45 research outputs found

    The Value of "Social" Reputation: The Protection of MNE Workers from the Consumer's Perspective

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    Abstract The virtually immediate information propagation has reduced the gap of knowledge once existing between MNEs and customers (i.e. Rana Plaza collapse, 2013). Consumers begin playing an important role in supporting workers. Their growing social awareness has clear economic consequences. MNEs have tried to react to the loss of social reputation, mainly adopting (and imposing to their suppliers) codes of conduct and ethics providing a minimum standard for decent work standards. This article aims to analyze the social reputation and social sustainability that have recently attracted stakeholders' interest, from different points of view (MNEs, consumers, government and non-government organizations, unions). Those "new" forms of social initiatives (code of conduct, social ranking, consumers campaign, boycotting) are informative and could help to spread ILO labour standards. Clearly, they can represent only an additional support for workers who are struggling in the typical conflict between Work and Capital. The tendency to use a single parameter for assessing the social sensitivity of the MNEs, valid both for the countries "in development" and for those "already developed" risks to lead to a "race to the bottom" trend

    Zircon dissolution in a ductile shear zone, Monte Rosa granite gneiss, northern Italy

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    The sizes, distributions and shapes of zircon grains within variably deformed granite gneiss from the western Alps have been studied. Zircon shows numerous indicators of a metamorphic response in both the host gneiss and a 5 cm wide continuous ductile shear zone, within which the zircon grain sizes range from <1 µm to >50 µm. However, the very fine grain sizes are virtually absent from grain boundaries. Within this zone, zircons consistently have more rounded and embayed margins, which are interpreted as evidence of dissolution in response to fluid influx during shearing. Zircons are preferentially located near metamorphic muscovite in both the host gneiss and the shear zone and tend to show the poorest crystal shape, indicating that fluids linked to the formation and presence of muscovite may enhance both the crystallization of zircon and its subsequent dissolution. Larger zircon crystals typically show a brittle response to deformation when adjacent to phyllosilicates, with fractures consistently perpendicular to the (001) mica cleavage. The variety of metamorphic behaviour observed for zircon indicates that it may be highly reactive in sub-solidus mid-crustal metamorphic environments

    Characterization of Black and Green Tea from Local Market

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    The leaves from Camellia sinensis are used from ancient times for preparation of tea but also as raw material for different extracts which are used in food industry as well as in pharmaceutical or cosmetic products. Due to the increasing interest in tea health benefits, the aim of the present study was to characterize several brands of green and black tea found on local market, regarding their content in total phenolic compounds, flavonoids and antioxidant capacity. Total phenolics and flavonoids were determined spectrophotometrically using a modified Folin-Ciocalteu method, respectively a chromogenic system of NaNO2-Al(NO3)3-NaOH based method. The antioxidant capacity of each tea sample was assessed through the evaluation of free radical scavenging effect on 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl. The results obtained for the green and black tea samples varied widely, depending on the tea variety. The antioxidant capacity of the analyzed teas ranged between 12.10 and 40.03%RSA, while the total phenolic content was within 2090 and 6080 mg GA/ 100g. The concentrantion in flavonoids was between 9.04 and 15.34 g/100g of tea

    Saginaw Valley State University & City of Saginaw: Forming New Ties for the Future

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    Institutions of higher learning (IHLs) are usually perceived as places for students and faculty to advance their understanding of curricula. Universities and colleges have also often been thought of as places that can assist in community development. The objective of this paper is to study community service outreach centers / programs by institutions of higher learning (IHLs) in the communities of Detroit, Flint, and Grand Rapids, Michigan; and examine the feasibility of a community service outreach center in Saginaw, Michigan. The study will outline current programs sponsored by Saginaw Valley State University, and Saginaw-based community organizations that would benefit from a community service outreach center. The study will finally identify the needs, and best practices for creating a center in Saginaw, Michigan

    The Great Lakes Bay Transit Authority: Regionalism through Public Transit

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    The Cardinal Policy Institute researched the feasibility of a regional public transit authority for the Great Lakes Bay region. Using examples of successful regional mass transit authorities, this system intended connect Saginaw, Bay City, Midland, Birch Run, Mt. Pleasant, and Standish Michigan

    … e se fosse ancor più “smart” lavorare soltanto quattro giorni alla settimana?

