220 research outputs found

    A solution strategy to include the opening of the opercular slits in moving-mesh CFD models of suction feeding

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    The gill cover of fish and pre-metamorphic salamanders has a key role in suction feeding by acting as a one-way valve. It initially closes to avoid an inflow of water through the gill slits, after which it opens to allow outflow of the water that was sucked through the mouth into the expanded buccopharyngeal cavity. However, due to the inability of analytical models (relying on the continuity principle) to calculate a fluid flow through a shape-and-size-changing cavity with two openings, stringent boundary conditions had to be used in previously developed mathematical models after the moment of valve opening. By solving additionally for momentum conservation, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) has the capacity to dynamically simulate these flows, but this technique also faces complications to model a transition from closed to open valves. Here, I present a relatively simple solution strategy to incorporate valve opening, exemplified in an axisymmetrical model of a suction-feeding sunfish in ANSYS Fluent software. By controlling viscosity of a separately defined fluid entity at the opercular cavity region, early inflow can be blocked (high viscosity assigned) and later outflow can be allowed (changing viscosity to that of water). Finally, by analysing the CFD solution obtained for the sunfish model, a few new insights in the biomechanics of suction feeding will be discussed

    New insights into muscle function during pivot feeding in seahorses

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    Seahorses, pipefish and their syngnathiform relatives are considered unique amongst fishes in using elastic recoil of post-cranial tendons to pivot the head extremely quickly towards small crustacean prey. It is known that pipefish activate the epaxial muscles for a considerable time before striking, at which rotations of the head and the hyoid are temporarily prevented to allow energy storage in the epaxial tendons. Here, we studied the motor control of this system in seahorses using electromyographic recordings of the epaxial muscles and the sternohyoideus-hypaxial muscles with simultaneous high-speed video recordings of prey capture. In addition we present the results from a stimulation experiment including the muscle hypothesised to be responsible for the locking and triggering of pivot feeding in seahorses (m. adductor arcus palatini). Our data confirmed that the epaxial pre-activation pattern observed previously for pipefish also occurs in seahorses. Similar to the epaxials, the sternohyoideus-hypaxial muscle complex shows prolonged anticipatory activity. Although a considerable variation in displacements of the mouth via head rotation could be observed, it could not be demonstrated that seahorses have control over strike distance. In addition, we could not identify the source of the kinematic variability in the activation patterns of the associated muscles. Finally, the stimulation experiment supported the previously hypothesized role of the m. adductor arcus palatini as the trigger in this elastic recoil system. Our results show that pre-stressing of both the head elevators and the hyoid retractors is taking place. As pre-activation of the main muscles involved in pivot feeding has now been demonstrated for both seahorses and pipefish, this is probably a generalized trait of Syngnathidae

    Phenotypic flexibility of gape anatomy fine-tunes the aquatic prey-capture system of newts

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    A unique example of phenotypic flexibility of the oral apparatus is present in newts (Salamandridae) that seasonally change between an aquatic and a terrestrial habitat. Newts grow flaps of skin between their upper and lower jaws, the labial lobes, to partly close the corners of the mouth when they adopt an aquatic lifestyle during their breeding season. Using hydrodynamic simulations based on mu CT-scans and cranial kinematics during prey-capture in the smooth newt (Lissotriton vulgaris), we showed that this phenotypic flexibility is an adaptive solution to improve aquatic feeding performance: both suction distance and suction force increase by approximately 15% due to the labial lobes. As the subsequent freeing of the corners of the mouth by resorption of the labial lobes is assumed beneficial for the terrestrial capture of prey by the tongue, this flexibility of the mouth fine-tunes the process of capturing prey throughout the seasonal switching between water and land

    Kinematics of chisel-tooth digging by African mole-rats

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    Mole-rats are known to use their protruding, chisel-like incisors to dig underground networks of tunnels, but it remains unknown how these incisors are used to break and displace the soil. Theoretically, different excavation strategies can be used. Mole-rats could either use their head depressor muscles to power scooping motions of the upper incisors (by nose-down head rotations) or the lower incisors (by nose-up head rotations), or their jaw adductors to grab and break the soil after penetrating both sets of incisors into the ground, or a combination of these mechanisms. To identify how chisel-tooth digging works, a kinematic analysis of this behaviour was performed based on high-speed videos of 19 individuals from the African molerat species Fukomys micklemi placed inside transparent tubes in a laboratory setting. Our analysis showed that the soil is penetrated by both the upper and lower incisors at a relatively high gape angle, generally with the head rotated nose-up. Initially, the upper incisors remain approximately stationary to function as an anchor to allow an upward movement of the lower incisors to grab the soil. Next, a quick, nose-down rotation of the head further detaches the soil and drops the soil below the head. Consequently, both jaw adduction and head depression are jointly used to power tooth-digging in F. micklemi. The same mechanism, but with longer digging cycles, and soil being thrown down at smaller gape sizes, was used when digging in harder soil

