10 research outputs found

    Diseño, producción y sustentabilidad. Aporte crítico/decolonial desde la academia

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     La presente ponencia propone una discusión académica de largo alcance desde una perspectiva crítica/ decolonial en torno al diseño y su rol histórico como articulador entre la producción y la sustentabilidad. Primero, hay que recordar que diseño y producción eran un solo acto creativo superior y que su desvinculación hace parte de la separación histórica entre cultura y naturaleza; situación que ha demostrado ser incapaz de sostener la vida (más allá de la humana) a largo plazo. Dadas estas desafortunadas circunstancias, la academia latinoamericana del diseño está llamada a discutir desde la autonomía, cuál es la visión del mundo que se debe promover

    El tejido Guane: importancia y propuesta de preservación desde la conjunción entre artesanía, educación y diseño

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    This article focuses on a research process around the fabrics and the tools used for fabric-making by the extinct culture of the Guane people, who were located in the territory today known as the department of Santander, Colombia. Within such a process, two main moments are proposed: one in which a historical and conceptual review around the material culture is carried out in order to understand the importance of its fabrics; and another that presents the partial results of the development of an objective proposal (fabric kit) whose purpose is the preservation of the tradition of the Guane fabric. This proposal is conceived from a point of view in which industrial design, crafting (ancestral knowledge), and education constructively interact with the aim of thinking and constructing scenarios (methodologies, processes and objects) that allow rescuing our own cultural traditions and values.El presente artículo se centra en un proceso de investigación en torno a los tejidos y las herramientas utilizadas para su elaboración en la extinta cultura de los Guane, que se ubicó en el territorio del actual departamento de Santander. Para ello, se proponen dos momentos principales: uno en el que se realiza una revisión histórica y conceptual en torno a la cultura material para entender la importancia de sus tejidos; y otro que presenta los resultados parciales del desarrollo de una propuesta objetual (kit para elaboración de tejido) cuyo fin es la preservación de la tradición del tejido Guane. Esta propuesta es concebida desde una mirada en la que el diseño industrial, la artesanía (los saberes ancestrales) y la educación dialogan constructivamente a partir de pensar y concebir escenarios (metodologías, procesos y objetos) que permitan rescatar tradiciones y valores culturales propios

    Integration of methodologies through an academic toolkit for the design of products services systems for sustainability: -SPSS- in Colombian contexts

