219 research outputs found
Clima laboral y la productividad del personal en el restaurante Doomo Saltado
Doomo Saltado es un restaurante de tipo fusión nikkei, son especialistas en los saltados y en comida japonesa, donde se puede encontrar en la carta una gran variedad de platillos, cuya sazón es bastante agradable para los comensales.
Actualmente tiene tres locales en los distritos de Lince, Jesús María, la Molina y próximamente aperturará otra sede en Surco. Dentro de sus establecimientos se puede apreciar en sus paredes figuras de animes de todos los tiempos, es un restaurante temático que resalta el entretenimiento que es propio de la cultura japonesa dando a sus clientes una grata experiencia.
El presente proyecto tiene como tema “Clima Laboral y la productividad del personal en el Restaurante Doomo Saltado”, esto quiere decir, contar con un ambiente profesional positivo, que es fundamental para que toda empresa pueda alcanzar sus objetivos e ir construyendo buenos lazos de amistad con los colaboradores, de esa manera se va percibir clientes felices por la buena atención que reciben.
A continuación se va señalar conceptos sobre el origen del restaurante y como ha cambiado hasta la actualidad, sobre sus colaboradores, la importancia de brindar un buen servicio y las cualidades que debe poseer un líder.
La metodología que se va emplear es empírica y las soluciones que se mostrarán va servir de ayuda para las empresas que quieran mejorar su ambiente laboral.
Los aportes se van a enfocar en las soluciones a futuro de nuestra problemática, lo que se quiere demostrar es la importancia de convivir en un agradable ambiente laboral, como influye en sus colaboradores y el resultado se verá reflejado en la productividad
Taxonomic revision of Physalis in Mexico
Physalis (Solanaceae, Solanoideae) is an American genus of ca. 90 species, with its diversity centered on Mexico. We recognize 61 species within the country, for which we provide a generic morphological description, an artificial key to determine species, and brief descriptions. We include distributions, habitats, diagnostic characters, phenology, and uses. Distribution maps and field photographs are also provided. We include conservation status as evaluated by the IUCN
El efecto impositivo en el estado de cambios en el patrimonio neto
This article approaches the elaboration of the statement of changes in equity, focusing on those operations that, having impact on corporate income tax, must deduct its tax effects in order to be include in equity. In the same way, we propose various examples on this matter and a general practice on how to elaborate the statement of changes in equity.En este trabajo abordamos la elaboración del estado de cambios en el patrimonio neto, centrándonos en aquellas operaciones que, por tener una incidencia en el Impuesto sobre Sociedades, tienen que descontar sus efectos impositivos a la hora de reconocerlas en el patrimonio neto. Además, se proponen diferentes ejemplos al respecto y un supuesto general de elaboración del estado de cambios en el patrimonio neto
Renewable Energies in the Agricultural Sector: A Perspective Analysis of the Last Three Years
Renewable energy arises as a tool for the supply of energy to the agriculture sector. Currently, there is a growing concern for the environment. This circumstance has led to technological progress in energy use in relation to natural resources and their availability for all productive sectors, including agriculture. The main objective of this work is to perform analysis from a bibliometric point of view and to analyze scientific advances in renewable energy and agriculture worldwide that have occurred in the last three years (2019–2021). The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of the last three years on the topic in order to contribute to the international scientific community, specifically towards collaboration between authors, institutions, and countries. A keyword analysis using community detection was applied to detect the five main clusters of this research and was largely dedicated to the following topics: renewable energy technologies in agriculture, bioenergy, sustainable agriculture, biomass energy, and the environmental impact of agriculture. The main countries found to be conducting research on renewable energy and agriculture include India, China, the United States, Italy, the United Kingdom, Poland, Indonesia, Germany, the Russian Federation, and Spain; the most important institutions conducting research in this area include the Ministry of Agriculture of the People’s Republic of China, the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers at the National Research University in Uzbekistan, the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, and the Grupo de Investigação em Engenharia e Computação Inteligente para a Inovação e o Desenvolvimento in Portugal. These results may contribute to the identification of new research needs and therefore to the development of future directions of research on renewable energies in the agricultural sector
Only virgin type of olive oil consumption reduces the risk of mortality. Results from a Mediterranean population-based cohort
