891 research outputs found

    Godsdiens, evangelie en religie in die poësie met besondere verwysing na gedigte van Ida Gerhardt

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    It is characteristic of this famous poetess that she abhors evangelical poetry. She considers this kind of poetry often to be of poor quality, especially in the light of its explicit purpose to evangelize and convert readers to Christianity, h could be argued that the Dutch poetess Nel Benschop, of whom tens of thousands volumes of poetry are sold, writes such poetry. Despite her abhorrence of evangelical poetry, Gerhardt cannot summarily be regarded as an atheist artist. On the contrary, she may even be called a Christian poetess, but not in the dogmatic sense of the word. The impact of her work transcends the boundaries of Christianity. She often uses Christianity as a frame of reference along with Greek and Latin Classical references to give her poetry universality. To illustrate this I would like to compare her Easter poem ("Pasen") with some Easter poems of minor poets like Nel Benschop and l.L de Villiers. An analysis of the Easter poems shows that Gerhardt’s Easter poem obviously has a Christian framework but its implications are far wider

    Digital tools, Strategic Alliances, and the Protection of Traditional Knowledge

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    This white paper provides a means for indigenous peoples to communicate current information and impacts among constituents and tribal groups. These concepts are very important in understanding how these groups disseminate policy and resource utilization impacts such as energy policies related to traditional knowledge associated to generic resources. In todays society the development of Information Communication Technologies (ICT) is imminent yet, large segments of the world remain marginalized. Our contention is that peer-to-peer and inter-institutional networks can be used to connect local with global systems to close this divide. Using today virtual and digital technologies the gap can be bridged using collaboration platforms using different knowledge systems that do not simply replicate the same information. The suggested model represents forming strategic alliances for information sharing and collaboration to empower and support local systems. The examples discussed show our efforts toward an inclusive approach with communities in full partnership, resulting in: 1) providing technical language necessary to negotiate with alliance partners, 2) creating new collaborative ways to incorporate cultural knowledge that can be shared locally and globally based on different metaphysical foundations, and 3) create ways by which communities can protect their traditional knowledge.\u2

    Zorgen op het platteland

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    Ouderen hebben vaak zorg nodig. Doordat het platteland sneller vergrijst dan andere gebieden neemt de vraag naar zorg hier sterker toe. Het tekort aan vrijwilligers op het platteland leidt ertoe dat de informele zorg en daardoor de leefbaarheid onder druk komen te staan. Voor het werven van potentiële vrijwilligers moeten vrijwilligersorganisaties en overheid voorwaarden creëren waardoor de potentiële vrijwilligers daadwerkelijk actief worden

    Nieuwkomers in het landelijk gebied

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    Een verkennend onderzoek naar nieuwkomers in het landelijk gebied op basis van literatuur, data en gesprekken met sleutelpersonen in Reeuwijk en op Schouwen-Duiveland. De definitie van nieuwkomers is niet eenduidig. Nieuwkomers zijn nauw betrokken bij het verenigingsleven, maar zijn in het lokale beleid minder actief. De aanwezige natuur en landschap in gemeenten vormt een verbindend element tussen nieuwkomers en autochtonen. Gemeenten kunnen daar meer op inspelen. This report reviews an exploratory study of newcomers in rural areas on the basis of a literature study, analyses of data and interviews with key figures in Reeuwijk and Schouwen-Duiveland. The definition of 'newcomers' was found to be fairly different. Newcomers are involved in local societies and clubs, but are less involved in local policy. The municipalities' nature and landscape create ties between newcomers and the indigenous population. Municipalities could make more use of this potential

    Groene diensten in nationale landschappen : potenties bij een veranderende landbouw

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    De landbouw is voor een belangrijk deel drager van het landschap in Nationale Landschappen. Dit rapport verkent de betekenis van groene diensten door de landbouw, tegen de achtergrond van verschillende ontwikkelingsrichtingen in die landbouw (schaalvergroting - verbreding). Twee kwalitatieve visies worden ontwikkeld aan de hand van al bestaande scenariostudies (de zogenaamde CPB-scenario’s), een analyse van instrumenten van groene diensten in nationaal en internationaal verband en een discussiemiddag. Beide visies laten ontwikkelingsrichtingen van Nationale landschappen zien en werken de rol van groene diensten door de landbouw verder uit. Deze rol wordt uitgewerkt aan de hand van een raamwerk over de organisatie van groene diensten en een analyse van de te realiseren kernkwaliteiten in Nationale Landschappen

    Is left-handedness associated with a more pronounced age-related cognitive decline?

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    The effect of handedness on cognitive functioning has been the subject of much controversy. The influential "pathological left-handedness theory" posited by Coren and Halpern (1991) claims that left-handedness is probabilistically related to deviations from the neurological and cognitive norm. Many studies have failed to find negative effects of left-handedness on cognitive functioning, but most of these studies related handedness to cognition at one moment in time. Such studies do not exclude the possibility that sinistrality may be related to a more pronounced age-related longitudinal decline in cognitive functions. This hypothesis was tested in the present study. In a longitudinal study involving a large population sample of cognitively intact people aged at least 50 years at baseline, we evaluated the effect of handedness on age-related decline in four major cognitive domains: speed of information processing, verbal learning, long-term verbal memory, and executive functioning. The results failed to provide support for the hypothesis that sinistrality is associated with a more pronounced age-related cognitive decline. Recommendations for future studies are provided
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