29 research outputs found


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    La définition des politiques de conservation des ressources naturelles dépend pratiquement que du niveau de connaissances que nous possédons sur ces ressources à un moment donné, d’où le besoin d’étudier les différentes formes et expressions de la variabilité naturelle, soit dans un cadre intégré des ressources biologiques et de leurs habitats respectifs, soit dans un cadre évolutif en fonction des variations des facteurs abiotiques. Le Cap Vert est un petit pays insulaire très dépendant de la conjoncture internationale et très vulnérable aux problèmes écologiques qui affligent actuellement le monde moderne. Ses écosystèmes sont naturellement fragiles et leur base génétique – très limitée – ne résistera pas à une exploitation déchaînée et déréglementée de la biodiversité. Il est donc nécessaire et urgent d’adopter des stratégies de développement qui puissent intégrer l’homme capverdien dans des processus interactifs de mitigation des effets néfastes de cette pression, soit des stratégies capables d’assimiler, d’intégrer et de minimiser les dégâts naturels d’origine anthropique. Le présent rapport, structuré par chapitres, de I à IX, est le « Deuxième Rapport National sur l’Etat de la Biodiversité au Cap Vert », qui sera présenté à la Conférence des Parties Signataires de la Convention sur la Diversité Biologique1. La rédaction et la structuration du rapport sauvegarde une certaine indépendance d’un chapitre à l’autre en termes de compréhension, tout en essayant de suivre une séquence logique et de compréhension globale du contenu. Ce Rapport présente un bilan de l’état actuel de la biodiversité au Cap Vert, en s’appuyant sur les connaissances existantes en 1998, ainsi que sur de nouvelles connaissances résultant de la mise en oeuvre, au cours des trois dernières années, de programmes et projets, nationaux et internationaux, en matière de recherche et développement. Les divers chapitres font l'approche de l’essentiel des informations considérées importantes dans les études de la faune et de la flore, des écosystèmes marin et terrestre, ainsi que l’état d’avancement des connaissances sur les interactions homme-environnement dans l’espace géographique national.GEF/ PNUD - PROJET CVI/00/G41/A/1G/9

