110 research outputs found

    Review of hazard analysis methods and their basic characteristics

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    Živimo u svetu koji čine sistemi i rizici. Uz sisteme i tehnologiju, neizbežno dolazi i do izloženosti nesrećama, pošto sistemi mogu otkazati ili raditi nepropisno, što dovodi do štete, povreda i smrti. Verovatnoća da sistem otkaže i dovede do smrti, povreda, štete i slično, zove se rizikom od nesreće. Ključni momenat kada je reč o bezbednosti sistema i efikasnom upravljanju rizikom, je uočavanje i umanjenje opasnosti. Da bi se uspešno kontrolisala opasnost, potrebno ju je razmotriti, kao i znati kako je uočiti. Cilj ovog rada je bolje razumevanje opasnosti, kao i alata i tehnika za njeno uočavanje, da bi se ista mogla uspešno kontrolisati tokom razvoja sistema.We live in the world comprised of systems and risks. With systems and technology there also comes the exposure to mishaps because systems can fail or work improperly which results in damage, injury and deaths. The possibility that a system fails and results in death, injury, damage and the like is referred to as mishap risk. The key to system safety and effective risk management is the identification and mitigation of hazards. To successfully control hazards, it is necessary to understand hazards and know how to identify them. The purpose of this paper is to better understand hazards and the tools and techniques for identifying them, so that they can be effectively controlled during the development of a system

    Review of hazard analysis methods and their basic characteristics

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    Živimo u svetu koji čine sistemi i rizici. Uz sisteme i tehnologiju, neizbežno dolazi i do izloženosti nesrećama, pošto sistemi mogu otkazati ili raditi nepropisno, što dovodi do štete, povreda i smrti. Verovatnoća da sistem otkaže i dovede do smrti, povreda, štete i slično, zove se rizikom od nesreće. Ključni momenat kada je reč o bezbednosti sistema i efikasnom upravljanju rizikom, je uočavanje i umanjenje opasnosti. Da bi se uspešno kontrolisala opasnost, potrebno ju je razmotriti, kao i znati kako je uočiti. Cilj ovog rada je bolje razumevanje opasnosti, kao i alata i tehnika za njeno uočavanje, da bi se ista mogla uspešno kontrolisati tokom razvoja sistema.We live in the world comprised of systems and risks. With systems and technology there also comes the exposure to mishaps because systems can fail or work improperly which results in damage, injury and deaths. The possibility that a system fails and results in death, injury, damage and the like is referred to as mishap risk. The key to system safety and effective risk management is the identification and mitigation of hazards. To successfully control hazards, it is necessary to understand hazards and know how to identify them. The purpose of this paper is to better understand hazards and the tools and techniques for identifying them, so that they can be effectively controlled during the development of a system

    Drivers age as the dominant demographic factor in traffic accident

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    Elementi sistema koji čine saobraćaj, okolina, vozilo i čovek, predstavljaju i sastavni deo svake nastale nezgode. Pored mnogobrojnih inovacija i unapređenja vozila, širenja i poboljšanja putne infrastrukture, broj nesreća se povećava. Glavni krivac je čovek koji, sa učešćem u 57 % (dok u kombinaciji sa ostalim faktorima čini preko 90 %) nezgoda, predstavlja najslabiju kariku u lancu. Radom su obuhvaćeni i objašnjeni brojni ljudski faktori koji čine uzročnike na koje možemo uticati. U obzir su uzete mere obuhvaćene novim Zakonom o bezbednosti saobraćaja. Izvršena je analiza nezgoda u funkciji godina starosti vozača. Predložene mere za suzbijanje i prevenciju imaju za cilj smanjenje i opadanje negativnih trendova.Elements that makes the traffic system, environment, vehicles and human, also represents integral part of any resulting accident. In addition to numerous improvements of vehicles, expansions and improvement of road infrastructure, the number of accidents have been increasing. The main culprit, human, who, with the participation of 57% (when combined with other factors accounts for more than 90%) of accidents, is the weakest link in the chain. This work covered and explains numerous human factors at which we can affect. The new Law on Traffic safety was taken in consideration. Analysis of accidents in function of the drivers age was conducted. The goal of measures, which have been proposed for suppression and prevention, is declining and reducing negative trends

    Drivers age as the dominant demographic factor in traffic accident

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    Elementi sistema koji čine saobraćaj, okolina, vozilo i čovek, predstavljaju i sastavni deo svake nastale nezgode. Pored mnogobrojnih inovacija i unapređenja vozila, širenja i poboljšanja putne infrastrukture, broj nesreća se povećava. Glavni krivac je čovek koji, sa učešćem u 57 % (dok u kombinaciji sa ostalim faktorima čini preko 90 %) nezgoda, predstavlja najslabiju kariku u lancu. Radom su obuhvaćeni i objašnjeni brojni ljudski faktori koji čine uzročnike na koje možemo uticati. U obzir su uzete mere obuhvaćene novim Zakonom o bezbednosti saobraćaja. Izvršena je analiza nezgoda u funkciji godina starosti vozača. Predložene mere za suzbijanje i prevenciju imaju za cilj smanjenje i opadanje negativnih trendova.Elements that makes the traffic system, environment, vehicles and human, also represents integral part of any resulting accident. In addition to numerous improvements of vehicles, expansions and improvement of road infrastructure, the number of accidents have been increasing. The main culprit, human, who, with the participation of 57% (when combined with other factors accounts for more than 90%) of accidents, is the weakest link in the chain. This work covered and explains numerous human factors at which we can affect. The new Law on Traffic safety was taken in consideration. Analysis of accidents in function of the drivers age was conducted. The goal of measures, which have been proposed for suppression and prevention, is declining and reducing negative trends

