17 research outputs found

    Designing Design Education. An articulated programme of collective open design activities

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    Design Education is changing. Setting out from the awareness that “the profile of design professions need not – and should not – remain what it is today” (Findeli, 2001, p.17) and from insight suggesting that the “experimental approach will become the “normal” approach in our future” (Manzini, 2015, p.54), the authors worked on an articulated programme of collective open design activities reflecting these changes. The activities focus on concrete experimentation on the paradigm of distributed production, which modifies the articulation of known roles and the traditional design education approaches. Therefore, the initiative aims at involving important international design schools in a concrete design exploration of this key issue for society and the design discipline itself. Manzini (2015) urged to “look at the whole of society as a huge laboratory of sociotechnical experimentation”: this practice is a remarkable example which may be used as a model in the future on a larger scale

    Hall of the Future: a Systemic Research Project for Public Interiors and Spaces using Co-Design Tools.

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    Systems theory and its guidelines - systems thinking - have been promoted as the most relevant practice for raising social awareness about interconnected complex systems. Systemic Design intends to develop methodologies and approaches that help to integrate systems thinking with design towards sustainability at the environmental, social and economic levels. Based on the Hall of the Future requalification project, designed with the Chamber of Commerce of Milan, this essay describes a Systemic Research project with a focus on the use of a Co-Design approach within the process. Moreover, it illustrates an established relationship between two different public institutions, highlighting how to share a fresh approach to designing new services aimed at the world of business, trade and tourism, and the consequent re-functionalization and enhancement of its given spaces

    Hall of the Future: a Systemic Research Project for Public Interiors and Spaces using Co-Design Tools.

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    Systems theory and its guidelines - systems thinking - have been promoted as the most relevant practice for raising social awareness about interconnected complex systems. Systemic Design intends to develop methodologies and approaches that help to integrate systems thinking with design towards sustainability at the environmental, social and economic levels. Based on the Hall of the Future requalification project, designed with the Chamber of Commerce of Milan, this essay describes a Systemic Research project with a focus on the use of a Co-Design approach within the process. Moreover, it illustrates an established relationship between two different public institutions, highlighting how to share a fresh approach to designing new services aimed at the world of business, trade and tourism, and the consequent re-functionalization and enhancement of its given spaces

    Design Tools

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    This book aims at encompassing the panorama of design tools being developed, tested and adopted by researchers and professors at the Department of Design of Politecnico di Milano. The tools are organized in a taxonomy that reflects the path of choice of a possible user in need for the right tool for a task to be performed. The taxonomy is based on a formalization of the design process proposed by the authors, which characterizes the Design System at Politecnico di Milano. The book essentially offers two main contributions: an original taxonomy that guides towards the organization of design tools and their usage with different actors; a representative collection of design tools developed within the Department of Design of Politecnico di Milano with specific instructions on how to use them. Design Tools is addressed both to practitioners and academics in the field of design that are interested in getting to know more about the discourse around design tools in general and in particular how this discourse takes a shape within Politecnico di Milano and resolves in usable and shareable tools

    SĂ­ndrome dos ovĂĄrios policĂ­sticos: aspectos etiopatogĂȘnicos, mĂ©todos diagnĂłsticos e condutas terapĂȘuticas

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    A sĂ­ndrome dos ovĂĄrios policĂ­sticos (SOP), caracteriza-se por uma das endocrinopatias mais comuns na vida das mulheres no perĂ­odo da menacme, afetando cerca de 8% a 13% dessa população. Consiste em uma patologia cada vez mais prevalente, a qual afeta significativamente o bem-estar e a qualidade de vida daquelas que convivem com a sĂ­ndrome, estando associada ao risco de desenvolvimento de complicaçÔes a longo prazo, como subfertilidade/infertilidade, diabetes tipo 2, sĂ­ndrome metabĂłlica e atĂ© mesmo cĂąncer de endomĂ©trio. Etiologicamente, sabe-se que a SOP Ă© multifatorial e estĂĄ relacionada com fatores genĂ©ticos, ambientais, epigenĂ©ticos, hormonais, entre outros. A patogĂȘnese ainda carece de esclarecimentos, contudo sabe-se que estĂĄ relacionada ao hiperandrogenismo a nĂ­vel ovariano e Ă  hiperinsulinemia, agravada pela resistĂȘncia insulĂ­nica adquirida pela obesidade, que Ă© comum ser observada nessa população. Devido aos vĂĄrios fenĂłtipos da SOP e da diversidade sintomatolĂłgica observada, usualmente, Ă© subdiagnosticada e nĂŁo tratada ou tem o manejo estabelecido tardiamente e sintomĂĄtico. Em virtude da variedade etiolĂłgica da SOP, a epidemiologia Ă© variada, e a incidĂȘncia depende de diversos fatores. Ademais, a depender da etiologia da SOP e da evolução do quadro, o manejo terapĂȘutico e o prognĂłstico sĂŁo diferentes. No que tange ao diagnĂłstico, este Ă©, frequentemente, tardio. Contudo, a avaliação inicial deve ser feita seguindo o critĂ©rio de Rotterdam, sendo necessĂĄrios 2 dos 3 critĂ©rios para confirmação do diagnĂłstico. Apesar de ser o mais usado, tambĂ©m existem outros critĂ©rios para o diagnĂłstico. O manejo terapĂȘutico Ă© imprescindĂ­vel, a fim de evitar evolução do quadro e possĂ­veis complicaçÔes. Pode-se utilizar o tratamento farmacolĂłgico ou cirĂșrgico, a depender de cada caso. Vale salientar a importĂąncia das mudanças de estilo de vida, incentivando a prĂĄtica de exercĂ­cios fĂ­sicos e a adoção de uma dieta saudĂĄvel, o que demonstra resultados promissores

