12 research outputs found

    Categorization of pornographic video clips on the Internet : a cognitive anthropological approach

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    Антрополошко проучавање Интернет порнографије може да се односи на културну комуникацију између твораца садржаја и аутора порнографских сајтова, као и између аутора сајтова и корисника, при чему је, у случају овог рада, потоња битнија, пошто подразумева надкултурно деловање на Интернету и обухвата кориснике Интернет порнографије као посебну популацију. Циљ овог истраживања је да се кроз категоризације порнографских исечака на Интернету одреде когнитивне шеме и културни модели који објашњавају принципе таквог класификовања и носе информацију о културној мисли, која стоји иза тумачења Интернет порнографије приликом организовања тог дела виртуелне стварности од стране аутора порографских сајтова и корисника. Као методолошка средства, примењена су етнотаксономска анализа и Дандрадеов фолк модел ума. Категорије на сајтовима нису хијерархијски организоване, тако да су међусобне релације проналажене. Резулатати показују да категорије саме по себи не носе довољно значење, већ помоћу блиских категорија учествују у опису концепата, а сами концепти своје значење често одређују у поређењу са осталим концептима. Корисници, такође, врше поделу овог простора, користећи сличне веће сегменте, док су категорије преференције унутар сегмента коме је тренутно посвећена пажња. Једно од уочених понашања корисника које утиче на њихово одређење према катогрисању је представа о односу реално-спектакуларно. Већину исечака корсисници посматрају као одглумљену фикцију за коју учесници имају интерес да је спроводе, што са једне стране, имплицира већу компетeнцију популације корисника, а са друге је повезано са потребом да се представа о личној сексуалности дефинише, оправда и нађе у друштвено прихватљивим оквирима, уз тврдњу: „ниједна животиња није повређена приликом снимања филма“, што донекле одговара контексту изван порнографије у коме је легитимно било које понашање на Интернету, зато што је све виртуелно, те се као вредносни параметри јављају естетска компонента и физичка неугроженост, а све има своју цену. Интернет порнографија представља конзистентан наставак историје порнографије, зато што понашање приликом њеног коришћења, такође, представља бочни ефекат културног окружења групе која је користи.Anthropological study of the Internet pornography can refer to the cultural communication between the creators of the contents and authors of pornographic sites, as well as between the authors of sites and users, the latter being more relevant to this work as it assumes supracultural activities on the Internet and comprises the pornography users as a distinct population. The aim of this study is to determine, through the categorization of porn clips in the Internet, cognitive schemes and cultural models which explain the principles of such classification and provide the information on the cultural thought that lies behind the interpretation of the Internet pornography during the organization of that particular part of virtual reality by the pornographic sites’ authors and their users. Following methodological means have been applied: ethno-taxonomic analysis and D’Andrade’s folk model of the mind. Categories which appear on web sites are not organized in hierarchies, which means their interrelations had to be inferred. Results showed that categories do not carry sufficient meaning by themselves. Rather, related categories are used to describe concepts, and those concepts frequently derive their meaning from their relation with other concepts. Users also perform the partition of this space by using similar larger segments, whereas the categories themselves are merely preferences within the segment which is currently in focus. One of the observed user behaviours which affects their approach to categorization is their perception of the realistic-spectacular relationship. The users perceive most clips as a staged fiction whose actors take part in it for reasons of self-interest. On one hand, this implies a higher competence of users population; on the other, this relates to the need to define, justify and place the perception of one’s own sexuality within the framework of what is socially acceptable supporting it with the assertion that “no animal was harmed during the making of this movie”, which to a certain extent corresponds to the context outside the pornography in which any behaviour on the Internet is believed to be legitimate just because it is virtual, making the evaluation parameters appear to come down to the esthetic element and the physical safety, while everything has its price. The Internet pornography represents a consistent continuation of the history of pornography because the behaviour exhibited during its use also represents a side effect of a cultural environment of the group using it

    Seroepizootiološko-epidemiološka istraživanja i mapiranje infekcije Zapadnog Nila u Republici Srbiji

