156 research outputs found

    Understanding phase contrast artefacts in micro computed absorption tomography

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    Phase contrast imaging is a technique which captures objects with little or no light absorption. This is possible due to the wave nature of light, i.e., diffraction. In computerised tomography, the aim is most often to reconstruct the light absorption property of objects but many objects can not be imaged without obtaining a mix of both absorption and phase, this is especially true for weakly absorbing objects at high resolution. Hence, phase contrast is usually considered an unwanted artefact which should be removed. Traditionally this is done directly on the projection data prior to the filtered back projection algorithm and the filter settings are derived from the physical setup of the imaging device. In this paper we show how these operations can be carried out on the reconstructed data, without access to the projection images, which yields much flexibility over previous approaches. Especially, filtering can be applied to small regions of interest which simplifies fine tuning of parameters, and some low pass filtering can be avoided which is inherent in previous methods. We will also show the filter parameters can be estimated from step edges in the reconstructed images

    Modelling fungal colonies and communities:challenges and opportunities

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    This contribution, based on a Special Interest Group session held during IMC9, focuses on physiological based models of filamentous fungal colony growth and interactions. Fungi are known to be an important component of ecosystems, in terms of colony dynamics and interactions within and between trophic levels. We outline some of the essential components necessary to develop a fungal ecology: a mechanistic model of fungal colony growth and interactions, where observed behaviour can be linked to underlying function; a model of how fungi can cooperate at larger scales; and novel techniques for both exploring quantitatively the scales at which fungi operate; and addressing the computational challenges arising from this highly detailed quantification. We also propose a novel application area for fungi which may provide alternate routes for supporting scientific study of colony behaviour. This synthesis offers new potential to explore fungal community dynamics and the impact on ecosystem functioning

    Path loss model for wireless narrowband communication above flat phantom

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    Biomass increment and carbon sequestration in hedgerow-grown trees

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    The global role of tree-based climate change mitigation is widely recognized; trees sequester large amounts of atmospheric carbon, and woody biomass has an important role in the future biobased economy. In national carbon and biomass budgets, trees growing in hedgerows and tree rows are often allocated the same biomass increment data as forest-grown trees. However, the growing conditions in these linear habitats are different from forests given that the trees receive more solar radiation, potentially benefit from fertilization residuals from adjacent fields and have more physical growing space. Tree biomass increment and carbon storage in linear woody elements should therefore be quantified and correctly accounted for. We examined four different hedgerow systems with combinations of pedunculate oak, black alder and silver birch in northern Belgium. We used X-ray CT scans of pith-to-bark cores of 73 trees to model long-term (tree life span) and short-term (last five years) trends in basal area increment and increment in aboveground stem biomass. The studied hedgerows and tree rows showed high densities (168–985 trees km-1) and basal areas (22.1–44.9 m2 km-1). In all four hedgerow systems, we found a strong and persistent increase in stem biomass and thus carbon accumulation with diameter (long-term trend). The current growth performance (short-term trend) also increased with tree diameter and was not related to hedgerow tree density or basal area, which indicates that competition for light does not (yet) limit tree growth in these ecosystems. The total stem volume was 82.0–339.7 m3 km-1 (corresponding to 18.8–100.7 Mg aboveground carbon km-1) and the stem volume increment was 3.1–14.5 m3 km-1 year-1 (aboveground carbon sequestration 0.7–4.3 Mg km-1 year-1). The high tree densities and the persistent increase in growth of trees growing in hedgerow systems resulted in substantial wood production and carbon sequestration rates at the landscape scale. Our findings show that trees growing in hedgerow systems should be included when biomass and carbon budgets are drafted. The biomass production rates of hedgerow trees we provide can help refine the IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories

    Non-destructive evaluation techniques and what they tell us about wood property variation

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    To maximize utilization of our forest resources, detailed knowledge of wood property variation and the impacts this has on end-product performance is required at multiple scales (within and among trees, regionally). As many wood properties are difficult and time-consuming to measure our knowledge regarding their variation is often inadequate as is our understanding of their responses to genetic and silvicultural manipulation. The emergence of many non-destructive evaluation (NDE) methodologies offers the potential to greatly enhance our understanding of the forest resource; however, it is critical to recognize that any technique has its limitations and it is important to select the appropriate technique for a given application. In this review, we will discuss the following technologies for assessing wood properties both in the field: acoustics, Pilodyn, Resistograph and Rigidimeter and the lab: computer tomography (CT) scanning, DiscBot, near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy, radial sample acoustics and SilviScan. We will discuss these techniques, explore their utilization, and list applications that best suit each methodology. As an end goal, NDE technologies will help researchers worldwide characterize wood properties, develop accurate models for prediction, and utilize field equipment that can validate the predictions. The continued advancement of NDE technologies will also allow researchers to better understand the impact on wood properties on product performance