Evidence on the association between virgin olive oil (OO) and mortality is limited since no attempt has previously been made to discern about main OO varieties. We examined the association between OO consumption (differentiating by common and virgin varieties) and total as well as cause-specific long-term mortality. 12,161 individuals, representative of the Spanish population ≥18 years old, were recruited between 2008 and 2010 and followed up through 2019. Habitual food consumption was collected at baseline with a validated computerized dietary history. The association between tertiles of OO main varieties and all-cause, cardiovascular and cancer mortality were analyzed using Cox models. After a mean follow-up of 10.7 years (129,272 person-years), 143 cardiovascular deaths, and 146 cancer deaths occurred. The hazard ratio (HR) (95% confidence interval) for all-cause mortality in the highest tertile of common and virgin OO consumption were 0.96 (0.75–1.23; P-trend 0.891) and 0.66 (0.49–0.90; P-trend 0.040). The HR for all-cause mortality per a 10 g/day increase in virgin OO was 0.91 (0.83–1.00). Virgin OO consumption was also inversely associated with cardiovascular mortality, with a HR of 0.43
(0.20–0.91; P-trend 0.017), but common OO was not, with a HR of 0.88 (0.49–1.60; P-trend 0.242). No variety of OO was associated with cancer mortality. Daily moderate consumption of virgin OO (1 and 1/2 tablespoons) was associated with a one-third lower risk of allcause as well as half the risk of cardiovascular mortality. These effects were not seen for common OO. These findings may be useful
to reappraise dietary guideline
Estudio de viabilidad para la producción y comercialización de abono orgánico- Onoba
Trabajo de investigaciónEl presente proyecto tiene por objetivo determinar la viabilidad para la producción y comercialización de abono orgánico, a partir de los residuos generados en las plazas de mercado distritales en la ciudad de Bogotá, para ello se realizará el estudio Administrativo, en el cual se construirá el organigrama, balance de personal, factores salariales, y se revisaran los aspectos legales, el estudio Técnico para determinar la localización de la planta y los balances de maquinaria, insumos y equipo y el estudio de Mercadeo con el fin de identificar las necesidades del mercado y la viabilidad comercial del proyecto. De igual forma se efectuará la evaluará financiera del proyecto para calcular su rentabilidad, y finalmente se llevará a cabo la evaluación ambiental con el fin de valorar los impactos ambientales generados por el proyecto.Resumen
1. Marco Teórico
2. Objetivos
3. Metodología
4. Estudio Administrativo
5. Estudio Técnico
6. Estudio de Mercado
7. Evaluación Financiera 8. Estudio Ambiental
ANEXOSEspecializaciónEspecialista en Formulación y Evaluación Social y Económica de Proyecto
Mejoramiento de la poscosecha del cacao a partir del roadmapping
El presente artículo muestra la metodología y los resultados que condujeron a la elaboración de las estrategias de desarrollo tecnológico de la poscosecha del cacao, que surgieron de la identificación de problemas como la deficiente calidad del cacao y la insuficiente fermentación del grano para los requerimientos del mercado internacional, los cuales evidenciaron el bajo desa-rrollo tecnológico en el beneficio en las principales zonas productoras de Colombia. Frente a esta situación, el uso de una me-todología para la gestión tecnológica como el roadmapping orienta a la formulación de estrategias para el desarrollo tec-nológico de la poscosecha del cacao. El proceso metodológico implementado involucró la participación continua de expertos en el enriquecimiento y la validación de los resultados durante la implementación de cuatro fases: i) análisis de desempeño, ii) análisis de brechas, iii) estructuración del roadmapping, y iv) formulación de estrategias de desarrollo tecnológico para la pos-cosecha del cacao. Los resultados obtenidos en esta investigación se encaminan a mejorar la competitividad del sector cacao-tero colombiano en los mercados interno y externo.This article presents the methodology and results which led to preparing post-harvesting technological development strategies for cocoa management which emerged from identifying problems such as deficient cocoa quality and insufficient fermentation of the beans according to international market requirements as shown in the poor technological development in Colombia’s main co-coa producing areas. This situation led to using a technological management tool such as roadmapping orientated towards for-mulating strategies for the technological development of cocoa postharvest management. The methodological process so im-plemented involved experts’ ongoing participation in enriching and validating results whilst four phases were implemented: per-formance analysis, gap analysing, structuring roadmapping and formulating cocoa postharvest technological development stra-tegies. The results obtained in this investigation were directed towards improving Colombian cocoa sector competitiveness in in-ternal and external markets
