29 research outputs found

    A Case Study of Organizational and Curricular Attributes for Interprofessional Education: A Model for Sustainable Curriculum Delivery

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    Background: In health and social care (HASC) professional education, interprofessional competencies are optimally developed by engaging in interprofessional education (IPE) activities that are delivered sustainably along a continuum. Ultimately, active engagement in IPE is meant to prepare future practitioners for interprofessional collaborative practice (IPCP), which leads to improved patient/client and community-oriented outcomes. Methods and Findings: This qualitative case study explores how four Canadian post-secondary institutions deliver IPE within their HASC professional education programmatic structures. Data were collected from institutional websites, publicly available IPE relevant records and documents, and interviews with coordinators and faculty/facilitators of IPE curriculum. Data were inductively analyzed to generate relevant themes, followed by a deductive analysis guided by the five accreditation standards domains identified in the Accreditation of Interprofessional Health Education (AIPHE) projects. Analyses of the data resulted in five attributes: 1) central administrative unit, 2) longitudinal and integrative program, 3) theoretically informed curriculum design, 4) student-centred pedagogy, and 5) patient/client-oriented approach. Conclusions: Using these attributes and guided by AIPHE’s accreditation standards domains, an organizational-curricular model for sustainable IPE is proposed, through which we assert that IPE reinforced through these organizational and curricular supports reflects successful programming, leading to patient/client-oriented outcomes

    Innovating in Teaching Collaborative Practice with a Large Student Cohort at Université de Montréal

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    Université de Montréal implemented an interprofessional education (IPE) curriculum on collaborative practice in a large cohort of students (>1,100) from 10 health sciences and psychosocial sciences training programs. It is made up of three one-credit undergraduate courses (CSS1900, CSS2900, CSS3900) spanning the first 3 years of training. The course content and activities aim for development of the six competency domains identified by the Canadian Interprofessional Health Collaborative. This paper describes the IPE curriculum and highlights the features contributing to its success and originality. Among main success key factors were: administrative cooperation among participating faculties, educators eager to develop innovative approaches, extensive use of clinical situations conducive to knowledge and skill application, strong logistic support, close cooperation with health care delivery organizations, and partnership between clinicians and patients. A distinguishing feature of this IPE curriculum is the concept of partnership in care between the patient and caregivers. Patients’ representatives were involved in course planning, and patients were trained to become patients-as-trainers (PT) and cofacilitate interprofessional discussion workshops. They give feed- back to students regarding integration and application of the patient partnership concept from a patient’s point of view. Lire l'article/Read the article : http://openurl.ingenta.com/content?genre=article&issn=0090-7421&volume=42&issue=4&spage=97E&epage=106