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    The design for sustainability in colombia Colombia, one of the countries in the world with the greatest wealth in natural resources (Arbeláez-Cortés, 2013; Sánchez, 2002), it has presented an unprecedented deterioration in the last two decades of multiple factors, of which, for the purposes of this research project will expose the lack of strategies to train professionals that respond to complex socio-environmental problems. (Márquez, 2001; Posada, 2007; Sánchez, 2002). To attack this problem, Colombia has implemented the National Policy of Environmental Education (PNEA) and “Bases for a quality policy of higher education in Colombia”, both strategies are committed to environmental research from different disciplines and their close relationship with the training processes, seeking in this way that the proposals respond to problems of the real context. (Molano Niño & Herrera Romero, 2011) . Regarding the program of industrial design, its history at the national level begins with courses taught in 1966 and formalized between 1973 and 1977 (Camacho-lotero, 2014; Fernández, 2008), subsequently and hand in hand with the trend of environmentalization of the disciplines (Andrade Vicente, Frazão, & Moreira da Silva, 2012; Ceschin & Gaziulusoy, 2016; Fuad-Luke, 2009; Luffiego García, 2000). Design of the SiNaDi is a national program created, seeking to “generate the necessary conditions to advance towards an inclusive and sustainable society culturally, environmentally and economically” (Torres, 2015,p.45). This new vision of the program has demanded changes of pedagogical paradigms (De Miguel, 2005) and consequently academic courses of eco-design began to appear in the different curriculum of the design programs supported in the experiences of the exterior (Tukker, Haag, & Eder, 2000), in all cases, there have been valuable contributions but lacking an articulation with the national reality”. For this reason, the research question is posed: IS IT POSSIBLE TO DEVELOP A TOOLKIT THAT SUPPORTS TRAINING PROCESSES IN DESIGN FOR SUSTAINABILITY, RECOGNIZING THE PARTICULARITIES OF THE COLOMBIAN CONTEXT? Based on this premise, the process discussed below is addressed. About the dsxc toolkit According to Geli de Ciurana (2005) “The environmentalization of curriculum university should consider” complex thinking, flexibilization, and curricular permeability, contextualization (time and space), constructivism, consideration of cognitive, affective and action aspects of people, integration of theory and practice, critical and projective thinking, didactic development and better spaces for participation”. Starting from this premise, the DSxC is designed as a toolkit that supports academic processes of the sustainable design by grouping, organizing and presenting 10 different methodological frameworks, under the premise that the participants build their own process. Therefore, to group and organize the methodological frameworks, a review of 10 of the methodologies is carried out (Shedroff, 2009) around Design for Sustainability considering first of all those that address the problems in a systemic way (Aguayo, Estela, Lama, & Soltero, 2011; Bovea & Pérez-Belis, 2012; Ceschin & Gaziulusoy, 2016; Crul, Diehl, & Delft University of Technology, 2007a; de Pauw, 2015; Jones, 2014; Navarro, Rizo, Ceca, & Ruiz, 2005; Pigosso, McAloone, & Rozenfeld, 2015): PRODUCT SYSTEM SERVICE DESIGN FOR SUSTAINABILITY -SPSSDE-, SYSTEM DESIGN, BIOMIMICRY, CRADLE -TO- CRADLE –C2C-, CIRCULAR DESIGN , METHOD OF SCENARIOS -BACKCASTING-, HUMAN CENTERED DESIGN -HCD-, LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT – LCA -, DESIGN FOR EXCELLENCE -DFX- and PERMACULTURE. Regarding the Colombian context, the COLOMBIAN ATLAS FOR SUSTAINABILITY is developed in which is presented all the collected information -government platforms, studies, statistics, reports, big data- that allow a first approach to understanding the context according to the tool and the methodologies exposed. On the second hand, to present the DSxC toolkit, researching and analysis of similar tools has been carried out (Crul, Diehl, & Delft University of Technology, 2007b, Guild, 2011, IDEO.org, 2008, Starkey, 2016, Vezzoli et al. ., 2014) in the search for the best possibilities for the presentation of information to the university academic community; This analysis shows the need to propose a physical document that presents the generalities of the process supported in a virtual platform that delves into detail the information of interest. About the methodological frameworks and their contributions After reviewing the methodologies, the following assessments are briefly concluded: THE SYSTEMIC DESIGN (Luigi & Bistagnino, 2009) provides principles and strategies to understand complex situations with a strong focus from visual communication; the SSPSDE (Vezzoli et al., 2014) is a rigorous and systemic exercise that presents a large number of strategies focused on the design of products associated with services; the CRADLE TO CRADLE -C2C- (McDonough & Braungart, 2002) implements a vision from closed production cycles and corporate responsibility; BIOMIMICRY (Benyus, 2002) provides a conceptual framework based on natural principles; HUMAN CENTERED DESIGN -HCD- (IDEO.org, 2008) Its main focus is the collaborative work, specifically in the methods to identify and characterize the actors as well as how to relate and make them participants in the project; DFX -DESIGN FOR EXCELLENCE- (Watson, Radcliffe, & Dale, 1996) is a compendium of functional strategies designed for the different phases of the life cycle of the product that can be used during the conceptualization and verification stage; LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT (Orrego, 2012) it is a widely used methodology with multiple approaches whose main objective is the analysis of negative impacts; CIRCULAR DESIGN (Moreno, De los Rios, Rowe, & Charnley, 2016) focuses on the development of proposals under the criteria of the circular economy; the BACKCASTING (Mendoza, Sharmina, Gallego-Schmid, Heyes, & Azapagic, 2017) allows us to plan a future scenario based on desirable variables including the prospective planning to achieve it, and finally the PERMACULTURE (Mollison et al., 1991) with its deep vision about sustainability provides an ideological course. In total, 264 methods belonging to the 10 methodologies have been reviewed and categorized, of which 69 are concentrated in the research stage, 68 in the concept stage, 60 in the detail stage and 21 for the delivery stage, adding 46 design principles for the SSP approach. These are cataloged to facilitate the decision of the applicator in different criteria such as presence of online format, degree of complexity, degree of intervention, execution time, qualitative/quantitative approach and use according to CVP, it is also grouped into sub phases of the DSxC ; in RESEARCH, it focuses on context, actors, problems/needs, case studies, and results; in CONCEPT, systems concept, systems design, SSP concept and results; in DETAIL, SSP design, evaluation, detail design and results; and finally in DELIVERY, planning, media strategy, iterations and results. Dsxc, a kit “step by step” In practice, the kit has 2 complementary versions: printed and online, the printed version is a quick guide and infographic with presentation of basic concepts about methodologies and their processes, list of methods, advice and warnings of use, and the online version which presents a detailed extension of the topics, links to the primary sources, links to the free formats -creative commons- downloads and multimedia supports. See table 2. Participants in the process receive a step-by-step explanation on their first approach with the kit, then they begin to acquire the basic knowledge needed to develop a sustainable design process, once they obtain these pre-knowledge, they must choose the criteria for the development of the process – see Table 1-, then start the “process construction” selecting the methods according to the design phases. Throughout the process, the kit will accompany the participants by providing context data, advice, warnings, links, etc. Conclusions Education for sustainability from the academic processes typical of industrial design should be oriented to work on real processes -this criterion would imply a knowledge of the local realities in which it develops-, a limited time -defined by academic times-, a constructivist vision -allow the student to be part of the construction and supported in didactic processes that facilitate the implementation of scientific theory- this, together with the appropriation of the community in the territory, the university social responsibility and the capacity of the students in the generation of SPS that stimulate the sustainable growth of society

