4,562 research outputs found

    Robust Speech Detection for Noisy Environments

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    This paper presents a robust voice activity detector (VAD) based on hidden Markov models (HMM) to improve speech recognition systems in stationary and non-stationary noise environments: inside motor vehicles (like cars or planes) or inside buildings close to high traffic places (like in a control tower for air traffic control (ATC)). In these environments, there is a high stationary noise level caused by vehicle motors and additionally, there could be people speaking at certain distance from the main speaker producing non-stationary noise. The VAD presented in this paper is characterized by a new front-end and a noise level adaptation process that increases significantly the VAD robustness for different signal to noise ratios (SNRs). The feature vector used by the VAD includes the most relevant Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC), normalized log energy and delta log energy. The proposed VAD has been evaluated and compared to other well-known VADs using three databases containing different noise conditions: speech in clean environments (SNRs mayor que 20 dB), speech recorded in stationary noise environments (inside or close to motor vehicles), and finally, speech in non stationary environments (including noise from bars, television and far-field speakers). In the three cases, the detection error obtained with the proposed VAD is the lowest for all SNRs compared to Acero¿s VAD (reference of this work) and other well-known VADs like AMR, AURORA or G729 annex b

    Combining pulse-based features for rejecting far-field speech in a HMM-based Voice Activity Detector. Computers & Electrical Engineering (CAEE).

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    Nowadays, several computational techniques for speech recognition have been proposed. These techniques suppose an important improvement in real time applications where speaker interacts with speech recognition systems. Although researchers proposed many methods, none of them solve the high false alarm problem when far-field speakers interfere in a human-machine conversation. This paper presents a two-class (speech and non-speech classes) decision-tree based approach for combining new speech pulse features in a VAD (Voice Activity Detector) for rejecting far-field speech in speech recognition systems. This Decision Tree is applied over the speech pulses obtained by a baseline VAD composed of a frame feature extractor, a HMM-based (Hidden Markov Model) segmentation module and a pulse detector. The paper also presents a detailed analysis of a great amount of features for discriminating between close and far-field speech. The detection error obtained with the proposed VAD is the lowest compared to other well-known VAD

    Machine learning techniques to select Be star candidates. An application in the OGLE-IV Gaia south ecliptic pole field

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    Statistical pattern recognition methods have provided competitive solutions for variable star classification at a relatively low computational cost. In order to perform supervised classification, a set of features is proposed and used to train an automatic classification system. Quantities related to the magnitude density of the light curves and their Fourier coefficients have been chosen as features in previous studies. However, some of these features are not robust to the presence of outliers and the calculation of Fourier coefficients is computationally expensive for large data sets. We propose and evaluate the performance of a new robust set of features using supervised classifiers in order to look for new Be star candidates in the OGLE-IV Gaia south ecliptic pole field. We calculated the proposed set of features on six types of variable stars and on a set of Be star candidates reported in the literature. We evaluated the performance of these features using classification trees and random forests along with K-nearest neighbours, support vector machines, and gradient boosted trees methods. We tuned the classifiers with a 10-fold cross-validation and grid search. We validated the performance of the best classifier on a set of OGLE-IV light curves and applied this to find new Be star candidates. The random forest classifier outperformed the others. By using the random forest classifier and colour criteria we found 50 Be star candidates in the direction of the Gaia south ecliptic pole field, four of which have infrared colours consistent with Herbig Ae/Be stars. Supervised methods are very useful in order to obtain preliminary samples of variable stars extracted from large databases. As usual, the stars classified as Be stars candidates must be checked for the colours and spectroscopic characteristics expected for them

    Effectiveness of the “Mente Sana [Healthy Mind]” Cognitive Training Program for Older Illiterate Adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment

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    Aging can lead to functional and cognitive alterations, sometimes limiting older adults in their social development, especially illiterate groups of older adults who receive poor attention from healthcare systems. In this context, the present investigation proposes the cognitive training program “MENTE SANA [HEALTHY MIND]” to improve the cognitive functions of illiterate older adults in Arequipa (Peru). It is a type of quasi-experimental research with a pre-test/post-test design with a homogenous control group. The sample was made up of adults 60 years old and above and of female gender. The Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) test was used to detect the level of cognitive decline in illiterate older adults. The 50-sessions program was applied to all the older adults with mild cognitive impairment that were selected for the study, on a daily basis. It was found that the tested group improved their cognitive functions compared to the control group. These results help to propose adapted cognitive training programs for illiterate people.Universidad Nacional de San Agustin de Arequipa TPCS-02-2019-UNS

    Instrumento de valoración familiar por el modelo de dominios de la taxonomía II de NANDA

