15 research outputs found

    Behandlingsresultat av kliniska mastiter

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    Mastitis is an important disease in dairy cattle. It is very costly for the farmers and affects a large number of animals. Few studies have been made investigating the outcome of treatment for acute clinical mastitis under Swedish conditions, and it can be problematic to use the results in foreign studies since both the microbial flora as well as treatments may be different from the situation in Sweden. In this project we have investigated data on clinical mastitis and antibiotic treatment in the dairy herd at Jällaskolan, Uppsala based on recordings during the last ten years. The material includes both Swedish Red (SRB) and Swedish Holstein (SLB) breeds, which have been kept at the farm under similar conditions. The data contains registrations concerning the mastitis: date of outbreak, antibiotic treatment and bacteriological examination; as well as registrations regarding the individual cow such as cow-number, lactation number, date of calving and the interval between calvings. We have studied cases of acute clinical mastitis and the evaluation of treatment has been made based on bacteriological testing of the milk five weeks after treatment. In cases where this has not been applicable it has been registered if the cow e.g. was dried off, culled or got new mastitis. The data of cows which have had mastitis show that, the frequency of mastitis was higher in SLB-cows compared to SRB-cows. Furthermore, the proportion of mastitis during the first lactation was larger for the SLB, while the distribution was more evenly spread over the first lactations for the SRB-breed. The hind udder quarters were more often infected than the front quarters. There was no difference in the results of the treatments or infecting agents between front and hind quarters, respectively. Most of the mastitis occurred early in lactation, 25 % during the first week after parturition and 40 % of the total number of mastitis cases debuted between one week before and three weeks after calving. When comparing the microbial flora causing mastitis at Jälla with that found in studies at a national basis we discovered some differences. The proportion of mastitis caused by coagulase negative staphylococci (KNS) was higher at Jälla (19 %) than in a nationwide study (6 %). The cases of mastitis caused by Staphylococcus aureus (Sa; 15 %) and Streptococcus dysgalactiae (Srd; 10 %) were on the contrary fewer than reported in the national investigation (21 % and 16 %, respectively). Not only were the KNS-infections more common at Jälla, additionally a high proportion of the infecting strains were producing penicillinase (+), i.e. resistant to penicillin (34 % to be compared with 12.5 % reported in a national study). When investigating which bacteria that caused mastitis in animals that had mastitis for the first time compared to animals with previous cases of mastitis we found that the proportion of KNS infections as well as cases with no bacterial growth in the milk-sample were larger in cases with first-time-mastitis. In animals that had more than one previous case of mastitis the proportion of infections caused by KNS + as well as Streptococcus uberis (Sru) was higher than among cows with mastitis for the first time. When the animals five weeks after treatment had growth of the same agens that caused the acute mastitis it was most often infections by Sa and KNS. If other bacteria were found in the milksample it was in most cases KNS +. The most common antibiotic treatment was penicillin (pc) (77 %) followed by a combination of pc and fluoroquinolone (9 %) and fluoroquinolone alone (6 %). When studying treatment of Escherichia coli (Ec) mastitis we found no differences between the treatment results when using pc, fluoroquinolone, or pc and fluoroquinolone in combination. Overall, 29 % of the treated animals were bacteriologically negative in milk five weeks after treatment. Twentytwo % had growth of another bacteria than the one causing the acute mastitis episode and 9 % had growth of the same bacteria. A difference was seen comparing Ec and Sa mastitis. After Ec mastitis more animals were free