150 research outputs found

    Secure the future — innovate and make a difference

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    Twelve months ago, 25 June 1996, saw a watershed event in the history of the planning profession in South Africa taking place. Following two years of negotiation and consultation, the South African Planning Institution was established through the amalgamation of the former South African Institute of Town and Regional Planners (SAITRP) and the Development Planning Association of South Africa (DPASA)

    The measurements of levels and causes of work stress of employees in a competitive open medical scheme in the privater sector

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    The fundamental goal of this study was to measure the levels and causes of stress of employees in an organisation undergoing immense change, including a transaction whereby the full administrative and managed healthcare operations are sold to a prominent insurance company (acquisition). This change represents an acquisition of the intellectual capital and systems of a mutual open medical scheme by a major insurance company with a well established brand equity and profile in the South African insurance market. The importance of the study is imperative as it forms an integral part of the management of change programmes. The goal is to execute a paradigm shift in leaving behind old comfort zones and moving towards a competitive workforce in a highly competitive environment with an outcomes based approach to business. The identification of the most important levels and causes of work stress will enable the organization to address factual situations and to build these strategies into its change programmes, whilst not relying on generic, non-focused initiatives with marginal success outcomes. Some organisations are more stressful than others and in order to manage stress and embark on effective strategies to cope with stress, the unique disposition of the organisation and its employees needed to be identified. The data was collected electronically via the organisation’s Intranet by means of the Experience of Work and Life Circumstances Questionnaire (WLQ), compiled by Van Zyl and Van der Walt of the Human Sciences Research Council in 1991. The questionnaire was developed to determine the levels and causes of stress of employees. The WLQ endeavours to establish whether employees experience normal, high or very high levels of stress and also identify those factors which cause these levels of stress. The questionnaire consists of three different parts namely, a demographic questionnaire, experience of work which determine the levels of stress and finally, circumstances and expectations which analyses the causes of stress. It was clear from the study that organisational change, such as is experienced by the employees of this organisation, does lead to increased and higher stress levels. It was further demonstrated from the results that uncertainty and lack of control over their own destiny and immediate circumstances, contributed to an increase in the levels of stress. Copyright 2009, University of Pretoria. All rights reserved. The copyright in this work vests in the University of Pretoria. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the University of Pretoria. Please cite as follows: V an Zyl, P 2009, The measurements of levels and causes of work stress of employees in a competitive open medical scheme in the privater sector, MCom dissertation, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, viewed yymmdd C12/4/69/gmDissertation (MCom)--University of Pretoria, 2009.Human Resource Managementunrestricte

    Performance investigation into selected object persistence stores

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    The current popular, distributed, n-tiered, object-oriented application architecture pro- vokes many design debates. Designs of such applications are often divided into logical layer (or tiers) - usually user interface, business logic and domain object (or data) layer, each with their own design issues. In particular, the latter contains data that needs to be stored and retrieved from permanent storage. Decisions need to be made as to the most appropriate way of doing this - the choices are usually whether to use an object database, to communicate directly with a relational database, or to use object-relational mapping (ORM) tools to allow objects to be translated to and from their relational form. Most often, depending on the perceived profile of the application, software architects make these decisions using rules of thumb derived from particular experience or the design patterns literature. Although helpful, these rules are often highly context-dependent and are of- ten misapplied. Research into the nature and magnitude of 'design forces' in this area has resulted in a series of benchmarks, intended to allow architects to understand more clearly the implications of design decisions concerning persistence. This study provides some results to help guide the architect's decisions. The study investigated and focused on the <i.performance of object persistence and com- pared ORM tools to object databases. ORM tools provide an extra layer between the business logic layer and the data layer. This study began with the hypothesis that this extra layer and mapping that happens at that point, slows down the performance of object persistence. The aim was to investigate the influence of this extra layer against the use of object databases that remove the need for this extra mapping layer. The study also investigated the impact of certain optimisation techniques on performance. A benchmark was used to compare ORM tools to object databases. The benchmark provided criteria that were used to compare them with each other. The particular benchmark chosen for this study was OO7, widely used to comprehensively test object persistence performance. Part of the study was to investigate the OO7 benchmark in greater detail to get a clearer understanding of the OO7 benchmark code and inside workings thereof. Included in this study was a comparison of the performance of an open source object database, db4o, against a proprietary object database, Versant. These representatives of object databases were compared against one another as well as against Hibernate, a popular open source representative of the ORM stable. It is important to note that these applications were initially used in their default modes (out of the box). Later some optimisation techniques were incorporated into the study, based on feedback obtained from the application developers. There is a common perception that an extra layer as introduced by Hibernate nega- tively impacts on performance. This study showed that such a layer has minimal impact on the performance. With the use of caching and other optimisation techniques, Hibernate compared well against object databases. Versant, a proprietary object database, was faster than Hibernate and the db4o open source object database. CopyrightDissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2010.Computer Scienceunrestricte