Male infant patient with a mesenteric cyst in the greater and lesser omenta: a case report
Background: Mesenteric cysts are intra-abdominal masses of congenital origin, which most frequently occur in children, with an incidence of approximately 1 case per 20,000 pediatric admissions. Its progression can be asymptomatic, and its diagnosis can be incidental. However, it usually occurs with symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, constipation, sensation of a mass, and/or diarrhea. The diagnostic imaging method of choice is abdominal ultrasound. Case presentation: Below, we present the case of a previously healthy 1-year-old male patient with nonspecific symptoms, who was referred to a tertiary hospital. The presence of a mesenteric cyst was detected at the end of the diagnostic approach. Conclusion: It is important to know these pathologies even though they are infrequent, because although they are benign masses by definition, they can lead to complications such as intestinal torsion, intestinal obstruction, and even peritonitis. © 2020 The Author(s)
Novel insights and mechanisms of diet-induced obesity: Mid-term versus long-term effects on hepatic transcriptome and antioxidant capacity in Sprague-Dawley rats
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lfs.2023.121746Aims
The study of molecular mechanisms related to obesity and associated pathologies like type 2-diabetes and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease requires animal experimental models in which the type of obesogenic diet and length of the experimental period to induce obesity deeply affect the metabolic alterations. Therefore, this study aimed to test the influence of aging along a rat model of diet-induced obesity in gene expression of the hepatic transcriptome.
Main methods
A high-fat/high-fructose diet to induce obesity was used. Mid- (13 weeks) and long-term (21 weeks) periods were established. Caloric intake, bodyweight, hepatic fat, fatty acid profile, histological changes, antioxidant activity, and complete transcriptome were analyzed.
Key findings
Excess bodyweight, hepatic steatosis and altered lipid histology, modifications in liver antioxidant activity, and dysregulated expression of transcripts related to cell structure, glucose & lipid metabolism, antioxidant & detoxifying capacity were found. Modifications in obese and control rats were accounted for by the different lengths of the experimental period studied.
Main mechanisms of hepatic fat accumulation were de novo lipogenesis or altered fatty acid catabolism for mid- or long-term study, respectively. Therefore, the choice of obesity-induction length is a key factor in the model of obesity used as a control for each specific experimental design.Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, and the European Union
through projects B-AGR-662-UGR20, RTI-2018-100934-B-I00, and the
FEDER program, respectivel
The Combined Intervention with Germinated Vigna radiata and Aerobic Interval Training Protocol Is an Effective Strategy for the Treatment of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) and Other Alterations Related to the Metabolic Syndrome in Zucker Rats
Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a group of related metabolic alterations that increase the risk
of developing non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Several lifestyle interventions based on
dietary treatment with functional ingredients and physical activity are being studied as alternative
or reinforcement treatments to the pharmacological ones actually in use. In the present experiment,
the combined treatment with mung bean (Vigna radiata), a widely used legume with promising
nutritional and health benefits that was included in the experimental diet as raw or 4 day-germinated
seed flour, and aerobic interval training protocol (65–85% VO2 max) has been tested in lean and
obese Zucker rats following a 2 × 2 × 2 (2 phenotypes, 2 dietary interventions, 2 lifestyles) factorial
ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) statistical analysis. Germination of V. radiata over a period of four days
originated a significant protein hydrolysis leading to the appearance of low molecular weight peptides.
The combination of 4 day-germinated V. radiata and aerobic interval training was more efficient
compared to raw V. radiata at improving the aerobic capacity and physical performance, hepatic
histology and functionality, and plasma lipid parameters as well as reverting the insulin resistance
characteristic of the obese Zucker rat model. In conclusion, the joint intervention with legume sprouts
and aerobic interval training protocol is an efficient treatment to improve the alterations of glucose
and lipid metabolism as well as hepatic histology and functionality related to the development of
NAFLD and the MetS.Grant P09-AGR-4658 from Junta de Andalucía, SpainMinistry of
Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO, Spain) and the European Union through projects AGL2013-43247-R
and DEP2014-58296-R, and FEDER program, respectivel
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