13 research outputs found

    Repetitive Sequence Variations in the Promoter Region of the Adhesin-Encoding Gene sabA of Helicobacter pylori Affect Transcription

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    The pathogenesis of diseases elicited by the gastric pathogen Helicobacter pylori is partially determined by the effectiveness of adaptation to the variably acidic environment of the host stomach. Adaptation includes appropriate adherence to the gastric epithelium via outer membrane protein adhesins such as SabA. The expression of sabA is subject to regulation via phase variation in the promoter and coding regions as well as repression by the two-component system ArsRS. In this study, we investigated the role of a homopolymeric thymine [poly(T)] tract -50 to -33 relative to the sabA transcriptional start site in H. pylori strain J99. We quantified sabA expression in H. pylori J99 by quantitative reverse transcription-PCR (RT-PCR), demonstrating significant changes in sabA expression associated with experimental manipulations of poly(T) tract length. Mimicking the length increase of this tract by adding adenines instead of thymines had similar effects, while the addition of other nucleotides failed to affect sabA expression in the same manner. We hypothesize that modification of the poly(T) tract changes DNA topology, affecting regulatory protein interaction(s) or RNA polymerase binding efficiency. Additionally, we characterized the interaction between the sabA promoter region and ArsR, a response regulator affecting sabA expression. Using recombinant ArsR in electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSA), we localized binding to a sequence with partial dyad symmetry -20 and +38 relative to the sabA + 1 site. The control of sabA expression by both ArsRS and phase variation at two distinct repeat regions suggests the control of sabA expression is both complex and vital to H. pylori infection

    Lipid Uptake, Metabolism, and Transport in the Larval Zebrafish

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    The developing zebrafish is a well-established model system for studies of energy metabolism, and is amenable to genetic, physiological, and biochemical approaches. For the first 5 days of life, nutrients are absorbed from its endogenous maternally deposited yolk. At 5 days post-fertilization, the yolk is exhausted and the larva has a functional digestive system including intestine, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, and intestinal microbiota. The transparency of the larval zebrafish, and the genetic and physiological similarity of its digestive system to that of mammals make it a promising system in which to address questions of energy homeostasis relevant to human health. For example, apolipoprotein expression and function is similar in zebrafish and mammals, and transgenic animals may be used to examine both the transport of lipid from yolk to body in the embryo, and the trafficking of dietary lipids in the larva. Additionally, despite the identification of many fatty acid and lipid transport proteins expressed by vertebrates, the cell biological processes that mediate the transport of dietary lipids from the intestinal lumen to the interior of enterocytes remain to be elucidated. Genetic tractability and amenability to live imaging and a range of biochemical methods make the larval zebrafish an ideal model in which to address open questions in the field of lipid transport, energy homeostasis, and nutrient metabolism

    A novel system to quantify intestinal lipid digestion and transport

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    The zebrafish larva is a powerful tool for the study of dietary triglyceride (TG) digestion and how fatty acids (FA) derived from dietary lipids are absorbed, metabolized and distributed to the body. While fluorescent FA analogues have enabled visualization of FA metabolism, methods for specifically assaying TG digestion are badly needed. Here we present a novel High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) method that quantitatively differentiates TG and phospholipid (PL) molecules with one or two fluorescent FA analogues. We show how this tool may be used to discriminate between undigested and digested TG or phosphatidylcholine (PC), and also the products of TG or PC that have been digested, absorbed and re-synthesized into new lipid molecules. Using this approach, we explored the dietary requirement of zebrafish larvae for phospholipids. Here we demonstrate that dietary TG is digested and absorbed in the intestinal epithelium, but without dietary PC, TG accumulates and is not transported out of the enterocytes. Consequently, intestinal ER stress increases and the ingested lipid is not available support the energy and metabolic needs of other tissues. In TG diets with PC, TG is readily transported from the intestine and subsequently metabolized.publishedVersio

