76 research outputs found

    Prevalence of Arcobacter species among humans, Belgium, 2008-2013

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    We examined fecal samples from 6,774 patients with enteritis in Belgium, 2008–2013. Members of the genus Arcobacter were the fourth most common pathogen group isolated, and the isolation rate was higher than previously reported. Culturing Arcobacter in a microbiology laboratory is feasible and should thus be tested for in cases of diarrheal disease

    A bird’s-eye view of chronic unilateral conjunctivitis : remember about Chlamydia psittaci

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    Chlamydia psittaci causes psittacosis in humans, mainly in people in contact with birds in either the setting of occupational or companion bird exposure. Infection is associated with a range of clinical manifestations from asymptomatic infection to severe atypical pneumonia and systemic disease. C. psittaci has also been associated with ocular adnexal lymphoma in human patients. The current paper describes successful doxycycline treatment of a male patient suffering from C. psittaci chronic unilateral conjunctivitis, most probably linked to the visit of a South African wildlife reserve. Increased awareness among general and occupational physicians, ophthalmologists, clinicians, and the public on the potential of C. psittaci to cause ocular infection is needed

    Isolation, characterization and antibiotic resistance of Proteus mirabilis from Belgian broiler carcasses at retail and human stool

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    Proteus mirabilis is an important pathogen involved in human urinary tract infections, and also more isolated from stools of patients with diarrheal disease than from healthy patients. The role of food, especially poultry products as source for human infection and multi-resistant strains remains unclear. As a resident in broilers' intestines, P. mirabilis can contaminate broiler carcasses due to slaughter practices, and be a risk for human infection. The present study evaluated the performance of five isolation media, and subsequently examined the presence of P. mirabilis on broiler carcasses at retail. Additionally, isolates were characterized by the Dienes' test, repetitive element PCR fingerprinting and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, and their antibiotic resistance profile determined. Using a combined isolation protocol on blood agar, xylose lysine deoxycholate agar and violet red bile glucose agar, P. mirabilis was isolated from 29 out of 80 broiler carcasses (36.25%) with a mean contamination level of 2.25 +/- 0.50 log(10) CFU/g. A high strain heterogeneity was present in isolates from broilers and human stool. The same strains were not shared, but the antibiotic resistance profiling was similar. A role of poultry products as source for human infection should be taken into account

    Diagnostic approach for detection and identification of emerging enteric pathogens revisited : the (Ali)arcobacter lanthieri case

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    An immunocompetent patient without a history of recent travel or animal exposure developed persistent abdominal bloating and cramps without diarrhoea or fever. Negative additional investigations excluded gastritis, infectious colitis, inflammatory bowel disease and neoplasia, but routine stool culture detected a Campylobacter-like organism. The isolate was obtained with use of a polycarbonate filter technique, emphasizing the importance of culture to support and validate the occurrence of emerging and new bacterial enteric pathogens. The ensuing extensive laboratory examinations proved challenging in identifying this potential pathogen. Phylogenetic marker analysis based on the 16S ribosomal RNA and rpoB gene sequences revealed that the isolate was most closely related to Arcobacter lanthieri and Arcobacter faecis. Subsequent analysis of a draft whole genome sequence assigned the isolate to A. lanthieri. We report the presence of five virulence genes, cadF, ciaB, mviN, hecA and iroE, indicating a possible pathogenic nature of this organism. This case demonstrated the importance of the use of agnostic methods for the detection of emerging pathogens in cases of enteric disease with a wide array of gastrointestinal symptoms

    Presence and analysis of plasmids in human and animal associated Arcobacter species

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    In this study, we report the screening of four Arcobacter species for the presence of small and large plasmids. Plasmids were present in 9.9% of the 273 examined strains. One Arcobacter cryaerophilus and four Arcobacter butzleri plasmids were selected for further sequencing. The size of three small plasmids isolated from A. butzleri and the one from A. cryaerophilus strains ranged between 4.8 and 5.1 kb, and the size of the large plasmid, isolated from A. butzleri, was 27.4 kbp. The G+C content of all plasmids ranged between 25.4% and 26.2%. A total of 95% of the large plasmid sequence represents coding information, which contrasts to the 20 to 30% for the small plasmids. Some of the open reading frames showed a high homology to putative conserved domains found in other related organisms, such as replication, mobilization and genes involved in type IV secretion system. The large plasmid carried 35 coding sequences, including seven genes in a contiguous region of 11.6 kbp that encodes an orthologous type IV secretion system found in the Wolinella succinogenes genome, Helicobacter pylori and Campylobacter jejuni plasmids, which makes this plasmid interesting for further exploration