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    While for many scholars and lawmakers the smart-working seems to be the most innovative way to follow towards the future of labour law, this essay states how it would be possible to pursue another path, arguably more compatible with the labour-law constitutional framework, namely the four-day workweek organizationMuchos académicos y varios legisladores concuerdan en que el "smart-working" es el paradigma del trabajo en el futuro. Este artículo se centra en otro modelo, considerado más compatible con el derecho laboral recogido en la Constitución, representado por la organización del trabajo sobre la base de cuatro días laborables a la semanaMolti studiosi e diversi legislatori convengono nel considerare lo "smart-working" il paradigma della modalità di svolgimento del lavoro del futuro. Questo contributo mette al centro un altro modello, ritenuto maggiormente in armonia con il diritto del lavoro delineato dalla Costituzione materiale, rappresentato dall'organizzazione sulla base di quattro giorni lavorativi alla settiman

    Cancer Survivors and Employment Discriminations

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    Cancer survivors face a number of challenges from the time they learn they have cancer. The author knows this, being a cancer survivor himself. If the cancer survivor is of employment age they may face yet another challenge: employment discrimination. This paper will demonstrate that this type of discrimination does take place and the ways in which this discrimination manifests itself. The author’s hope is that by exposing and discussing employment discrimination against cancer survivors, employees and employers may both be served. The employee will benefit by realizing this discrimination can and does occur. With this knowledge, the cancer survivor will know the signs to look for, and the appropriate actions to take if they occur. Employers, including managers and members of influence within an organization, can be served from this paper by learning the difference between myth and fact about cancer. Employers will further learn their legal responsibilities when dealing with cancer survivors, and usually with very little if any accommodation cancer survivors are just as productive as any other employee is. Cancer survivors and employers need to realize that the hope of good ethics alone will not eliminate this type of discrimination. Through communication and education, they may together stop employment discrimination against cancer survivors

    Effetto delle tecnologie di vinificazione e dell'affinamento in anfora sulle caratteristiche chimiche, fisiche e sensoriali di vini da vitigni a bacca bianca autoctoni

