301 research outputs found

    Delayed Photoionization Feedback in a Super Star Cluster in SBS0335-052E

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    SBS0335-052 is a well studied Blue Compact Dwarf galaxy with one of the lowest metallicities of any known galaxy. It also contains 6 previously identified Super Star Clusters. We combine archival HST NICMOS images in the Pa alpha line and the 1.6 micron continuum of the eastern component, SBS0335-052E, with other space and ground based data to perform a multi-wavelength analysis of the super star clusters. We concentrate on the southern most clusters, designated S1 and S2, which appear to be the youngest clusters and are the strongest emitters of Pa alpha, radio, and x-ray flux. Our analysis leads to a possible model for S1 and perhaps S2 as a cluster of very young, massive stars with strong stellar winds. The wind density can be high enough to absorb the majority of ionizing photons within less than 1000 AU of the stars, creating very compact HII regions that emit optically thick radiation at radio wavelengths. These winds would then effectively quench the photoionizing flux very close to the stars. This can delay the onset of negative feedback by photoionization and photodissociation on star formation in the clusters. This is significant since SBS0335-052E resembles the conditions that were probably common for high redshift star formation in galaxies near the epoch of reionization.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Influenza della risposta sismica locale sul non sincronismo del moto in superficie: validazione empirica delle indicazioni normative

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    Nella progettazione di opere con significativo sviluppo longitudinale delle fondazioni, il moto sismico può avere caratteristiche variabili lungo lo sviluppo della struttura. Le differenze possono essere causate dalla perdita di sincronismo nella propagazione delle onde, dalle disomogeneità e discontinuità del sottosuolo e dalla diversa risposta locale del terreno. Secondo le prescrizioni delle Norme Tecniche per le Costruzioni (D.M. 14/1/2008), la valutazione degli effetti del moto asincrono indotti sulle strutture può essere effettuata combinando gli effetti dinamici con quelli pseudo-statici causati dallo spostamento relativo massimo tra due punti della struttura. Questi ultimi si possono valutare attraverso una relazione che deriva dalla soluzione di un modello analitico di propagazione delle onde sismiche (Nuti & Vanzi, 2005). Obiettivo di questo studio è verificare le regole presenti nelle NTC attraverso il confronto con valori di spostamento relativo derivanti da registrazioni accelerometriche di eventi sismici reali. L’effetto combinato dei fattori sopra menzionati è stato valutato empiricamente attraverso l’analisi del moto sismico in superficie registrato da coppie di stazioni ac-celerometriche, ubicate a distanze dell’ordine delle centinaia di metri, su terreni con caratteristiche lito-stratigrafiche corrispondenti ad un sito di riferimento (classe A della Normativa) e un sito con amplificazio-ne stratigrafica (classi B, C, D). Gli spostamenti relativi, calcolati secondo tre possibili approcci, mostrano che la formulazione analitica suggerita dalla Normativa è appropriata per descrivere la dipendenza degli spo-stamenti relativi dall’accelerazione di riferimento. Gli spostamenti calcolati secondo le prescrizioni di Nor-mativa, inoltre, risultano mediamente maggiori di quelli misurati sperimentalmente

    Optical mapping of neuronal activity during seizures in zebrafish

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    Mapping neuronal activity during the onset and propagation of epileptic seizures can provide a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying this pathology and improve our approaches to the development of new drugs. Recently, zebrafish has become an important model for studying epilepsy both in basic research and in drug discovery. Here, we employed a transgenic line with pan-neuronal expression of the genetically-encoded calcium indicator GCaMP6s to measure neuronal activity in zebrafish larvae during seizures induced by pentylenetretrazole (PTZ). With this approach, we mapped neuronal activity in different areas of the larval brain, demonstrating the high sensitivity of this method to different levels of alteration, as induced by increasing PTZ concentrations, and the rescuing effect of an anti-epileptic drug. We also present simultaneous measurements of brain and locomotor activity, as well as a high-throughput assay, demonstrating that GCaMP measurements can complement behavioural assays for the detection of subclinical epileptic seizures, thus enabling future investigations on human hypomorphic mutations and more effective drug screening methods. Notably, the methodology described here can be easily applied to the study of many human neuropathologies modelled in zebrafish, allowing a simple and yet detailed investigation of brain activity alterations associated with the pathological phenotype

