70 research outputs found

    A Legfelsőbb Honvédelmi Tanács közjogi helye és tevékenysége a Horthy-korszakban

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    The research of the regulation of the exceptional power in the Horthy- era is significant to make it easier to understand the special legal order in the 21st century. Consequently the topic of my paper is a very specific public body, which was established in the interwar period: the Supreme Defence Council. After the analization of the political and legal circumstances which led to the establishment of the Council, I focused on the authority and the legal status of it. Considering the power and the practical activity of this public body, I wanted to answer the question if the exceptional power was vested in the Council or not. During my research I managed to examine the documents of Chief of General Staff of Hungarian Defence Forces in the Military History Archives as well as the documents of the Ministry of Interior and the Regent of Hungary and the parliamentary debates from the Hungarian Parliamentary Collection. Besides the primer sources I felt important to review the relevant public law and military history literature. The most important findings of my research are the next: first of all, I could demonstrate that the function of the Supreme Defence Council was basically different in the late twenties than during the Second World War. With the examination of the drafts and the codification process of the Act Second of 1939 I could prove that there were similarities between the Ministerial Council and Supreme Defence Council in public law context, but the Ministerial Council had more extensive power than the Supreme Defence Council. The Supreme Defence Council was a consultative body, whose tether was limited to only national defence and war-mobilization subjects. According to the the provisions of Defence Act and the related primer sources it can be said that the Defence Council did not create a general binding rule of conduct. Due to the fact that only the government was authorized with exceptional power in the Horthy-era, the Supreme Defence Council did not exercise exceptional power. Finally it can be reasonably said that although the Council was an integrated public body which gave a legal framework to the co-operation of the government and the military top-management, there were conflicts between the two sides throughout the institution-history of the Supreme Defence Council

    Az árdrágító visszaélésekről szóló 1916: IX. tc. dogmatikai elemzése a Budapesti Királyi Törvényszék gyakorlata alapján (1916-1918)

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    The topicality of my research is underlined by the fact that the question of recriminalising price-gouging has appeared in the modern Hungarian criminal law literature. In my thesis firstly I identified the political and economic circumstances that led to the creation of Act IX of 1916 and the purpose of the criminalization. This was followed by a dogmatic analysis of the statutory elements for which I did research in the Library of the Hungarian Parliament. After that I sought the answer to the question that the teleological interpretation of the Act can be observed in the practice of Royal Regional Court of Budapest. For primary sources, I reviewed the judgements of the Royal Regional Court of Budapest between 1916- 1918, the relevant decisions of the Royal Regional Court of Appeal of Budapest, which are kept in Budapest Archive, as well as I used parliamentary diaries from the Hungarian Parliamentary Collection. As regards to secondary sources, it was necessary to draw on history and economic literature, on the other hand, the dogmatic analysis was not only based on the criminal law literature, but commercial law works. Based on the relevant Hungarian criminal law literature and parliamentary debates I draw the conclusion that the legislator wanted to protect the price of public necessities, but the lawmaker has also taken into account that the criminalisation could not impede fair trading After the systematic examination of the archive documents I could make the conclusion that the courts applied teleological interpretation in connection with those statutory elements which were completely unknown in the legal terminology before 1916 (e. g. convenience goods) or they were only used in the field of commercial law (e. g. professional trader). The archival research showed that the delayed establishment of the public authorisation system was a legislative omission which caused serious problems in the judicial practice between 1916 and 1917. Besides the Regional Court did not interpret the criminal conduct of the price gouging brokerage uniformly, but the Regional Court of Appeal resolved the problem with teleological interpretation and ruled that the mediation without consideration was not capable of causing price increase therefore it could not threat the protected legal object of the crime. In summary Act IX of 1916 was an important milestone in the history economic criminal law and the sign of the increased state intervention in the economy. It’s significance is not only outstanding in the context of legal history, but it can also serve as a reference for modern criminal law discipline

    Fruit set and yield of pear cultivars as affected by reduced bee pollination period

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    Results of our experiments prove that pear is more or less sensitive to the reduced bee pollination period. However, the reaction (or the sensitivity) of cultivars may be different to the reduced bee pollination. Most cultivars produce much less yield under reduced bee pollination or no yield with the exclusion of bees but in the case of some cultivars total exclusion of bees does not prevent the yield formation and what is more sometimes reduced bee pollination can be resulted in somewhat higher yield than open pollination. Typical reaction, however, is a significant yield reduction with reduced bee pollination. Pear seems to be somewhat less sensitive to the partial reduction of bee pollination period than apple or quince. The first half of the flowering period seems to be more important in yield formation because usually higher yield was resulted when pear cultivars received open pollination in the first than in the second half of the blooming period. Based on our experimental results no definite relationship between parthenocarpic capacity of cultivars and the yield under reduced bee pollination can be established. So reduced bee pollination does not seem to contribute the parthenocarpic fruit formation in pear

    Fruit set and yield of pear cultivars as affected by reduced bee pollination period

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    Results of our experiments prove that pear is more or less sensitive to the reduced bee pollination period. However, the reaction(or the sensitivity) of cultivars may be different to the reduced bee pollination. Most cultivars produce much less yield under reduced beepollination or no yield with the exclusion of bees but in the case of some cultivars total exclusion of bees does not prevent the yield formationand what is more sometimes reduced bee pollination can be resulted in somewhat higher yield than open pollination. Typical reaction,however, is a significant yield reduction with reduced bee pollination. Pear seems to be somewhat less sensitive to the partial reduction of beepollination period than apple or quince. The first half of the flowering period seems to be more important in yield formation because usuallyhigher yield was resulted when pear cultivars received open pollination in the first than in the second half of the blooming period. Based onour experimental results no definite relationship between parthenocarpic capacity of cultivars and the yield under reduced bee pollination canbe established. So reduced bee pollination does not seem to contribute the parthenocarpic fruit formation in pear

    A szabadság vére. Forradalmárok – életmentők – megtorlók. A főváros egészségügye az ’56-os forradalom és a megtorlások idején

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    Adóköteles jövedelmek rugalmassága – egy identifikációs kísérlet a családi adókedvezmény 2011-es bevezetése alapján

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    The elasticity of taxable income has primary importance both from a theoretical and from a policy perspective. In this paper we estimate how the declared taxable income of taxpayers eligible for the family allowance changed following the introduction of the allowance in 2011. Our results show that the taxable income was more responsive to tax changes compared to previous Hungarian studies: the uncompensated elasticity falls robustly in the 0.15–0.25 range. Decomposing it to substitution and income effect is rather uncertain, which in our view is due to the strong correlation between changes in the marginal and average tax prices

    Adóköteles jövedelmek rugalmassága – egy identifikációs kísérlet a családi adókedvezmény 2011-es bevezetése alapján

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    The elasticity of taxable income has primary importance both from a theoretical and from a policy perspective. In this paper we estimate how the declared taxable income of taxpayers eligible for the family allowance changed following the introduction of the allowance in 2011. Our results show that the taxable income was more responsive to tax changes compared to previous Hungarian studies: the uncompensated elasticity falls robustly in the 0.15–0.25 range. Decomposing it to substitution and income effect is rather uncertain, which in our view is due to the strong correlation between changes in the marginal and average tax prices