176 research outputs found

    Talent emerging in Learning Communities, exploring the role of peers

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    Poster presentation of proposal of PhD trajectory "Talent emerging in Learning Communities, exploring the role of peers". Talent development for all students in higher education is up on the (inter)national agenda. Talent, from a developmental view, is defined as the potential of individuals to excel in a particular domain given the optimal educational conditions. Within this framework, talent is seen as emergent, distributed and dynamic. This research project aims to contribute to a better understanding of talent emergence and its antecedents, focusing on the role of peers in learning communities in higher education. A mixed-methods approach with a qualitative orientation will be adopted as this is well-suited to explore the intended phenomenon in depth

    Liver fibrosis after extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy of gallbladder stones - A case report

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    We encountered significant liver fibrosis in a healthy young patient undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy for symptomatic gallstone disease. Twelve months prior to cholecystectomy the patient underwent multiple extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy (ESWL) sessions with adjuvant oral bile-acid therapy. Since the site of fibrosis corresponded clearly to the shock-wave transmission path, which was in accordance with animal studies, it was concluded that this liver fibrosis was a side effect of biliary ESWL. Based on these findings and the literature, we conclude that further assessment of the long-term safety of ESWL is still warranted, especially in patients undergoing multiple ESWL sessions

    Development of an integral assessment approach of health status in patients with obstructive airway diseases: the CORONA study

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    Traditional assessment of patients with obstructive lung diseases (asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; COPD) relies on physiological tests. The COPD and Asthma Rotterdam Integrated Care Approach (CORONA) study aims to develop a diagnostic pathway with a more comprehensive approach to the assessment of patients with asthma and COPD in secondary care. Methods: An eight-step method was used to develop and implement the pathway for patients with asthma or COPD referred to an outpatient hospital setting. Results: The diagnostic pathway consists of an evidence-based set of measurements prioritized by a Delphi procedure. The pathway incorporates three innovative diagnostics: the metronome-paced hyperventilation test to measure dynamic hyperinflation, an activity monitor to objectively evaluate physical activity in daily life, and the Nijmegen Clinical Screening Instrument as a comprehensive assessment tool to acquire detailed insight into symptoms, functional limitations, and quality of life. Conclusion: An innovative diagnostic pathway was developed and implemented for patients with obstructive lung diseases referred to secondary care. As this pathway aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of health status, it focuses on biomedical aspects and also reviews behavioral aspects that further elucidate the patient’s health status. The added value of the diagnostic pathway needs to be determined from both an organizational perspective and from the individual patient’s viewpoint

    Localization of the Gene for Sclerosteosis to the van Buchem Disease–Gene Region on Chromosome 17q12–q21

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    SummarySclerosteosis is an uncommon, autosomal recessive, progressive, sclerosing, bone dysplasia characterized by generalized osteosclerosis and hyperostosis of the skeleton, affecting mainly the skull and mandible. In most patients this causes facial paralysis and hearing loss. Other features are gigantism and hand abnormalities. In the present study, linkage analysis in two consanguineous families with sclerosteosis resulted in the assignment of the sclerosteosis gene to chromosome 17q12-q21. This region was analyzed because of the recent assignment to this chromosomal region of the gene causing van Buchem disease, a rare autosomal recessive condition with a hyperostosis similar to sclerosteosis. Because of the clinical similarities between sclerosteosis and van Buchem disease, it has previously been suggested that both conditions might be caused by mutations in the same gene. Our study now provides genetic evidence for this hypothesis

    Haemodynamic performance of 16–20-mm extracardiac Goretex conduits in adolescent Fontan patients at rest and during simulated exercise

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    OBJECTIVES: To date, it is not known if 16–20-mm extracardiac conduits are outgrown during somatic growth from childhood to adolescence. This study aims to determine total cavopulmonary connection (TCPC) haemodynamics in adolescent Fontan patients at rest and during simulated exercise and to assess the relationship between conduit size and haemodynamics. METHODS: Patient-specific, magnetic resonance imaging-based computational fluid dynamic models of the TCPC were performed in 51 extracardiac Fontan patients with 16–20-mm conduits. Power loss, pressure gradient and normalized resistance were quantified in rest and during simulated exercise. The cross-sectional area (CSA) (mean and minimum) of the vessels of the TCPC was determined and normalized for flow rate (mm2/l/min). Peak (predicted) oxygen uptake was assessed. RESULTS: The median age was 16.2 years (Q1–Q3 14.0–18.2). The normalized mean conduit CSA was 35–73% smaller compared to the inferior and superior vena cava, hepatic veins and left/right pulmonary artery (all P &lt; 0.001). The median TCPC pressure gradient was 0.7 mmHg (Q1–Q3 0.5–0.8) and 2.0 (Q1–Q3 1.4–2.6) during rest and simulated exercise, respectively. A moderate–strong inverse nonlinear relationship was present between normalized mean conduit CSA and TCPC haemodynamics in rest and exercise. TCPC pressure gradients of &gt;_1.0 at rest and &gt;_3.0 mmHg during simulated exercise were observed in patients with a conduit CSA &lt;_ 45 mm2/l/min and favourable haemodynamics (&lt;1 mmHg during both rest and exercise) in conduits &gt;_125 mm2/l/min. Normalized TCPC resistance correlated with (predicted) peak oxygen uptake. CONCLUSIONS: Extracardiac conduits of 16–20 mm have become relatively undersized in most adolescent Fontan patients leading to suboptimal haemodynamics.</p

    Fibromuscular dysplasia presenting as a renal infarction: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Fibromuscular dysplasia is a non-atherosclerotic, non-inflammatory disease that most commonly affects the renal and internal carotid arteries.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>We present the case of a 44-year-old Caucasian man who was admitted with complaints of loin pain and hypertension. A computed tomography scan of the abdomen revealed a right renal infarction with a nodular aspect of the right renal artery. Subsequent renal angiography revealed a typical 'string of beads' pattern of the right renal artery with thrombus formation. Oral anticoagulation was started and the secondary hypertension was easily controlled with anti-hypertensive drugs. At follow-up, our patient refused percutaneous transluminal renal angioplasty as a definitive treatment.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Fibromuscular dysplasia is the most common cause of renovascular hypertension in patients under 50 years of age. Presentation with renal infarction is rare.</p> <p>In fibromuscular dysplasia, angioplasty has been proven to have, at least for some indications, an advantage over anti-hypertensive drugs. Therefore, hypertension secondary to fibromuscular dysplasia is the most common cause of curable hypertension.</p
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