30 research outputs found

    Traversant(es) / traversé(es) : dramaturgie de l’exil liquide dans Et insubmersible dans la seconde qui suit de Claire Rengade et Les chants anonymes de Philippe Malone

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    Les drames contemporains de l’exil liquide sont imprégnés, mais aussi répondent, de la scène méditerranéenne de laquelle ils tirent les motifs du bord, du soulèvement et du rouleau, sous le prisme d’un éc(r)oulement du corps et de la voix de ces figures traversantes et traversées. Dans les turbulences d’un tel périple, s’écoulent et s’écoutent une porosité et une fragilité identitaires et vocales au cœur d’une poétique du flux.Contemporary tragedies of liquid exile are steeped in, but also respond to the Mediterranean stage from which they draw the patterns of the edge, the swell and the roller, under the prism of a flow / collapse of the voice and body of those traversing and traversed beings. In the turbulence of such a journey, at the heart of a poetic stream, a porosity and a fragility of identity and voice can be heard in its flow

    Nieuwe richtlijnen voor cardiopulmonale reanimatie 2010 bij volwassenen

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    Op 18 oktober 2010 verschenen nieuwe richtlijnen voor cardiopulmonale reanimatie (CPR). Deze werden gepubliceerd in het kader van de vijfjaarlijkse vernieuwingscyclus van reanimatierichtlijnen opgesteld door de European Resuscitation Council (ERC); ze zijn gebaseerd op het consensusdocument van het International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR). Dit artikel belicht de veranderingen en gelijkenissen met de reanimatierichtlijnen van 2005 over “basic life support” en “advanced life support”. De richtlijnen van 2010 kunnen gedownload worden van het internet (http://www.erc.edu).status: publishe

    [Ketamine as a party drug],Ketamine als partydrug.

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    Item does not contain fulltextKetamine is a new party drug, which is easy to obtain. For this reason, it is possible that physicians will be increasingly confronted with users that have medical problems. Relatively few cases of ketamine intoxication with a fatal outcome have been reported thus far. Ketamine is very hallucinogenic; people can experience unpleasant flashbacks even weeks after the drug has been eliminated from the body. Ketamine has a short half-life; the elimination half-life is about 2.5 h. A serious intoxication can lead to aspiration, acidosis, rhabdomyolysis, epileptic seizures, respiratory depression, and cardiac arrest. Ketamine is frequently used as a party drug in combination with other substances. As a result, the chance of untoward effects is increased. Anaesthetists use ketamine for short surgical procedures, sedation and analgesia. It is also used more and more often as an analgesic in patients who do not respond well to opioids

    Dispatcher-assisted telephone cardiopulmonary resuscitation using a French-language compression-only protocol in volunteers with or without prior life support training: A randomized trial.

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    OBJECTIVES: Due to the recent interest in hands-only protocols for dispatcher-assisted cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and the lack of any validated algorithms in French, our primary objective was to evaluate a new French-language protocol in terms of its efficacy to help previously untrained volunteers in performing basic life support efforts of appropriate quality, and secondarily to investigate its potential utility in subjects with previous training. METHODS: Untrained volunteers were recruited among adults in a public movie centre and previously trained volunteers among undergraduate nursing students. Participants were randomly assigned to 'phone CPR' versus 'no phone CPR' by drawing sets of envelopes. Primary outcome measures were the results of the Cardiff evaluation test; the secondary measures were global scoring of a complete 5min period of CPR, in a manikin model of cardiac arrest. RESULTS: Out of 146 volunteers assessed for eligibility, 36 previously untrained candidates declined participation. 110 participants, distributed into four groups, completed the study: the previously untrained non-guided group (group A, n=30), the previously untrained guided group (group B, n=30), the previously trained non-guided group (group C, n=25) and the previously trained guided group (group D, n=25). Results of the Cardiff test and global evaluation of CPR performance revealed a significant improvement in group B as compared with group A, approaching the level of the group C. Previously trained guided bystanders had the best CPR scores, notably because of an improvement in the quality of airway management. CONCLUSION: When used by dispatchers, this new French-language algorithm offers the opportunity to help previously untrained bystanders initiate CPR. The same protocol may serve to guide volunteers with prior basic life support training to reach their best CPR performance

    Survival after a lethal dose of arsenic trioxide.

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    A case of a 27-year-old woman who ingested 9000 mg arsenic trioxide (As2O3) is reported. Classical symptoms of an acute arsenicum (As) poisoning such as gastrointestinal cramps, vomiting, diarrhea, ECG changes and disturbed liver function tests were observed. The absorption of the ingested As was minimalized by a continuous gastric irrigation with highly concentrated NaHCO3 and intestinal cleansing with NaHCO3 and polyethyleneglycol was performed. Forced diuresis, BAL (2,3-dimercaptopropanol) and DMSA (meso-2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid) were started and therapy to enhance the formation of methylated As derivatives, which are potentially less toxic and which can be excreted more easily, was then administered. The patient survived this massive dose of ingested inorganic As with only polyneuropathy one year later