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    ABSTRACT Al fine di valutare la tecnologia di vinificazione più adatta ad ottenere un vino che mantenesse e/o migliorasse le caratteristiche chimico-fisiche proprie della cultivar di partenza e, nel contempo, ne incrementasse il tenore in composti antiossidanti, quattro procedure di vinificazione sono state applicate ai vini Sauvignon blanc: vinificazione in bianco tradizionale (T), vinificazione con criomacerazione (C), vinificazione in ambiente fortemente riducente (AA) e vinificazione con criomacerazione in ambiente fortemente riducente (C+AA). Differenze significative sono state evidenziate sia attraverso analisi convenzionali che analisi di spettroscopia NMR. I maggiori cambiamenti hanno riguardato le concentrazioni degli acidi organici (soprattutto il tartarico) e la concentrazione di composti fenolici. La criomacerazione ha causato una forte precipitazione dell’acido tartarico che può essere favorevolmente desiderata, quando le uve sono caratterizzate da elevati valori di acidità. La vinificazione in ambiente riducente, sola o combinata con uno step di criomacerazione ha causato una maggiore estrazione dei composti fenolici dalle bucce, rispetto alla vinificazione tradizionale o alla solo criomacerazione, oltre ad aumentare l’attività antiossidante dei vini. I risultati più soddisfacenti conseguiti mediante la criomacerazione condotta in ambiente fortemente riducente hanno confermato la possibilità di modificare l’espressione varietale dei vini bianchi attraverso la modulazione della tecnologia di vinificazione. Al fine di confermare l’incremento della concentrazione di composti fenolici e dell’attività antiossidante osservato sui vini Sauvignon blanc criomacerati in ambiente fortemente riducente, sono state vinificate uve appartenenti ad altre cultivar a bacca bianca quali Falanghina, Bombino bianco e Fiano nel corso del secondo anno e Minutolo e Greco nel corso del terzo. Le quattro differenti cultivar hanno mostrato un comportamento simile in risposta allo stesso protocollo di vinificazione. In tutti i vini analizzati, la criomacerazione in ambiente riducente ha favorito: una diminuzione dell’acidità titolabile conseguentemente alla precipitazione dei tartrati, un aumento del rapporto SO2 libera/totale; una diminuzione del potenziale redox probabilmente a causa maggiore concentrazione di forme ridotte (solforosa libera, acido ascorbico, composti fenolici); una maggiore estrazione dei composti fenolici dalle bucce e, di conseguenza una maggiore attività antiossidante rispetto ai vini tradizionali. La ricerca è stata, inoltre, finalizzata allo studio degli effetti del materiale di affinamento sulla tipicità del prodotto. Per tale scopo tutti i vini sono stati affinati per 12 mesi in anfore di terracotta di tipo grezzo, vetrificato ed ingobbiato e in contenitori in vetro. L’utilizzo delle anfore, soprattutto negli ultimi mesi di conservazione, ha fatto rilevare, rispetto nei vini in contenitori in vetro: una significativa riduzione del grado alcolico; un sensibile incremento della sostanza secca; una minore acidità titolabile; un significativo aumento della SO2 totale e maggiori decrementi in SO2 libera, soprattutto nei vini in contenitori di tipo grezzo. Tutti questi fenomeni potrebbero testimoniare un’importante diffusione attraverso le pareti delle anfore oltre a un’intensa concentrazione per traspirazione ed evaporazione. Gli acidi organici sono risultati poco influenzati dalla tipologia di contenitore, mentre, decisiva è stata l’influenza della variabile temporale sul tenore in acido acetico e lattico, sensibilmente aumentati nel corso della conservazione. I principali cambiamenti, legati al tempo di maturazione/affinamento e alla tipologia di contenitore di affinamento hanno riguardato la composizione fenolica e l’attività antiossidante di tutti i vini analizzati. Il contenuto in flavonoidi e flavani reattivi alla vanillina è sensibilmente diminuito nel corso dell’affinamento, soprattutto nelle anfore di tipo grezzo. Gli acidi idrossicinnamil-tartarici sono risultati meglio preservati, durante la conservazione, nei contenitori inerti. Il contenuto fenolico totale e le proantocianidine sono sensibilmente diminuiti in tutti i vini diversamente affinati. L’attività antiossidante misurata con i saggi ABTS e DPPH, in tutti i vini analizzati è risultata significativamente diminuita nel corso dell’affinamento nei diversi contenitori. Dal punto di vista sensoriale la maturazione in anfore di terracotta è in grado di esaltare le caratteristiche varietali di mineralità e freschezza oltre agli aromi di fruttato

    Effects of different vinification procedures and aging containers on phenolic and volatile composition of Greco white wines

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    Two wines, obtained respectively from Greco grapes submitted to (a) a traditional vinification in white and (b) a vinification including cryomaceration under reductive conditions, were aged for 12 months in glass container and in 3 types of amphorae (raw, glazed, and engobe). The wines obtained by cryomaceration under reductive conditions showed the highest phenolic contents both at racking and after aging. The phenolic contents decreased with aging and proanthocyanidins exhibited the greatest decrease. Antiradical/antioxidant activity at racking and after aging was higher in cryomacerated than in traditional wines. Antioxidant activity was not affected by the type of container. Volatile acids and esters decreased with aging, while alcohols, hydrocarbons, and aromatics increased. According to the principal component analysis (PCA) of results from conventional analyses and antioxidants, the wines were homogeneously grouped as a function of the vinification method applied. The PCA of volatile compounds allows to better emphasize the differences, grouping the data into three clusters according to the type of containers