    Traços da personalidade borderline na população geral adulta

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    Tese de mestrado, Psicologia (Secção de Psicologia Clínica e da Saúde, Núcleo de Psicologia Clínica Dinâmica), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Psicologia, 2018Esta dissertação aborda a temática dos Traços da Personalidade Borderline e da sua relação com as dimensões do Modelo do DSM-5, na população geral adulta, sendo a perturbação da personalidade borderline de importante relevância na atualidade. Esta investigação insere-se na área da Psicologia Clínica e tem três objetivos principais: (1) explorar as relações entre o Sexo e a Idade com as dimensões do Modelo dos Cinco Fatores e do Modelo do DSM-5, num grupo com traços borderline e num grupo normativo; (2) explorar as diferenças entre um grupo com traços borderline e um grupo normativo nos traços patológicos do Modelo do DSM-5; e (3) explorar quais as dimensões do Modelo dos Cinco Fatores que predizem as dimensões patológicas do Modelo do DSM-5, no grupo com traços borderline. A amostra deste estudo divide-se em dois grupos, ambos com participantes da população geral adulta com idade superior ou igual a 18 anos: (1) grupo com traços borderline, com 59 participantes (M = 36.25 anos; DP = 14.33 anos); e (2) grupo normativo, com 97 participantes (M = 36.25 anos; DP = 12.31 anos). Foram administrados dois questionários de autorrelato: NEO-FFI (NEO-Five Factor Inventory) e PID-5 (Personality Inventory for DSM-5). As mulheres apresentam uma relação com a Afetividade Negativa, no grupo com traços borderline, e os homens com o Antagonismo, no grupo normativo. Não existem associações com a variável Idade. O grupo com traços borderline apresenta resultados médios mais elevados em todas as dimensões psicopatológicas do PID-5. As dimensões PID-5 Total, Antagonismo, Desinibição e Psicoticismo, apresentam o traço Neuroticismo como preditor. A Afetividade Negativa é predita pelas dimensões Neuroticismo (β = .72) e Extroversão (β = .23), que explicam 88% dos resultados. O Desligamento é predito pelas dimensões Neuroticismo (β = 1.28) e Extroversão (β = - .40), que explicam 83% dos resultados. A presença de traços da personalidade borderline parece traduzir-se em níveis mais elevados de patologia, aparecendo o Neuroticismo como preditor de todas as dimensões psicopatológicas. O estudo e a identificação dos traços de personalidade borderline permitirão o reconhecimento e a prevenção em populações de risco para o desenvolvimento da patologia.This dissertation focuses on the Borderline Personality Traits and its relationship with the dimensions of the DSM-5 Model, in the general adult population, being the borderline personality disorder of great and important relevance nowadays. This research is part of the Clinical Psychology field and has three main objectives: (1) to explore the relationships between Sex and Age with the Five Factor Model and the DSM-5 Model dimensions in a group with borderline traits and in a normative group; (2) to explore the differences between a group with borderline traits and a normative group in the pathological traits of the DSM-5 Model; and (3) to explore which dimensions of the Five Factor Model predict the pathological dimensions of the DSM-5 Model in the group with borderline traits. The study sample was divided into two groups, both with participants from the general adult population aged over 18 years: (1) borderline trait group, with 59 participants (M = 36.25 years, SD = 14.33 years); and (2) normative group, with 97 participants (M = 36.25 years, SD = 12.31 years). Two self-report questionnaires were applied: NEO-FFI (NEO-Five Factor Inventory) and PID-5 (Personality Inventory for DSM-5). Women are related to Negative Affectivity, in the group with borderline traits, and men with Antagonism, in the normative group. There are no associations with the Age variable. The group with borderline features presents higher mean results in all psychopathological dimensions of PID-5. The dimensions Total PID-5, Antagonism, Disinhibition and Psychoticism, present the trait Neuroticism as a predictor. Negative Affectivity is predicted by Neuroticism (β = .72) and Extroversion (β = .23), which explain 88% of the results. Detachment is also predicted by these dimensions: Neuroticism (β = 1.28) and Extroversion (β = - .40), which explain 83% of the results. The presence of borderline personality traits seems to translate into higher levels of pathology, with Neuroticism appearing as a predictor of all psychopathological dimensions in this study. The study and identification of the borderline personality traits will allow the recognition and prevention in populations at risk for the development of the pathology

    Key enabling technologies, methodologies, frameworks, tools and techniques of smart and sustainable systems

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    For manufacturing systems, Industry 4.0 (I4.0) is currently considered a big challenge and is closely related to intelligent manufacturing or production, alongside a more or less wide set of technologies, methodologies, frameworks, tools and techniques. I4.0 encompasses a diversity of approaches to enable the progress of production systems, resulting in shortened production times, production efficiencies, product quality, customization and flexibility of performance. Due to the general awareness about the importance of enabling intelligent manufacturing alongside sustainable production, sustainability is gaining renewed importance. Due to the importance of the theme, there is a need for an updated review of the main enabling approaches of I4.0 for sustainable manufacturing systems. For this purpose, a literature review was conducted considering the research question: Is there increased attention being given to sustainability issues nowadays in Industry 4.0? Through this work, it was possible to verify the main I4.0 and sustainability pillars considered in academia, which for I4.0 are the integration of horizontal and vertical systems, with 94% of the relevant articles mentioning this pillar. The additive manufacturing and 3D printing was refered in 56% of the relevant articles, and for sustainability, the economic pillar was mentioned with 95%, being the main one, with a large difference from other factors.This work has been supported by FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the R&D Units Project Scope: UIDB/00319/2020

    O contributo da origem e das práticas silvícolas na sustentabilidade dos montados de sobro

