328 research outputs found


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    The important number of abandonments of the treatment (low adhesion to the treatment) on the part of the persons who endure Schizophrenia, since the relapsed constants demonstrate it. The information about the intensity of this problem, according to the Ministry of Health, alludes to that only between 4 and 12 % of the patients with Mental Disorders, continue of rigorous form his pharmacological treatment; the rest prefers without consuming any medicine, be already because he is thinking about without needing them or they stop taking them after suffering undesirable symptoms because of the collateral effects associated with the medicines. The implementation of interventions that assure a treatment in the long term, like it could be the " Interview Motivacional ", with the target to increase the conscience of illness and of the need of continuing.Es evidente el importante número de abandonos del tratamiento (baja adherencia al tratamiento) por parte de las personas que padecen Esquizofrenia, como lo demuestran las constantes recaídas. Los datos acerca de la intensidad de este problema, según el Ministerio de Sanidad, hacen referencia a que solamente entre el 4 y el 12% de los pacientes con Trastornos Mentales, siguen de forma rigurosa su tratamiento farmacológico; el resto prefiere no ingerir fármaco alguno, ya sea porque cree no necesitarlos o dejan de tomarlos después de sufrir síntomas indeseables a causa de los efectos colaterales asociados a los fármacos. Este trabajo, pretende un enfoque de las Actuaciones de Enfermería mediante la implementación de intervenciones que aseguren un tratamiento a largo plazo, como pudiera ser la “Entrevista Motivacional”, con el objetivo de aumentar la conciencia de enfermedad y de la necesidad de seguir el tratamiento farmacológico de forma regular

    Spatial patterning in modified Turing systems: Application to pigmentation patterns on marine fish

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    In this paper we extend the study of Turing models to investigate the rĂ´le of boundary conditions, parameter modulation, domain growth, and coupling of models. Our numerical simulations show that such modifications lead to patterns that cannot be reproduced by the standard model. By comparing our results with pigmentation patterning on marine fish we conclude that such models may have wider application than originally imagined

    CL study of blue and UV emissions in Ăź-Ga_2O_3 nanowires grown by thermal evaporation of GaN

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    We report a cathodoluminescence (CL) study of Ăź-Ga_2O_3 nanowires grown by thermal evaporation of GaN on Si(100) and Au/Si(00) substrates. Condensation and subsequent oxidation of metallic Ga is suggested as the growth mechanism of Ăź-Ga_2O_3 nanowires. The Ăź-Ga_2O_3 nanowires grown on Si(100) show multiple bends or undulations, together with a strong UV emission at 3.31 eV and a weak blue emission centered at 2.8 eV as a band component. The Ăź-Ga_2O_3 nanowires grown on Au/Si(100) substrates recorded a lower CL intensity of a well-defined blue emission of 2.8 eV. A thermal treatment on these samples produced an increase of the UV emission and quenching of the blue band. Thermal annealing of oxygen vacancies is proposed as the responsible mechanism for the observed behavior of these samples

    Monte Carlo Simulation of Electron Backscattering in Solids Using a General-Purpose Computer Code

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    A Monte Carlo study of backscattering of kilovolt electrons in solids, a process of primary importance in electron microscopy and surface analytical techniques, is carried out. Simulations have been performed using the general-purpose simulation code PENELOPE (an acronym for Penetration and ENErgy LOss of Positrons and Electrons ), which generates electron-photon showers in arbitrary materials. A systematic comparison of results from PENELOPE with available experimental data, and with results from simulations with a much more sophisticated code, is given for electron beams with energies between 2.5 and 60 keV and elemental solids with atomic numbers Z = 4 to 92. It is concluded that PENELOPE gives a reliable description of the backscattering process, even for relatively low electron energies and thin targets

    Polysialic Acid Is Required for Dopamine D2 Receptor-Mediated Plasticity Involving Inhibitory Circuits of the Rat Medial Prefrontal Cortex

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    Decreased expression of dopamine D2 receptors (D2R), dysfunction of inhibitory neurotransmission and impairments in the structure and connectivity of neurons in the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) are involved in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia and major depression, but the relationship between these changes remains unclear. The polysialylated form of the neural cell adhesion molecule (PSA-NCAM), a plasticity-related molecule, may serve as a link. This molecule is expressed in cortical interneurons and dopamine, via D2R, modulates its expression in parallel to that of proteins related to synapses and inhibitory neurotransmission, suggesting that D2R-targeted antipsychotics/antidepressants may act by affecting the plasticity of mPFC inhibitory circuits. To understand the role of PSA-NCAM in this plasticity, rats were chronically treated with a D2R agonist (PPHT) after cortical PSA depletion. PPHT-induced increases in GAD67 and synaptophysin (SYN) neuropil expression were blocked when PSA was previously removed, indicating a role for PSA-NCAM in this plasticity. The number of PSA-NCAM expressing interneuron somata also increased after PPHT treatment, but the percentages of these cells belonging to different interneuronal subpopulations did not change. Cortical pyramidal neurons did not express PSA-NCAM, but puncta co-expressing this molecule and parvalbumin could be found surrounding their somata. PPHT treatment increased the number of PSA-NCAM and parvalbumin expressing perisomatic puncta, but decreased the percentage of parvalbumin puncta that co-expressed SYN. PSA depletion did not block these effects on the perisomatic region, but increased further the number of parvalbumin expressing puncta and increased the percentage of puncta co-expressing SYN and parvalbumin, suggesting that the polysialylation of NCAM may regulate perisomatic inhibition of mPFC principal neurons. Summarizing, the present results indicate that dopamine acting on D2R influences structural plasticity of mPFC interneurons and point to PSA-NCAM as a key player in this remodeling

