16 research outputs found

    Close entrainment of massive molecular gas flows by radio bubbles in the central galaxy of Abell 1795

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    We present new ALMA observations tracing the morphology and velocity structure of the molecular gas in the central galaxy of the cluster Abell 1795. The molecular gas lies in two filaments that extend 5–7 kpc to the N and S from the nucleus and project exclusively around the outer edges of two inner radio bubbles. Radio jets launched by the central active galactic nucleus have inflated bubbles filled with relativistic plasma into the hot atmosphere surrounding the central galaxy. The N filament has a smoothly increasing velocity gradient along its length from the central galaxy’s systemic velocity at the nucleus to −370kms−1 −370kms−1 , the average velocity of the surrounding galaxies, at the furthest extent. The S filament has a similarly smooth but shallower velocity gradient and appears to have partially collapsed in a burst of star formation. The close spatial association with the radio lobes, together with the ordered velocity gradients and narrow velocity dispersions, shows that the molecular filaments are gas flows entrained by the expanding radio bubbles. Assuming a Galactic XCO factor, the total molecular gas mass is 3.2 ± 0.2 × 109 M⊙. More than half lies above the N radio bubble. Lifting the molecular clouds appears to require an infeasibly efficient coupling between the molecular gas and the radio bubble. The energy required also exceeds the mechanical power of the N radio bubble by a factor of 2. Stimulated feedback, where the radio bubbles lift low-entropy X-ray gas that becomes thermally unstable and rapidly cools in situ, provides a plausible model. Multiple generations of radio bubbles are required to lift this substantial gas mass. The close morphological association then indicates that the cold gas either moulds the newly expanding bubbles or is itself pushed aside and shaped as they inflate

    A Galaxy-scale Fountain of Cold Molecular Gas Pumped by a Black Hole

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    We present Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array and Multi-Unit Spectroscopic Explorer observations of the brightest cluster galaxy in Abell 2597, a nearby (z = 0.0821) cool core cluster of galaxies. The data map the kinematics of a three billion solar mass filamentary nebula that spans the innermost 30 kpc of the galaxy's core. Its warm ionized and cold molecular components are both cospatial and comoving, consistent with the hypothesis that the optical nebula traces the warm envelopes of many cold molecular clouds that drift in the velocity field of the hot X-ray atmosphere. The clouds are not in dynamical equilibrium, and instead show evidence for inflow toward the central supermassive black hole, outflow along the jets it launches, and uplift by the buoyant hot bubbles those jets inflate. The entire scenario is therefore consistent with a galaxy-spanning "fountain," wherein cold gas clouds drain into the black hole accretion reservoir, powering jets and bubbles that uplift a cooling plume of low-entropy multiphase gas, which may stimulate additional cooling and accretion as part of a self-regulating feedback loop. All velocities are below the escape speed from the galaxy, and so these clouds should rain back toward the galaxy center from which they came, keeping the fountain long lived. The data are consistent with major predictions of chaotic cold accretion, precipitation, and stimulated feedback models, and may trace processes fundamental to galaxy evolution at effectively all mass scales

    Radiative efficiency, variability and Bondi accretion on to massive black holes: the transition from radio AGN to quasars in brightest cluster galaxies