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    Considerando que, num contexto global de exigência crescente das sociedades e de implementação de políticas de gestão sustentável dos recursos naturais, cabe às entidades e agentes ligados ao sector participar de uma forma activa numa adequada aplicação e inovação das práticas existentes, os autores pretendem dar um contributo para o melhoramento dos montados de sobro e para a obtenção de um maior rendimento em cortiça. Nesse sentido entendem que os esforços desenvolvidos para a identificação de populações de sobreiro mais adaptadas devem ser completados com a aplicação de práticas silvícolas que conduzam a um maior rendimento em cortiça. Assim, foram implementados cortes de formação nas primeiras idades em ensaios genéticos de sobreiro existentes no nosso País, pertencentes a uma rede internacional, que cobrem no seu conjunto toda a área de distribuição da espécie, com o objectivo de obter fustes direitos e cilíndricos em pelo menos 3 a 4 m do tronco, contribuindo de uma forma efectiva e directa para uma maior valorização da prancha de cortiça e consequentemente proporcionar uma mais-valia no rendimento do proprietário florestal. A variação observada quer ao nível das populações quer das descendências nestes ensaios é indicativo que não é indiferente a escolha da população a utilizar nas acções de repovoamento, assim como na implementação de um programa de melhoramento, apontando também para a necessidade de seleccionar os indivíduos dentro das populações. A experiência adquirida relativamente à poda de formação aconselha que esta operação seja efectuada num período de crescimento activo das plantas para garantir uma cicatrização rápida dos tecidos e uma menor rebentação nas zonas dos cortes

    O contributo da origem e das práticas silvícolas na sustentabilidade dos montados de sobro

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    Considerando que, num contexto global de exigência crescente das sociedades e de implementação de políticas de gestão sustentável dos recursos naturais, cabe às entidades e agentes ligados ao sector participar de uma forma activa numa adequada aplicação e inovação das práticas existentes, os autores pretendem dar um contributo para o melhoramento dos montados de sobro e para a obtenção de um maior rendimento em cortiça. Nesse sentido entendem que os esforços desenvolvidos para a identificação de populações de sobreiro mais adaptadas devem ser completados com a aplicação de práticas silvícolas que conduzam a um maior rendimento em cortiça. Assim, foram implementados cortes de formação nas primeiras idades em ensaios genéticos de sobreiro existentes no nosso País, pertencentes a uma rede internacional, que cobrem no seu conjunto toda a área de distribuição da espécie, com o objectivo de obter fustes direitos e cilíndricos em pelo menos 3 a 4 m do tronco, contribuindo de uma forma efectiva e directa para uma maior valorização da prancha de cortiça e consequentemente proporcionar uma mais-valia no rendimento do proprietário florestal. A variação observada quer ao nível das populações quer das descendências nestes ensaios é indicativo que não é indiferente a escolha da população a utilizar nas acções de repovoamento, assim como na implementação de um programa de melhoramento, apontando também para a necessidade de seleccionar os indivíduos dentro das populações. A experiência adquirida relativamente à poda de formação aconselha que esta operação seja efectuada num período de crescimento activo das plantas para garantir uma cicatrização rápida dos tecidos e uma menor rebentação nas zonas dos cortes

    Genetic variation of cork oak a tool for improving regeneration of cork oak woodlands

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    The European Academies' Science Advisory Council (2017) reports that the Mediterranean forest is already being affected by climate change (IPCC, 2014) and cork oak woodlands are particularly vulnerable to high-end climate scenarios that go above the Paris Agreement 2° C increase in temperature. Since longer, more frequent, and more intense drought periods are expected, stress caused by the expansion of arid and semi-arid climate will affect the species distribution. Consequently, not only established stands may be prone to tree mortality, but also the current reforestation effort may be jeopardized by low survival rates attributed to the use of unsuitable genetic material. It is expected that, through genetic adaptation and/or phenotypic plasticity, cork oak populations may have developed significant differences in fitness and the traits related to it. In this context, provenance and progeny trials are the best resource of material to assess the variability between and within populations from seed sources sampled in a wide range of locations (stands) covering the geographical distribution of the species. Profiting from the multi-locality provenance and progeny trials belonging to a Network, established in 1998, in the initiative frame of FAIR I CT 0202 for the evaluation of genetic resources of cork oak for appropriate use in breeding and gene conservation strategies”, where 35 cork oak populations covering all the natural distribution area are represented. The provenance trials that where set up in different countries are entering now the age of first debarking and this should allow to have first data about the influence of genetics on production by different site qualities. INCREDIBLE project should document this knowledgeFAIR I CT 0202info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    L’origine du matériel de reproduction et les pratiques sylvicoles: outils pour la durabilité des subéraies