    Prévenir un premier accident vasculaire cérébral

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    RĂ©sumĂ© Objectif : PrĂ©senter les principaux facteurs de risque d’AVC et proposer des stratĂ©gies pour les rĂ©duire. Discuter briĂšvement de l’impact des principales Ă©tudes publiĂ©es rĂ©cemment. RĂ©sumĂ© : Le dĂ©pistage des patients Ă  risque de maladies cardiovasculaires (MCV) est primordial. Les individus devraient connaĂźtre leur risque estimĂ©. L’hypertension artĂ©rielle est le facteur de risque le plus important d’accident vasculaire cĂ©rĂ©bral (AVC). Le tabagisme, la fibrillation auriculaire, l’hypercholestĂ©rolĂ©mie et le diabĂšte sont aussi des facteurs de risque importants. Les interventions visent Ă  influencer et Ă  soutenir le patient dans la modification de ses habitudes de vie pour minimiser le risque d’évĂ©nements coronariens et d’AVC. Lorsque la modification du style de vie ne suffit pas, des traitements pharmacologiques sont instaurĂ©s. Des stratĂ©gies pour gĂ©rer ces facteurs de risque sont proposĂ©es. Les donnĂ©es rĂ©centes sur l’utilisation des IECA, des statines, de l’aspirine et de l’hormonothĂ©rapie de remplacement en prĂ©vention de l’AVC sont abordĂ©es sommairement. Conclusion : Le pharmacien peut exercer un rĂŽle important pour prĂ©venir l’AVC et en limiter les sĂ©quelles. Il pourra : 1) contribuer au dĂ©pistage des clientĂšles Ă  risque; 2) renseigner sa clientĂšle sur les facteurs de risque et les stratĂ©gies pour les contrĂŽler; et 3) soutenir les efforts de ses patients pour adopter de saines habitudes de vie et adhĂ©rer de façon optimale Ă  leur traitement pharmacologique. Abstract Goal: Introduce main CVA risk factors and suggest strategies to reduce the occurrence thereof. Discuss briefly the impact of major recently-published research. Summary: Screening of patients at risk of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) is essential. People in this category should be aware of their estimated risk. Hypertension is the most important risk factor in the occurrence of a CVA. Smoking, atrial fibrillation, hypercholesterolemia and diabetes are also important risk factors. The interventions aim at encouraging and supporting the patient in modifying his or her lifestyle to minimize the risk of coronary incidents and CVAs. When modifying the lifestyle is insufficient, pharmalogical treatments are introduced. Strategies to control those risk factors are suggested. Recent data on the use of angiotensin conversion enzyme inhibitor (ACEI), statins, aspirin and of hormone replacement therapy in the prevention of CVAs are discussed broadly. Conclusion: The pharmacist can play a definite role in preventing a CVA and limiting the repercussions. He or she will be able: 1) to contribute to the screening of the at-risk clientele; 2) to inform his or her clientele about the various risk factors and about strategies to avoid them; and 3) to support his or her patients in adopting a healthy lifestyle and to comply in an optimal way to his or her pharmaceutical treatments

    Reversal of Overanticoagulation with Vitamin K1: A Plea for Oral Administration

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    ABSTRACTObjective: To evaluate the safety and efficacy of oral vitamin K1 in reversing excessive anticoagulation and to identify barriers preventing generalized use of this compound.Data Sources: Literature identified through searches of MEDLINE, EMBASE, and IPA (International Pharmaceutical Abstracts) databases.Data Synthesis: To reverse overanticoagulation when the international normalized ratio remains below 20, the American College of Chest Physicians recommends oral administration of vitamin K1 over the subcutaneous and intravenous routes of administration. However, this recommendation is not widely followed, and the subcutaneous route still predominates. Studies of oral vitamin K1 were reviewed to reinforce the efficacy and safety of this medication.Conclusions: Oral vitamin K1 is effective and safe for correcting excessive anticoagulation. However, in Canada, oral tablets can only be obtained through Health Canada’s Special Access Programme, which limits their use. Alternatives to tablets are presented.RÉSUMÉObjectif : Évaluer l’innocuitĂ© et l’efficacitĂ© de la vitamine K1 administrĂ©e par voie orale pour renverser une anticoagulation excessive et dĂ©terminer les obstacles qui empĂȘchent l’utilisation gĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ©e de cet agent.Sources de donnĂ©es : Documentation issue de recherches dans les bases de donnĂ©es MEDLINE, EMBASE et IPA (International Pharmaceutical Abstracts).SynthĂšse des donnĂ©es : Pour renverser une anticoagulation excessive en prĂ©sence d’un rapport international normalisĂ© (RIN) infĂ©rieur Ă  20, l’American College of Chest Physicians recommande l’administration de vitamine K1 par voie orale plutĂŽt que par voie sous-cutanĂ©e ou intraveineuse. Cependant, cette recommandation n’est pas largement adoptĂ©e et l’utilisation de la voie sous-cutanĂ©e prĂ©domine toujours. Des Ă©tudes sur l’administration de la vitamine K1 par voie orale ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©es dans le but de confirmer l’efficacitĂ© et l’innocuitĂ© de ce mĂ©dicament.Conclusions : La vitamine K1 administrĂ©e par voie orale permet de corriger de façon sĂ»re et efficace une anticoagulation excessive. Cependant, au Canada, les comprimĂ©s destinĂ©s Ă  la voie orale ne peuvent ĂȘtre obtenus que par le Programme d’accĂšs spĂ©cial de SantĂ© Canada, ce qui en limite l’utilisation. Des solutions de rechange aux comprimĂ©s sont prĂ©sentĂ©es