    Upper beak depression instead of elevation dominates cranial kinesis in woodpeckers

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    The value of birds’ ability to move the upper beak relative to the braincase has been shown in vital tasks like feeding and singing. In woodpeckers, such cranial kinesis has been thought to hinder pecking as delivering forceful blows calls for a head functioning as a rigid unit. Here, we tested whether cranial kinesis is constrained in woodpeckers by comparing upper beak rotation during their daily activities such as food handling, calling and gaping with those from closely related species that also have a largely insectivorous diet but do not peck at wood. Both woodpeckers and non-woodpecker insectivores displayed upper beak rotations of up to 8 degrees. However, the direction of upper beak rotation differed significantly between the two groups, with woodpeckers displaying primarily depressions and non-woodpeckers displaying elevations. The divergent upper beak rotation of woodpeckers may be caused either by anatomical modifications to the craniofacial hinge that reduce elevation, by the caudal orientation of the mandible depressor muscle forcing beak depressions, or by both. Our results suggest that pecking does not result in plain rigidification at the upper beak's basis of woodpeckers, but it nevertheless significantly influences the way cranial kinesis is manifested.Este trabajo tiene asociado un conjunto de datos, al que puede accederse en "Documentos relacionados".Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Modulation of yaw by the caudal fin in the yellow boxfish (<i>Ostracion cubicus</i>)

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    Boxfishes (Ostraciidae; Tetraodontiformes) have a rigid carapace which restricts body undulation. Swimming movements can only be generated by the fins which protrude from the carapace. Nevertheless, these fishes are highly manoeuvrable and manage to swim with remarkably dynamic stability. However, the rigid carapace of boxfishes shows an inherently unstable response in yaw caused by course-disturbing flows. Hence, any net stabilising effect should come from the fishes’ fins. Here, we aim to determine the effect of the surface area and orientation of the caudal fin on the yaw torque exerted on the square cross-sectional shaped yellow boxfish (Ostracion cubicus). Yaw torques were quantified in a flow tank using a 3D printed physical yellow boxfish model with an attachable closed or open caudal fin. The model was positioned at different body and tail angles and exposed to different water flow speeds. We show that the caudal fin is crucial for yaw control. These flow tank results were confirmed by computational fluid dynamics simulations. The caudal fin acts as both a course-stabiliser and rudder for the naturally unstable rigid carapace with regard to yaw. By using physical models and computer simulations, we quantitatively show that actively changing the shape and orientation of the caudal fin plays an important role in controlling yaw torque in yellow boxfish. Further study is needed to unravel how all components of the boxfishes’ locomotor apparatus function together, from a dynamic perspective, during lateral gust flows and turning

    Musculoskeletal architecture of the prey capture apparatus in salamandrid newts with multiphasic lifestyle: does anatomy change during the seasonal habitat switches?

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    Some newt species change seasonally between an aquatic and a terrestrial life as adults, and are therefore repeatedly faced with different physical circumstances that affect a wide range of functions of the organism. For example, it has been observed that seasonally habitat-changing newts display notable changes in skin texture and tail fin anatomy, allowing one to distinguish an aquatic and a terrestrial morphotype. One of the main functional challenges is the switch between efficient aquatic and terrestrial prey capture modes. Recent studies have shown that newts adapt quickly by showing a high degree of behavioral flexibility, using suction feeding in their aquatic stage and tongue prehension in their terrestrial stage. As suction feeding and tongue prehension place different functional demands on the prey capture apparatus, this behavioral flexibility may clearly benefit from an associated morphological plasticity. In this study, we provide a detailed morphological analysis of the musculoskeletal system of the prey capture apparatus in the two multiphasic newt species Ichthyosaura alpestris and Lissotriton vulgaris by using histological sections and micro-computed tomography. We then test for quantitative changes of the hyobranchial musculoskeletal system between aquatic and terrestrial morphotypes, The descriptive morphology of the cranio-cervical musculoskeletal system provides new insights on form and function of the prey capture apparatus in newts, and the quantitative approach shows hypertrophy of the hyolingual musculoskeletal system in the terrestrial morphotype of L.vulgaris but hypertrophy in the aquatic morphotype of I.alpestris. It was therefore concluded that the seasonal habitat shifts are accompanied by a species-dependent muscular plasticity of which the potential effect on multiphasic feeding performance in newts remains unclear
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