    Análise sistêmica da sustentabilidade econômica de unidades de produção da agricultura familiar em uma comunidade camponesa de Lebrija, Colômbia

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    The complexity of the current problems in the Colombian countryside puts at risk the sustainability of family Agricultural Production Units (UPA for its acronym in Spanish). Consequently, it becomes a fundamental study area for the improvement of the rural economy. For this reason, a documentary, field investigation was developed on a case study located in Lebrija, Colombia, for the systemic analysis of economic sustainability in 10 UPAS promoters of sustainable agriculture. The results allowed to establish the effectiveness of the ES in the Characterization of UPAs. It was identified that the lack of investment in infrastructure and appropriate technologies has made the UPAs to allocate 50% of its total area for inadequate grazing. This distribution of land threatens the sustainability of the economy of local families, given that the production and profitability of livestock are not enough for their livelihood and the maintenance of pastures. The inadequate grazing generates large amounts of manure that pollutes the environment. The above affects the congruence between the productive activities and the philosophical principles of the UPAs.La complejidad de los problemas actuales del campo colombiano pone en riesgo la sostenibilidad de las Unidades de Producción Agropecuaria (UPA) familiares. En consecuencia, se convierte en un área de estudio fundamental para el mejoramiento de la economía rural. Debido a ello, se desarrolló una investigación documental y de campo sobre un caso de estudio ubicado en Lebrija, Colombia, para el análisis sistémico de la sostenibilidad económica en 10 UPAS promotoras de la agricultura sostenible. Los resultados permitieron establecer la efectividad del ES en la caracterización de UPAs. Se identificó que la falta de inversión en infraestructura y tecnologías apropiadas han hecho que las UPAs destinen más del 50% de su área total para el inadecuado pastoreo de bovinos. Esta distribución de la tierra amenaza la sostenibilidad de la economía de las familias locales, dado que la producción y rentabilidad de la ganadería no son suficientes para su sustento y el mantenimiento de los potreros. El inadecuado pastoreo genera grandes cantidades de estiércol que contamina el medio ambiente. Lo anterior afecta la congruencia entre las actividades productivas y los principios filosóficos de las UPAs.A complexidade dos problemas atuais do campo colombiano põe em risco a sustentabilidade das Unidades de Produção Agropecuária (UPA) familiares. Consequentemente, torna-se uma área de estudo fundamental para a melhoria da economia rural. Diante disso, foi desenvolvida uma investigação documental e de campo sobre um estudo de caso localizado em Lebrija, Colômbia, para a análise sistêmica da sustentabilidade econômica em 10 UPAS promotoras da agricultura sustentável. Os resultados permitiram estabelecer a eficácia do ES na caracterização das UPAs. A identificação da falta de investimentos em infraestrutura e tecnologias adequadas fez com que as UPAs destinassem mais de 50% da sua área total para a pecuária inadequada. Essa distribuição de terras ameaça a sustentabilidade econômica das famílias locais, uma vez que, a produção e a rentabilidade pecuária não são suficientes para seu sustento e manutenção das pastagens. O pastoreio inadequado gera grande quantidade de esterco que contamina o meio ambiente. Isso afeta a congruência entre as atividades produtivas e os princípios filosóficos das UPAs