    Field reliability of GaAs emitters for fiber optic telecommunication systems

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    GaAs based emitters are widely used in telecommunication systems, and will be probably the core of short haul communications, even if a lot of doubts still exist on their reliability and the few available field results are not too optimistic. For these reasons we decided to follow with a particular attention all the problems related to these devices, investigating reliability by means of accelerated tests and of an accurate survey of field troubles. In this paper, we first of all report our field data, coming from more than five years experience, which show that "reasonable" results (in the range of 2000 FITs for LDs), can be obtained with commercially available devices; as a second step, failure analysis allows to localize failures,thus understanding the appropriate corrective actions to be taken. highlighting the specific process report also same For chip related failures, detailed examples are reported, different failure mechanisms, that, when not related to defects, are the same found during accelerated tests; we examples of failures due to interconnections and packaging

    SEM Remote Control with a 3D Option

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    Abstract Remote control of a scientific instrument is a topic gaining more and more attention between instrument users and operators. The project presented in this article reports results obtained from two distinct research efforts. The main outcome from the first research was the realization of an application to remote-control a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), while the main outcome from the second research was the implementation of a procedure to reconstruct 3D surfaces

    Dust in active nuclei. I. Evidence for "anomalous" properties

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    We present observational evidences that dust in the circumnuclear region of AGNs has different properties than in the Galactic diffuse interstellar medium. By comparing the reddening of optical and infrared broad lines and the X-ray absorbing column density we find that the E(B-V)/N_H ratio is nearly always lower than Galactic by a factor ranging from ~3 up to ~100. Other observational results indicate that the Av/N_H ratio is significantly lower than Galactic in various classes of AGNs including intermediate type 1.8-1.9 Seyferts, hard X-ray selected and radio selected quasars, broad absorption line QSOs and grism selected QSOs. The lack of prominent absorption features at 9.7um (silicates) and at 2175A (carbon dip) in the spectra of Seyfert 2s and of reddened Seyfert 1s, respectively, add further evidence for dust in the circumnuclear region of AGNs being different from Galactic. These observational results indicate that the dust composition in the circumnuclear region of AGNs could be dominated by large grains, which make the extinction curve flatter, featureless and are responsible for the reduction of the E(B-V)/N_H and Av/N_H ratios. Regardless of the physical origin of these phenomena, the reduced dust absorption with respect to what expected from the gaseous column density should warn about a mismatch between the optical and the X-ray classification of the active galactic nuclei in terms of their obscuration.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Seismic Response of Viaducts Accounting for Soil-Structure Interaction

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    A research was recently granted by the Italian Government to develop a comprehensive procedure to account for spatial variability of ground motion as well as soil-structure interaction in assessing the behaviour of bridges. This paper reports on the work-package relevant to the effects of soil-structure interaction. In the first section, a methodology to include the effects of soil-structure interaction in the nonlinear response of bridges is presented. Kinematic interaction analysis is performed in the frequency domain by means of a procedure accounting for radiation damping, soil-pile and pile-to-pile interaction; the non-linear inertial interaction analysis is performed in the time domain by using a finite element model of the superstructure. Suitable lumped parameter models are implemented to reproduce the frequency-dependent compliance of soil-foundation systems. In the second section, some results of nonlinear dynamic analyses performed on some bridges designed on soft soils by means of a direct displacement approach are presented

    Early optical spectra of nova V1369 Cen show presence of Lithium

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    We present early high resolution spectroscopic observations of the nova V1369 Cen. We have detected an absorption feature at 6695.6 \AA\, that we have identified as blue--shifted 7^7Li I λ\lambda6708 \AA. The absorption line, moving at -550 km/s, was observed in five high-resolution spectra of the nova obtained at different epochs. On the basis of the intensity of this absorption line we infer that a single nova outburst can inject in the Galaxy MLi=M_{Li} = 0.3 - 4.8 ×10−10\times 10^{-10} M⊙_{\odot}. Given the current estimates of Galactic nova rate, this amount is sufficient to explain the puzzling origin of the overabundance of Lithium observed in young star populations.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in ApJLetter
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