2,376 research outputs found

    Planning a master's level curriculum according to career space recommendations using concept mapping techniques

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    Nowadays the European Universities are worried about how to adapt higher education to the new European Higher Education Area, as proposed in the Bologna Magna Charta Universitatum of 1998, and signed by 32 European Education Ministers. One of the key points in this higher education reform was the introduction of new Master’s level curricula. These Masters will look for the professional specialization and they will have to be adapted to the specific skills demanded by the society. This paper presents the results from a cooperation project – funded by the AECI (International Cooperation Spanish Agency) and developed between the University of Seville (Spain) and the Catholic University of Asuncion (Paraguay) – by about the planning of a new master’s level curriculum in digital signal processing (DSP) area, taking into account the Bologna principles and the conclusions obtained by the Career Space Consortium. A scientific method from social science, known as concept mapping techniques, was used to perform this planning. Basically, the idea of concept mapping consists of compiling the opinion from actors belonging to different environments (lecturers, researchers, workers, businessmen, etc.) related to DSP applications. The compiled data were statistically computed to cluster the opinions of the different agents. The result will be a master’s level curricula adapted to the environment requirements and the social setting

    Sero-Epidemiology of Pneumocystis Infection among Infants, Children, and Adults in Chile

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    Previous serologic surveys show >80% of infants in Chile have anti-Pneumocystis antibodies by 2 years of age, but the seroepidemiology of Pneumocystis infection beyond infancy is unknown. We describe the sero-epidemiology in infants, children, and adults at different locations in Chile. Serum samples were prospectively obtained from 681 healthy adults (age ≥ 17 years) and 690 non-immunocompromised infants/children attending eight blood banks or outpatient clinics (2 in Santiago) in Chile. ELISA was used to measure serum IgM and IgG antibodies to Pneumocystis jirovecii major surface antigen (Msg) constructs MsgA and MsgC1. Serologic responses to Pneumocystis Msg showed a high frequency of reactivity, inferring infection. Among infants/children increasing age and the proportion with detectable IgM responses to MsgA, and IgG responses to MsgA, and MsgC1 were positively associated. Among adults there was almost universal seropositivity to one or more Pneumocystis Msg constructs. In infants and children rates of detectable IgM responses to MsgC1 and MsgA were greater than IgG responses. In Santiago, rates of seropositivity among infants/children were greater in clinics located in a more socio-economically deprived part of the city. In Chile, a serological response to Pneumocystis Msg constructs was common across ages regardless of geographical location and climatic conditions. Observed higher rates of IgM responses than IgG responses is consistent with concept of recent/ongoing exposure to Pneumocystis in children and adults. Higher rates of seropositivity in infants/children residing in more densely populated areas of Santiago infers crowding poses an increased risk of transmission

    Pneumocystis jirovecii colonization in preterm newborns with respiratory distress syndrome

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    © The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press for the Infectious Diseases Society of America. All rights reserved. For permissions, e-mail: [email protected] describe the prevalence of Pneumocystis jirovecii in mother-infant pairs of very low birth weight newborns <32 weeks gestation. Molecular and microscopic methods were used for detection of P. jirovecii in patients' specimens. Pneumocystis DNA was detected in eight nasopharyngeal aspirates (14%) of 56 newborns and in seven oral washes (21%) of 34 mothers. Pneumocystis detection immediately after birth suggests the possibility of its transplacental transmission. Comparing to non-colonized infants, more frequent occurrence of bronchopulmonary dysplasia was seen in colonized ones (P=0.02), suggesting a potential clinical importance of this pathogen in abnormal lung development.publishersversionpublishe

    Fungal colonization with Pneumocystis correlates to increasing chloride channel accessory 1 (hCLCA1) suggesting a pathway for up-regulation of airway mucus responses, in infant lungs

