals, implicating Robo2 as the predominant Robo receptor in visual system development