of Ec bacteria in milk (44 % vs 21 %) and less animals had any kind of mastitisbacteria in the milk sample (23 % vs 39 %). After KNS infection only 31 % of the animals were bacteriologically negative in milk 5 weeks after treatment.Mastit är en viktig sjukdom i mjölkkobesättningar, varje fall är ekonomiskt kostsamt och dessutom drabbar sjukdomen många djur. Få studier är gjorda över behandlingsresultaten av akuta kliniska mastiter under svenska förhållanden och det går inte alltid att överföra resultat från utländska studier då dels bakterieflora och dels behandlingsregimer skiljer sig från de svenska. I detta examensarbete har vi undersökt ett datamaterial över mastiter och mastitbehandlingar på Jällaskolans mjölkkobesättning under de senaste 10 åren. Materialet omfattar både Svensk Röd och vit Boskap (SRB) och Svensk Holstein (SLB) som har hållits under samma betingelser. Förutom information om mastiten såsom när den brutit ut, behandling och bakteriologiska analyser så innehåller materialet även registreringar över individnummer, kalvningsdatum och kalvningsintervall. De mastiter som studerats är akuta kliniska mastiter och bedömningen av status efter behandling har gjorts på grundval av rutinmässiga bakteriologiska undersökningar av mjölken fem veckor efter behandling, eller om detta inte varit möjligt, genom andra registreringar om djurets öde exempelvis sinläggning, slakt eller ny klinisk mastit. Av de kor som haft mastit så hade SLB-korna fler mastiter än SRB-korna. Dessutom var andelen mastiter under första laktationen högre än i senare laktationer hos SLB-korna medan fördelningen var jämnare mellan de första laktationerna hos SRB. Infektion var vanligare i bakre juverdelarna men vi kunde inte visa några signifikanta skillnader i behandlingsresultat eller infekterande agens mellan fram- och bakjuverdelar. De flesta mastiterna bröt ut tidigt under laktationen, 25 % av det totala antalet mastiter debuterade första veckan efter kalvning och 40 % av mastiterna inträffade mellan en vecka innan och tre veckor efter kalvning. Då vi jämförde förekomsten av de agens som orsakade mastiterna på Jälla med undersökningar som gjorts över landet som helhet fann vi vissa skillnader. Andelen mastiter orsakade av koagulasnegativa stafylokocker (KNS) var högre på Jälla (19 %) än i rikstäckande studier (6 %). Andelen mastiter på grund av infektion med Staphylococcus aureus (Sa) var 15 % och andelen orsakade av Streptococcus dysgalactiae (Srd) 10 %, vilket är lägre än i uppgifter avseende hela landet (21 % respektive 16 %). Förutom att KNS-infektioner var vanliga på Jälla så var även en hög andel av KNS-stammarna penicillinasproducerande (+) dvs penicillinresistenta (34 % att jämföra med 12,5 % i den landsomfattande studien). Vi undersökte vilka agens som drabbade korna vid förstagångsmastiter jämfört med senare mastiter. För förstagångsmastiterna var KNS-infektioner vanligare och även negativa odlingsresultat. Av senare mastiter var en högre andel orsakade av KNS + och även av Streptococcus uberis (Sru). I de fall där djuren fem veckor efter behandling hade kvar samma bakteriestam som vid den akuta mastiten var det framförallt vid infektioner av Sa och KNS. Om en ny bakterie etablerat sig efter fem veckor rörde det sig i flesta fall om KNS +. Penicillin (pc) var det antibiotikum som var vanligast vid behandling (77 %), därefter kom pc och fluorokinoloner i kombination (9 %) och fluorokinoloner (6 %). När vi tittade närmare på behandlingar av mastiter orsakade av Escherichia 2 coli (Ec) fann vi inga skillnader i behandlingsresultaten mellan behandlingar med pc, fluorokinoloner respektive pc kombinerat med fluorokinoloner. Oberoende av agens var mjölken hos 29 % av mastitfallen bakterienegativ fem veckor efter behandling, 22 % hade växt i mjölken av en annan bakterie än den som orsakat den akuta mastiten och 9 % hade växt av samma bakterie. När det gällde enskilda agens sågs en skillnad mellan mastiter orsakade av Ec och Sa då fler djur blev bakterienegativa efter Ec mastiter (44 % respektive 21 %) och färre djur hade bakterieväxt av någon juverpatogen över huvud taget i mjölkprovet (23 % respektive 39 %). Efter infektion med KNS var bara 31 % av djuren bakteriefria fem veckor efter behandling

