923 research outputs found

    Images of Locally Finite Derivations of Polynomial Algebras in Two Variables

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    In this paper we show that the image of any locally finite kk-derivation of the polynomial algebra k[x,y]k[x, y] in two variables over a field kk of characteristic zero is a Mathieu subspace. We also show that the two-dimensional Jacobian conjecture is equivalent to the statement that the image ImDIm D of every kk-derivation DD of k[x,y]k[x, y] such that 1∈ImD1\in Im D and divD=0div D=0 is a Mathieu subspace of k[x,y]k[x, y].Comment: Minor changes and improvements. Latex, 9 pages. To appear in J. Pure Appl. Algebr

    The tame automorphism group in two variables over basic Artinian rings

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    In a recent paper it has been established that over an Artinian ring R all two-dimensional polynomial automorphisms having Jacobian determinant one are tame if R is a Q-algebra. This is a generalization of the famous Jung-Van der Kulk Theorem, which deals with the case that R is a field (of any characteristic). Here we will show that for tameness over an Artinian ring, the Q-algebra assumption is really needed: we will give, for local Artinian rings with square-zero principal maximal ideal, a complete description of the tame automorphism subgroup. This will lead to an example of a non-tame automorphism, for any characteristic p>0.Comment: 10 page

    Two Results on Homogeneous Hessian Nilpotent Polynomials

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    Let z=(z1,...,zn)z=(z_1, ..., z_n) and Δ=∑i=1n∂2∂zi2\Delta=\sum_{i=1}^n \frac {\partial^2}{\partial z^2_i} the Laplace operator. A formal power series P(z)P(z) is said to be {\it Hessian Nilpotent}(HN) if its Hessian matrix \Hes P(z)=(\frac {\partial^2 P}{\partial z_i\partial z_j}) is nilpotent. In recent developments in [BE1], [M] and [Z], the Jacobian conjecture has been reduced to the following so-called {\it vanishing conjecture}(VC) of HN polynomials: {\it for any homogeneous HN polynomial P(z)P(z) ((of degree d=4d=4)), we have ΔmPm+1(z)=0\Delta^m P^{m+1}(z)=0 for any m>>0m>>0.} In this paper, we first show that, the VC holds for any homogeneous HN polynomial P(z)P(z) provided that the projective subvarieties ZP{\mathcal Z}_P and Zσ2{\mathcal Z}_{\sigma_2} of CPn−1\mathbb C P^{n-1} determined by the principal ideals generated by P(z)P(z) and σ2(z):=∑i=1nzi2\sigma_2(z):=\sum_{i=1}^n z_i^2, respectively, intersect only at regular points of ZP{\mathcal Z}_P. Consequently, the Jacobian conjecture holds for the symmetric polynomial maps F=z−∇PF=z-\nabla P with P(z)P(z) HN if FF has no non-zero fixed point w∈Cnw\in \mathbb C^n with ∑i=1nwi2=0\sum_{i=1}^n w_i^2=0. Secondly, we show that the VC holds for a HN formal power series P(z)P(z) if and only if, for any polynomial f(z)f(z), Δm(f(z)P(z)m)=0\Delta^m (f(z)P(z)^m)=0 when m>>0m>>0.Comment: Latex, 7 page

    Stable Tameness of Two-Dimensional Polynomial Automorphisms Over a Regular Ring

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    In this paper it is established that all two-dimensional polynomial automorphisms over a regular ring R are stably tame. In the case R is a Dedekind Q-algebra, some stronger results are obtained. A key element in the proof is a theorem which yields the following corollary: Over an Artinian ring A all two-dimensional polynomial automorphisms having Jacobian determinant one are stably tame, and are tame if A is a Q-algebra. Another crucial ingredient, of interest in itself, is that stable tameness is a local property: If an automorphism is locally tame, then it is stably tame.Comment: 18 page

    Venereau-type polynomials as potential counterexamples

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    We study some properties of the Venereau polynomials b_m=y+x^m(xz+y(yu+z^2)), a sequence of proposed counterexamples to the Abhyankar-Sathaye embedding conjecture and the Dolgachev-Weisfeiler conjecture. It is well known that these are hyperplanes and residual coordinates, and for m at least 3, they are C[x]-coordinates. For m=1,2, it is only known that they are 1-stable C[x]-coordinates. We show that b_2 is in fact a C[x]-coordinate. We introduce the notion of Venereau-type polynomials, and show that these are all hyperplanes, and residual coordinates. We show that some of these Venereau-type polynomials are in fact C[x]-coordinates; the rest remain potential counterexamples to the embedding and other conjectures. For those that we show to be coordinates, we also show that any automorphism with one of them as a component is stably tame. The remainder are stably tame, 1-stable C[x]-coordinates.Comment: 15 pages; to appear in J. Pure and Applied Algebr

    A note on k[z]-automorphisms in two variables

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    We prove that for a polynomial f∈k[x,y,z]f\in k[x,y,z] equivalent are: (1)ff is a k[z]k[z]-coordinate of k[z][x,y]k[z][x,y], and (2) k[x,y,z]/(f)≅k[2]k[x,y,z]/(f)\cong k^{[2]} and f(x,y,a)f(x,y,a) is a coordinate in k[x,y]k[x,y] for some a∈ka\in k. This solves a special case of the Abhyankar-Sathaye conjecture. As a consequence we see that a coordinate f∈k[x,y,z]f\in k[x,y,z] which is also a k(z)k(z)-coordinate, is a k[z]k[z]-coordinate. We discuss a method for constructing automorphisms of k[x,y,z]k[x,y,z], and observe that the Nagata automorphism occurs naturally as the first non-trivial automorphism obtained by this method - essentially linking Nagata with a non-tame RR-automorphism of R[x]R[x], where R=k[z]/(z2)R=k[z]/(z^2).Comment: 8 page
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