Drivers age as the dominant demographic factor in traffic accident


Elementi sistema koji čine saobraćaj, okolina, vozilo i čovek, predstavljaju i sastavni deo svake nastale nezgode. Pored mnogobrojnih inovacija i unapređenja vozila, širenja i poboljšanja putne infrastrukture, broj nesreća se povećava. Glavni krivac je čovek koji, sa učešćem u 57 % (dok u kombinaciji sa ostalim faktorima čini preko 90 %) nezgoda, predstavlja najslabiju kariku u lancu. Radom su obuhvaćeni i objašnjeni brojni ljudski faktori koji čine uzročnike na koje možemo uticati. U obzir su uzete mere obuhvaćene novim Zakonom o bezbednosti saobraćaja. Izvršena je analiza nezgoda u funkciji godina starosti vozača. Predložene mere za suzbijanje i prevenciju imaju za cilj smanjenje i opadanje negativnih trendova.Elements that makes the traffic system, environment, vehicles and human, also represents integral part of any resulting accident. In addition to numerous improvements of vehicles, expansions and improvement of road infrastructure, the number of accidents have been increasing. The main culprit, human, who, with the participation of 57% (when combined with other factors accounts for more than 90%) of accidents, is the weakest link in the chain. This work covered and explains numerous human factors at which we can affect. The new Law on Traffic safety was taken in consideration. Analysis of accidents in function of the drivers age was conducted. The goal of measures, which have been proposed for suppression and prevention, is declining and reducing negative trends

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