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    We examine unresolved nuclear X-ray sources in 57 brightest cluster galaxies to study the relationship between nuclear X-ray emission and accretion on to supermassive black holes. The majority of the clusters in our sample have prominent X-ray cavities embedded in the surrounding hot atmospheres, which we use to estimate mean jet power and average accretion rate on to the supermassive black holes over the past several hundred Myr. We find that roughly half of the sample have detectable nuclear X-ray emission. The nuclear X-ray luminosity is correlated with average accretion rate determined using X-ray cavities, which is consistent with the hypothesis that nuclear X-ray emission traces ongoing accretion. The results imply that jets in systems that have experienced recent active galactic nucleus (AGN) outbursts, in the last ∼107 yr, are ‘on’ at least half of the time. Nuclear X-ray sources become more luminous with respect to the mechanical jet power as the mean accretion rate rises. We show that nuclear radiation exceeds the jet power when the mean accretion rate rises above a few per cent of the Eddington rate, or a power output of ∼1045ergs−1, where the AGN apparently transitions to a quasar. The nuclear X-ray emission from three objects (A2052, Hydra A, M84) varies by factors of 2–10 on time-scales of 6 months to 10 years. If variability at this level is a common phenomenon, it can account for much of the scatter in the relationship between mean accretion rate and nuclear X-ray luminosity. We find no significant change in the spectral energy distribution as a function of luminosity in the variable objects. The nuclear X-ray luminosity is consistent with emission from either a jet, an advection-dominated accretion flow, or a combination of the two, although other origins are possible. We also consider the longstanding problem of whether jets are powered by the accretion of cold circumnuclear gas or nearly spherical inflows of hot keV gas. For a subset of 13 nearby systems in our sample, we re-examine the relationship between the jet power and the Bondi accretion rate. The results indicate weaker evidence for a trend between Bondi accretion and jet power, due to uncertainties in the cavity volumes and gas densities at the Bondi radius. We suggest that cold gas fuelling could be a likely source of accretion power in these objects; however, we cannot rule out Bondi accretion, which could play a significant role in low-power jets

    X-Ray Scaling Relations of Early-type Galaxies

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    X-ray luminosity, temperature, gas mass, total mass, and their scaling relations are derived for 94 early-type galaxies (ETGs) using archival Chandra X-ray Observatory observations. Consistent with earlier studies, the scaling relations, L X ∝ T 4.5±0.2, M ∝ T 2.4±0.2, and L X ∝ M 2.8±0.3, are significantly steeper than expected from self-similarity. This steepening indicates that their atmospheres are heated above the level expected from gravitational infall alone. Energetic feedback from nuclear black holes and supernova explosions are likely heating agents. The tight L X –T correlation for low-luminosity systems (i.e., below 1040 erg s−1) are at variance with hydrodynamical simulations, which generally predict higher temperatures for low-luminosity galaxies. We also investigate the relationship between total mass and pressure, Y X = M g × T, finding MYX0.45±0.04M\propto {Y}_{X}^{0.45\pm 0.04}. We explore the gas mass to total mass fraction in ETGs and find a range of 0.1%–1.0%. We find no correlation between the gas-to-total mass fraction with temperature or total mass. Higher stellar velocity dispersions and higher metallicities are found in hotter, brighter, and more massive atmospheres. X-ray core radii derived from β-model fitting are used to characterize the degree of core and cuspiness of hot atmospheres

    Mass Distribution in Galaxy Cluster Cores

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    Many processes within galaxy clusters, such as those believed to govern the onset of thermally unstable cooling and active galactic nucleus feedback, are dependent upon local dynamical timescales. However, accurate mapping of the mass distribution within individual clusters is challenging, particularly toward cluster centers where the total mass budget has substantial radially dependent contributions from the stellar (M *), gas (M gas), and dark matter (M DM) components. In this paper we use a small sample of galaxy clusters with deep Chandra observations and good ancillary tracers of their gravitating mass at both large and small radii to develop a method for determining mass profiles that span a wide radial range and extend down into the central galaxy. We also consider potential observational pitfalls in understanding cooling in hot cluster atmospheres, and find tentative evidence for a relationship between the radial extent of cooling X-ray gas and nebular Hα emission in cool-core clusters. At large radii the entropy profiles of our clusters agree with the baseline power law of K ∝ r 1.1 expected from gravity alone. At smaller radii our entropy profiles become shallower but continue with a power law of the form K ∝ r 0.67 down to our resolution limit. Among this small sample of cool-core clusters we therefore find no support for the existence of a central flat "entropy floor.

