8 research outputs found

    NATO‘s Northeast Quartet: Prospects and Opportunities for Baltic-Polish Defence Cooperation. OSW Policy Paper, November 2018

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    In recent years, NATO has made good progress in strengthening deterrence and defence postures on its eastern flank, including establishing a rotational Allied land component presence in the Baltic states and Poland. For quite some time, territorial defence seemed to be an obsolete need, a leftover from the Cold War era. However, Russia’s overt and covert uses of military force—against Georgia in 2008 and against Ukraine since 2014—have profoundly altered the security environment and threat perceptions in the region and, indeed, across the entire Alliance.1 Has this new situation also provided opportunities for the Baltic states and Poland to enhance their cooperation in their defence policies? What are the factors that enable and facilitate the advancement of cooperation in this format—and are there any obstacles to be removed? Ultimately, if these four countries on NATO’s northeast flank are functioning smoothly as a quartet, what are the political and military steps they could take to bring their cooperation to a new and enhanced level? Drawing upon a series of interviews with defence policymakers and military practitioners in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland, this policy paper examines the drivers, pressures and opportunities for closer defence cooperation among the Baltic states and Poland with the aim of articulating some recommendations as to how NATO’s “northeast quartet” could work together more harmoniously

    Activities of Latvian representatives in formation of European security and defence policy

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    Bakalaura darbs "Latvijas pārstāvju dalība Eiropas drošības un aizsardzības politikas veidošanā" tika veidots ar mērķi noskaidrot Latvijas pārstāvju līdzdalību Eiropas drošības un aizsardzības politkas (EDAP) veidošanā, skatot to caur pārstāvju darbību šīs politikas veidošanas institūcijās, un ar to saistītās problēmas, skatot teorētiskajā daļā drošības koncepta izpratni, sevišķi akcentējot ekonomisko un reģionālo drošību. Sekojoši tiek aplūkotas Eiropas integrācijas teorijas, detalizētāk analizējot divas pamata teorijas – neofunkcionālismu (neofunctionalism), kurš par primāro iemeslu Eiropas integrācijai izvirza jaunu institūciju rašanos, lai apmierinātu pieaugošās Eiropas Savienības (ES) vajadzības, un starpvaldību teoriju (intergovermentalism), kura akcentē dalībvalstu nacionālās intereses, bet vienlaicīgi pauž racionālu nepieciešamību sadarboties Savienības ietvaros, lai nodrošinātu savas nacionālās valsts labklājību. Ņemot vērā darba praktisko ievirzi, kas skata Latvijas pārstāvju dalību EDAP veidošanas institūcijās, par darba teorētisko ietvaru tika izmantota viena no atvasinātājām starpvaldību teorijām – politisko tīklojuma teorija (policy network), kura akcentē individuālo aktoru dalību lēmumpieņemšanas procesos Savienības institūcijās, izmantojot dažādus neformālus un formālus kanālus savu interešu aizstāvēšanai. Savukārt, darba praktiskajā daļā tiek skatīta EDAP attīstība, skatot to caur Savienības līgumu un citu dokumentu analīzi laika perspektīvā un apkopot dažādu autoru viedokļi par tā attīstības gaitu. Tiek apzinātas EDAP veidošanas institūcijas un analizēti politikas veidošanas un lēmuma pieņemšanas procesi tajās, kā arī izdalītas konkrētās problēmas, kas saistās ar EDAP un ES Otrā pīlāra īstenošanu praksē kopumā. Visbeidzot, tiek vērsta uzmanība uz ES jautājumu koordināciju un nacionālās pozīcijas veidošanu Latvijā, un apzināta Latvijas pārstāvju dalības iespējas EDAP izstrādē, skatot to caur darbošanos EDAP institūcijās. Apkopojot un izanalizējot Latviešu pārstāvju līdzdalības iespējas EDAP veidošanas institūcijās, tika pierādīta darbā izvirzītā hipotēzi – Latvijas pārstāvju darbība EDAP veidošanā ir ierobežota – dēļ nepietiekamo resursu apjoma, ko Latvija var atvēlēt EDAP attīstībai, lielāko dalībvalstu izteiktās dominantes EDAP veidošanā un nacionālās nostājas veidošanas nepilnīgais process, kas ierobežo pārstāvju rīcības apjomu.The objective of bachelor paper "Participation of Latvian representatives in formation of European security and defence policy" is to examine Latvian representatives membership in European security and defence policy (ESDP) formation, examining it through representatve work in policy making institutions, and with it related problems. In theoretical part there will be examined the concept of defence, paying special attention to concepts of economical un regional defence. As follows there will be examined European integration theories, more detalized analyzing two grand theories – neofunctionalism, which explains integration with the new institution appearing because of new functions which the European Union (EU) has to face, and intergovermentalism, which emphasizes national interests of memberstates and together the necessity to cooperate and integrate within Union, hence providing national and regional welfare. Considering the theme of the bachelor paper, which deals with Latvian representative participation in ESDP formation institutions, the main theory for this paper, which is directly derived from intergovermentalism, is going to be the policy network theory, which emphasizes the actions of individual actors in decision making processes in Unions institutions, using neformal un formal channals to secure their national interests. In practial part of the paper will be examined ESDP development through analyzes of Unions agreements and other documents and summarized views of different authors about this development. There will be also examined the institutions, which ar involved in ESDP formation processes, and the main problems of effective implementation in practice of ESDP and EU Second pillar overall. Finally, there will be analyzed the coordination of EU questions and formation of national position in Latvia, and examined the opportunities of Latvian representatives in effective membership in ESDP formation, analyzing it through their actions in ESDP institutions. Summarizing and analyzing opportunities of Latvian representatives membership in ESDP formation institutions, the hypothesis – Latvian representatives actions in ESDP formation are limited – has been proved, because of insufficient amount of resources, which can Latvia allocate in development of ESDP; the powerful memberstates dominance in ESDP formation; and the deficient process of national position formation processe, which limites the actions of representatives in ESDP institutions