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    The disease caused by the West Nile virus (WNV) has been known since 1937 when it was described for the first time in Uganda. After spreading to Europe and the Middle East, the disease has changed its primary location. Today WN infection is a significant health problem in the world. As a result of the current epizootiological and epidemiological situation in Europe studies on the occurrence of WND were introduced in Serbia, also. The investigation on the presence of WNV antibodies was intensified in the period from 2008 to 2012. In this period a total of 3618 serum samples were tested from 18 localities (2736 animal sera from 8 different species and 882 human sera samples). The method applied was gel immunodiffusion and the representative samples were confirmed by the plaque reduction test (PRNT-90). Out of the total number of samples WNV antibodies were present in 3.97% horses, 0.93% dogs, 0.31% poultry and 1.36% man. In one horse serum sample there was a positive reaction with a positive control serum, thus indicating the presence of WNV antigen. The results have confirmed that WNV antibodies are present in 9 out of 18 tested locations in the Republic of Serbia. The percentage of seropositive samples varies from 0.42% in Pozarevac (horses and humans) up to 6.45% in Novi Pazar (dogs). Out of the investigated species the highest seropositivity was recorded in horses (3.97%), and lowest in poultry (0.31%). WNV is present and widespread in the Republic of Serbia, thus enabling distribution mapping.Bolest koju izaziva virus Zapadnog Nila (WNV) je poznata još od 1937. kada je po prvi put opisana u Ugandi. Posle širenja virusa u Evropu i na Bliski istok, bolest je promenila prvobitnu lokaciju. Danas je WN infekcija značajan zdravstveni problem u svetu. Kao rezultat trenutne epizootiološko-epidemiološke situacije u Evropi, uvedena su istraživanja prisustva WNV i u Srbiji. Istraživanja prisustva antitela za WNV intenzivirana su u periodu od 2008. do 2012. godine. U ovom periodu ukupno je ispitano 3618 seruma sa 18 lokaliteta (2736 seruma životinja, od 8 različitih vrsta i 882 seruma ljudi). Korišćen je metod imunodifuzije u gelu a reprezentativni uzorak potvrđen je testom neutralizacije plaka (PRNT- 90). Od ukupnog broja uzoraka na prisustvo antitela za WNV bilo je pozitivno 3,97% konja, 0,93% pasa, 0,31% domaće živine i 1,36% ljudi. U serumu jednog konja pojavila se pozitivna reakcija sa pozitivnim kontrolnim serumom, ukazujući na prisustvo antigena WNV. Dobijeni rezultati su potvrdili da su antitela za WNV prisutna u 9 od 18 ispitivanih lokacija u Republici Srbiji. Procenat seropozitivnih varira od 0.42% u Požarevcu (konji i ljudi) do 6,45% u Novom Pazaru (psi). Od ispitivanih vrsta najveća seropozitivnost je registrovana kod konja (3,97%), a najniža kod živine (0,31%). Raspoloživi podaci ukazuju da je WNV prisutan i značajno raširen u Republici Srbiji, što je omogućilo i mapiranje njegovog širenja

    Observation of c-CuFe2O4 nanoparticles of the same crystallite size in different nanocomposite materials: The influence of Fe3+ cations

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    Two samples containing 2-line ferrihydrite and copper oxide were synthesized by coprecipitation method, via variation of Fe3+ and Cu2+ precursors milimolar ratio (3:1 and 3:3.1), while the other synthesis parameters were kept constant. Annealing treatment at 1100 °C resulted in the formation of c-CuFe2O4-CuO-α-Fe2O3 and c-CuFe2O4-CuO nanocomposites, respectively. A comparison of properties of the prepared samples was performed by XRD, FTIR and EPR measurements. Formation mechanism of the nanocomposites is discussed with a reference to the influence of Jahn-Teller effect in CuO phase on the final CuFe2O4 structure. For the first time, it is shown that the amount of Fe3+ precursor is of key importance for the size of CuFe2O4 nanoparticles, and enables preparation of c-CuFe2O4 nanoparticles of the same crystallite size (46 nm) in different nanocomposite materials. © 2019 Elsevier Inc