    Suppression of glycogen synthesis as a treatment for Lafora disease: Establishing the window of opportunity

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    Lafora disease (LD) is a fatal adolescence-onset neurodegenerative condition. The hallmark of LD is the accumulation of aberrant glycogen aggregates called Lafora bodies (LBs) in the brain and other tissues. Impeding glycogen synthesis from early embryonic stages by genetic suppression of glycogen synthase (MGS) in an animal model of LD prevents LB formation and ultimately the pathological manifestations of LD thereby indicating that LBs are responsible for the pathophysiology of the disease. However, it is not clear whether eliminating glycogen synthesis in an adult animal after LBs have already formed would halt or reverse the progression of LD. Herein we generated a mouse model of LD with inducible MGS suppression. We evaluated the effect of MGS suppression at different time points on LB accumulation as well as on the appearance of neuroinflammation, a pathologic trait of LD models. In the skeletal muscle, MGS suppression in adult LD mice blocked the formation of new LBs and reduced the number of glycogen aggregates. In the brain, early but not late MGS suppression halted the accumulation of LBs. However, the neuroinflammatory response was still present, as shown by the levels of reactive astrocytes, microglia and inflammatory cytokines. Our results confirm that MGS as a promising therapeutic target for LD and highlight the importance of an early diagnosis for effective treatment of the disease

    Development of a GPU-based Monte Carlo dose calculation code for coupled electron-photon transport

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    Monte Carlo simulation is the most accurate method for absorbed dose calculations in radiotherapy. Its efficiency still requires improvement for routine clinical applications, especially for online adaptive radiotherapy. In this paper, we report our recent development on a GPU-based Monte Carlo dose calculation code for coupled electron-photon transport. We have implemented the Dose Planning Method (DPM) Monte Carlo dose calculation package (Sempau et al, Phys. Med. Biol., 45(2000)2263-2291) on GPU architecture under CUDA platform. The implementation has been tested with respect to the original sequential DPM code on CPU in phantoms with water-lung-water or water-bone-water slab geometry. A 20 MeV mono-energetic electron point source or a 6 MV photon point source is used in our validation. The results demonstrate adequate accuracy of our GPU implementation for both electron and photon beams in radiotherapy energy range. Speed up factors of about 5.0 ~ 6.6 times have been observed, using an NVIDIA Tesla C1060 GPU card against a 2.27GHz Intel Xeon CPU processor.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, and 1 table. Paper revised. Figures update

    The CORTEX Cognitive Robotics Architecture: use cases

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    CORTEX is a cognitive robotics architecture inspired by three key ideas: modularity, internal modelling and graph representations. CORTEX is also a computational framework designed to support early forms of intelligence in real world, human interacting robots, by selecting an a priori functional decomposition of the capabilities of the robot. This set of abilities was then translated to computational modules or agents, each one built as a network of software interconnected components. The nature of these agents can range from pure reactive modules connected to sensors and/or actuators, to pure deliberative ones, but they can only communicate with each other through a graph structure called Deep State Representation (DSR). DSR is a short-term dynamic representation of the space surrounding the robot, the objects and the humans in it, and the robot itself. All these entities are perceived and transformed into different levels of abstraction, ranging from geometric data to high-level symbolic relations such as "the person is talking and gazing at me". The combination of symbolic and geometric information endows the architecture with the potential to simulate and anticipate the outcome of the actions executed by the robot. In this paper we present recent advances in the CORTEX architecture and several real-world human-robot interaction scenarios in which they have been tested. We describe our interpretation of the ideas inspiring the architecture and the reasons why this specific computational framework is a promising architecture for the social robots of tomorrow

    Benzbromarone, quercetin, and folic acid inhibit amylin aggregation

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    Human Amylin, or islet amyloid polypeptide (hIAPP), is a small hormone secreted by pancreatic ß-cells that forms aggregates under insulin deficiency metabolic conditions, and it constitutes a pathological hallmark of type II diabetes mellitus. In type II diabetes patients, amylin is abnormally increased, self-assembled into amyloid aggregates, and ultimately contributes to the apoptotic death of ß-cells by mechanisms that are not completely understood. We have screened a library of approved drugs in order to identify inhibitors of amylin aggregation that could be used as tools to investigate the role of amylin aggregation in type II diabetes or as therapeutics in order to reduce ß-cell damage. Interestingly, three of the compounds analyzed—benzbromarone, quercetin, and folic acid—are able to slow down amylin fiber formation according to Thioflavin T binding, turbidimetry, and Transmission Electron Microscopy assays. In addition to the in vitro assays, we have tested the effect of these compounds in an amyloid toxicity cell culture model and we have found that one of them, quercetin, has the ability to partly protect cultured pancreatic insulinoma cells from the cytotoxic effect of amylin. Our data suggests that quercetin can contribute to reduce oxidative damage in pancreatic insulinoma ß cells by modulating the aggregation propensity of amylin

    Correction to the Moliere's formula for multiple scattering

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    The quasiclassical correction to the Moliere's formula for multiple scattering is derived. The consideration is based on the scattering amplitude, obtained with the first quasiclassical correction taken into account for arbitrary localized but not spherically symmetric potential. Unlike the leading term, the correction to the Moliere's formula contains the target density nn and thickness LL not only in the combination nLnL (areal density). Therefore, this correction can be reffered to as the bulk density correction. It turns out that the bulk density correction is small even for high density. This result explains the wide region of applicability of the Moliere's formula.Comment: 6 pages, RevTe
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