16 research outputs found

    The Role of Mcl-1 in Embryonic Neural Precursor Cell Apoptosis

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    Myeloid cell leukemia-1 (Mcl-1), an anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 protein, regulates neural precursor cell (NPC) survival in both the developing and adult mammalian nervous system. It is unclear when during the neurogenic period Mcl-1 becomes necessary for NPC survival and whether Bax is the sole pro-apoptotic target of Mcl-1. To address these questions, we used the nervous system-specific Nestin-Cre Mcl-1 conditional knockout mouse line (Mcl-1 CKO) to assess the anti-apoptotic role of Mcl-1 in developmental neurogenesis. Loss of Mcl-1 resulted in a wave of apoptosis beginning in the brainstem and cervical spinal cord at embryonic day 9.5 (E9.5) and in the forebrain at E10.5. Apoptosis was first observed ventrally in each region and spread dorsally over time. Within the spinal cord, apoptosis also spread in a rostral to caudal direction following the path of differentiation. Breeding the Mcl-1 CKO mouse with the Bax null mouse rescued the majority of NPC from apoptosis except in the dorsomedial brainstem and ventral thoracic spinal cord where only 50% were rescued. This demonstrates that Mcl-1 promotes NPC survival primarily by inhibiting the activation of Bax, but that Bax is not the sole pro-apoptotic target of Mcl-1 during embryonic neurogenesis. Interestingly, although co-deletion of Bax rescued the majority of NPC apoptosis, it resulted in embryonic lethality at E13, whereas conditional deletion of both Mcl-1 and Bax rescued embryonic lethality. In summary, this study demonstrates the widespread dependency on Mcl-1 during nervous system development

    p107 regulates neural precursor cells in the mammalian brain

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    Here we show a novel function for Retinoblastoma family member, p107 in controlling stem cell expansion in the mammalian brain. Adult p107-null mice had elevated numbers of proliferating progenitor cells in their lateral ventricles. In vitro neurosphere assays revealed striking increases in the number of neurosphere forming cells from p107βˆ’/βˆ’ brains that exhibited enhanced capacity for self-renewal. An expanded stem cell population in p107-deficient mice was shown in vivo by (a) increased numbers of slowly cycling cells in the lateral ventricles; and (b) accelerated rates of neural precursor repopulation after progenitor ablation. Notch1 was up-regulated in p107βˆ’/βˆ’ neurospheres in vitro and brains in vivo. Chromatin immunoprecipitation and p107 overexpression suggest that p107 may modulate the Notch1 pathway. These results demonstrate a novel function for p107 that is distinct from Rb, which is to negatively regulate the number of neural stem cells in the developing and adult brain

    The Retinoblastoma family member p107 regulates the rate of progenitor commitment to a neuronal fate

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    The Retinoblastoma protein p107 regulates the neural precursor pool in both the developing and adult brain. As p107-defi cient mice exhibit enhanced levels of Hes1, we questioned whether p107 regulates neural precursor self-renewal through the repression of Hes1. p107 represses transcription at the Hes1 promoter. Despite an expanded neural precursor population, p107- null mice exhibit a striking reduction in the number of cortical neurons. Hes1 defi ciency rescues neurosphere numbers in p107-null embryos. We fi nd that the loss of a single Hes1 allele in vivo restores the number of neural precursor cells at the ventricular zone. Neuronal birthdating analysis reveals a dramatic reduction in the rate of neurogenesis, demonstrating impairment in p107βˆ’/βˆ’ progenitors to commit to a neuronal fate. The loss of a single Hes1 allele restores the number of newly generated neurons in p107-defi cient brains. Together, we identify a novel function for p107 in promoting neural progenitor commitment to a neuronal fate

    Mcl-1 Is a Key Regulator of Apoptosis during CNS Development and after DNA Damage