    NATO and EU response to risk societies

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    Maģistra darbs NATO un ES skatījums uz risku sabiedrībām veidots ar mērķi apzināt NATO un ES notikušās pārmaiņas drošības politikās 90.-tajos gados, lai noskaidrotu vai tās ir notikušas reaģējot uz risku sabiedrību radītajiem drošības izaicinājumiem un vai abas drošības kopienas veic nepieciešamos sadarbības pasākumus, lai efektīvi risinātu jaunos riskus. Darba teorētiskajā daļā tika aplūkotas Ulriha Beka idejas par risku sabiedrību konceptu, kā arī formulēts risku sabiedrību risku definējums. Vienīgā iespēja, kā var risināt mūsdienu risku sabiedrību radītos drošības izaicinājumus, ir valstu pārnacionāla sadarbība starptautisko organizāciju ietvaros. Praktiskajā daļā tika veltītas sadaļas NATO un ES 90.-tajos gados notikušajai darbības transformācijai, noskaidrojot, vai tā notika ar mērķi reaģēt uz risku sabiedrībām. Vienlaikus tika analizēts NATO un ES līdzšinējās sadarbības ietvars risku sabiedrību radīto risku risināšanā, identificējot galvenās problēmas.The objective of master’s paper NATO and EU response to risk societies is to analyze the change experienced by NATO and EU during nineties and to clarify whether they have occurred in order to respond to new security challenges of risk societies and whether the cooperation of both security communities has been effective enough to deal with the new kind of risks. In the theoretical part of the paper were examined the ideas of Ulrich Beck about risk societies concept and definition of the risks derived from risk societies. Interstate transnational cooperation is the only way for states to deal with the new security challenges of risk societies. Paper’s empirical part is dedicated for analyzes of NATO and EU changes during nineties, examining whether this transformation occurred in order to respond to risk societies, and also analyzes of former framework of NATO and EU cooperation in dealing with new security challenges of risk societies, identifying main problems, why it has been mainly formal