    Effects of urbanization on host-pathogen interactions, using Yersinia in house sparrows as a model

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    Urbanization strongly affects biodiversity, altering natural communities and often leading to a reduced species richness. Yet, despite its increasingly recognized importance, how urbanization impacts on the health of individual animals, wildlife populations and on disease ecology remains poorly understood. To test whether, and how, urbanization-driven ecosystem alterations influence pathogen dynamics and avian health, we use house sparrows (Passer domesticus) and Yersinia spp. (pathogenic for passerines) as a case study. Sparrows are granivorous urban exploiters, whose western European populations have declined over the past decades, especially in highly urbanized areas. We sampled 329 house sparrows originating from 36 populations along an urbanization gradient across Flanders (Belgium), and used isolation combined with 'matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry' (MALDI-TOF MS) and PCR methods for detecting the presence of different Yersinia species. Yersinia spp. were recovered from 57.43% of the sampled house sparrows, of which 4.06%, 53.30% and 69.54% were identified as Y. pseudotuberculosis, Y. enterocolitica and other Yersinia species, respectively. Presence of Yersinia was related to the degree of urbanization, average daily temperatures and the community of granivorous birds present at sparrow capture locations. Body condition of suburban house sparrows was found to be higher compared to urban and rural house sparrows, but no relationships between sparrows' body condition and presence of Yersinia spp. were found. We conclude that two determinants of pathogen infection dynamics, body condition and pathogen occurrence, vary along an urbanization gradient, potentially mediating the impact of urbanization on avian health

    M & L Jaargang 29/3

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    Marie-Anne Bru, Anton Ervynck, Doreen Gaublomme, Marie Christine Laleman, Daniel Lievois en Geert Vermeiren - Een stenen vogel: een uniek monument in de Gentse Sint-Pietersabdij. [A Stone bird: a unique monument in the Ghent Saint Peters Abbey.]In de historische kern van Gent zijn archeologen voortdurend druk in de weer. Recente opgravingen op het ceremonieplein brachten een grote stenen plaat mét gegraveerde vogel aan het licht: een bijzondere vondst die meteen heel wat vragen opriep. Het zoeken naar antwoorden werd een uitermate boeiende zoektocht over vakgebieden heen. Of hoe een vakoverschrijdende benadering van een archeologische vondst nieuwe kennis oplevert over onze regio in de late middeleeuwen en de moderne tijden.Anton Ervynck, Daniel Lievois en Baudouin Van den Abeele Gejaagd, gevangen, en uiteindelijk verdwenen: de natuurlijke historie van de Vlaamse kraan. [Hunted, caught and eventually disappeared: the natural history of the crane in Flanders.]In Vlaanderen is de kraanvogel voor de meesten wellicht een nobele onbekende. Ooit was dat anders en kon men de Grus grus terug vinden als gekortwiekt gevogelte op het neerhof, bezocht hij onze meersen en weilanden, was hij jachtbuit van de meest edele valken én een hoogstandje op het laatmiddeleeuwse banket. Een onderzoek van archeologische vondsten, naamgeving, toponiemen en historisch bronnenmateriaal brengt de kraanvogel - als deel van ons erfgoed - terug naar Vlaanderen.Daniel Lievois, Baudouin Van den Abeele en Anton Ervynck De kraanvogel, een krachtig symbool. [The crane, a powerful symbol.]Dat het verhaal van de kraanvogel nog niet is uitverteld bewijst een derde bijdrage in dit M&L nummer. Beladen met symboliek blijkt zijn aanwezigheid in één van de machtigste abdijen van de Lage Landen allerminst een toeval. De talrijke verhalen en mythen over deze soort zijn zo goed als vergeten. Uitkijkend naar zijn terugkeer brengen enkele onderzoekers alvast zoveel mogelijk over het verleden van de kraanvogel in kaart. Een verhaal dat - zonder enige twijfel - nog wordt vervolgdSummar

    Epidemiology of invasive aspergillosis in critically ill patients : clinical presentation, underlying conditions, and outcome