    A critical analysis of the income tax implications of loan account funding in the small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) environment

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    The global economy is still recovering from the effects of the sub-prime crisis. The economic downturn has created international tax policies that seem to encourage debt funding. Some commentators are of the view that debt and equity should have a uniform tax treatment. South Africa has not escaped the aftermath of the economic meltdown and had three credit downgrades since the second half of 2009. The first objective of this treatise was to determine whether loan funding still has a role to play in a SME environment. This was considered in the context of interest-free or low-interest rate loans advanced by companies to shareholders or other connected persons and interest-bearing loans due by companies that in substance clearly have equity features. The primary enquiry pertaining to debit loans is whether the debt arose by virtue of any share held in the company. It is submitted that a causal connection is required between any share in that company and the advance made. Where a company parts with funds for no quid pro quo a deemed dividend in specie is triggered. Conversely, where a loan was made on commercial grounds the company will not be in breach, even if the loan is interest-free. A loan that lacks a reasonable redemption period is more akin to equity and to this extent a deemed dividend will be triggered where a loan owing by a company to a shareholder or other connected person is not redeemable within 30 years. There is ambiguity with regards to the inception of the 30-year period for pre-existing loan agreements. Taking the contra fiscum rule into account, it is submitted that the 30-year period should only commence from the effective date due to the impracticalities involved and because the concept of an ‘instrument’ did not previously exist. It is submitted that shareholder and other connected person loans are not by default equity, to the extent that the transaction is on commercial grounds and in substance a loan. It is further submitted that loan funding still has a role to play in a SME environment and that South Africa has no need for uniform tax rules pertaining to debt and equity, due to the anti-avoidance provisions highlighted above. The poor state of the local economy prompted Treasury to introduce new debt relief rules to assist distressed debtors. The second objective of this treatise was to analyse whether the new rules will provide tangible relief to distressed debtors as this was one of the short comings of the previous system. It is submitted that the new ordering rules delay the incurrence of an immediate tax as trading stock held and not disposed of, the base cost of an asset or the balance of an assessed capital loss is first reduced compared to the old rules where it instantly triggered a recoupment or a deemed disposal for CGT purposes. Tangible relief is provided to distressed debtors as a tax debt reduced has no normal tax consequences. This provides an opportunity for companies under business rescue because SARS rank on par with concurrent creditors. As a result, the tax debt reduced is likely to be higher under business rescue than liquidation