    Observation of low- and high-temperature CuFe2O4 phase at 1100 °C: The influence of Fe3+ ions on CuFe2O4 structural transformation

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    Samples containing CuFe2O4 and CuO nanoparticles were synthesized by coprecipitation method and subjected to thermal treatment at 300 °C, 500 °C, 700 °C, 900 °C and 1100 °C. Depending on the synthesis conditions, high-temperature treatment of the prepared samples brought to the formation of CuFe2O4 with a tetragonal or cubic structure, which was confirmed by X-ray diffraction analysis. The influence of formation mechanism onto the crystallite sizes of nanoparticles and structural transformation of CuFe2O4 is discussed. For the first time it was shown that variations of the initial amount of Fe3+ and Cu2+ ions precursors resulted in the formation of low- and high-temperature CuFe2O4 phase at the same annealing temperature, 1100 °C. © 201

    BER analysis of IM/DD FSO system with APD receiver over gamma-gamma turbulence

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    In this paper, the bit-error rate (BER) performance of intensity modulated with direct detection (IM/DD) free space optical (FSO) system using the on-off keying (OOK) and avalanche photodiode (APD) receiver is analyzed. The intensity fluctuations of the received optical signal are modeled by gamma gamma distribution, while both zero and nonzero inner scale models are observed. The total receiver noise includes APD shot noise and thermal noise. The BER expression is theoretically derived and numerical results are presented. The results illustrate the BER dependence on the turbulence strength, propagation path length, APD gain and noise temperature. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR-32028 i br. III-44006

    Thermal stability and degradation of binuclear hexaaqua-bis(ethylenediamine)-(μ 2-pyromellitato)dinickel(II) tetrahydrate

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    Thermal degradation of ternary transition metal complex containing tetraanion of pyromellitic acid, pyr, and ethylenediamine, en, [Ni2(en)2(H2O)6(pyr)]·4H2O, 1, was investigated under non-isothermal conditions. The mechanism of thermal degradation, which occurs in three steps, was clarified by TG/DSC measurements in conjunction with FT-IR spectroscopy and XRPD analysis. The complexity of all degradation steps has been revealed using isoconversional methods. Dehydration comprises the loss of ten water molecules in a relatively narrow temperature interval, resulting in a very complicated reaction mechanism. In addition, density functional theory calculations have been applied for better understanding of dehydration. The second degradation step, related to loss of en, was separated into two single-step processes with Fraser–Suzuki function. The obtained individual steps were described by Johnson–Mehl–Avrami A2 model and Šesták–Berggren model, respectively. Validation of the proposed kinetic triplets for individual steps was performed using master plot and Pérez-Maqueda criteria. The third degradation step is related to the fragmentation of pyr ion most likely followed with the release of a number of gaseous products

    Thermally induced structural transformations of multicomponent Fe72Cu1V4Si15B8 alloy

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    Thermally induced structural transformations of Fe72Cu1V4Si15B8alloy were examined. Thermal analysis revealed multistep structural stabilization process starting at around 470oC, manifested by two complex exothermic DTA peaks, which were deconvoluted. Microstructure of the as-prepared and thermally treated alloy was studied using XRD. Kinetic triplets of individual steps were determined and further checked by comparing simulated and experimental DTA curves.Physical chemistry 2016 : 13th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 26-30 September 201

    Caričin Grad I. Les basiliques B et J de Caričin Grad. Quatre objets remarquables de Caričin Grad. Le trésor de Hajdučka Vodenica

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    Duval Noël, Popović Vladislav, Jeremič Miroslav et al. Caričin Grad I. Les basiliques B et J de Caričin Grad. Quatre objets remarquables de Caričin Grad. Le trésor de Hajdučka Vodenica. Édité par Noël Duval et Vladislav Popović. Préface de Charles Pietri et Georges Vallet. Rome : École Française de Rome, 1984. 234 p. (Publications de l'École française de Rome, 75-1