56 research outputs found

    De klimaatverandering

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    The ADMS range of models (ADMS4 for industrial emissions, ADMS-Screen, ADMS-Urban and ADMS-Roads) are currently used across the world and have been widely used in Asia, e.g. Mainland China, Hong Kong, and India. This paper considers the regulatory requirements for dispersion modelling and the application of ADMS in Taiwan. Until recently ISCPrime has been the only short range dispersion model acceptable for regulatory purposes in Taiwan. For the purposes of regulatory dispersion modelling, Taiwan is divided into 16 different regions each region containing a significant urban area; for example there are areas centred on the major cities of Taipei and Kaoshung. Each region has assigned to it a particular representative meteorological dataset (hourly data for a full year) and surface conditions including surface roughness; because of the mountainous nature of Taiwan the impact of complex terrain needs to be considered in all cases. Previously as part of the regulatory requirements modelling test cases for single point sources were set up with ISCPrime for each of the regions and these datasets are available on the Taiwanese EPA website. In order for ADMS to be approved for use in Taiwan the test cases were required to be run for ADMS. Model output required included contour maps of the annual 1 h mean concentration, and 1 hour and 24 hour average percentiles and a time series of 24 hour averages at specified receptor points time. This paper presents the results of using those datasets for ADMS 4, and discusses the performances of ADMS in a Taiwan context including where appropriate comparison with ISCPrime and discussion of the impacts of complex terrain and surface roughness in the different regions


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    The ADMS range of models (ADMS4 for industrial emissions, ADMS-Screen, ADMS-Urban and ADMS-Roads) are currently used across the world and have been widely used in Asia, e.g. Mainland China, Hong Kong, and India. This paper considers the regulatory requirements for dispersion modelling and the application of ADMS in Taiwan. Until recently ISCPrime has been the only short range dispersion model acceptable for regulatory purposes in Taiwan. For the purposes of regulatory dispersion modelling, Taiwan is divided into 16 different regions each region containing a significant urban area; for example there are areas centred on the major cities of Taipei and Kaoshung. Each region has assigned to it a particular representative meteorological dataset (hourly data for a full year) and surface conditions including surface roughness; because of the mountainous nature of Taiwan the impact of complex terrain needs to be considered in all cases. Previously as part of the regulatory requirements modelling test cases for single point sources were set up with ISCPrime for each of the regions and these datasets are available on the Taiwanese EPA website. In order for ADMS to be approved for use in Taiwan the test cases were required to be run for ADMS. Model output required included contour maps of the annual 1 h mean concentration, and 1 hour and 24 hour average percentiles and a time series of 24 hour averages at specified receptor points time. This paper presents the results of using those datasets for ADMS 4, and discusses the performances of ADMS in a Taiwan context including where appropriate comparison with ISCPrime and discussion of the impacts of complex terrain and surface roughness in the different regions

    Modeling and simulation of an impact test using wavelets, analytical solutions and finite elements

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    An instrumented falling weight impact test is thoroughly investigated in two cases, that of a rebound and that of a rupture in the sample. First, the force signal is analyzed with four methods: the continuous wavelet transform (with different wavelets: derivatives of a Gaussian and Morlet's), the Gabor transform, the WignerVille transform and the classical Fourier analysis. It is shown how a proper use of the timefrequency methods allows to precisely detect the discontinuities in the signal, the moment of rupture, if any, and the frequencies that are excited at the impact. In a second part, modal and stress analyses are carried out, both by an analytical method and by finite element computations. The results confirm those obtained in the first part and agree with experimental findings

    What have we learnt from EUPORIAS climate service prototypes?

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    The international effort toward climate services, epitomised by the development of the Global Framework for Climate Services and, more recently the launch of Copernicus Climate Change Service has renewed interest in the users and the role they can play in shaping the services they will eventually use. Here we critically analyse the results of the five climate service prototypes that were developed as part of the EU funded project EUPORIAS. Starting from the experience acquired in each of the projects we attempt to distil a few key lessons which, we believe, will be relevant to the wider community of climate service developers

    Soil-vegetation-atmosphere interactions in the West African monsoon / Interactions entre le sol, la végétation et l'atmosphère dans la mousson ouest-africaine

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    The climate of West Africa is characterised by a monsoonal system that brings rainfall onto the subcontinent during an annual rainy season. From the late 60's to the mid-90's, rainfall levels significantly below average were observed, which brought severe socio-economic implications. The causes of the uncharacteristically long drought period, and indeed the mechanisms underpinning West African climate were poorly understood at the time, but have since attracted growing attention from the scientific community. Amongst the factors identified as critical is the interaction between the Earth surface and the atmosphere. To investigate these interactions over West Africa we have adopted an approach based upon regional climate modelling, an internationally recognised discipline enabling the representation of past and future climates, and the study of specific meteorological mechanisms. Using the regional climate model MAR, we have carried out simulations of the West African climate for the years 1986, 1987, and 1988. To improve the accuracy with which the model represents the biosphere, a new dataset describing the local vegetation was incorporated and a new scheme for the representation of roots implemented. A measure of the internal variability inherent to all results produced with this, and other such models, was determined. Subsequently, the influence of soil moisture anomalies on the model behaviour was investigated. The latest version of the model was validated by comparing it to observational data for selected years. Our results have prooven the ability of the improved MAR to simulate the West African climate, its monsoon and its spatial and temporal behaviour and provide strong evidence of its suitability for further investigation of the surface-atmosphere interactions over West Africa.(PHYS 3)--UCL, 200

    Revendications et mobilisations des jeunesses musulmanes en contexte semi-autoritaire. Etude comparée des milieux étudiants francophone et arabisant à Ouagadougou

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    Sous le régime semi-autoritaire de Blaise Compaoré au Burkina Faso, l’existence d’espaces publics – même si contrôlés – entrouvrent des lieux d’expression où les critiques et les frustrations – que le désenchantement démocratique renforce au fil du temps – se font toujours plus nombreuses, toujours plus audibles. Parallèlement, depuis les années 1990, l’ouverture démocratique a engendré des débats dans lesquels s’est invitée la religion, mettant au centre de cette recherche les rapports entre religions et État, entre islam et État. En s’appuyant sur les théories de l’action collective et par le biais d’une étude qualitative comparée entre la jeunesse musulmane francophone et la jeunesse musulmane arabisante de Ouagadougou, cette thèse analyse ainsi les revendications et les dynamiques de mobilisation, tout en interrogeant les liens entre mobilisations et ordre politique et s’attardant sur le poids du référentiel islamique et du statut de cadet social dans les enjeux définis et les comportements adoptés. En s’intéressant plus particulièrement aux musulmans, l’étude permet d’aborder une catégorie sociale doublement marginalisée du fait de sa jeunesse et du fait de la spécificité de l’islam burkinabè – associé à une minorité sociologique malgré son poids démographique – dans son rapport au politique.Doctorat en Sciences politiques et socialesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublishe

    L'islam burkinabé sous la IVe république

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    Since the pre-colonial period, sociohistorical conditions have led to the political subordination and the social marginalization of Islam. With the arrival of Blaise Compaoré to power, a logic of inclusion of formerly marginalized actors, including those of the Islamic milieu, is established. However, despite this policy being introduced in a context of religious revival, Islam only partially succeeds in liberating itself, as shown by the analysis of the Muslims religious authorities and economic operators' status in the semi-authoritarian regime of the 4th Republic.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe
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