686 research outputs found

    Le bon goût de bouchon - Plaidoyer pour des bouchons en liège -

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    Dans cet article, Maria-Carolina Varela fait un plaidoyer pour l’utilisation du liège dans le bouchage des vins. L’avenir des suberaies en dépend. Cela passe, entre autres, par une communication efficace, pour faire retrouver “le bon goût de bouchon” aux consommateurs

    Chêne-liège et changement climatique : les apports de l’amélioration génétique

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    International audienc

    Dépérissement des peuplements de chêne-liège et changement climatique

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    L'état des subéraies des pays du pourtour méditerranéen est préoccupant, surtout depuis les années 1990. Cependant, il semblerait que les types d'exploitation des subéraies jouent un rôle important dans la régénération des chênes-lièges.?Ainsi, il convient de sélectionner les individus pour augmenter la diversité, l'adaptation des peuplements et la résistance aux contraintes climatiques, mais aussi améliorer les formes d'aménagement pour une meilleure adaptation aux facteurs du milieu

    Planter du chêne-liège à collet enterré

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    Planter des chênes-lièges en enterrant le collet des plants de pépinières est une technique initiée au Portugal et récemment validée en France dans le massif des Maures (Var). On obtient ainsi un meilleur taux de reprise ainsi qu’une amélioration de la hauteur et de la conformation des plants. L’emploi d’abris-serres tubex™ de 60 cm s’est révélé également favorable pour limiter la plagiotropie

    Méthodes de régénération du chêne-liège au Portugal

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    Les reboisements, la régénération naturelle et la restauration des peuplements sont des aspects essentiels de la gestion durable des suberaies. Dans cet article, on compare les méthodes de régénération du chêne-liège au Portugal : régénération naturelle, régénération naturelle en situation de pastoralisme, semis direct, plantation et rejets de souche. Les aspects liés à la nécessité d’assurer variabilité génétique et adaptation sont aussi considérés. Les diverses méthodes sont décrites avec une référence spéciale aux aspects qui conditionnent l’application comme le sylvo-pastoralisme, la qualité de la station. Les avantages et inconvénients de chaque méthode sont abordés en termes environnementaux et de coût

    3D printed gluten-free cereal snack with incorporation of Spirulina (Arthrospira platensis) and/or Chlorella vulgaris

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    3D food printing is a recent technology promising to break cultural barriers by introducing new food sources such as microalgae, through innovative food shapes and textures, in a resource-scarce world whose sustainability is at stake because of the current intensive production of meat and agriculture products. The present work intends to create an innovative gluten-free cereal snack nutritionally improved by the incorporation of Chlorella vulgaris and Arthrospira platensis (“Spirulina”) biomass using 3D printing technology. Doughs without (control) or with microalgal biomass with different incorporation percentages (from 5 to 30 %) were tested and those showing the most adequate rheology (low viscoelastic moduli and apparent viscosity) and texture (low firmness, adhesiveness and high cohesiveness) properties for a correct printing process were selected and baked (control and 5 % microalgae incorporation). Nutritional characterization of the control and 5 % snacks was performed, in terms of total protein and lipid contents, ash, humidity, water activity, energy, and carbohydrates, as well as total phenolics, pigments and antioxidant activity. Physical traits of snacks, including their colour and size, were also analysed. Control snacks presented a lighter and yellow colour compared to snacks containing Chlorella and Spirulina, which had higher green chromaticity (Control: a* - 0.953, b* 21.3; Chlorella 5 %: a* - 2.20, b* 11.8; Spirulina 5 %: a* -1.05, b* 3.55). Nutritional characterization revealed that snacks containing Chlorella and Spirulina had both higher protein and essential minerals content. Overall, 5 % Spirulina snacks presented the best nutritional and sensory performance, with higher antioxidant activity, mineral and protein contents. These Spirulina-snacks deserved a positive sensory appreciation from consumersinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cork oak (Quercus suber)

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    These technical guidelines are intended to assist those who cherish the valuable cork oak genepool and its inheritance, through conserving valuable seed sources or use in practical forestry. The focus is on conserving the genetic diversity of the species at the European scale

    Growing up in Portugal: Cape Verdean ancestry children exhibit low overweight and obesity compared to Portuguese in urban Lisbon