    A novel system to quantify intestinal lipid digestion and transport

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    The zebrafish larva is a powerful tool for the study of dietary triglyceride (TG) digestion and how fatty acids (FA) derived from dietary lipids are absorbed, metabolized and distributed to the body. While fluorescent FA analogues have enabled visualization of FA metabolism, methods for specifically assaying TG digestion are badly needed. Here we present a novel High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) method that quantitatively differentiates TG and phospholipid (PL) molecules with one or two fluorescent FA analogues. We show how this tool may be used to discriminate between undigested and digested TG or phosphatidylcholine (PC), and also the products of TG or PC that have been digested, absorbed and re-synthesized into new lipid molecules. Using this approach, we explored the dietary requirement of zebrafish larvae for phospholipids. Here we demonstrate that dietary TG is digested and absorbed in the intestinal epithelium, but without dietary PC, TG accumulates and is not transported out of the enterocytes. Consequently, intestinal ER stress increases and the ingested lipid is not available support the energy and metabolic needs of other tissues. In TG diets with PC, TG is readily transported from the intestine and subsequently metabolized

    A point mutation decouples the lipid transfer activities of microsomal triglyceride transfer protein.

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    Apolipoprotein B-containing lipoproteins (B-lps) are essential for the transport of hydrophobic dietary and endogenous lipids through the circulation in vertebrates. Zebrafish embryos produce large numbers of B-lps in the yolk syncytial layer (YSL) to move lipids from yolk to growing tissues. Disruptions in B-lp production perturb yolk morphology, readily allowing for visual identification of mutants with altered B-lp metabolism. Here we report the discovery of a missense mutation in microsomal triglyceride transfer protein (Mtp), a protein that is essential for B-lp production. This mutation of a conserved glycine residue to valine (zebrafish G863V, human G865V) reduces B-lp production and results in yolk opacity due to aberrant accumulation of cytoplasmic lipid droplets in the YSL. However, this phenotype is milder than that of the previously reported L475P stalactite (stl) mutation. MTP transfers lipids, including triglycerides and phospholipids, to apolipoprotein B in the ER for B-lp assembly. In vitro lipid transfer assays reveal that while both MTP mutations eliminate triglyceride transfer activity, the G863V mutant protein unexpectedly retains ~80% of phospholipid transfer activity. This residual phospholipid transfer activity of the G863V mttp mutant protein is sufficient to support the secretion of small B-lps, which prevents intestinal fat malabsorption and growth defects observed in the mttpstl/stl mutant zebrafish. Modeling based on the recent crystal structure of the heterodimeric human MTP complex suggests the G865V mutation may block triglyceride entry into the lipid-binding cavity. Together, these data argue that selective inhibition of MTP triglyceride transfer activity may be a feasible therapeutic approach to treat dyslipidemia and provide structural insight for drug design. These data also highlight the power of yolk transport studies to identify proteins critical for B-lp biology

    A point mutation decouples the lipid transfer activities of microsomal triglyceride transfer protein

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    Abstract Apolipoprotein B-containing lipoproteins (B-lps) are essential for the transport of hydrophobic dietary and endogenous lipids through the circulation in vertebrates. Zebrafish embryos produce large numbers of B-lps in the yolk syncytial layer (YSL) to move lipids from yolk to growing tissues. Disruptions in B-lp production perturb yolk morphology, readily allowing for visual identification of mutants with altered B-lp metabolism. Here we report the discovery of a missense mutation in microsomal triglyceride transfer protein (Mtp), a protein that is essential for B-lp production. This mutation of a conserved glycine residue to valine (zebrafish G863V, human G865V) reduces B-lp production and results in yolk opacity due to aberrant accumulation of cytoplasmic lipid droplets in the YSL. However, this phenotype is milder than that of the previously reported L475P stalactite (stl) mutation. MTP transfers lipids, including triglycerides and phospholipids, to apolipoprotein B in the ER for B-lp assembly. In vitro lipid transfer assays reveal that while both MTP mutations eliminate triglyceride transfer activity, the G863V mutant protein unexpectedly retains ~80% of phospholipid transfer activity. This residual phospholipid transfer activity of the G863V mttp mutant protein is sufficient to support the secretion of small B-lps, which prevents intestinal fat malabsorption and growth defects observed in the mttpstl/stl mutant zebrafish. Modeling based on the recent crystal structure of the heterodimeric human MTP complex suggests the G865V mutation may block triglyceride entry into the lipid-binding cavity. Together, these data argue that selective inhibition of MTP triglyceride transfer activity may be a feasible therapeutic approach to treat dyslipidemia and provide structural insight for drug design. These data also highlight the power of yolk transport studies to identify proteins critical for B-lp biology