    Feasibility Analysis of Sustainable Methods Through Manufacturing Algebra and Monte-Carlo Simulations

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    From some years ago, development of sustainable methods for industrial applications are a trending topic, these present the steps to guarantee the current requirements without compromising future resources. New demands for law policies and social responsibility are constantly generated. This paper presents a low cost strategy to evaluate the feasibility of sustainable methods using an extension of manufacturing algebra that includes energy consumption, waste management, and food distribution, The steps to develop a discrete model based in manufacturing operations is developed, the model is obtained in order to implement a simulator which takes into account the parametric uncertainty. A case of study in a high hierarchical level is presented

    Feasibility Analysis of Sustainable Methods Through Manufacturing Algebra and Monte-Carlo Simulations

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    From some years ago, development of sustainable methods for industrial applications are a trending topic, these present the steps to guarantee the current requirements without compromising future resources. New demands for law policies and social responsibility are constantly generated. This paper presents a low cost strategy to evaluate the feasibility of sustainable methods using an extension of manufacturing algebra that includes energy consumption, waste management, and food distribution, The steps to develop a discrete model based in manufacturing operations is developed, the model is obtained in order to implement a simulator which takes into account the parametric uncertainty. A case of study in a high hierarchical level is presented

    Rutas para emprender: de las ideas al modelo de negocio: Área: Emprendimiento

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    En este MI-Book, se presentan algunas teorías fundamentales para contribuir al desarrollo de la cultura emprededora, como justificación para acompañar y potenciar procesos creativos e innovadores, capaces de generar productividad y desarrollo a partir de la generación de ideas de negocio sostenible. Con este objetivo, la presente obra lo llevará por diferentes etapas que constituyen la ruta del emprendedor, en las cuales podrá identificar oportunidades de negocio, validar la aceptación de sus productos por parte de los clientes, generar prototipos, encontrar las mejores estrategias de marketing digital para emprendedores y desarrollar modelos de negocios mediante las estrategias Lean Canvas y Businnes Model Canvas.  &nbsp

    Resistencias y re-existencias latinoamericanas : diálogos críticos con la teoría y la práctica emancipadoras