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    Introduction: Invasive aspergillosis (IA) is a fungal infection that particularly affects immunocompromised hosts. Recently, several studies have indicated a high incidence of IA in intensive care unit (ICU) patients. However, few data are available on the epidemiology and outcome of patients with IA in this setting. Methods: An observational study including all patients with a positive Aspergillus culture during ICU stay was performed in 30 ICUs in 8 countries. Cases were classified as proven IA, putative IA or Aspergillus colonization according to recently validated criteria. Demographic, microbiologic and diagnostic data were collected. Outcome was recorded 12 weeks after Aspergillus isolation. Results: A total of 563 patients were included, of whom 266 were colonized (47%), 203 had putative IA (36%) and 94 had proven IA (17%). The lung was the most frequent site of infection (94%), and Aspergillus fumigatus the most commonly isolated species (92%). Patients with IA had higher incidences of cancer and organ transplantation than those with colonization. Compared with other patients, they were more frequently diagnosed with sepsis on ICU admission and more frequently received vasopressors and renal replacement therapy (RRT) during the ICU stay. Mortality was 38% among colonized patients, 67% in those with putative IA and 79% in those with proven IA (P < 0.001). Independent risk factors for death among patients with IA included older age, history of bone marrow transplantation, and mechanical ventilation, RRT and higher Sequential Organ Failure Assessment score at diagnosis. Conclusions: IA among critically ill patients is associated with high mortality. Patients diagnosed with proven or putative IA had greater severity of illness and more frequently needed organ support than those with Aspergillus spp colonization

    Low prevalence of human enteropathogenic Yersinia spp. in brown rats (Rattus norvegicus) in Flanders

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    Brown rats (Rattus norvegicus) have been identified as potential carriers of Yersinia enterocolitica and Y. pseudotuberculosis, the etiological agents of yersiniosis, the third most reported bacterial zoonosis in Europe. Enteropathogenic Yersinia spp. are most often isolated from rats during yersiniosis cases in animals and humans, and from rats inhabiting farms and slaughterhouses. Information is however lacking regarding the extent to which rats act as carriers of these Yersinia spp.. In 2013, 1088 brown rats across Flanders, Belgium, were tested for the presence of Yersinia species by isolation method. Identification was performed using MALDI-TOF MS, PCR on chromosomal-and plasmid-borne virulence genes, biotyping and serotyping. Yersinia spp. were isolated from 38.4% of the rats. Of these, 53.4% were designated Y. enterocolitica, 0.7% Y. pseudotuberculosis and 49.0% other Yersinia species. Two Y. enterocolitica possessing the virF-, ail- and ystA-gene were isolated. Additionally, the ystB-gene was identified in 94.1% of the other Y. enterocolitica isolates, suggestive for biotype 1A. Three of these latter isolates simultaneously possessed the ail-virulence gene. Significantly more Y. enterocolitica were isolated during winter and spring compared to summer. Based on our findings we can conclude that brown rats are frequent carriers for various Yersinia spp., including Y. pseudotuberculosis and (human pathogenic) Y. enterocolitica which are more often isolated during winter and spring

    Altered trafficking of abnormal prion protein in atypical scrapie:Prion protein accumulation in oligodendroglial inner mesaxons

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    Invasive aspergillosis(IA) is a potentially lethal complication of Aspergillus infection affecting mainly immunocompromised hosts; however, during the last two decades its incidence was increasingly observed in critically ill immunocompetent patients. The objective of this study is to describe the clinical characteristics of histologically proven endomyocardial and pericardial invasion, in the context of IA, in critically ill patients. Eight critically ill patients with histopathological confirmation of endomyocardial/pericardial aspergillosis were evaluated. Risk factors, clinical and laboratory characteristics, treatment, histopathological characteristics and mortality were recorded. Signs and symptoms of cardiac dysfunction were not observed in any of the patients. Therapy was administered to six of them shortly after the first positive culture. The observed histopathological lesions included haemorrhagic lesions, small vessels with central thrombosis and surrounding consolidated tissue with necrosis. Voriconazole, caspofungin, lipid amphotericin B and itraconazole were the used antifungals. The mortality rate was high (87.5%). Endomyocardial and pericardial aspergillosis are devastating complications of invasive aspergillosis. Clinical suspicion is low making the diagnosis difficult, therefore histopathological examination of tissues are required. The mortality is high
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