    Molecular Gas Filaments and Star-forming Knots Beneath an X-Ray Cavity in RXC J1504–0248

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    We present recent ALMA observations of the CO (1–0) and CO (3–2) emission lines in the brightest cluster galaxy of RXC J1504.1−0248, which is one of the most extreme cool core clusters known. The central galaxy contains 1.9×1010M1.9\times {10}^{10}\,{M}_{\odot } of molecular gas. The molecular gas morphology is complex and disturbed, showing no evidence for a rotationally supported structure in equilibrium. A total of 80% of the gas is situated within the central 5 kpc of the galactic center, while the remaining gas is located in a 20 kpc long filament. The cold gas has likely condensed out of the hot atmosphere. The filament is oriented along the edge of a putative X-ray cavity, suggesting that active galactic nucleus activity has stimulated condensation. This is energetically feasible, although the morphology is not as conclusive as systems whose molecular filaments trail directly behind buoyant radio bubbles. The velocity gradient along the filament is smooth and shallow. It is only consistent with freefall if it lies within 20° of the plane of the sky. The abundance of clusters with comparably low velocities suggests that the filament is not freefalling. Both the central gas and filamentary gas are coincident with bright UV emission from ongoing star formation. Star formation near the cluster core is consistent with the Kennicutt–Schmidt law. The filament exhibits increased star formation surface densities, possibly resulting from either the consumption of a finite molecular gas supply or spatial variations in the CO-to-H2 conversion factor

    The Origin of Molecular Clouds in Central Galaxies

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    We present an analysis of 55 central galaxies in clusters and groups with molecular gas masses and star formation rates lying between 108and1011 M{10}^{8}\,\mathrm{and}\,{10}^{11}\ {M}_{\odot } and 0.5 and 270 M yr1{M}_{\odot }\ {\mathrm{yr}}^{-1}, respectively. Molecular gas mass is correlated with star formation rate, Hα line luminosity, and central atmospheric gas density. Molecular gas is detected only when the central cooling time or entropy index of the hot atmosphere falls below ~1 Gyr or ~35 keV cm2, respectively, at a (resolved) radius of 10 kpc. These correlations indicate that the molecular gas condensed from hot atmospheres surrounding the central galaxies. We explore the origins of thermally unstable cooling by evaluating whether molecular gas becomes prevalent when the minimum of the cooling to free-fall time ratio (tcool/tff{t}_{\mathrm{cool}}/{t}_{\mathrm{ff}}) falls below ~10. We find that (1) molecular gas-rich systems instead lie between 10<min(tcool/tff)<2510\lt \min ({t}_{\mathrm{cool}}/{t}_{\mathrm{ff}})\lt 25, where tcool/tff=25{t}_{\mathrm{cool}}/{t}_{\mathrm{ff}}=25 corresponds approximately to cooling time and entropy thresholds of 1 Gyr and 35keVcm235\,\mathrm{keV}\,{\mathrm{cm}}^{2}, respectively; (2) min(tcool/tff\min ({t}_{\mathrm{cool}}/{t}_{\mathrm{ff}}) is uncorrelated with molecular gas mass and jet power; and (3) the narrow range 10<min(tcool/tff)<2510\lt \min ({t}_{\mathrm{cool}}/{t}_{\mathrm{ff}})\lt 25 can be explained by an observational selection effect, although a real physical effect cannot be excluded. These results and the absence of isentropic cores in cluster atmospheres are in tension with models that assume thermal instability ensues from linear density perturbations in hot atmospheres when tcool/tff10{t}_{\mathrm{cool}}/{t}_{\mathrm{ff}}\lesssim 10. Some of the molecular gas may instead have condensed from atmospheric gas lifted outward by buoyantly rising X-ray bubbles or by dynamically induced uplift (e.g., mergers, sloshing)

    An Enormous Molecular Gas Flow in the RX J0821+0752 Galaxy Cluster

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    We present recent Chandra X-ray observations of the RX J0821.0+0752 galaxy cluster, in addition to ALMA observations of the CO(1–0) and CO(3–2) line emission tracing the molecular gas in its central galaxy. All of the CO line emission, originating from a 1010M{10}^{10}\,{M}_{\odot } molecular gas reservoir, is located several kiloparsecs away from the nucleus of the central galaxy. The cold gas is concentrated into two main clumps surrounded by a diffuse envelope. They form a wide filament coincident with a plume of bright X-ray emission emanating from the cluster core. This plume encompasses a putative X-ray cavity that is only large enough to have uplifted a small percent of the molecular gas. Unlike other brightest cluster galaxies, stimulated cooling, where X-ray cavities lift low-entropy cluster gas until it becomes thermally unstable, cannot have produced the observed gas reservoir. Instead, the molecular gas has likely formed as a result of sloshing motions in the intracluster medium induced by a nearby galaxy. Sloshing can emulate uplift by dislodging gas from the galactic center. This gas has the shortest cooling time, so it will condense if disrupted for long enough

