21 research outputs found

    Questionnaire survey of detrimental fur animal epidemic necrotic pyoderma in Finland

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    Background: In 2007, a previously unrecorded disease, fur animal epidemic necrotic pyoderma (FENP), was detected in farmed mink (Neovision vision), foxes (Vulpes lagopus) and Finnraccoons (Nyctereutes procyonoides) in Finland. Symptoms included severe pyoderma with increased mortality, causing both animal welfare problems and economic losses. In 2011, an epidemiologic questionnaire was mailed to all members of the Finnish Fur Breeders' Association to assess the occurrence of FENP from 2009 through the first 6 months of 2011. The aim was to describe the geographical distribution and detailed clinical signs of FENP, as well as sources of infection and potential risk factors for the disease. Results: A total of 239 farmers (25%) returned the questionnaire. Clinical signs of FENP were observed in 40% (95% CI 34-46%) of the study farms. In addition, the survey clarified the specific clinical signs for different animal species. The presence of disease was associated with the importation of mink, especially from Denmark (OR 9.3, 95% CI 2.6-33.0). The transmission route between Finnish farms was associated with fur animal purchases. Some risk factors such as the farm type were also indicated. As such, FENP was detected more commonly on farms with more than one species of fur animal in comparison to farms with, for example, only foxes (OR 4.6, 95% CI 2.4-8.6), and the incidence was higher on farms with over 750 breeder mink compared to smaller farms (OR 3.8, 95% CI 1.6-9.0). Contact between fur animals and birds and other wildlife increased the risk of FENP on farms. Responses also indicated that blocking the entry of wildlife to the animal premises protected against FENP. Conclusions: FENP was most likely introduced to Finland by imported mink and spread further within the country via domestically purchased fur animals. Some potential risk factors, such as the type and size of the farm and contact with wildlife, contributed to the spread of FENP. Escape-proof shelter buildings block the entry of wildlife, thus protecting fur animals against FENP.Peer reviewe

    Early weaning increases aggression and stereotypic behaviour in cats

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    Behaviour problems are common in companion felines, and problematic behaviour may be a sign of chronic stress. In laboratory animals, early weaning increases the risk for aggression, anxiety, and stereotypic behaviour. However, very few studies have focused on early weaning in one of the world's most popular pets, the domestic cat, although weaning soon after the critical period of socialisation is common practice. To study the effects of early weaning (<12 weeks) on behaviour, a large data set (N = 5726, 40 breeds) was collected from home-living domestic cats through a questionnaire survey. The results show that weaning before 8 weeks of age increases the risk for aggression, but not fearful behaviour. Moreover, cats weaned after 14 weeks of age have a lower probability for aggression towards strangers than early weaned cats and a lower probability for stereotypic behaviour (excessive grooming) than cats weaned at 12 weeks. The effect of weaning age on stereotypic behaviour is partially explained by the effects on aggression. These findings indicate that early weaning has a detrimental effect on behaviour, and suggest delayed weaning as a simple and inexpensive approach to significantly improve the welfare of millions of domestic cats.Peer reviewe

    A novel canine nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy-based metabolomics platform : Validation and sample handling

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    Background Metabolomics has been proven to be an invaluable research tool by providing comprehensive insight into systemic metabolism. However, the lack of scalable and quantitative methods with known reference intervals (RIs) and documented reproducibility has prevented the use of metabolomics in the clinical setting. Objective The objective of this study was to validate the developed quantitative nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy-based metabolomics platform for canine serum and plasma samples and determine optimal sample handling conditions for its use. Methods Altogether, 8247 canine samples were analyzed using a Bruker's 500 MHz NMR spectrometer. Using statistical approaches derived from international guidelines, we studied method precision, measurand stability in various long- and short-term storage conditions, as well as the effect of prolonged contact with red blood cells (RBCs), and differences among blood collection tubes. We also screened interferences with lipemia, hemolysis, and bilirubinemia. The results were compared against routine clinical chemistry methods, and RIs were defined for all measurands. Results We determined RIs for 123 measurands, most of which were previously unpublished. The reproducibility of the results of the NMR platform appeared generally outstanding, and the integrity of the results can be ensured by following standard blood drawing and processing guidelines. Conclusions Owing to the advantages of quantitative results, high reproducibility, and scalability, this canine metabolomics platform holds great potential for numerous clinical and research applications to improve canine health and well-being.Peer reviewe