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    Portugal has one of the highest rates of childhood overweight and obesity (OW/OB) in Europe. However little is known about the health of ethnic minorities living in its capital city, Lisbon. The Cape Verdean community in Lisbon tend to have low educational levels, material deprivation and they struggle with discrimination and racism, factors that would likely be associated with a higher prevalence of OW/OB. Data for the Cape Verdean population were collected in three different time periods by three different research teams in 1993, 2009 and 2013 and included children from 6 to 12 years living in Cova da Moura neighbourhood, Great Lisbon Metro Area (GLMA). The Portuguese national survey was collected between 2009/2010 at public and private schools in mainland Portugal and included height, weight, skinfolds, arm, and waist circumferences. From these survey data body mass index (BMI) and the prevalence of stunting, (chronic malnutrition - low height-for-age) and underweight (low-weight-for-age) were calculated according to reference values proposed by Frisancho (2008). Overweight and obesity values were defined based on the references established by the International Obesity Task Force (IOTF). Results show that there are significant differences in height for boys and girls between Cape Verdean and Portuguese children. Generally, Cape Verdeans’ growth falls within the healthy range of International growth references across all of the survey data collected. Cape Verdean rates for combined overnutrition (overweight and obesity) in 2013 (9.8% for boys and 16.7% for girls) are lower than the Portuguese (33% for boys and 31.7% for girls). Logistic regression models showed that Cape Verdean children have a lower risk of being OW/OB when accounting for breastfeeding,birthweight,maternal education and occupation. Despite living in a deprived neighbourhood these Cape Verdean children seem to have grown more healthily than Portuguese ancestry children. The challenge for policy makers will be to support improvement of the poverty related living conditions of this community without creating a risky environment for increasing prevalence of overweight and obesity

    Influência da qualidade dos materiais de reprodução na reflorestação com sobreiro

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    O sobreiro ocupa em Portugal cerca de 721000 ha o que corresponde a 21,5 % da área fl orestal nacional e 33% da área mundial (APCOR, 2005). A sua distribuição no território nacional traduz não só a sua adaptação a determinadas condições edafo-climaticas, mas tem sido condicionada por várias circunstancias, como o arroteamento, o fogo, o abuso do pastoreio, a exploração agrícola intensiva e as plantações fl orestais que contrariaram ou favoreceram a sua existência nesses locais (Natividade, 1950). A distribuição desta espécie é particularmente signifi cativa em zonas onde têm ocorrido acontecimentos climáticos graves e onde os níveis de desertifi cação humana são críticos. A fi leira da cortiça salienta-se por Portugal ocupar o primeiro lugar entre os países produtores, transformadores e exportadores de cortiça, correspondendo-lhe mais de metade da produção mundial desta matéria-prima. O nosso País é a origem de aproximadamente 60% das transacções de cortiça a nível mundial, valor que sobe para 80% quando nos referimos a transacções de produtos transformados. A nível nacional, o valor das exportações de cortiça representam aproximadamente 0,7% do PIB, 2,24% das exportações e correspondem a mais de 33% do conjunto das exportações de produtos fl orestais (APCOR, 2005). Para além da importância económica do sector corticeiro a nível nacional, o aumento da consciência e do interesse da sociedade nas questões ambientais, faz com que o montado de sobro seja reconhecido cada vez mais como um espaço fl orestal, de elevada biodiversidade, paisagísticamente único, que potencia micro-economias locais baseadas numa agricultura e pastorícia extensivas, interessante para outras actividades como o turismo rural e a caça. O sobreiro tem sido a espécie fl orestal que mais tem benefi ciado dos meios fi nanceiros disponibilizados aos proprietários fl orestais para a refl orestação no âmbito da aplicação das medidas de reforma da Política Agrícola Comum da UE, na arborização das terras agrícolas. Contudo, têm-se registado com frequência elevadas taxas de insucesso na arborização sendo a qualidade dos materiais florestais de reprodução (MFR) apontada como uma das causas. Neste trabalho abordaremos a a qualidade dos materiais de reprodução, considerando-a do ponto de vista genético e fisiológicoN/

    Evaluación de algunos parámetros reproductivos en cabras criollas

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    Se estudiaron 14 cabras y 14 cabrillas de genotipo "regional" o criollas, con el objeto de conocer el comportamiento reproductivo en sistemas semi-intensivos y para determinar la influencia del plano nutricional y edad al servicio sobre la fertilidad(F), la prolificidad (P), y el intervalo entre partos (IEP).Los animales se dividieron al azar en dos grupos de 14, con 7 cabras y 7 cabrillas cada uno, conformándose los siguientes tratamientos: AT (cabra adulta testigo):AS (cabra adulta suplementada); JT (cabra joven testigo); JS (cabra jovensuplementada). Todos los individuos estuvieron sobre pastura natural de crecimiento primavero estival. A los animales de los tratamientos AS y JS se les brindó alimentación suplementaria consistente en 800 grs de heno de alfalfa primerafloración y 200 grs de maíz en grano / madre / día, en servicio, al principio y final de la lactancia. Luego de observar el comportamiento reproductivo de machos y hembras durante todo el año , se consideraron los índices de F, P, e IEP.Los resultados demuestran que hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas(P < 0,05) en los porcentajes de F entre los tratamientos AS y JS con respecto aAT y JT respectivamente. También hubo diferencias significativas (P< 0,05) cuando se analizó la edad combinada con bajos niveles nutricionales sobre la F y P de las cabras y en cambio no se encontraron diferencias significativas (P > 0.05)en IEP entre los distintos tratamientos, ya que la mayoría de las hembras presentaron anestro estacional de primavera. Se concluye que las cabras criollas delcentro de la provincia de Córdoba (Argentina) se comportan como poliéstricas estacionales, resultando la edad y el nivel nutricional factores restrictivos para el logro del potencial reproductivo de las cabras criollas