40 research outputs found

    Childcare and Development of Paediatrics in Moravia (Czech Republic) in the Context of Palaeopathological Research Focusing on Congenital Malformations, Metabolic and Haematologic Diseases

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    Prezentovaná práce je součástí komplexní studie zaměřené na sledování původu a vývoje pediatrické péče na Moravě, jedné ze zemí dřívější Rakouské monarchie. Studie také bere v potaz sociální podmínky jako změny moravského zdravotnictví ve studovaném období v souvislosti s tereziánskými a josefínskými reformami. Novorozenecká úmrtnost byla v té době velmi vysoká, což souviselo i s nedostatkem péče o těhotné ženy. Studie sleduje zdravotní stav a příčiny úmrtí dětí od 13. do 19. století, na základě studia dostupných literárních zdrojů v kontextu paleopatologické analýzy dětských kosterních pozůstatků. Analýza koster dospělých jedinců sledované populace poskytuje důkaz vysoké úmrtnosti žen ve věku 20–30 let. Pozornost byla zaměřena na vrozené malformace, metabolická a hematologická onemocnění. Z vrozených malformací potvrdila paleopatologická analýza u dětské populace vývojovou dysplázii kyčelního kloubu a předčasnou obliteraci lebečních švů. Z hematologických a metabolických chorob byla nejčastěji zaznamenány známky anemie ve formě cribra orbitalia a stopy po kurdějích a křivici. Tyto choroby se nejčastěji vyskytovaly u dětí v chudobincích a sirotčincích. Podle literárních zdrojů jejich výskyt významně vzrůstal v závislosti na válečných událostech provázených hladomorem. Výsledky studie poskytují přímý důkaz výskytu sledovaných dětských nemocí na Moravě v období novověku.The presented study is a part of a complex study focused on monitoring the origin and development of paediatric care in Moravia, one of the countries of the former Austrian monarchy. The work also takes into account the social conditions, as changes in the Moravian healthcare sector occurred in the period under review in connection with the Theresian and Josephine reforms. Neonatal mortality was very high at the time, including, among other things, the lack of care for mothers-to-be. The study observes the state of health and the causes of paediatric mortality from the 13th to the 19th centuries, on the basis of the study of available literary sources within the context of palaeopathological analyses of children‘s skeletal remains. The analysis of adult skeletons of the study population provides evidence of high female mortality between 20-30 years of age. The attention was focused on congenital malformations, metabolic and hematogenic diseases. From congenital malformations, palaeopathological analysis confirmed the developmental dysplasia of the hip and the premature obliteration of cranial sutures in the examined child population. From the haematologic and metabolic diseases, the manifestations of anemia in the form of cribra orbitalia, signs of scurvy and rickets were most frequently reported. These diseases were reported mainly in children in foundling homes and orphanages. According to literary sources, their numbers grew significantly in connection with famine-related war incidents. Therefore, the results of the study provide direct evidence of the occurrence of observed childhood illnesses in Moravia during the period of modern times

    Museum education in semi-peripheries: social, cultural and economic aspects of the globalisation of Polish and Slovak heritage institutions

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    The paper examines the problem of change in Central-Eastern European museum education in the globalising world. The main objective is to answer the question of whether museums located in peripheral regions of semi-peripheral states introduce patterns developed in global core-states or maintain the approach invented during the former political period. Its main assumption is that globalisation is a discursive process engaging global, national and local cultural elements, leading to reshaping of local patterns. The paper is based on 14 in-depth interviews conducted with curators working at local museums of the Subcarpathian and Košice regions, supported by four interviews carried out with museum workers of national museums in Warsaw and Bratislava

    Statistical Misconceptions, Awareness, and Attitudes towards Open Science Practices in Slovak Psychology Researchers

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    In the years following the reproducibility crisis in behavioral sciences, increased attention of the scientific community has been dedicated to the correct application of statistical inference and promotion of open science practices. In the present survey, we contacted psychology researchers, lecturers, and doctoral students from all universities in Slovakia and the Slovak Academy of Sciences via email. Together we received answers from 65 participants. Questions in the survey covered the most common misconceptions about statistical hypothesis testing, as well as awareness, attitudes, and barriers related to the adherence to open science practices. We found a high prevalence of statistical misconceptions, namely related to the interpretation of p-values and interpretation of null results. At the same time, participants indicated mostly positive attitudes towards open science practices, such as data sharing and preregistration, and were highly interested in further training. These results provide an insight into the needs of the Slovak psychology research community. This is an important step in the further dissemination of open science practices and the prevention of common statistical and methodological errors