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    Introduction: A family is healthy when a balance among the control, growth, stability and spirituality of each of its members is achieved with the surrounding environment (2). Objective: To design a validated instrument that permits family assessment based on the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA) Taxonomy II domains model. Methodology: A quantitative design, of the psychometric technological type with descriptive data analysis. The sample for the validation of the instrument comprised eight nursing professionals. In addition, a pilot test was conducted; 40 families from the cities of Bucaramanga and Santa Marta, Colombia, including 20 from each city, participated. For the content validation, the Modified Lawshe’s Model was considered. Results: There was a general consensus among the evaluating judges regarding the validation of the content of the instrument. Cronbach’s alpha was 0.847. Regarding Spearman’s rho nonparametric correlation, there was a good correlation among the items considered by the instrument, with a value of r greater than 0.5, a significance level of <0.05 and a p-value of zero. Conclusions: A bibliographical review was performed, according to the context of family. The Family Assessment Instrument, based on the NANDA Taxonomy II Domains Model and consisting of 45 items, was designed. Consensus among the evaluating judges, a reliability by means of Cronbach's alpha value greater than 0.7 and significant Spearman’s rho nonparametric correlations among some items of the instrument were found.Introducción: Una familia es saludable cuando se logra un equilibrio entre el control, crecimiento, la estabilidad y  la espiritualidad de cada uno de sus integrantes con el entorno que los rodea (2). Objetivo: Diseñar un instrumento validado que permita la valoración familiar por el Modelo de Dominios de la Taxonomía II de NANDA. Metodología: Diseño cuantitativo, de tipo tecnológica psicométrica con análisis de datos descriptivos. La muestra para la validación del instrumento fue de 8 profesionales en enfermería; además, se realizó una prueba piloto en donde participaron 40 familias pertenecientes a las ciudades de Bucaramanga y Santa Marta, Colombia, 20 para cada ciudad. Para la validación de contenido, se tuvo en cuenta el Modelo de Lawshe Modificado. Resultados: Existió un consenso general entre los jueces evaluadores en la validación de contenido del Instrumento, el  Coeficiente Alpha de Cronbach fue de 0.847, la correlación no paramétrica Rho de Spearman, arrojó una buena correlación entre los ítems contemplados en el instrumento, con un valor de r mayor de 0.5 y un nivel de significancia < de 0.05, con un valor de p de cero. Conclusiones: Se encontró consenso entre los jueces evaluadores, una fiabilidad por medio del Alpha de Cronbach superior a 0.7 y correlaciones no paramétrica Rho de Spearman significativas entre algunos ítems del instrumento

    Un análisis jurisprudencial sobre la figura del indefinido no fijo en la Administración Pública española

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    La contratación del personal laboral por tiempo determinado en fraude de ley y la imposibilidad de la adquisición de fijeza en el ámbito de la contratación pública ha abocado a la creación jurisprudencial del ‘indefinido no fijo’, a finales de la última década del siglo XX. Ello se debe a la existencia de una concurrencia conflictiva entre la protección que otorga el ET al trabajador y los principios constitucionales y legales que rigen el acceso al empleo público. La falta de regulación normativa y las peculiaridades que caracterizan a esta figura hacen que los trabajadores a los que se les ha atribuido tal condición se hallen en un contexto de inseguridad jurídica. Por esta razón, en el presente estudio se indaga en la ordenación jurídica que les resulta aplicable, así como en las similitudes y diferencias de su régimen jurídico respecto de otro tipo de trabajadores que prestan sus servicios para la Administración Pública española. El objetivo es centrar la atención en los puntos más controvertidos del referido régimen, especialmente desde la perspectiva jurisprudencial y doctrinal, con la idea de avanzar en el análisis de la figura desde su conformación inicial hasta la actualidad.The labour staff hiring’s for a specific period of time using fraudulent methods and the impossibility of acquiring a permanent contract in the field of public contracting has led to the jurisprudential development of the ‘indefinite not fixed’ at the end of the last decade of the 20th century. This is due to the existence of a conflicting concurrence between the protection granted by the ET to the worker and the constitutional and legal principles governing access to public employment. The lack of normative regulation and the peculiarities that characterise this figure mean that the workers to whom such status has been attributed find themselves in a context of legal uncertainty. For this reason, this study investigates the legal arrangement that is applicable to them, as well as the similarities and differences of their legal regime compared to other types of workers who provide their services for the Spanish Public Administration. The objective is to focus attention on the most controversial points of the referred regime, especially from the jurisprudential and doctrinal perspective, with the idea of advancing in the analysis of the figure from its initial formation to the present

    Pràctica d'obra: nova construcció d'edifici aïllat d'onze habitatges a Les Presses (La Garrotxa)