    COMP (Cartilage Oligomeric Matrix Protein) Neoepitope A Novel Biomarker to Identify Symptomatic Carotid Stenosis

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    Objective:COMP (cartilage oligomeric matrix protein) is abundantly expressed in the cardiovascular system, cartilage, and atherosclerotic plaques. We investigated if the total COMP (COMPtotal) and COMP neoepitope (COMPneo) with other cardiovascular markers and clinical parameters could identify symptomatic carotid stenosis.Approach and Results:Blood samples were collected from patients with symptomatic carotid stenosis (stenosis, n=50), patients with stroke without carotid stenosis but small plaques (plaque, n=50), and control subjects (n=50). COMPtotal and COMPneo were measured using an ELISA. Ninety-two cardiovascular disease markers were measured by the Olink CVD kit. The presence of native COMP and COMPneo was determined by immunohistochemistry. The concentration of COMPneo was higher and COMPtotal was lower in the stenosis group. When the concentration was compared between the stenosis and control groups, IL-1ra (interleukin-1 receptor antagonist protein), IL6 (interleukin-6), REN (Renin), MMP1 (matrix metalloproteinase-1), TRAIL-R2 (tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand receptor 2), ITGB1BP2 (integrin beta 1 binding protein 2), and COMPneo were predictive of stenosis. Conversely, KLK6 (kallikrein-6), COMPtotal, NEMO (nuclear factor-kappa-B essential modulator), SRC (Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src), SIRT2 (SIR2-like protein), CD40 (cluster of differentiation 40), TF (tissue factor), MP (myoglobin), and RAGE (receptor for advanced glycation end-products) were predictive of the control group. Model reproducibility was good with the receiver operating characteristic plot area under the curve being 0.86. When comparing the plaque group and stenosis group, COMPneo, GAL (galanin), and PTX3 (pentraxin-related protein PTX3) were predictive of stenosis. Model reproducibility was excellent (receiver operating characteristic plot area under the curve 0.92). COMPneo was detected in smooth muscle-, endothelial-, and foam-cells in carotid stenosis.Conclusions:Degradation of COMP may be associated with atherosclerosis progression and generation of a specific COMP fragment-COMPneo. This may represent a novel biomarker that together with COMPtotal and other risk-markers could be used to identify symptomatic carotid stenosis

    Role of renal sympathetic nerve activity in volatile anesthesia's effect on renal excretory function

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    Regulation of fluid balance is pivotal during surgery and anesthesia and affects patient morbidity, mortality, and hospital length of stay. Retention of sodium and water is known to occur during surgery but the mechanisms are poorly defined. In this study, we explore how the volatile anesthetic sevoflurane influences renal function by affecting renal sympathetic nerve activity (RSNA). Our results demonstrate that sevoflurane induces renal sodium and water retention during pediatric anesthesia in association with elevated plasma concentration of renin but not arginine–vasopressin. The mechanisms are further explored in conscious and anesthetized ewes where we show that RSNA is increased by sevoflurane compared with when conscious. This is accompanied by renal sodium and water retention and decreased renal blood flow (RBF). Finally, we demonstrate that renal denervation normalizes renal excretory function and improves RBF during sevoflurane anesthesia in sheep. Taken together, this study describes a novel role of the renal sympathetic nerves in regulating renal function and blood flow during sevoflurane anesthesia

    Proteome analysis of bronchoalveolar lavage from calves infected with bovine respiratory syncytial virus-Insights in pathogenesis and perspectives for new treatments

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    Human and bovine respiratory syncytial viruses (HRSV/BRSV) are major causes of severe lower respiratory tract infections in children and calves, respectively. Shared epidemiological, clinical, pathological and genetic characteristics of these viruses make comparative research highly relevant. To characterise the host response against BRSV infection, bronchoalveolar lavage supernatant (BAL) from i) non-vaccinated, BRSV-infected ii) vaccinated, BRSV-infected and iii) non-infected calves was analysed by tandem mass spectrometry. Proteins were semi-quantified and protein expression was validated by immunoblotting. Correlations between selected proteins and pathology, clinical signs and virus shedding were investigated. Calves with BRSV-induced disease had increased total protein concentrations and a decreased number of proteins identified in BAL. The protein profile was characterised by neutrophil activation and a reduction in identified antioxidant enzymes. The presence of neutrophils in alveolar septa, the expression level of neutrophil-related or antioxidant proteins and LZTFL1 correlated significantly with disease. Citrullinated histone 3, an indicator of extracellular traps (ETs), was only detected in non-vaccinated, BRSV-infected animals. By bringing disequilibrium in the release and detoxification of reactive oxygen species, generating ETs and causing elastine degradation, exaggerated neutrophil responses might exacerbate RSV-induced disease. Neutrophil-mitigating or antioxidant treatments should be further explored

