165 research outputs found

    Tájékoztató jelentés a tavaszi mezőgazdasági munkákról (2006. október 3-i jelentések alapján)

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    A kiadvány a 247/2005. (XI. 14.) Korm. rendelet alapján elrendelt statisztikai jelentés adataiból készült. Az FVM jelentőszolgálat keretében begyűjtött adatok a tavaszi mezőgazdasági munkákról adnak tájékoztatást. Az adatok a mezőgazdasági tevékenységet folytató valamennyi kijelölt vállalkozás és intézmény adatait tartalmazzák

    Canteen reform from the perspective of the parents of nursery children in Békéscsaba

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    It is important to provide sufficient quantity of good quality food for young children. The bases of healthy diet should be learned as a child and nurseries have an important role in shaping the children’s eating habits and forming their taste. This paper summarizes research results about the canteen reform introduced in nurseries on 1st January, 2015. A total of 140 questionnaires were collected from parents or grandparents of the young children attending nurseries in Békéscsaba. We asked them about their pre-reform and post-reform opinions on the children’s food and what they think of the implemented reform. The answers indicated that the parents were satisfied with the nursery caretakers who always gave detailed information about the child’s meal and provided the possibility to discuss problems, most of the parents were well informed about the the nursery canteen reform and the majority agreed with it. Our proposals based on the research are: The parents should have more influence and their opinion should be asked about the catering of their children. Opinions of the nursery caretakers and the catering managers should also be considered, since they spend a lot of time with the young children at the nursery. The changes in the nursery catering should have been implemented more gradually

    Canteen reform from the perspective of the parents of nursery children in Békéscsaba

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    It is important to provide sufficient quantity of good quality food for young children. The bases of healthy diet should be learned as a child and nurseries have an important role in shaping the children’s eating habits and forming their taste. This paper summarizes research results about the canteen reform introduced in nurseries on 1st January, 2015. A total of 140 questionnaires were collected from parents or grandparents of the young children attending nurseries in Békéscsaba. We asked them about their pre-reform and post-reform opinions on the children’s food and what they think of the implemented reform. The answers indicated that the parents were satisfied with the nursery caretakers who always gave detailed information about the child’s meal and provided the possibility to discuss problems, most of the parents were well informed about the the nursery canteen reform and the majority agreed with it. Our proposals based on the research are: The parents should have more influence and their opinion should be asked about the catering of their children. Opinions of the nursery caretakers and the catering managers should also be considered, since they spend a lot of time with the young children at the nursery. The changes in the nursery catering should have been implemented more gradually

    Generation of a Highly Active Folding Enzyme by Combining a Parvulin-Type Prolyl Isomerase from SurA with an Unrelated Chaperone Domain

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    AbstractParvulins are small prolyl isomerases and serve as catalytic domains of folding enzymes. SurA (survival protein A) from the periplasm of Escherichia coli consists of an inactive (Par1) and an active (Par2) parvulin domain as well as a chaperone domain. In the absence of the chaperone domain, the folding activity of Par2 is virtually abolished. We created a chimeric protein by inserting the chaperone domain of SlyD, an unrelated folding enzyme from the FKBP family, into a loop of the isolated Par2 domain of SurA. This increased its folding activity 450-fold to a value higher than the activity of SurA, in which Par2 is linked with its natural chaperone domain. In the presence of both the natural and the foreign chaperone domain, the folding activity of Par2 was 1500-fold increased. Related and unrelated chaperone domains thus are similarly efficient in enhancing the folding activity of the prolyl isomerase Par2. A sequence analysis of various chaperone domains suggests that clusters of exposed methionine residues in mobile chain regions might be important for a generic interaction with unfolded protein chains. This binding is highly dynamic to allow frequent transfer of folding protein chains between chaperone and catalytic domains

    Meredek lejtőkkel elválasztott sík felszínek domborzatmodellezésének sajátosságai dunai magaspartok példáján

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    A Dunát kísérő magasparti területek a sokszor falszerűen megjelenő lejtők miatt kihívást jelentenek a domborzat digitális modellezése során. Az ingyenesen elérhető geoinformatikai szoftverek többféle megoldást kínálnak szintvonalakból történő raszteres interpolálásra, azonban eltérő mértékben képesek kezelni a problémát. Az elérhető módszerek összegyűjtése, a számított domborzatmodellek értékelése valamint ezek terepi mérésekkel és a DDM-5 állománnyal történő ellenőrzése új információkat szolgáltat a témával kapcsolatban. Az eredmények rávilágítottak a DDM-5 hiányosságaira a magasparti területeken. A szintvonalból történő interpolálásra a „GRASS GIS Közösség” által javasolt módszerek a vizsgált domborzati viszonyok mellett eltérően teljesítettek. A „Natural Neighbor” eljárás viszonylag jól kezelte a meredek lejtők problémáját, míg a „Raster Contours” módszer kevéssé bizonyult alkalmasnak. A szintvonalrajz előkészítésének, javításának és a domborzatmodellezés kivitelezésének módszertani leírása, az alkalmazható eszközök bemutatása támpontul szolgálhat a későbbi kutatásoknak a megfelelő eszközök és módszerek kiválasztásában

    Amyloid-β1-42 Disrupts Synaptic Plasticity by Altering Glutamate Recycling at the Synapse.