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    Despite the importance of Mcl-1, an anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 family member, in the regulation of apoptosis, little is known regarding its role in nervous system development and injury-induced neuronal cell death. Because germline deletion of Mcl-1 results in peri-implantation lethality, we address the function of Mcl-1 in the nervous system using two different conditional Mcl-1 mouse mutants in the developing nervous system. Here, we show for the first time that Mcl-1 is required for neuronal development. Neural precursors within the ventricular zone and newly committed neurons in the cortical plate express high levels of Mcl-1 throughout cortical neurogenesis. Loss of Mcl-1 in neuronal progenitors results in widespread apoptosis. Double labeling with active caspase 3 and Tuj1 reveals that newly committed Mcl1 deficient neurons undergo apoptosis as they commence migration away from the ventricular zone. Examination of neural progenitor differentiation in vitro demonstrated that cell death in the absence of Mcl1 is cell autonomous. Although conditional deletion of Mcl-1 in cultured neurons does not trigger apoptosis, loss of Mcl-1 sensitizes neurons to an acute DNA damaging insult. Indeed, the rapid reduction of Mcl-1mRNAand protein levels are early events afterDNAdamage in neurons, and maintaining high Mcl-1 levels can protect neurons against death. Together, our results are the first to demonstrate the requirement of Mcl-1, an anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 family protein, for cortical neurogenesis and the survival of neurons after DNA damage

    The p107/E2F Pathway Regulates Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 Responsiveness in Neural Precursor Cells β–Ώ

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    We have previously shown that p107, a member of the retinoblastoma (Rb) cell cycle regulatory family, has a unique function in regulating the pool of neural precursor cells. As the pool of progenitors is regulated by a limiting supply of trophic factors, we asked if the Rb/E2F pathway may control the size of the progenitor population by regulating the levels of growth factors or their receptors. Here, we demonstrate that fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF2) is aberrantly upregulated in the brains of animals lacking Rb family proteins and that the gene encoding the FGF2 ligand is directly regulated by p107 and E2F3. Chromatin immunoprecipitation assays demonstrated that E2F3 and p107 occupy E2F consensus sites on the FGF2 promoter in the context of native chromatin. To evaluate the physiological consequence of FGF2 deregulation in both p107 and E2F3 mutants, we measured neural progenitor responsiveness to growth factors. Our results demonstrate that E2F3 and p107 are each mediators of FGF2 growth factor responsiveness in neural progenitor cells. These results support a model whereby p107 regulates the pool of FGF-responsive progenitors by directly regulating FGF2 gene expression in vivo. By identifying novel roles for p107/E2F in regulating genes outside of the classical cell cycle machinery targets, we uncover a new mechanism whereby Rb/E2F mediates proliferation through regulating growth factor responsiveness

    A cell-autonomous requirement for the cell cycle regulatory protein, Rb, in neuronal migration

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    Precise cell cycle regulation is critical for nervous system development. To assess the role of the cell cycle regulator, retinoblastoma (Rb) protein, in forebrain development, we studied mice with telencephalon-specific Rb deletions. We examined the role of Rb in neuronal specification and migration of diverse neuronal populations. Although layer specification occurred at the appropriate time in Rb mutants, migration of early-born cortical neurons was perturbed. Consistent with defects in radial migration, neuronal cell death in Rb mutants specifically affected Cajal–Retzius neurons. In the ventral telencephalon, although calbindin- and Lhx6-expressing cortical neurons were generated at embryonic day 12.5, their tangential migration into the neocortex was dramatically and specifically reduced in the mutant marginal zone. Cell transplantation assays revealed that defects in tangential migration arose owing to a cell-autonomous loss of Rb in migrating interneurons and not because of a defective cortical environment. These results revealed a cell-autonomous role for Rb in regulating the tangential migration of cortical interneurons. Taken together, we reveal a novel requirement for the cell cycle protein, Rb, in the regulation of neuronal migration

    MCL-1 is a stress sensor that regulates autophagy in a developmentally regulated manner

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    The short-lived antiapoptotic BCL-2 homologue MCL-1 exerts an inhibitory effect on apoptosis and autophagy. The functional outcome of stress-induced MCL-1 degradation depends on the nature of stimulus and the cellular context, such as the differentiation state of neurons