    Yritysten työeläkemaksut vuonna 2010

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    Julkaisu sisältää tietoja yritysten maksamista työntekijän eläkelain (TyEL) mukaisista lopullisista vakuutusmaksuista toimialoittain yrityksen koon mukaan luokiteltuna. Julkaisussa on myös tietoja yritysten lukumääristä, vakuutusmaksuihin sisältyvistä työkyvyttömyys- ja työttömyyseläkemaksuista sekä tilastotietoa yritysten vakuutusten jakautumisesta saman eläkelaitoksen sisällä tai eläkelaitosten kesken. Julkaisu perustuu työeläkelaitoksilta saatuihin tietoihin

    Yritysten työeläkemaksut vuonna 2005

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    Julkaisu sisältää tilastotietoja yritysten maksamista lopullisista vakuutusmaksuista vuonna 2005. Tiedot perustuvat eläkevakuutusyhtiöiltä saatuihin vakuutuskohtaisiin tietoihin ja eläkesäätiöiden ja -kassojen työnantajakohtaisiin tilinpäätöstietoihin ja eläkkeiden kustannusten perusteena oleviin tietoihin

    The metabolic differences of anestrus, heat, pregnancy, pseudopregnancy, and lactation in 800 female dogs

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    Introduction: Reproduction causes major hormonal and physiological changes to the female body. However, the metabolic changes occurring during canine reproduction are scarcely studied. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, we assessed the metabolic effects of canine reproductive status using a 1H NMR metabolomics platform optimized and validated for canine use. The study population consisted of a total of 837 healthy, intact female dogs in breeding age, of which 663 dogs were in anestrus, 78 in heat, 43 were pseudopregnant, 15 were pregnant, and 38 were lactating. The differences in metabolite profiles between these states were studied by the Kruskal-Wallis test with post-hoc tests performed using the Dunn's test, and visualized by box plots and a heatmap. The ability of the metabolite profile to differentiate pregnant dogs from non-pregnant ones was assessed by creating a multivariate Firth logistic regression model using forward stepwise selection. Results: Lactation, pregnancy and heat all were associated with distinct metabolic changes; pregnancy caused major changes in the concentrations of glycoprotein acetyls, albumin and creatinine, and smaller changes in several lipids, citrate, glutamine, and alanine. Pseudopregnancy, on the other hand, metabolically largely resembled anestrus. Lactation caused major changes in amino acid concentrations and smaller changes in several lipids, albumin, citrate, creatinine, and glycoprotein acetyls. Heat, referring to proestrus and estrus, affected cholesterol and LDL metabolism, and increased HDL particle size. Albumin and glycoprotein acetyls were the metabolites included in the final multivariate model for pregnancy detection, and could differentiate pregnant dogs from non-pregnant ones with excellent sensitivity and specificity. Discussion: These results increase our understanding of the metabolic consequences of canine reproduction, with the possibility of improving maternal health and ensuring reproductive success. The identified metabolites could be used for confirming canine pregnancy

    Breed differences of heritable behaviour traits in cats

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    Cat domestication and selective breeding have resulted in tens of breeds with major morphological differences. These breeds may also show distinctive behaviour differences; which, however, have been poorly studied. To improve the understanding of feline behaviour, we examined whether behavioural differences exist among cat breeds and whether behaviour is heritable. For these aims, we utilized our extensive health and behaviour questionnaire directed to cat owners and collected a survey data of 5726 cats. Firstly, for studying breed differences, we utilized logistic regression models with multiple environmental factors and discovered behaviour differences in 19 breeds and breed groups in ten different behaviour traits. Secondly, the studied cat breeds grouped into four clusters, with the Turkish Van and Angora cats alone forming one of them. These findings indicate that cat breeds have diverged not only morphologically but also behaviourally. Thirdly, we estimated heritability in three breeds and obtained moderate heritability estimates in seven studied traits, varying from 0.4 to 0.53, as well as phenotypic and genetic correlations for several trait pairs. Our results show that it is possible to partition the observed variation in behaviour traits into genetic and environmental components, and that substantial genetic variation exists within breed populations.Peer reviewe

    Fearful dogs have increased plasma glutamine and gamma-glutamyl glutamine

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    Anxiety-related disorders, including fearfulness are common and leading welfare problems among the worldwide dog population. The etiology of anxieties is complex and affected by genetic and environmental factors. Thus, there is a need for more comprehensive approaches, such as metabolomics, to understand the causes of anxiety and to identify anxiety-related biomarkers for more efficient diagnostic and treatment options. To study metabolic alterations related to canine fearfulness, a non-targeted plasma metabolite profiling was performed in a cohort of 20 fearful and 21 non-fearful dogs. The results showed that nine metabolic features were significantly associated with fearfulness. The most prominent change included increased plasma glutamine and gamma-glutamyl glutamine (gamma-Glu Gln) in fearful dogs across breeds. Alterations in glutamine metabolism have previously been associated with several psychiatric disorders, indicating the relevance of this finding also in dogs. In addition, we describe a novel breed-specific association between renal biomarker symmetric dimethylarginine (SDMA) and canine fearfulness. These observed metabolic alterations may result from high levels of prolonged psychological stress in fearful dogs.Peer reviewe