    Planning approach to the management of beech forests in Serbia

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    Шуме и шумски екосистеми имају веома велики значај за целокупно људско друштво, при чему живот и опстанак не малог броја људи зависи управо од овог ресурса. Буква и састојине које она гради су широко заступљене, како у Европи, тако и у Србији, те самим тим буква представља најзначајнију врсту на овим просторима, било са економског, било са еколошког аспекта. Kао таква, ова врста је кључна за очување стабилности и биодиверзитета шумских екосистема широм Европе. Планирање газдовања, како шумама уопште, тако и буковим шумама, представља основно средство за обезбеђивање трајног задовољења свих човекових потреба у односу на шуму, а у исто време и за обезбеђивање стабилности шумских екосистема. Имајући у виду учешће букве у укупном шумском фонду Републике Србије, као и проблеме у буковим шумама и шумама уопште, долази се до закључка да би се стање шума у Србији у многоме поправило решавањем проблема газдовања буковим шумама. У прилог наведеном говори и чињеница је да је теоријски основ практичној изради планова оскудан. У исто време, када се данас говори о планирању, врло често се говори о њему као о систему. Основна одлика сваког система је постојање солидне теоријске основе. Имајући у виду све напред наведено, циљ овог рада је употпуњавање теоријског основа планирања газдовања буковим шумама у Србији, тако што би се у омеђеном простору, дефинисаном границама (једно шумско подручје), теоријски предпоставио модел планског приступа одрживом управљању и газдовању шумама. Истраживања за потребе ове докторске дисертације су спроведена у оквиру Тимочког шумског подручја, у шумама којима газдује ЈП „Србијашуме“ Београд. Ово шумско подручје је одабрано за реализацију истраживања првенствено због чињенице да се ради о типично буковом шумском подручју, у коме буква има врло широко распрострањење. Спроведено истраживање се састојало из неколико фаза, припремне фазе, фазе прикупљања и обраде података и завршне фазе..

    A possible answer to the question: What is asset management?

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    Upravljanje sredstvima (Asset Management) je kulminacija duge istorije razvoja upravljanja fizičkim sredstvima. Ono se fokusira na postizanje određenog nivoa usluge, oblike rizika i finansijske zahteve, koji su prihvatljivi za deoničare (vlasnike), tokom životnog ciklusa tih sredstava. Upravljanje sredstvima uključuje donošenje odluka o merama koje se preduzimaju prema fizičkim sredstvima radi postizanja gore navedenih ciljeva, i često može podrazumevati pravljenje kompromisa između kratkoročnih i dugoročnih dobiti. Dobro upravljanje sredstvima tiče se opravdanosti odluka koje su zasnovane na dostupnim informacijama i podrazumeva upotrebu adekvatnih alata i tehnika za određivanje optimalnog balansa između troškova i rizika koji su bitni za sve aktivnosti životnog ciklusa sredstava. Obezbeđivanje da organizacije dobro upravljaju sredstvima je od sve većeg interesa i značaja, ne samo za same organizacije, koje kao rezultat imaju veliku uštedu novca i bolje kontrolišu rizike, već i za državu i korisnike koji traže maksimalnu vrednost za svoj novac, kao i standardno dobar kvalitet usluge, ne samo u ovom trenutku, već i u budućnosti. Razumevanje, merenje i unapređenje sposobnosti upravljanja sredstvima je, stoga, od sve većeg značaja.Asset Management is the culmination of a long history of development in the management of physical assets. It is about asset intensive businesses achieving a level of service, risk profile and funding requirement that is acceptable to stakeholders for the life of the assets. Asset Management involves making decisions about the interventions to physical assets required to achieve this, and can often involve a trade-off between short-term and long-term benefits. Good Asset Management concerns itself with the justification of decisions based on the best use of available information and the most appropriate tools and techniques for deciding what the optimum tradeoffs are between the costs and risks inherent in all asset lifecycle activities. Ensuring organizations implement good Asset Management is of increasing interest and importance not only to the organizations themselves who stand to save vast sums of money and to control risks more effectively, but also to regulators and customers who seek best value for money and consistently good output performance both now and for future generations. Understanding, measuring and improving Asset Management capability is therefore of increasing interest too

    The contribution of cng powered vehicles in the transition to zero emission mobility example of the light commercial vehicles fleet

