779 research outputs found

    Time and energy-resolved two photon-photoemission of the Cu(100) and Cu(111) metal surfaces

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    We present calculations on energy- and time-resolved two-photon photoemission spectra of images states in Cu(100) and Cu(111) surfaces. The surface is modeled by a 1D effective potential and the states are propagated within a real-space, real-time method. To obtain the energy resolved spectra we employ a geometrical approach based on a subdivision of space into two regions. We treat electronic inelastic effects by taking into account the scattering rates calculated within a GW scheme. To get further insight into the decaying mechanism we have also studied the effect of the variation of the classical Hartree potential during the excitation. This effect turns out to be small.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    Quantifying the Plasmonic Character of Optical Excitations in a Molecular J-Aggregate

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    The definition of plasmon at the microscopic scale is far from being understood. Yet, it is very important to recognize plasmonic features in optical excitations, as they can inspire new applications and trigger new discoveries by analogy with the rich phenomenology of metal nanoparticle plasmons. Recently, the concepts of plasmonicity index and the generalized plasmonicity index (GPI) have been devised as computational tools to quantify the plasmonic nature of optical excitations. The question may arise whether any strong absorption band, possibly with some sort of collective character in its microscopic origin, shares the status of plasmon. Here we demonstrate that this is not always the case, by considering a well-known class of systems represented by J-aggregates molecular crystals, characterized by the intense J band of absorption. By means of first-principles simulations, based on a many-body perturbation theory formalism, we investigate the optical properties of a J-aggregate made of push-pull organic dyes. We show that the effect of aggregation is to lower the GPI associated with the J-band with respect to the isolated dye one, which corresponds to a nonplasmonic character of the electronic excitations. In order to rationalize our finding, we then propose a simplified one-dimensional theoretical model of the J-aggregate. A useful microscopic picture of what discriminates a collective molecular crystal excitation from a plasmon is eventually obtained.Comment: Published by ACS under ACS AuthorChoice licens

    Bonds, lone pairs, and shells probed by means of on-top dynamical correlations

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    The Electron Localization Function (ELF) by Becke and Edgecombe [J. Chem. Phys. {\bf 92}, 5397 (1990)] is routinely adopted as a descriptor of atomic shells and covalent bonds. Since the ELF and its related quantities find useful exploitation also in the construction of modern density functionals, the interest in complementing the ELF is linked to both the quests of improving electronic structure descriptors and density functional approximations. The ELF uses information which is available by considering parallel-spin electron pairs in single-reference many-body states. In this work, we complement this construction with information obtained by considering antiparallel-spin pairs whose short-range correlations are modeled by a density functional approximation. As a result, the approach requires only a contained computational effort. Applications to a variety of systems show that, in this way, we gain a spatial description of the bond in H2_2 (which is not available with the ELF) together with some trends not optimally captured by the ELF in other prototypical situations

    Interplay between Intra- and Intermolecular Charge Transfer in the Optical Excitations of J-Aggregates

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    In a first-principles study based on density functional theory and many-body perturbation theory, we address the interplay between intra- and intermolecular interactions in a J-aggregate formed by push-pull organic dyes by investigating its electronic and optical properties. We find that the most intense excitation dominating the spectral onset of the aggregate, i.e., the J-band, exhibits a combination of intramolecular charge transfer, coming from the push-pull character of the constituting dyes, and intermolecular charge transfer, due to the dense molecular packing. We also show the presence of a pure intermolecular charge-transfer excitation within the J-band, which is expected to play a relevant role in the emission properties of the J-aggregate. Our results shed light on the microscopic character of optical excitations of J-aggregates and offer new perspectives to further understand the nature of collective excitations in organic semiconductors.Comment: published under ACS Authorchoice licens

    A TDDFT study of the excited states of DNA bases and their assemblies

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    We present a detailed study of the optical absorption spectra of DNA bases and base pairs, carried out by means of time dependent density functional theory. The spectra for the isolated bases are compared to available theoretical and experimental data and used to assess the accuracy of the method and the quality of the exchange-correlation functional: Our approach turns out to be a reliable tool to describe the response of the nucleobases. Furthermore, we analyze in detail the impact of hydrogen bonding and π\pi-stacking in the calculated spectra for both Watson-Crick base pairs and Watson-Crick stacked assemblies. We show that the reduction of the UV absorption intensity (hypochromicity) for light polarized along the base-pair plane depends strongly on the type of interaction. For light polarized perpendicular to the basal plane, the hypochromicity effect is reduced, but another characteristic is found, namely a blue shift of the optical spectrum of the base-assembly compared to that of the isolated bases. The use of optical tools as fingerprints for the characterization of the structure (and type of interaction) is extensively discussed.Comment: 31 pages, 8 figure

