736 research outputs found

    Mass-Transport Models with Fragmentation and Aggregation

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    We present a review of nonequilibrium phase transitions in mass-transport models with kinetic processes like fragmentation, diffusion, aggregation, etc. These models have been used extensively to study a wide range of physical problems. We provide a detailed discussion of the analytical and numerical techniques used to study mass-transport phenomena.Comment: 29 pages, 4 figure

    Pruning the Lyman alpha forest of Q1331+170

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    A multitude of absorption lines seen shortward of QSO Ly-alpha emission, that cannot be traced to heavy element absorption systems, are assumed to be Ly-alpha lines arising in intervening clouds. Studies of these Ly-alpha clouds, typically done at 1 A or lower resolution, have shown N(H1) approximately equal to 10(exp 13) - 10(exp 17) sq cm and b approximately equal to 35 km/s. Sargent et al 1980, on the basis of a flat pair velocity correlation function (PVCF), argued that these clouds are intergalactic. But Crotts 1989 showed that the strong Ly-alpha lines are spatially clustered. High resolution studies of Webb 1987 and Rauch et al 1992 also report some evidence for weak clustering, but overall such high resolution studies have been rare. A study of the Ly-alpha forest of Q1331 + 170 over x(sub abs) = 1.60 - 2.19 based on 18 km/s resolution data at S/N approximately equal to 15, with metal-line deblending incorporated

    Offline Signature Verification based on Euclidean distance using Support Vector Machine

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    In this project, a support vector machine is developed for identity verification of offline signature based on the matrices derived through Euclidean distance. A set of signature samples are collected from 35 different people. Each person gives his 15 different copies of signature and then these signature samples are scanned to have softcopy of them to train SVM. These scanned signature images are then subjected to a number of image enhancement operations like binarization, complementation, filtering, thinning, edge detection and rotation. On the basis of 15 original signature copies from each individual, Euclidean distance is calculated. And every tested image is compared with the range of Euclidean distance. The values from the ED are fed to the support vector machine which draws a hyper plane and classifies the signature into original or forged based on a particular feature value

    How to Wake up Your Neighbors: Safe and Nearly Optimal Generic Energy Conservation in Radio Networks

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    Recent work [Chang et al., 2018; Chang et al., 2020; Varsha Dani et al., 2021] has shown that it is sometimes feasible to significantly reduce the energy usage of some radio-network algorithms by adaptively powering down the radio receiver when it is not needed. Although past work has focused on modifying specific network algorithms in this way, we now ask the question of whether this problem can be solved in a generic way, treating the algorithm as a kind of black box. We are able to answer this question in the affirmative, presenting a new general way to modify arbitrary radio-network algorithms in an attempt to save energy. At the expense of a small increase in the time complexity, we can provably reduce the energy usage to an extent that is provably nearly optimal within a certain class of general-purpose algorithms. As an application, we show that our algorithm reduces the energy cost of breadth-first search in radio networks from the previous best bound of 2^O(?{log n}) to polylog(n), where n is the number of nodes in the network A key ingredient in our algorithm is hierarchical clustering based on additive Voronoi decomposition done at multiple scales. Similar clustering algorithms have been used in other recent work on energy-aware computation in radio networks, but we believe the specific approach presented here may be of independent interest
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