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    The aim of paper was to discuss contribution of bi-fuel CNG powered light commercial vehicles to the well-to-wheel CO2 equivalent emissions, both today and in the coming decades in which the development of new fuels and new vehicles is expected. Field research was done in Belgrade, during one year, using Euro 5 diesel/LPG/CNG light commercial vehicles driving under low vehicle speed, low engine load, low exhaust gas temperature and high number of stops. The well-to-wheel as neutral methodology was applied for understanding of each fuel pathway in terms of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and increasing energy efficiency. Calculation showed that total energy consumption per kilometre is the lowest for diesel vehicles since petrol/LPG and petrol/CNG vehicles use 21% and 7% more energy. Tank-to-wheel emission of CO2 equivalent is most favorable for petrol/CNG with 28.8% and 6.7% less CO2 equivalent with petrol/LPG and diesel vehicles. The same conclusion brings well-to-wheel analysis showing that diesel/CNG CO2 equivalent emission is 13.5% less than petrol/LPG, apropos 1.5% less than diesel operated vehicles considered within this field research. Figures are not as high as previous, due to the results of well-to-tank emission, that were most favorable for petrol/LPG powered vehicles, with almost 51% and 32% better results regarding to petrol/CNG and diesel, respectively. Within same time, lowest fuel cost per kilometre was achieved by petrol/CNG vehicles, with 32% and 35% less cost than petrol/LPG and diesel vehicles. The available CNG technology should not be neglected, waiting for new solutions to be proven

    The contribution of cng powered vehicles in the transition to zero emission mobility example of the light commercial vehicles fleet

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    The aim of paper was to discuss contribution of bi-fuel CNG powered light commercial vehicles to the well-to-wheel CO2 equivalent emissions, both today and in the coming decades in which the development of new fuels and new vehicles is expected. Field research was done in Belgrade, during one year, using Euro 5 diesel/LPG/CNG light commercial vehicles driving under low vehicle speed, low engine load, low exhaust gas temperature and high number of stops. The well-to-wheel as neutral methodology was applied for understanding of each fuel pathway in terms of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and increasing energy efficiency. Calculation showed that total energy consumption per kilometre is the lowest for diesel vehicles since petrol/LPG and petrol/CNG vehicles use 21% and 7% more energy. Tank-to-wheel emission of CO2 equivalent is most favorable for petrol/CNG with 28.8% and 6.7% less CO2 equivalent with petrol/LPG and diesel vehicles. The same conclusion brings well-to-wheel analysis showing that diesel/CNG CO2 equivalent emission is 13.5% less than petrol/LPG, apropos 1.5% less than diesel operated vehicles considered within this field research. Figures are not as high as previous, due to the results of well-to-tank emission, that were most favorable for petrol/LPG powered vehicles, with almost 51% and 32% better results regarding to petrol/CNG and diesel, respectively. Within same time, lowest fuel cost per kilometre was achieved by petrol/CNG vehicles, with 32% and 35% less cost than petrol/LPG and diesel vehicles. The available CNG technology should not be neglected, waiting for new solutions to be proven

    Prenošenje otpornosti prema sclerotinia iz divljeg u gajeni suncokret - ocena divljih vrsta suncokreta

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    Accessions of H. mollis, H. maximiliani, H. rigidus and H. tuberosus were screened for resistance to Sclerotinia, during the two-year period (2001-2002). Artificial inoculation methods were used for that purpose. In the first year, only a stem resistance to Sclerotinia infection was observed, while in the second year, heads and stems of tested plants were infected by mycelia and sclerotia of this pathogen. Some differences in the response to mycelium and sclerotia infection within the same species were observed, as well as, differences in the response to sclerotial stem infection in different years. The H. mollis accession 1298 was found to be of a special interest for breeding as it was resistant to both head and stem infections with sclerotia.Populacije H. mollis, H. maximiliani, H. rigidus i H. tuberosus su testirane na otpornost prema Sclerotinia, tokom dvogodišnjeg perioda, upotrebom metoda veštačke inokulacije. U prvoj godini ispitivana je samo otpornost prema infekciji stabla sklerocijama, dok su u drugoj godini glave i stabla testiranih biljaka zaražavane i micelijom i sklerocijama ovog patogena. Tokom ispitivanja su uočene razlike u reakciji na infekciju micelijom i sklerocijama u okviru iste vrste, kao i razlike u reakciji na zaražavanje sklerocijama u različitim godinama. Populacija 1298 H. mollis se pokazala interesantnom za oplemenjivanje, pošto je bila otporna i na infekciju glave i na infekciju stabla sklerocijama

    Micropropagation of Helianthus maximiliani (Schrader) by shoot apex culture

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    H. maximiliani was micropropagated using culture of shoot apices on modified Murashige and Skoog medium (DV). Further propagation of in vitro grown plants was done by culture of their nodal segments and shoot tips on the same medium supplemented with phloridzin, silver nitrate and casein hydrolysate (DV'). Rooting was induced by dipping the explants into IBA solution prior culture. Viable protoplasts (90%) were isolated from leaf mesophyll. These protoplasts divided (18%) in culture in agarose droplets