    An exact Coulomb cutoff technique for supercell calculations

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    We present a new reciprocal space analytical method to cutoff the long range interactions in supercell calculations for systems that are infinite and periodic in 1 or 2 dimensions, extending previous works for finite systems. The proposed cutoffs are functions in Fourier space, that are used as a multiplicative factor to screen the bare Coulomb interaction. The functions are analytic everywhere but in a sub-domain of the Fourier space that depends on the periodic dimensionality. We show that the divergences that lead to the non-analytical behaviour can be exactly cancelled when both the ionic and the Hartree potential are properly screened. This technique is exact, fast, and very easy to implement in already existing supercell codes. To illustrate the performance of the new scheme, we apply it to the case of the Coulomb interaction in systems with reduced periodicity (as one-dimensional chains and layers). For those test cases we address the impact of the cutoff in different relevant quantities for ground and excited state properties, namely: the convergence of the ground state properties, the static polarisability of the system, the quasiparticle corrections in the GW scheme and in the binding energy of the excitonic states in the Bethe-Salpeter equation. The results are very promising.Comment: Submitted to Physical Review B on Dec 23rd 200

    Theoretical description of protein field effects on electronic excitations of biological chromophores

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    Photoinitiated phenomena play a crucial role in many living organisms. Plants, algae, and bacteria absorb sunlight to perform photosynthesis, and convert water and carbon dioxide into molecular oxygen and carbohydrates, thus forming the basis for life on Earth. The vision of vertebrates is accomplished in the eye by a protein called rhodopsin, which upon photon absorption performs an ultrafast isomerisation of the retinal chromophore, triggering the signal cascade. Many other biological functions start with the photoexcitation of a protein-embedded pigment, followed by complex processes comprising, for example, electron or excitation energy transfer in photosynthetic complexes. The optical properties of chromophores in living systems are strongly dependent on the interaction with the surrounding environment (nearby protein residues, membrane, water), and the complexity of such interplay is, in most cases, at the origin of the functional diversity of the photoactive proteins. The specific interactions with the environment often lead to a significant shift of the chromophore excitation energies, compared with their absorption in solution or gas phase. The investigation of the optical response of chromophores is generally not straightforward, from both experimental and theoretical standpoints; this is due to the difficulty in understanding diverse behaviours and effects, occurring at different scales, with a single technique. In particular, the role played by ab initio calculations in assisting and guiding experiments, as well as in understanding the physics of photoactive proteins, is fundamental. At the same time, owing to the large size of the systems, more approximate strategies which take into account the environmental effects on the absorption spectra are also of paramount importance. Here we review the recent advances in the first-principle description of electronic and optical properties of biological chromophores embedded in a protein environment. We show their applications on paradigmatic systems, such as the light-harvesting complexes, rhodopsin and green fluorescent protein, emphasising the theoretical frameworks which are of common use in solid state physics, and emerging as promising tools for biomolecular systems

    Theoretical S1 \u2192S0 Absorption Energies of the Anionic Forms of Oxyluciferin by Variational Monte Carlo and Many-Body Green's Function Theory

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    The structures of three negatively charged forms (anionic keto-1 and enol-1 and dianionic enol-2) of oxyluciferin (OxyLuc), which are the most probable emitters responsible for the firefly bioluminescence, have been fully relaxed at the variational Monte Carlo (VMC) level. Absorption energies of the S1 \u2190 S0 vertical transition have been computed using different levels of theory, such as TDDFT, CC2, and many-body Green\u2019s function theory (MBGFT). The use of MBGFT, by means of the Bethe\u2013Salpeter (BS) formalism, on VMC structures provides results in excellent agreement with the value (2.26(8) eV) obtained by action spectroscopy experiments for the keto-1 form (2.32 eV). To unravel the role of the quality of the optimized ground-state geometry, BS excitation energies have also been computed on CASSCF geometries, inducing a non-negligible blue shift (0.08 and 0.07 eV for keto-1 and enol-1 forms, respectively) with respect to the VMC ones. Structural effects have been analyzed in terms of over- or undercorrelation along the conjugated bonds of OxyLuc by using different methods for the ground-state optimization. The relative stability of the S1 state for the keto-1 and enol-1 forms depends on the method chosen for the excited-state calculation, thus representing a fundamental caveat for any theoretical study on these systems. Finally, Kohn\u2013Sham HOMO and LUMO orbitals of enol-2 are (nearly) bound only when the dianion is embedded into a solvent (water and toluene in the present work); excited-state calculations are therefore meaningful only in the presence of a dielectric medium which localizes the electronic density. The combination of VMC for the ground-state geometry and BS formalism for the absorption spectra clearly outperforms standard TDDFT and quantum chemistry approaches
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