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most prevalent form of neurodegenerative disorders characterized by neuritic plaques containing amyloid-β peptide (Aβ) and neurofibrillary tangles. Evidence has been reported that Aβ(1-42) plays an essential pathogenic role in decreased spine density, impairment of synaptic plasticity, and neuronal loss with disruption of memory-related synapse function, all associated with AD. Experimentally, Aβ(1-42) oligomers perturb hippocampal long-term potentiation (LTP), an electrophysiological correlate of learning and memory. Aβ was also reported to perturb synaptic glutamate (Glu)-recycling by inhibiting excitatory-amino-acid-transporters. Elevated level of extracellular Glu leads to activation of perisynaptic receptors, including NR2B subunit containing NMDARs. These receptors were shown to induce impaired LTP and enhanced long-term depression and proapoptotic pathways, all central features of AD. In the present study, we investigated the role of Glu-recycling on Aβ(1-42)-induced LTP deficit in the CA1. We found that Aβ-induced LTP damage, which was mimicked by the Glu-reuptake inhibitor TBOA, could be rescued by blocking the NR2B subunit of NMDA receptors. Furthermore, decreasing the level of extracellular Glu using a Glu scavenger also restores TBOA or Aβ induces LTP damage. Overall, these results suggest that reducing ambient Glu in the brain can be protective against Aβ-induced synaptic disruption

    Abeta(1-42) Enhances Neuronal Excitability in the CA1 via NR2B Subunit-Containing NMDA Receptors

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    Neuronal hyperexcitability is a phenomenon associated with early Alzheimer's disease. The underlying mechanism is considered to involve excessive activation of glutamate receptors; however, the exact molecular pathway remains to be determined. Extracellular recording from the CA1 of hippocampal slices is a long-standing standard for a range of studies both in basic research and in neuropharmacology. Evoked field potentials (fEPSPs) are regarded as the input, while spiking rate is regarded as the output of the neuronal network; however, the relationship between these two phenomena is not fully clear. We investigated the relationship between spontaneous spiking and evoked fEPSPs using mouse hippocampal slices. Blocking AMPA receptors (AMPARs) with CNQX abolished fEPSPs, but left firing rate unchanged. NMDA receptor (NMDAR) blockade with MK801 decreased neuronal spiking dose dependently without altering fEPSPs. Activating NMDARs by small concentration of NMDA induced a trend of increased firing. These results suggest that fEPSPs are mediated by synaptic activation of AMPARs, while spontaneous firing is regulated by the activation of extrasynaptic NMDARs. Synaptotoxic Abeta(1-42) increased firing activity without modifying evoked fEPSPs. This hyperexcitation was prevented by ifenprodil, an antagonist of the NR2B NMDARs. Overall, these results suggest that Abeta(1-42) induced neuronal overactivity is not dependent on AMPARs but requires NR2B

    Abeta(1-42) Enhances Neuronal Excitability in the CA1 via NR2B Subunit-Containing NMDA Receptors

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    Neuronal hyperexcitability is a phenomenon associated with early Alzheimer’s disease. The underlying mechanism is considered to involve excessive activation of glutamate receptors; however, the exact molecular pathway remains to be determined. Extracellular recording from the CA1 of hippocampal slices is a long-standing standard for a range of studies both in basic research and in neuropharmacology. Evoked field potentials (fEPSPs) are regarded as the input, while spiking rate is regarded as the output of the neuronal network; however, the relationship between these two phenomena is not fully clear. We investigated the relationship between spontaneous spiking and evoked fEPSPs using mouse hippocampal slices. Blocking AMPA receptors (AMPARs) with CNQX abolished fEPSPs, but left firing rate unchanged. NMDA receptor (NMDAR) blockade with MK801 decreased neuronal spiking dose dependently without altering fEPSPs. Activating NMDARs by small concentration of NMDA induced a trend of increased firing. These results suggest that fEPSPs are mediated by synaptic activation of AMPARs, while spontaneous firing is regulated by the activation of extrasynaptic NMDARs. Synaptotoxic Abeta(1-42) increased firing activity without modifying evoked fEPSPs. This hyperexcitation was prevented by ifenprodil, an antagonist of the NR2B NMDARs. Overall, these results suggest that Abeta(1-42) induced neuronal overactivity is not dependent on AMPARs but requires NR2B