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    AbstractFungal colonization with Pneumocystis is associated with increased airway mucus in infants during their primary Pneumocystis infection, and to severity of COPD in adults. The pathogenic mechanisms are under investigation. Interestingly, increased levels of hCLCA1 – a member of the calcium-sensitive chloride conductance family of proteins that drives mucus hypersecretion – have been associated with increased mucus production in patients diagnosed with COPD and in immunocompetent rodents with Pneumocystis infection. Pneumocystis is highly prevalent in infants; therefore, the contribution of Pneumocystis to hCLCA1 expression was examined in autopsied infant lungs. Respiratory viruses that may potentially increase mucus, were also examined. hCLCA1 expression was measured using actin-normalized Western-blot, and the burden of Pneumocystis organisms was quantified by qPCR in 55 autopsied lungs from apparently healthy infants who died in the community. Respiratory viruses were diagnosed using RT-PCR for RSV, metapneumovirus, influenza, and parainfluenza viruses; and by PCR for adenovirus. hCLCA1 levels in virus positive samples were comparable to those in virus-negative samples. An association between Pneumocystis and increased hCLCA1 expression was documented (P=0.028). Additionally, increasing Pneumocystis burden correlated with increasing hCLCA1 protein expression levels (P=0.017). Results strengthen the evidence of Pneumocystis-associated up-regulation of mucus-related airway responses in infant lungs. Further characterization of this immunocompetent host-Pneumocystis-interaction, including assessment of potential clinical significance, is warranted

    Fast evaluation of the adsorption energy of organic molecules on metals via graph neural networks

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    Modeling in heterogeneous catalysis requires the extensive evaluation of the energy of molecules adsorbed on surfaces. This is done via density functional theory but for large organic molecules it requires enormous computational time, compromising the viability of the approach. Here we present GAME-Net, a graph neural network to quickly evaluate the adsorption energy. GAME-Net is trained on a well-balanced chemically diverse dataset with C1–4 molecules with functional groups including N, O, S and C6–10 aromatic rings. The model yields a mean absolute error of 0.18 eV on the test set and is 6 orders of magnitude faster than density functional theory. Applied to biomass and plastics (up to 30 heteroatoms), adsorption energies are predicted with a mean absolute error of 0.016 eV per atom. The framework represents a tool for the fast screening of catalytic materials, particularly for systems that cannot be simulated by traditional methods

    Evaluación económica de la avena forrajera Altoandina para sistemas lecheros del trópico alto de Colombia

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    Esta publicación es resultado de los proyectos Evaluación y selección de nuevas especies forrajeras para mejorar la eficiencia de los sistemas ganaderos de leche del trópico alto colombiano y Estrategias para mejorar la competitividad y la sostenibilidad de los sistemas de producción de leche o carne en la región Andina y evaluación multilocacional de nuevo germoplasma forrajero

    Maximization of the optical intra-cavity power of whispering-gallery mode resonators via coupling prism

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    In this paper, a detailed description of the optical coupling into a Whispering Gallery Mode (WGM) resonator through a prism via frustrated total internal reflection (FTIR) is presented. The problem is modeled as three media with planar interfaces and closed expressions for FTIR are given. Then, the curvature of the resonator is taken into account and the mode overlap is theoretically studied. A new analytical expression giving the optimal geometry of a disc-shaped or ring-shaped resonator for maximizing the intra-cavity circulating power is presented. Such expression takes into consideration the spatial distribution of the WGM at the surface of the resonator, thus being more accurate than the currently used expressions. It also takes into account the geometry of the prism. It is shown an improvement in the geometry values used with the current expressions of about 30%. The reason why the pump laser signal can be seen in experiments under critical coupling is explained on this basis. Then, the conditions required for exciting the highest possible optical power inside the resonator are obtained. The aim is to achieve a highly-efficient up-conversion of a THz signal into the optical domain via the second-order nonlinearity of the resonator material.This work has been financially supported by "DiDaCTIC: Desarrollo de un sistema de comunicaciones inalámbrico en rango THz integrado de alta tasa de datos", TEC2013-47753-C3, CAM S2013/ICE-3004 "DIFRAGEOS" projects, "Proyecto realizado con la Ayuda Fundación BBVA a Investigadores y Creadores Culturales 2016" and "Estancias de movilidad de profesores PRX16/00021"

    Modelo de negocio Ashae, conoce tu cabello

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    En este trabajo se presenta el modelo de negocios para la creación de una línea de productos de cuidado del cabello. Se presenta la metodología utilizada para la creación del modelo, un análisis de la industria de la belleza, la definición del público meta y un plan de acción estratégico