    Didaktiese model vir die gebruik van rekenaartegnologie in afstandsonderwys

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    Text in AfrikaansIn hierdie studie word afstandsonderrig soos dit tans deur die Universiteit van Suid-Mrika aangebied word, krities en indringend ontleed. Die gevolgtrekking hieruit was dat afstandsonderwys wesenlik aan studente die keuse behoort te hied van waar, wanneer en hoe hulle wil studeer. Daar is bevind dat Unisa agtergeraak het omdat die huidige onderrigmodel baie ooreenkom met 'n negentiende-eeuse Victoriaanse model, waarvolgens Unisa aan sy studente eintlik net die keuse oorlaat van waar gestudeer word. Die huidige Unisamodel toon ook sterk ooreenkomste met 'n geindustrialiseerde of fabrieksmodel: op feitlik alle vlakke word eenvormigheid van sy studente vereis; ten opsigte van registrasie- en eksamendatums, inleweringsdatums vir werkopdragte - dikwels ook hoe werkopdragte en eksamens afgehandel moet word. 'n Belangrike rede hiervoor is blykbaar dat die Universiteit agtergeraak bet ten opsigte van die gebruik van moderne rekenaartegnologie, wat dit vir baie departemente makliker gemaak bet om vas te steek in 'n Victoriaanse model as om na 'n oop model te beweeg. Daar is enkele departemente wat nogtans reeds begin bet om die eerste tree in hierdie rigting te gee. 'n Grondige ondersoek na die kenmerke van die volwassene student het aangedui dat hulle voortgesette studie benader as 'n wyse waarop oplossings vir probleme in heersende omstandighede gevind kan word. Om hierdie en ander redes behoort andersoortige eise aan bulle gestel te word: die min of meer klakkelose reproduksie van kennis moet plek maak vir probleemoplossingsbenaderings. 'n Didakties gefundeerde, verantwoordbare model word in hierdie studie geformuleer, waarvolgens rekenaartegnologie ingespan word om op gefntegreerde elektroniese wyse afstandsonderwys aan tersiere volwassene studente te voorsien - met inagneming van die feit dat sodanige model studentgesentreer behoort te wees, maar dat daar ook in die dosent se behoeftes aan akademiese en administratiewe rekenaarstelsels voorsien moet word. Ten slotte word riglyne voorgestel om die model in bedryf te stel; daar word ook aanbeveel dat verdere navorsing gedoen moet word ten opsigte van geidentifiseerde leemtes wat buite die bestek van hierdie studie geval het. Slegs deur 'n model soos die voorgestelde een, met of sonder aanpassings te aanvaar, kan Unisa weereens die voortou neem in afstandsleer en afstandstudie.This study presents a critical analysis of distance education, as it is currently offered by the University of South Africa. The conclusion is that distance education should offer students choices as to where, when and how they want to study. Unisa has fallen behind in this respect, because its particular model for providing distance education closely resembles a Victorian teaching model, and only really allows students to choose where they wish to study; not really when or how. In many respects it also resembles an industrial (factory) model: uniformity is demanded of its students in almost all respects; in respect of registration and examination dates, due dates for assignments, and often also how assignments and examinations should be completed. It appears that a fundamental reason for this is that the University has fallen behind by not employing modern technology, which made it easier to cling to a Victorian model, rather than move towards an open teaching model. However, some departments have already taken the first steps in moving towards such a model. A thorough examination of students as adults indicated that they approach further and continuing studies as a means of solving problems encountered in their daily situation. For this reason, amongst others, different demands should be made of them: rather than expecting them merely to reproduce knowledge more or less verbatim, they should be expected to adopt a problem solving approach. A didactically sound model is formulated in this study, by means of which computer technology may be integrated and employed in the electronic provision of distance education for adult tertiary students. Such a model should be student centred, providing also for the needs of lecturers in respect of academic and administrative computer systems. Finally, guidelines are suggested for putting this model into practice. It is also suggested that further research be done to fill in the gaps which fell beyond the bounds of this thesis. Unisa will only be able to take the lead in distance learning and distance education once again if a model such as the proposed model is adopted- with or without amendments.Curriculum and Instructional StudiesD. Ed. (Didaktiek

    Reflections on a paradigm shift

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    This study sets out to report on the reflections of a therapist-in-[post-graduate] training on his experiences when endeavouring to shift from [between] a positivistic to [and] a constructivistic paradigm. Reflections on some experiences associated with the positivistic epistemology that were relinquished were described; reflections on experiences associated with the constructivistic epistemology that were gained were described as well as reflections on experiences of both paradigms, that were added. These reflections were based on research data acquired during the researcher's first year of post-graduate training and exposure to the "new" constructivistic paradigm. Transcriptions from audio-taped sessions with a client from the researchers private practice, during this period served as the research data for this study. A literature study attempting to distinguish between the positivistic and constructivistic paradigms is presented. Arising out of this, the implications of a paradigm shift of this nature, is outlined.Health StudiesM.A. (Mental Health

    Source apportionment of ambient PM10−2.5 and PM2.5 for the Vaal Triangle, South Africa

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    The Vaal Triangle Airshed Priority Area (VTAPA), like other priority areas in South Africa, has an air pollution problem. Understanding the sources contributing to air pollution in this priority area will assist in the selection and implementation of appropriate control strategies. For this study, aerosol samples in the coarse (PM10-2.5) and fine (PM2.5) fraction were collected at four sites in the VTAPA during summer/autumn, winter, and spring. The contributing sources were identified and characterised based on the elemental and ionic compositions obtained through X-ray fluorescence and ion chromatography analysis. The highest seasonal median concentrations of PM10-2.5&nbsp;(116 μg/m3) and PM2.5&nbsp;(88 μg/m3) were observed in Sharpeville during the winter. The lowest median concentrations of PM10-2.5&nbsp;(25 μg/m3) and PM2.5&nbsp;(18 μg/m3) were detected in Zamdela during the summer/autumn period. At all sites, there was a high abundance of crustal elements in PM10-2.5&nbsp;and a dominance of coal and biomass combustion-related elements in PM2.5. The Positive Matrix Factorisation receptor model identified dust-related and secondary aerosols as the major contributing sources of PM10-2.5. PM2.5&nbsp;contributions were predominantly from coal burning for Sebokeng and Sharpeville and from industry, wood and biomass burning, and secondary aerosols for Kliprivier and Zamdela. The results of this study identify the main sources contributing to particulate air pollution in the VTAPA and provide local authorities with valuable information for decision-making.Significance: Dust, industry, domestic coal burning, vehicles, and wood and biomass combustion are the key sources of particulate air pollution in the VTAPA that need to be prioritised by decision-makers. Although Sebokeng and Sharpeville are located within the vicinity of industries, domestic coal burning has a greater contribution to particulate loading at these sites. Results from this study will assist in the design of local municipality air quality management plans for the VTAPA