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    Dans le contexte actuel de l’exigence croissante de la société et de l’implémentation des politiques de gestion durable des ressources naturelles et face aux risques des changements climatiques, il incombe aux entités et agents liés au secteur une participation active à l’application adéquate et à l'innovation des pratiques forestières. Les auteurs prétendent apporter une contribution à l'amélioration des forêts de chênes liège afin d’améliorer leur rendement en liège. Dans ce contexte, les efforts développés pour identifier les populations de chêne-liège les plus adaptées devraient être complétés par l'application des pratiques sylvicoles qui permettront l’augmentation de ce rendement. Des tailles de formation ont été réalisées sur des jeunes essais génétiques de chêne liège âgés de 11 ans, installés au Portugal (nombre de sujets, date tailles, etc). L'objectif principal de ces tailles est d’obtenir un fût rectiligne d'au moins 3 à 4 m afin de valoriser les planches de liège et par conséquent fournir une valeur ajoutée aux revenus du propriétaire forestier. Les variations observées, que ce soit au niveau des populations (donner ces variations) ou au niveau des descendances (donner ces variations) révèlent l’importance du choix des populations à utiliser dans le reboisement et dans les programmes d'amélioration génétique. Cela met en évidence la nécessité de sélectionner les individus au sein des populations. Donner plus de résultats chiffrés au résuméPTDC/AGR-AAM/104364/200

    Provenance behavior in the cork-oak International network trials fair 202

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    The international network of provenance trials in cork-oak was established as a result of the EU Concerted Action FAIR 202, 1995-2000. 34 provenances were selected in the natural range of cork oak and trials were established in 1996/97 in France, Italy, Portugal, Tunisia and Spain. This study compares the behavior of provenances in the trials of Grighini (Sardinia), Monte Fava and Quinta da Nogueira (Portugal), Monfrague (Spain), Les Maures (France) and Tebabe (Tunisia). Observations on total height (Ht) and diameter at beast height (DBH) are used to compare and assess adaptation within sites and among sites. Climate at the provenance site seed collection and at trials sites is used to characterize the behavior of provenances. The results reveal that the provenances, ES 5 (1063 mm), IT16 (910 mm), IT12 (937 mm), 937, TU32 (948 mm), FR2 (958 mm, FR1 (963 mm, MA31 (970 mm), ES8 (993 mm) are able to adapt and show good growth under conditions of decrease of total annual rainfall and strong decrease in case of TU33 (1610mm), MA27 (1280 mm). On the other hand provenances coming from sites of low precipitation not always show relevant performance in sites of higher precipitation as IT14 (448 mm), ES10 (455 mm), MA29 (479 mm). These results are discussed in the impact climate change (CC) may have in adaptation and evolution of cork oak. Our results show that cork oak will not face serious threats if drought increases in the Mediterranean region, since some populations are showing capable to cope successfully with decrease of total precipitation. The ongoing results from the cork-oak international network trials FAIR 202 show the importance of this line of research and the need to establish harmonized criteria on data collection to enhance the comparability. As cork quality is a key issue on cork-oak economic sustainability it is critical to establish harmonized criteria in cork harvesting for further studies to compare cork quality with special reference for the assessment of the genetic control of cork production and heritability.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Geographic variation in cork oak and its implications for expected impacts of climate change