    The metabolic differences of anestrus, heat, pregnancy, pseudopregnancy, and lactation in 800 female dogs

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    IntroductionReproduction causes major hormonal and physiological changes to the female body. However, the metabolic changes occurring during canine reproduction are scarcely studied. MethodsIn this cross-sectional study, we assessed the metabolic effects of canine reproductive status using a H-1 NMR metabolomics platform optimized and validated for canine use. The study population consisted of a total of 837 healthy, intact female dogs in breeding age, of which 663 dogs were in anestrus, 78 in heat, 43 were pseudopregnant, 15 were pregnant, and 38 were lactating. The differences in metabolite profiles between these states were studied by the Kruskal-Wallis test with post-hoc tests performed using the Dunn's test, and visualized by box plots and a heatmap. The ability of the metabolite profile to differentiate pregnant dogs from non-pregnant ones was assessed by creating a multivariate Firth logistic regression model using forward stepwise selection. ResultsLactation, pregnancy and heat all were associated with distinct metabolic changes; pregnancy caused major changes in the concentrations of glycoprotein acetyls, albumin and creatinine, and smaller changes in several lipids, citrate, glutamine, and alanine. Pseudopregnancy, on the other hand, metabolically largely resembled anestrus. Lactation caused major changes in amino acid concentrations and smaller changes in several lipids, albumin, citrate, creatinine, and glycoprotein acetyls. Heat, referring to proestrus and estrus, affected cholesterol and LDL metabolism, and increased HDL particle size. Albumin and glycoprotein acetyls were the metabolites included in the final multivariate model for pregnancy detection, and could differentiate pregnant dogs from non-pregnant ones with excellent sensitivity and specificity. DiscussionThese results increase our understanding of the metabolic consequences of canine reproduction, with the possibility of improving maternal health and ensuring reproductive success. The identified metabolites could be used for confirming canine pregnancy.Peer reviewe

    Detection of dengue virus type 2 of Indian origin in acute febrile patients in rural Kenya

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    Dengue virus (DENV) has caused recent outbreaks in coastal cities of Kenya, but the epidemiological situation in other areas of Kenya is largely unknown. We investigated the role of DENV infection as a cause of acute febrile disease in non-epidemic settings in rural and urban study areas in Kenya. Altogether, 560 patients were sampled in 2016-2017 in rural Taita-Taveta County (n = 327) and urban slums of Kibera, Nairobi (n = 233). The samples were studied for DENV IgM, IgG, NS1 antigen and flaviviral RNA. IgG seroprevalence was found to be higher in Taita-Taveta (14%) than in Nairobi (3%). Five Taita-Taveta patients were positive for flaviviral RNA, all identified as DENV-2, cosmopolitan genotype. Local transmission in Taita-Taveta was suspected in a patient without travel history. The sequence analysis suggested that DENV-2 strains circulating in coastal and southern Kenya likely arose from a single introduction from India. The molecular clock analyses dated the most recent ancestor to the Kenyan strains a year before the large 2013 outbreak in Mombasa. After this, the virus has been detected in Kilifi in 2014, from our patients in Taita-Taveta in 2016, and in an outbreak in Malindi in 2017. The results highlight that silent transmission occurs between epidemics and also affects rural areas. More information is needed to understand the local epidemiological characteristics and future risks of dengue in Kenya. Author summary Dengue virus (DENV) is an emerging mosquito-borne global health threat in the tropics and subtropics. The majority of the world's population live in areas at risk of dengue that can cause a wide variety of symptoms from febrile illness to haemorrhagic fever. Information of DENV in Africa is limited and fragmented. In Kenya, dengue is a recognized disease in coastal cities that have experienced recent outbreaks. We investigated the role of DENV infection as a cause of acute febrile disease in non-epidemic settings in rural and urban study areas in Kenya. We found DENV-2 in five febrile patients from rural Taita-Taveta, where no dengue has been reported before. Genetic analysis of the virus suggests it to be most likely of Indian origin. This Indian origin DENV-2 was detected in the Mombasa outbreak in 2013, in Kilifi in 2014, in Taita-Taveta in 2016 (our study samples) and again in the Malindi outbreak in 2017. The results suggest that dengue is unrecognized in rural Kenya and more studies are needed for local risk assessment. Our findings of virus transmission between epidemics contribute to better understanding of the epidemiological situation and origins of DENV in Kenya.Peer reviewe