    Political will to strengthen human security in foreign policy: case study of Latvia

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    Elektroniskā versija nesatur pielikumusPromocijas darbs “Politiskā griba stiprināt cilvēkdrošību ārpolitikā: Latvijas gadījuma izpēte” ir ticis izstrādāts ar mērķi analizēt nosacījumus, kas ir ietekmējuši Latvijas lēmumu pieņēmēju politisko gribu pieņemt cilvēkdrošību stiprinošus lēmumus Latvijas ārpolitikā. Balstoties uz darba teorētiskajā daļā veikto teoriju analīzi, tika izstrādāts Politiskās gribas ārpolitikā analīzes pamatprincipu kopums, kurā tiek izdalīti trīs galvenie politisko gribu veidojošie elementi – motīvi, iespējas un spiediens – un šo elementu raksturojošie nosacījumi. Kā cilvēkdrošību stiprinoši lēmumi darba empīriskajā daļā tika analizēti lēmumi par Latvijas karavīru dalību starptautiskajās militārajās misijās Afganistānā un Mali, finansiāla ieguldījuma sniegšanu divpusējā sadarbībā attīstības jomā 2013.gadā un palīdzības sniegšanu dabas katastrofā cietušai valstij Japānai. Galvenā pētniecības metode ir gadījumu analīze, kas tiek īstenota, intervējot ārpolitikas veidotājus un analizējot politikas dokumentus un normatīvos aktus. Atslēgas vārdi: politiskā griba, cilvēkdrošība, lēmuma pieņēmēji, Latvijas ārpolitikaThe doctoral thesis “Political will to strengthen human security in foreign policy: case study of Latvia” was undertaken with the aim of analysing which factors have influenced the political will of decision makers to adopt decisions strengthening human security in Latvian foreign policy. Based on the theoretical part of the thesis an analytical framework of political will has been developed, embracing three main elements – motive, opportunity and pressure – and the factors characterizing them. The empirical part of the thesis deals with an analysis of three decisions strengthening human security – the participation of Latvian soldiers in military missions in Afghanistan and Mali, the financial contribution to bilateral development cooperation in 2013 and humanitarian aid provided to Japan after it was affected by a natural disaster. The main research method is a case study which was conducted through interviews with foreign policy decision makers and an analysis of policy documents and legislation. Keywords: political will, human security, decision makers, Latvian foreign polic

    Latvia’s Security and Defence Post-2014

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    This article takes a comprehensive look at developments in Latvia’s security and defence policies since 2014. The annexation of Crimea and the outbreak of the military conflict in Ukraine provided a major impetus for Latvian decision-makers to counter external and domestic threats to national security. The article discusses three key aspects of Latvia’s post-2014 security and defence developments. First, it looks at the transformation of security perceptions on the policy-making level. Second, the article discusses Latvia’s efforts to strengthen its military capabilities. Domestic security developments are also discussed. Third, differences between attitudes of Latvians and Russian-speakers towards a number of security and defence-related issues are presented. The article concludes that much has been done since 2014, but progress has been uneven. It will take more than just a few years to close the existing gaps in domestic and external security of Latvia

    Transition to Low Carbon Society. Evaluation Methodology

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    The need to resolve environmental pollution and climate change issues stimulate the introduction of new legislation to further lead to technological progress in the sphere of renewable energy sources and green technology. Nonetheless, the impact of the fragmented though concrete results-oriented activities on human development and on the transition to a low carbon society is difficult to assess. The paper describes a combined methodology for evaluation of the combined efforts contributing to transition to a low carbon society. The methodology includes 11 modules and encompasses the main drivers of sustainability and the thinking of a low carbon society– policy development (legislation), education and research, projects and programmes, and interest groups (stakeholders), which includes such groups as decision-makers, industries, educators NGOs and society as a whole. The results of the comprehensive evaluation provides points from which development activities can be launched in order to form a resilient, low carbon future