    Six-year observations of aerosol optical properties at a southern African grassland savannah site

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    Atmospheric aerosols have a significant effect on earth's radiative budget, particularly on regional scales. This paper presents a similar to 6 year, in situ, ground level aerosol scattering and absorption dataset, measured at a background site strategically positioned to enable differentiation of the effect of anthropogenic, population density and open biomass burning activities on a regional scale. Relatively well-defined seasonal and diurnal patterns were observed for all the aerosol optical properties, i.e. scattering coefficient (sigma(SP)), absorption coefficient (sigma(AP)), single scattering albedo (omega(0)) and Angstrom exponent of scattering (sigma(SP)). These patterns were explained by considering southern African specific sources and metrological conditions. Using a receptor modelling method (auto-generated source maps) it was found that air masses that had higher sigma(SP), sigma(AP) and omega(0), and lower alpha(SP), if compared with the relatively clean background, passed over source regions with significant industrial or other anthropogenic activities, higher population density, re-circulation of polluted air masses and higher open biomass burning frequency. To quantify differences, four source regions were defined, i.e. Karoo, Kalahari, anti-cyclonic recirculation pattern and the industrial hub of South Africa. Air masses that had passed over the Karoo source region represented the cleanest regional background conditions, while air masses that had passed either over the industrial hub and/or the anti-cyclonic recirculation pattern represented the most significant anthropogenically impacted, as indicated by the aerosol optical properties. The omega(0) medians of air masses that had passed over the Karoo (0.80-0.86) were 9, 12 and 7% lower than in air masses that had passed over source regions with the highest omega(0) median, in the warmest/wettest, coldest, and driest, peak open biomass burning periods, respectively.Peer reviewe

    Draft genome sequences of <i>Pantoea agglomerans</i> and <i>Pantoea vagans</i> isolates associated with termites

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    The genus Pantoea incorporates many economically and clinically important species. The plant-associated species, Pantoea agglomerans and Pantoea vagans, are closely related and are often isolated from similar environments. Plasmids conferring certain metabolic capabilities are also shared amongst these two species. The genomes of two isolates obtained from fungus-growing termites in South Africa were sequenced, assembled and annotated. A high number of orthologous genes are conserved within and between these species. The difference in genome size between P. agglomerans MP2 (4,733,829 bp) and P. vagans MP7 (4,598,703 bp) can largely be attributed to the differences in plasmid content. The genome sequences of these isolates may shed light on the common traits that enable P. agglomerans and P. vagans to co-occur in plant- and insect-associated niches.The Danish Council for Independent Research, Natural Sciences (STENO grant: Michael Poulsen), the National Research Foundation (NRF) (RCA Fellowship: Pieter De Maayer) and the NRF/Dept. of Science and Technology Centre of Excellence in Tree Health Biotechnology (CTHB), South Africa.http://www.standardsingenomics.org/index.php/sigenam2016Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute (FABI)Microbiology and Plant Patholog

    Size-resolved characteristics of inorganic ionic species in atmospheric aerosols at a regional background site on the South African Highveld

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    Aerosols consist of organic and inorganic species, and the composition and concentration of these species depends on their sources, chemical transformation and sinks. In this study an assessment of major inorganic ions determined in three aerosol particle size ranges collected for 1year at Welgegund in South Africa was conducted. SO42- and ammonium (NH4+) dominated the PM1 size fraction, while SO42- and nitrate (NO3) dominated the PM1-2.5 and PM2.5-10 size fractions. SO42- had the highest contribution in the two smaller size fractions, while NO3- had the highest contribution in the PM2.5-10 size fraction. SO42- and NO3- levels were attributed to the impacts of aged air masses passing over major anthropogenic source regions. Comparison of inorganic ion concentrations to levels thereof within a source region influencing Welgegund, indicated higher levels of most species within the source region. However, the comparative ratio of SO42- was significantly lower due to SO42- being formed distant from SO2 emissions and submicron SO42- having longer atmospheric residencies. The PM at Welgegund was determined to be acidic, mainly due to high concentrations of SO42-. PM1 and PM1-2.5 fractions revealed a seasonal pattern, with higher inorganic ion concentrations measured from May to September. Higher concentrations were attributed to decreased wet removal, more pronounced inversion layers trapping pollutants, and increases in household combustion and wild fires during winter. Back trajectory analysis also revealed higher concentrations of inorganic ionic species corresponding to air mass movements over anthropogenic source regions.Peer reviewe
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