    Hrob s kamennou konstrukcí ze střední doby bronzové z Mikulova

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    Hrob ze střední doby bronzové se dvěma pohřby v kamenných komorách je v prostředí Moravy unikátním nálezem. Hrob byl jediným objektem z daného období v ploše výzkumu, případný mohylový násep nebyl zjištěn. Část kamene použitého na konstrukci tvoří zrnotěrky ze 40 km vzdáleného zdroje, většina konstrukce je tvořena místním vápencem. Oba pohřby, dítěte i dospělého jedince, byly uloženy současně a vybaveny osobním šperkem i milodary. Na bronzových artefaktech se podařilo zachytit organická rezidua a traseologické stopy. Součástí inventáře je i kamenná sekerka z málo časté suroviny – eklogitu. Na základě typologického rozboru a série radiokarbonových dat je celek datován do středního stupně mohylové kultury, na přelom 15. a 14. stol. př. n. l.. Zachování antropologického materiálu, exkluzívní vnitřní konstrukce, výbava obou pohřbů a moderní dokumentace představují výjimečný zdroj dat pro poznání společnosti střední doby bronzové a tehdejších pohřebních zvyklostí.A grave dated to the Middle Bronze Age with two burials in stone chambers represents a unique find in Moravia. The grave was the solitary feature from the given period at the excavation site, without any barrow identified. Part of the stone used for the construction is querns from a 40 km distant source, most of the structure is made of local limestone. Both burials – a child and an adult – were deposited simultaneously and furnished with personal jewellery and grave goods. Organic residues and use-wear traces were recorded on bronze artefacts. The grave inventory also includes a stone axe from uncommon stone material – eclogite. Based on a typological analysis and a series of radiocarbon dates, the entire unit is dated to the middle stage of the Tumulus culture, at the turn of the 15th and 14th century BC. The preservation of anthropological material, the exclusive interior construction, the furnishing of both burials and modern documentation represent an exceptional data source for the knowledge of the Middle Bronze Age society and its burial practices

    Immunointerventional therapy of autoimmune diabetes with recent oncet in NOD mice.

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    Introduction: Type 1 diabetes mellitus is a chronic metabolic disease caused by autoimmune destruction of pancreatic beta cells. The theory of the disease onset is derived from study of a disease course in non-obese diabetic (NOD) mice, in which the diabetes occurs due to a dysregulation of the immune system. Experimental and clinical studies showed that the autoimmunity may be abrogated by immune intervention, which if initiated early enough may at least slow down the ongoing beta cells lost and preserve residual insulin secretion. But immune intervention alone is not sufficient to restore normoglycemia in the majority of cases. Several interventional studies showed that stimulation of proliferation and/or regeneration of beta cells are necessary to restore normoglycemia in animal models. Aim of the study: To find out, if the combination of a potent immunosuppression (murine anti-thymocyte globulin (mATG), gusperimus) together with stimulation of islet regeneration (sitagliptin) will be able to slow down or reverse the course of the disease. Another aim is to identify the mechanism by which the substances act. Material and methods: All experiments were performed in female NODShiLtJ (H2g7 ) mice. The following parameters were examined at day 0, 7, 14 and 28: blood glucose, subpopulations of..

    Lenka Vargová

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    Research and publishing activities of the museology and cultural heritage section at the Comenius University in Bratislava (Vedecko-publikačná, edičná a projektová činnosť odboru Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo v Bratislave)

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    The paper summarises scientific and publication and editorial activities of museology department in Bratislava during the last two years. It concentrates on their classification and basic evaluation with regards to museum theory, practice and Slovak historiography

    Immunointerventional therapy of autoimmune diabetes with recent oncet in NOD mice.

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    Introduction: Type 1 diabetes mellitus is a chronic metabolic disease caused by autoimmune destruction of pancreatic beta cells. The theory of the disease onset is derived from study of a disease course in non-obese diabetic (NOD) mice, in which the diabetes occurs due to a dysregulation of the immune system. Experimental and clinical studies showed that the autoimmunity may be abrogated by immune intervention, which if initiated early enough may at least slow down the ongoing beta cells lost and preserve residual insulin secretion. But immune intervention alone is not sufficient to restore normoglycemia in the majority of cases. Several interventional studies showed that stimulation of proliferation and/or regeneration of beta cells are necessary to restore normoglycemia in animal models. Aim of the study: To find out, if the combination of a potent immunosuppression (murine anti-thymocyte globulin (mATG), gusperimus) together with stimulation of islet regeneration (sitagliptin) will be able to slow down or reverse the course of the disease. Another aim is to identify the mechanism by which the substances act. Material and methods: All experiments were performed in female NODShiLtJ (H2g7 ) mice. The following parameters were examined at day 0, 7, 14 and 28: blood glucose, subpopulations of..