    The Onset of Thermally Unstable Cooling from the Hot Atmospheres of Giant Galaxies in Clusters: Constraints on Feedback Models

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    We present accurate mass and thermodynamic profiles for 57 galaxy clusters observed with the Chandra X-ray Observatory. We investigate the effects of local gravitational acceleration in central cluster galaxies, and explore the role of the local free-fall time (tff{t}_{\mathrm{ff}}) in thermally unstable cooling. We find that the radially averaged cooling time (tcool{t}_{\mathrm{cool}}) is as effective an indicator of cold gas, traced through its nebular emission, as the ratio tcool{t}_{\mathrm{cool}}/tff{t}_{\mathrm{ff}}. Therefore, tcool{t}_{\mathrm{cool}} primarily governs the onset of thermally unstable cooling in hot atmospheres. The location of the minimum tcool{t}_{\mathrm{cool}}/tff{t}_{\mathrm{ff}}, a thermodynamic parameter that many simulations suggest is key in driving thermal instability, is unresolved in most systems. Consequently, selection effects bias the value and reduce the observed range in measured tcool{t}_{\mathrm{cool}}/tff{t}_{\mathrm{ff}} minima. The entropy profiles of cool-core clusters are characterized by broken power laws down to our resolution limit, with no indication of isentropic cores. We show, for the first time, that mass isothermality and the Kr2/3K\propto {r}^{2/3} entropy profile slope imply a floor in tcool{t}_{\mathrm{cool}}/tff{t}_{\mathrm{ff}} profiles within central galaxies. No significant departures of tcool{t}_{\mathrm{cool}}/tff{t}_{\mathrm{ff}} below 10 are found. This is inconsistent with models that assume thermally unstable cooling ensues from linear perturbations at or near this threshold. We find that the inner cooling times of cluster atmospheres are resilient to active galactic nucleus (AGN)-driven change, suggesting gentle coupling between radio jets and atmospheric gas. Our analysis is consistent with models in which nonlinear perturbations, perhaps seeded by AGN-driven uplift of partially cooled material, lead to cold gas condensation

    A 13CO Detection in a Brightest Cluster Galaxy

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    We present ALMA Cycle 4 observations of CO(1-0), CO(3-2), and 13CO(3-2) line emission in the brightest cluster galaxy (BCG) of RXJ0821+0752. This is one of the first detections of 13CO line emission in a galaxy cluster. Half of the CO(3-2) line emission originates from two clumps of molecular gas that are spatially offset from the galactic center. These clumps are surrounded by diffuse emission that extends 8 kpc in length. The detected 13CO emission is confined entirely to the two bright clumps, with any emission outside of this region lying below our detection threshold. Two distinct velocity components with similar integrated fluxes are detected in the 12CO spectra. The narrower component (60 km s−1 FWHM) is consistent in both velocity centroid and linewidth with 13CO(3-2) emission, while the broader (130–160 km s−1), slightly blueshifted wing has no associated 13CO(3-2) emission. A simple local thermodynamic model indicates that the 13CO emission traces 2.1 × 109 M ⊙ of molecular gas. Isolating the 12CO velocity component that accompanies the 13CO emission yields a CO-to-H2 conversion factor of α CO = 2.3 M ⊙ (K km s−1)−1, which is a factor of two lower than the Galactic value. Adopting the Galactic CO-to-H2 conversion factor in BCGs may therefore overestimate their molecular gas masses by a factor of two. This is within the object-to-object scatter from extragalactic sources, so calibrations in a larger sample of clusters are necessary in order to confirm a sub-Galactic conversion factor