213 research outputs found

    Technological capability building through networking strategies within high-tech industries

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    technological, networking, strategies, high-tech industries

    Knowledge management challenges in corporate venturing and technological capability building through radical innovations

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    radical innovation, technological capability, corporate venturing, knowledge management

    Ruimte voor werk. bouwrijpe bedrijventerreinen, economische ontwikkeling en ruimtelijke planning in Vlaanderen

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    Is there a shortage of new industrial sites in Flanders? This paper develops a method to evaluate the availability of industrial sites. The evaluation is based on the idea that a "strategic supply" should always be available in each sub-region in order to guarantee further economic development. The results indicate that the available area for industrial sites is clearly insufficient in large parts of Flanders. We also formulate several policy recommendations. The Flemish Govermnent has to take simultaneously structural and ad hoc measures. The structural measures should prevent that policy induced shortage of supply can pop up in the future. The ad hoc measures should speed up the supply in the next years.

    Structural Antecedents of Corporate Network Evolution

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    Abstract: While most network studies adopt a static view, we argue that corporate social networks are subject to endogenous dynamics of cognitive path dependence and self-reinforcing power relations. Over time, these dynamics drive corporate networks to become increasingly focused (i.e., more homogeneous, stable, and tightly knit). More focused networks induce organisations to perpetuate existing routines, at the expense of developing new capabilities. We examine the role of organisational structure in maintaining balanced, rather than focused, networks, so that business organisations can realise progressive and timely adjustments to their evolving environments. We develop a theoretical argument, illustrated with the divergent network adjustment patterns of two large, mature companies, suggesting that business organisations with the following structural antecedents are likely to maintain balanced networks: the concurrence of centralisation and decentralisation; a high degree of differentiation and an intermediate level of integration; and an intermediate degree of formalisation

    Defining the business ecosystem of peer-to-peer electricity trading

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    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to introduce the value proposition and structure of the business ecosystem of peer-to-peer electricity trading through a future oriented approach. Design/Methodology/Approach: This study follows a qualitative approach. It conducts conceptual analyses by utilizing previously validated tools in similar contexts. First, different views on business ecosystems are introduced and an argument is made to justify an ecosystem perspective for peerto-peer electricity trading. Second, the value proposition of the peer-to-peer electricity trading ecosystem is identified by utilising a meta-model which consists of four elements: end customer value, business value (shareholder value), collaborative value (business value to the supply chain) and societal value (value creation in the supply chain and control of negative externalities). Third, based on the structural view of business ecosystems, the study identifies actors, positions, links, and activities in the traditional electricity trading. And last, (structural) changes of the ecosystem for peer-to-peer electricity trading are discussed. Findings: This paper elaborates the business ecosystem of peer-to-peer electricity trading and highlights the structural changes it imposes to the status quo. Practical and social implications: The ecosystem construct adds insights into actors’ ecosystem strategy regarding their business models for peer-to-peer electricity trading as well as into the governance of this type of trading. It provides a comprehensive view for policy makers. It enhances the research designs in detailed aspects of the peer-to-peer electricity trading by providing a wide lense. Originality/Value: The identified business ecosystem of peer-to-peer electricity trading provides a comprehensive, multi-stakeholder perspective to incorporate complexities and include externalities

    Economische aspecten en relaties van omliggende gebieden met het stedelijk netwerk van de Vlaamse Ruit

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    In het huidig ontwerp Ruimtelijk Structuurplan Vlaanderen (RSV) wordt het gebied tussen Brussel, Gent, Antwerpen en Leuven aangeduid als een stedelijk netwerk op internationaal niveau. Teneinde uitvoering te kunnen geven aan het RSV werd dit stedelijk netwerk nader onderzocht. In een eerste deel van het onderzoek werd gezocht naar een morfologische en functionele basis voor de Vlaamse Ruit. In dit artikel wordt meer in het bijzonder ingegaan op het economisch luik van dit onderzoek. Daarna wordt ook aangegeven dat het ontwikkelen en versterken van een stedelijk netwerk op internationaal niveau ook voor de rest van Vlaanderen een meerwaar-de kan opleveren.regional and urban economics ;

    Proposal for a standard problem for micromagnetic simulations including spin-transfer torque

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    The spin-transfer torque between itinerant electrons and the magnetization in a ferromagnet is of fundamental interest for the applied physics community. To investigate the spin-transfer torque, powerful simulation tools are mandatory. We propose a micromagnetic standard problem includingthe spin-transfer torque that can be used for the validation and falsication of micromagnetic simulation tools. The work is based on the micromagnetic model extended by the spin-transfer torque in continuously varying magnetizations as proposed by Zhang and Li. The standard problem geometry is a permalloy cuboid of 100 nm edge length and 10 nm thickness, which contains a Landau pattern with a vortex in the center of the structure. A spin-polarized dc current density of 1012 A/m2 flows laterally through the cuboid and moves the vortex core to a new steady-state position. We show that the new vortex-core position is a sensitive measure for the correctness of micromagnetic simulatorsthat include the spin-transfer torque. The suitability of the proposed problem as a standard problem is tested by numerical results from four different finite-difference and finite-element-based simulation tools

    Respecting the deal: how to manage co-opetitive actors in open innovation

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    Platforms like E-bay allow product seekers and providers to meet and exchange goods. On the same way in open innovation, as defined by Chesbrough, an enterprise can collect ideas from outside the company. But on E-bay, the seeker can return the product if it does not correspond to the expectations, since E-bay is the third-party actor in charge of assuring that the agreement between seekers and providers will be respected. So who does provide the same service for what concerns open innovation, where specifications might not fully defined? In this paper we shall describe the business model of an organizational structure to support the elicitation and respect of agreements between actors, who have conflicting interests but that gain from cooperating together. The concepts of the model will be illustrated to derive a set of propositions and a simple example will illustrate one of its possible instantiations. The description of our first evaluation phase shall find place at the end

    Co-creation: Moving towards a framework for creating innovation in the triple helix

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    The objective of the paper is to demonstrate how the theoretical ideas of Service-Dominant Logic (S-D logic) can usefully be applied to innovation through collaboration between university, industry and government. The debate around S-D logic has stimulated much discussion around three areas that are particularly pertinent in considering the co-creation of knowledge within the Triple Helix. The first area relates to understanding the nature of the resources provided by all the parties involved and the process through which they are integrated. The second area relates to interaction between the parties involved. The third and most complex area relates to how value is perceived by the different parties. This discussion leads to a proposed model of the co-creation process and four suggested research agendas: Research Agenda One, relating to the resources supplied by the parties and their integration; Research Agenda Two, concerning the interaction practices that enhance co-creation; Research Agenda Three, exploring what value propositions will motivate the different parties to co-create; and Research Agenda Four, considering how co-creation modifies the resources of the parties involved. A model of the co-creation process that encompasses these four research agendas and provides a conceptual framework to analyse Triple Helix initiatives is proposed. Some practical implications are then discussed, relating to the challenges for researchers in identifying who to co-create with and understanding what value propositions will motivate potential partners