    A evolução clínica do paciente portador de abscesso pulmonar: Clinical evolution of patients with lung abscess

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    Atualmente, com a era da antibioticoterapia e demais meios terapĂȘuticos, o abscesso pulmonar decaiu em termos de morbimortalidade, mas ainda permanece como um desafio em termos diagnĂłsticos e manejo clĂ­nico. O abscesso pulmonar corresponde a uma cavidade com pus no pulmĂŁo, envolvido por tecido inflamado e geralmente oriunda de uma infecção. O artigo objetivou descrever de modo narrativo a evolução clĂ­nica do portador de abscesso pulmonar, ressaltando os principais dados para a compreensĂŁo deste fenĂŽmeno. Um abscesso pulmonar Ă© causado principalmente por bactĂ©rias existentes na boca ou garganta, a qual sĂŁo aspiradas atĂ© os pulmĂ”es. A sintomatologia Ă© inespecĂ­fica, abordando fadiga, inapetĂȘncia, sudorese noturna, febre, perda ponderal e tosse com expectoração. O quadro clĂ­nico geralmente necessita do complemento de exames de imagem, principalmente a radiografia torĂĄcica para diagnĂłstic

    Make the environment the (Next) Economy

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    How can designers make people get in touch with sustainable development? “km -1: make the environment the (Next) Economy” is an experimental study that explores the characteristics of the “Next Economy” (Manzini, 2011). First: it’s a social economy. Second: it’s strongly linked to the ongoing dynamics of social innovation, emerging from the grassroots. Third: its aim is the production of goal-specific systems. The study combines two ambits which have had few chances to communicate: community centered design and material driven design, aiming to define new scenarios regarding the relationships among local communities, urban spaces, waste and meanings. The author has worked within the specific framework of urban convivial gardens, which become the space of social innovation, using the Material Driven Design Method (Karana, Barati, Rognoli, Zeeuw van der Laan, 2015). The study explores the opportunity to transform bio-waste into a do-it-yourself material which can be used inside the gardens

    Make the environment the (Next) Economy

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    How can designers make people get in touch with sustainable development? “km -1: make the environment the (Next) Economy” is an experimental study that explores the characteristics of the “Next Economy” (Manzini, 2011). First: it’s a social economy. Second: it’s strongly linked to the ongoing dynamics of social innovation, emerging from the grassroots. Third: its aim is the production of goal-specific systems. The study combines two ambits which have had few chances to communicate: community centered design and material driven design, aiming to define new scenarios regarding the relationships among local communities, urban spaces, waste and meanings. The author has worked within the specific framework of urban convivial gardens, which become the space of social innovation, using the Material Driven Design Method (Karana, Barati, Rognoli, Zeeuw van der Laan, 2015). The study explores the opportunity to transform bio-waste into a do-it-yourself material which can be used inside the gardens

    Nurturing public value for community resilience A tentative discussion around co-production of narratives through a civic design approach

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    Within a society characterised by growing complexity, communities attempt to address wicked problems (Rittel et al., 1973), which impact how people live together. The concept of community resilience has been discussed in public policy and social-ecological systems studies for communities to be prepared for emergencies. Recently, evolutionary resilience (Davoudi, 2012) has been proposed in the context of communities facing wicked problems evolving within uncertain worlds. Evolutionary resilience highlights the growing need for flexible adaptation towards more dynamic social change. We argue that nurturing public value could be a strategic approach for taming wicked problems beyond resource control and the capacity for communities to achieve resilience in a rapidly changing society. Indeed, the broad literature about public value already implies that it can be properly developed as an outcome of collaboration between public institutions and citizens. However, the processes nurturing public value are still under investigation, especially within design studies. We propose that the co-production of common narratives between public institutions and citizens fruitfully produces public value, by linking Design Narratives to the interpretive approach tightly associated with the concept of evolutionary resilience. Moreover, we suggest that the emerging realm of Civic Design could be a consistent approach for communities and public institutions to produce and reproduce these kinds of common narratives