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    En el libro se presentan ensayos que entran en este horizonte de pensamiento y de gesto histórico-filosófico (deconstrucción para la emancipación), mediante el planteamiento de temas y propuestas desde lo raizal-fundacional-primigenio. Se tratan tema como: la compleja cuestión del género, de gran injerencia en la interacción latinoamericana, de Manuel Antonio Velandia; la cuestión de la Agricultura familiar como forma de resistencia en México, de Yolanda Morales; cómo comprender los emprendimientos (individuales y cooperados) en lo rural y lo urbano, sin que reproduzcan las relaciones de dominación y opresión que nosotros mismos vayamos a ejecutar sobre nosotros y nuestros semejantes, propuesta de Mateo Moreno; un diálogo del legado histórico de la contracultura con las trayectorias de resistencia latinoamericana, para hablar de poéticas de re-existencia, propuesta de Danilo José Mercado Millán; una inserción del tema de la educación, a cargo de Oscar Fernández, quien aboga por una educación propositiva, lograda a través de nuevas formas de ver y de aprender, es decir, una educación como ámbito liberador para hombres y mujeres dueños de su propio destino y de su propia realidad; una problematización de la vigencia y la importancia del diseño industrial, pero localizada en el contexto latinoamericano y pensada desde y para el territorio, propuesta por Ernesto Vidal; la ancestral concepción de la poiesis, la téchne y la aletheia, que determinan la dimensión del obrar práctico del hombre, articuladas con la sustentabilidad, la valoración y el respeto de las formas de producción por la natura, propuesta de Alan Quintero y Adolfo Vargas; no podía faltar el arte, esta vez el Teatro Independiente argentino, propuesta juiciosamente estudiada y presentada por María del Huerto Moreno; y finalmente, en un texto sui generis que sale del terreno ensayístico para entrar en el de la crónica periodística, quizás uno de los trabajos más bellos y valiosos es la praxis liberadora de las mujeres campesinas de Lebrija, experiencia real de mujeres valientes, escrita por Luisa Ochoa y Cristina Rivero.De género en género hasta regenerar. El binarismo como categoría mandada a recoger / Manuel Antonio Velandia Mora – Agricultura familiar como re-existencia en México: hacia una nueva ruralidad / Yolanda Morales Martínez -- ¿Por qué emprendemos nuestra propia opresión? Del racismo estructural y multicultural a la afirmación de lo imposible / Mateo Moreno Acosta -- El legado revolucionario de la contracultura en américa latina: Algunas provocaciones para pensar la re-existencia / Danilo José Mercado Millán -- Hacia una educación proporcional en abya yala/afro/latinoamérica : nuevas formas de ver y de aprender / Oscar Andrés Fernández Urrego -- Lo humano y lo diseñado: el diseño que ya fue / Ernesto Vidal Prada -- Poiesis y sustentabilidades: una revisión en clave decolonial de las producciones materiales / Alan Quintero Bayona, Adolfo Vargas Espitia -- Resistir desde la escena: el teatro independiente de buenos aires / María del Huerto Moreno -- ‘Mujer y campo’ suena poético: una crónica sobre un cultivo desafiante / Cristina Rivero Bautista y Luisa Ochoa Buitragona278 página

    Flujos de capitales, choques externos y respuestas de política en países emergentes

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    Las crisis financieras recientes han incrementado de manera significativa la complejidad de la política económica. Hoy día es necesario estar preparado para enfrentar huracanes financieros que surgen de lugares inesperados y que se expanden alrededor del mundo como reguero de pólvora. Para peor, estas crisis producen un profundo desconcierto entre inversores y analistas —incluyendo al propio Fondo Monetario Internacional—. La presente obra contiene un conjunto importante de artículos de alto calibre profesional que se enfocan sobre los nuevos desafíos que enfrenta la política económica en estas circunstancias. Los artículos estudian las características de los flujos de capitales, tanto en su totalidad como en su composición (capital de cartera, inversión directa, etc.) y su interrelación con el mercado de commodities (café y petróleo, en particular). Esto se complementa con un estudio cuidadoso de las vulnerabilidades financieras y un detallado análisis del papel de todos estos factores en la economía colombiana. El libro se convierte en un verdadero pionero en esta literatura y debería transformarse en referencia obligada para todos aquellos que quieran entender los nuevos fenómenos y desarrollar herramientas para prevenir sus peores consecuencias o paliar sus costos en economías emergentes, como la colombiana

    Revista Temas Agrarios Volumen 26; Suplemento 1 de 2021

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    1st International and 2nd National Symposium of Agronomic Sciences: The rebirth of the scientific discussion space for the Colombian Agro.1 Simposio Intenacional y 2 Nacional de Ciencias Agronómicas: El renacer del espacio de discusión científica para el Agro colombiano