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    El treball s’ha estructurat segons la normativa d’elaboració de projecte de fi de carrera dels estudis de 1er cicle. Les tres parts principals són la introducció, el nucli de la memòria amb els seus annexes corresponents i les conclusions. La introducció explica els motius de la realització del treball, així com el període en el que es va realitzar la pràctica i les fases que va contemplar. El nucli de la memòria conté els següents apartats: - Documentació prèvia al començament de l’obra: Es fa una breu explicació del projecte executiu, l’estudi de seguretat i salut i el programa de control de qualitat. - Anàlisi del projecte executiu: Conté els errors i incongruències detectades a la memòria, la documentació gràfica i el pressupost del projecte executiu. - Estat de l’obra al iniciar la pràctica: És una breu explicació de l’estat de l’obra en el moment de l’inici de la pràctica (25-08-2008), per situar al lector del context de l’obra, donat que aquesta va començar 4 mesos abans de la pràctica. - Execució: És el document que contempla els fets més destacables que s’han donat durant els 6 mesos de la pràctica. Es divideix en varis subapartats que corresponen a les diferents fases d’obra estudiades. - Estudi econòmic de l’obra: Es fa una relació dels desviaments econòmics i els motius pels quals han aparegut. - Estat de l’obra al finalitzar la pràctica: És una breu explicació de l’estat en que es trobava l’obra en el moment de finalitzar la pràctica (21-02-2009). Els annexes contenen documents relacionats amb els temes desenvolupats a la memòria. És on s’han inclòs, entre d’altres, els informes realitzats amb caràcter setmanal, que recullen tots els aspectes de l’obra que poden ser d’interès per a entendre la seva evolució. Per últim, a les conclusions es citen les idees principals extretes durant el procés de realització del treball

    Estimulación del nervio vago para el tratamiento de la epilepsia refractaria al tratamiento médico en el Hospital Universitario de Canarias.

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    Alrededor de un 30% de los pacientes que sufren epilepsia presentan resistencia al tratamiento farmacológico. En el Hospital Universitario de Canarias (HUC) existe la unidad médico-quirúrgica de epilepsia refractaria, que actúa como referencia para tratar estos casos en la Comunidad Autónoma. El tratamiento quirúrgico de elección se basa en la resección del foco epileptógeno; sin embargo, un elevado número de pacientes no presenta un foco claro (origen multifocal) o lo presenta en una zona elocuente del cerebro (regiones irresecables). Estos pacientes son candidatos a la implantación de un estimulador del nervio vago (ENV), terapia neuroquirúrgica aprobada por la FDA en 1997 y realizada en el HUC desde el año 2007. El propósito de este Trabajo de Fin de Grado es analizar los resultados de la implantación del estimulador del nervio vago (efectividad, complicaciones…) en pacientes que han sido sometidos a dicha intervención por parte del Servicio de Neurocirugía del HUC. Para ello, se va a extraer información de las historias clínicas de los pacientes a partir de una base de datos electrónica codificada en números de historia de los mismos. El modelo del estudio es observacional retrospectivo y no se realizará ninguna intervención diagnósticoterapéutica como parte de este. Se incluirán todos los pacientes intervenidos por el Servicio de Neurocirugía del HUC desde el año 2007, independientemente de su edad y sexo, siendo excluidos aquellos en los que conste una objeción a participar en proyectos de investigación. Con esta información se crearán grupos de respuesta al ENV que nos permitirá hacer un estudio por separado y comparativo entre dichos grupos.About 30% of patients that suffer from epilepsy show resistance to pharmacological treatment. In the Hospital Universitario de Canarias (HUC) there is a medical-surgical unit for refractory epilepsy, which acts as a reference to treat these cases in the Autonomous Community. The elegible surgical treatment is based on resection of the epileptogenic focus; however, a large number of patients do not have a clear focus (multifocal origin) or it is presented in an eloquent area of the brain (unresectable regions). These patients are candidates for implantation of a vagus nerve stimulator (VNS), neurosurgical therapy approved by the FDA in 1997 and performed at the HUC since 2007. The purpose of this Final Degree Project is to analyze the results of the implantation of the vagus nerve stimulator (effectiveness, complications ...) in patients who have undergone such intervention by the HUC Neurosurgery Service. For this, information will be extracted from the patient's medical records, from an electronic database encoded in patient’s history numbers. The study model is retrospective observational and no diagnostic-therapeutic interventions will be performed as part of it. All patients operated on by the HUC Neurosurgery Service since 2007, regardless of their age and sex, will be included, excluding those with an objection to participating in research projects. With this information, VNS response groups will be created to make a separated and comparative study between these groups

    A convolutional network for the classification of sleep stages

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    Trátase dun resumo estendido da ponencia[Abstract] The classification of sleep stages is a crucial task in the context of sleep medicine. It involves the analysis of multiple signals thus being tedious and complex. Even for a trained physician scoring a whole night sleep study can take several hours. Most of the automatic methods trying to solve this problem use human engineered features biased for a specific dataset. In this work we use deep learning to avoid human bias. We propose an ensemble of 5 convolutional networks achieving a kappa index of 0.83 when classifying 500 sleep studies.Xunta de Galicia; ED431G/0