7 research outputs found

    Ride Blending Control for Electric Vehicles

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    Vehicles equipped with in-wheel motors (IWMs) feature advanced control functions that allow for enhanced vehicle dynamics and stability. However, these improvements occur to the detriment of ride comfort due to the increased unsprung mass. This study investigates the driving comfort enhancement in electric vehicles that can be achieved through blended control of IWMs and active suspensions (ASs). The term &ldquo ride blending&rdquo , coined in a previous authors&rsquo work and herein retained, is proposed by analogy with the brake blending to identify the blended action of IWMs and ASs. In the present work, the superior performance of the ride blending control is demonstrated against several driving manoeuvres typically used for the evaluation of the ride quality. The effectiveness of the proposed ride blending control is confirmed by the improved key performance indexes associated with driving comfort and active safety. The simulation results refer to the comparison of the conventional sport utility vehicle (SUV) equipped with a passive suspension system and its electric version provided with ride blending control. The simulation analysis is conducted with an experimentally validated vehicle model in CarMaker&reg and MATLAB/Simulink co-simulation environment including high-fidelity vehicle subsystems models. Document type: Articl

    Ride blending control for electric vehicles

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    Vehicles equipped with in-wheel motors (IWMs) feature advanced control functions that allow for enhanced vehicle dynamics and stability. However, these improvements occur to the detriment of ride comfort due to the increased unsprung mass. This study investigates the driving comfort enhancement in electric vehicles that can be achieved through blended control of IWMs and active suspensions (ASs). The term “ride blending”, coined in a previous authors’ work and herein retained, is proposed by analogy with the brake blending to identify the blended action of IWMs and ASs. In the present work, the superior performance of the ride blending control is demonstrated against several driving manoeuvres typically used for the evaluation of the ride quality. The effectiveness of the proposed ride blending control is confirmed by the improved key performance indexes associated with driving comfort and active safety. The simulation results refer to the comparison of the conventional sport utility vehicle (SUV) equipped with a passive suspension system and its electric version provided with ride blending control. The simulation analysis is conducted with an experimentally validated vehicle model in CarMaker¼ and MATLAB/Simulink co-simulation environment including high-fidelity vehicle subsystems models

    Strategic planning and performance perceptions of managers and citizens : analysing multiple mediations

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    Although strategic planning is ubiquitous within public organizations and despite meta-analytical research showing that it impacts performance, important questions about why it does so remain unanswered. This article addresses this gap by identifying the mediators underlying the strategic planning – public service performance relationship. Multi-informant survey data from managers and citizens in 101 Flemish municipalities are analysed using PLS-SEM. The results show that strategic planning has an indirect, positive association with managers’ and citizens’ perceptions of performance via its impact on external relations. An agenda on other mediators and the potential of PLS-SEM for public management research are presented in conclusion

    Strategic planning in a governance network: a life cycle approach

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    Strategic planning positively impacts performance in traditional public organizations, but does it also work in governance networks? This chapter addresses that question using an exploratory single-case study, into examining the characteristics and outcomes of strategic planning in a governance network. We demonstrate that strategic planning can enhance perceived network performance. This research also illustrates how the use of strategic planning tools depends on broader dynamics, like the position of the meta-governor, changes in the broader political context, and the positions and competencies of the network managers themselves

    Strategic planning: the way forward

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    Strategic planning has long been one of the most popular managerial approaches in organizations across sectors and worldwide. Strategic planning is considered a meso-level approach to strategy formulation, implying that it is used to formulate an organizational strategy following a somewhat systematic and deliberate process. There are a great many links to make between strategic planning and important public management and governance concepts. Strategic planning is indeed a transversal concept, in that it touches upon so many aspects of modern public management and governance. The chapter explores five themes relevant to strategic planning: (1) transnational and network governance, (2) public values and stakeholder expectations, (3) rules, regulations and bureaucracy, (4) organizational and societal change, (5) public governance in complex systems

    Doodgeboren biggen en uitval bij de biggen op het moderne varkensbedrijf

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    De laatste jaren is het aantal geboren biggen per zeug drastisch toegenomen. Dit komt in de eerste plaats door een doorgedreven selectie op de vruchtbaarheid en de productiviteit van de hedendaagse hybride zeugen. Ook de varkenshouder zelf heeft zijn steentje bijgedragen door inspanningen te leveren op gebied van onder andere dekmanagement en voeding van de zeugen. Toch zorgt de stijging van het aantal geboren biggen niet voor een evenredige toename van het productiegetal. De voorbije jaren zagen we immers ook een stijging van het aantal doodgeboren biggen en van de uitval van zuigende biggen in de kraamstal. Hierdoor blijft het maximale productiepotentieel van de zeugen onbenut. Daarnaast worden ook meer kleinere en zwakkere biggen geboren die extra aandacht en middelen vragen om in de vleesvarkensstal te geraken. Dit alles leidt tot een verminderde efficiĂ«ntie met economische verliezen voor de varkenshouder tot gevolg. Om de efficiĂ«ntie in de kraamstal opnieuw te verhogen, kan de vraag gesteld worden of het nog wel zinvol en haalbaar is om verder te blijven selecteren op de worpgrootte. Daarnaast kan immers ook de nadruk gelegd worden op het in leven houden van de ongeboren en geboren biggen. In 2010 startte het ADLO-demonstratieproject ‘Doodgeboren biggen en uitval bij de biggen op het moderne varkensbedrijf’. Dit demoproject had als doel mogelijke risicofactoren voor doodgeboorte en uitval in de kraamstal in kaart te brengen en op basis van die kennis richtlijnen te verstrekken om de uitval te reduceren.status: publishe