    Bronchopneumonia in Swedish lambs: a study of pathological changes and bacteriological agents

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    Abstract Background One of the most common post-mortem inspection finding of sheep and lambs in Sweden, following routine slaughter is pneumonia and its prevalence is increasing. To our knowledge, the aetiology of pneumonia in lambs is not well-known for Swedish conditions. Chronic bronchopneumonia, also known as “atypical” or chronic non-progressive pneumonia, is a common disease worldwide, affecting lambs up to 12 months old. It is therefore of interest to elucidate if this disease complex is also a common cause of pneumonia among Swedish lambs. Chronic bronchopneumonia has a characteristic macroscopic and histopathologic appearance, and Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae is the microbial agent most frequently found. Although this bacterium is important for the pathogenesis, multiple agents are presumed to be involved. The aim of this study was to describe the macroscopic and histopathologic lung lesions in routinely slaughtered lambs with pneumonia, and to determine the bacterial agents involved. Results A total of 41 lungs with gross lesions consistent with pneumonia were examined. Of these, 35 lungs displayed the typical gross appearance of chronic bronchopneumonia, with several or all of the characteristic histological features. M. ovipneumoniae was detected in 83% of the 35 lungs and Mannheimia haemolytica was isolated in 71%. Pneumonia associated with M. ovipneumoniae could be correlated to specific gross lesions consistent with the gross description of chronic bronchopneumonia in lambs. Conclusion In this study, chronic bronchopneumonia was the most common lung disease in routinely slaughtered Swedish lambs. This diagnosis was based on the characteristic macroscopic and histopathologic pulmonary findings and the frequent presence of the bacterium M. ovipneumoniae. The macroscopic appearance of chronic bronchopneumonia could therefore be used during routine investigation of the lamb carcasses at slaughter, to determine the most likely cause of pneumonia

    Role of Renal Sympathetic Nerve Activity in Volatile Anesthesia's Effect on Renal Excretory Function

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    Regulation of fluid balance is pivotal during surgery and anesthesia and affects patient morbidity, mortality, and hospital length of stay. Retention of sodium and water is known to occur during surgery but the mechanisms are poorly defined. In this study, we explore how the volatile anesthetic sevoflurane influences renal function by affecting renal sympathetic nerve activity (RSNA). Our results demonstrate that sevoflurane induces renal sodium and water retention during pediatric anesthesia in association with elevated plasma concentration of renin but not arginine–vasopressin. The mechanisms are further explored in conscious and anesthetized ewes where we show that RSNA is increased by sevoflurane compared with when conscious. This is accompanied by renal sodium and water retention and decreased renal blood flow (RBF). Finally, we demonstrate that renal denervation normalizes renal excretory function and improves RBF during sevoflurane anesthesia in sheep. Taken together, this study describes a novel role of the renal sympathetic nerves in regulating renal function and blood flow during sevoflurane anesthesia

    Detection of citrullinated histone 3 and myeloperoxidase in serially diluted BAL.

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    <p>Detection of citrullinated histone 3 (a) and myeloperoxidase (b) by dotblot in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) from BRSV-infected calves with clinical signs of disease and high levels of virus shedding (k-o and D1-D5) compared to that in BRSV-ISCOM-vaccinated, BRSV-infected calves with no or little clinical signs of disease and no or low levels of virus shedding (a-e, Experiment I), or non-vaccinated, non-infected calves (E1-E5, Experiment II). The proteins were selected based on being present in neutrophil extracellular traps, incriminated to be important in the pathogenesis of RSV [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0186594#pone.0186594.ref030" target="_blank">30</a>].</p

    Scores of neutrophilic infiltration of alveolar septa in BRSV-infected calves.

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    <p>HE stained sections. a) score 0 (vaccinated calf a, experiment I), b) score 1 (vaccinated calf b, experiment I), c) score 2 (non-vaccinated, BRSV-infected calf l, experiment I) and d) score 3 (non-vaccinated, BRSV infected calf D5, experiment II). Lesions are examples of neutrophil scores and not representative for the overall inflammation regarding exudate and consolidation.</p