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    Cork oak (Quercus suber L.) is a protected tree species in Portugal, being also the source of raw material for the cork industry, a major player in Portuguese economy (representing 3% of GDP in 2010). The future climatic scenarios for Portugal point to an increase in average summer temperatures from 0.3 to 0.7ºC between 2016 and 2035, and up to 4.6ºC until 2100. In addition, precipitation estimates suggest a reduction of annual rainfall from 20 to 40%, especially in southern Portugal. Water stress will, therefore, be a leading constraint to primary production. The combined effects of drought and high temperatures will lead to decreases in carbon assimilation and increases in tree mortality, and consequently current reforestation efforts will need to account for these expected adverse outcomes through the sustainable use of suitable genetic material. There are several reasons that can be highlighted to emphasize the need for an efficient management of cork oak genetic resources in Portugal, namely: i) to avoid cork import, and thus to increase cork production to meet the industry demands; ii) to overcome a generally poor area of natural regeneration, which does not help to ensure an in situ conservation of genetic resources; iii) to deploy adapted genetic material for afforestation/reforestation; and iv) to develop a gene resources conservation program, as cork oak is a vital component of agro-silvopastoral systems in the Mediterranean region. Given the broad native range of the species, involving significant environmental and geographic gradients, a high level of genetic variation can be expected. It is possible that disruptive selection has caused a large differentiation in adaptive traits among populations, namely in the ability to tolerate different environmental stress events (e.g. drought and frost) and to cope with pests and diseases. Between 1998 and 2011, we have collected data involving survival, growth, phenology and water-use efficiency traits from five common-garden provenance trials (including family structure in two of the trials), that were established in Portugal under a concerted action launched by the EUFORGEN’s network. These multi-site field experiments are based on up to 35 tested provenances covering the entire natural distribution of cork oak, and results obtained from the genetic evaluation of the trials have indicated significant differences among populations for all the measured traits at all observed ages. Four of the tested provenances (Alpujarras – Haza de Lino, Puglia – Lucci - S. Teresa, Landes - Soustons, Rif Occidental – Ain Rami) were then chosen according to their contrasting field performance for growth, phenology and water-use efficiency (WUE), and were further evaluated under controlled-environment conditions where drought stress was induced. In this context, the main drivers of drought adaptation appeared to be early stomatal closure and root investment, which also showed significant differences among the selected provenances. The responses to drought over time also varied among these studied populations, and seemed to be related to their differences in growth rhythm. The Ain Rami population seemed to be most prone population to endure drought conditions. Facing a water deficit scenario this population, with highest growth, showed a higher investment on roots compared to the Haza de Lino population, that even under optimal hydration status, had lower biomass values, more reduced transpiration area (smallest size, with lowest Specific Leaf Area), leading to a lower water consumption. This population showed a delay in onset of stress when compared to other populations, only revealed no stomatal limitations with high stress levels. Furthermore, Ain Rami showed higher WUE under drought conditions both in the field trials and under controlled conditions, but average WUE in wet conditions. The results from the field and controlled-environment experiments were consistent in that geographic origin had an important influence on the performance of fitness surrogates and functional traits, and thus providing a strong indication that seed origin must be considered in cork oak reforestation programs.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Évaluation préliminaire des essais de provenances de chêne-liège et perspectives de recherche

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    Le réseau international des essais de provenance et de descendance de chêne-liège (établie dans le cadre du projet Action Concertée FAIR CT 95-202 “European network for the evaluation of genetic resources of cork oak for appropriate use in breeding and gene conservation strategies” financé par l’Union Européenne) constitue un matériel vivant unique pour la recherche, qu’elle soit appliquée, ou fondamental, sur l’espèce. Les essais génétiques ont été réalisés sur une base méthodologique harmonisée au niveau des plants utilisés (tous les plants ont été élevées dans une même pépinière au Portugal) et sur terrain un même dispositif expérimental a été suivi. En 1997/98, 13 essais de provenances ont été établis. Ceux ayant réussi sont situés en Espagne (2), France (1), Italie (3), Portugal (3) et Tunisie (1). Concernent les essais de descendances il existe 4 des 5 initiales - Espagne (1), Portugal (2) et Tunisie (1). Dans ce travail nous présentons quelques résultats du comportement des provenances à travers des caractéristiques adaptatifs tels que la survie, l’efficacité d’utilisation de l’eau et des études de génomique. Nous avons procédé à la comparaison de chaque provenance dans les essais - niveau horizontal- et à la comparaison de chaque provenance entre les essais - niveau vertical afin de discuter la plasticité phénotypique et l’interaction génotype X environnement. Les données disponibles pour hauteur en 2006 montre des différences de comportement entre provenances et entre les essais. Par exemple, les provenances du Maroc montre une croissance supérieure dans l’essai plus au Sud au Portugal et aussi dans un essai en Espagne. Pour l’essai de Sardaigne les meilleures provenances sont de Tunisie et d’Espagne. A la fin on discute sur les avantages des essais comme matériel vivant dénominateur commun pour une recherche avancée, multidisciplinaire, synergétique, transnational et concertée. Les perspectives pour la recherche sur les grands thèmes tels que la gestion durable du chêne-liège, notamment la sélection, amélioration génétique, adaptation aux changements globaux, fluxes génétiques, problèmes phytosanitaires, qualité du liège en liaison avec la respective génomique sont adressées.PTDC/AGR-AAM/104364/200