295 research outputs found

    Dentinogenesis imperfecta

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    Zusammenfassung: Unter Dentinogenesis imperfecta versteht man eine kongenitale Dysplasie des Dentins, die isoliert oder im Zusammenhang mit einer hereditären Allgemeinerkrankung wie der Osteogenesis imperfecta auftreten kann. Sie wird meist autosomal dominant vererbt und manifestiert sich klinisch in einer opaleszierenden Goldbraun- oder Graublauverfärbung der Zähne beider Dentitionen in variabler Ausprägung. Die verschiedenen Varianten der Dentinogenesis imperfecta werden nach Shields et al. (1973) in 3Gruppen eingeteilt: TypI, assoziiert mit Osteogenesis imperfecta; TypII, hereditär opaleszierendes Dentin; TypIII, Brandywine-Typ. Die Phänotypen der Dentinogenesis imperfecta werden in dem vorliegenden Beitrag hinsichtlich Gendefekt, klinischer Symptomatik, Radiologie und Histopathologie beschrieben, die zahnärztliche Behandlungsstrategie wird dargestell

    Elasmobranches et stratigraphie

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    The influence of dental loupes on the quality of adhesive removal in orthodontic debonding

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    Objective: Bracket bonding has been a major advance in orthodontic treatment. However, the method of debonding can lead to diverse problems such as enamel fractures, enamel loss and enamel scratching. In this clinical investigation we aimed to evaluate the influence of wearing dental loupes on enamel damage during the debonding procedure. Material and Methods: 22 consecutive patients were randomly assigned in a split-mouth study to evaluate adhesive removal with and without the use of dental loupes (2.5×, LED headlight). Tooth replicas in epoxy resin were made from silicone impressions. Electron microscopic images (50× magnification) of 394 buccal enamel surfaces were evaluated according to an enamel damage index (EDI), line angle grooves (LAG) and composite residues (CR) on anterior teeth, premolars and molars. Results: The EDI revealed highly significant advantages for debonding with dental loupes, with which the EDI was significantly higher for molars, while still less than without dental loupes. We detected no differences between the tooth groups without dental loupes. We found significantly fewer LAG on anterior teeth debonded with dental loupes. CR were fewer in the dental loupes group, and we noted no significant differences between the tooth groups. Conclusions: Dental loupes affect the quality of the debonding procedure, resulting in less enamel damage and composite residue, as well as fewer LAG compared to the control group. We therefore strongly recommend the use of dental loupes in orthodontic debonding procedure

    Swiss paediatric dentists’ preferences and experience on the use of articaine and other local/topical anaesthetics

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    Purpose This study was conducted to explore the preference and experience of paediatric dentists based in Switzerland regarding the use of articaine and other local and topical anaesthesia. Methods An 18-question survey was developed, piloted, and distributed to the members of the Swiss association of paediatric dentistry (n = 460). The following information were collected: most used local anaesthetic in different age groups, time needed to inject a full ampule, frequency of observed local and systemic side effects, application of topical anaesthetic prior to injection, time waited between application and the injection, and perceived effectiveness of topical anaesthetic. The dentists’ responses were analysed with logistic regressions reporting odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) at 5%. Results The response rate was 37% (n = 168) out of the 460 questionnaires sent, with the responders being predominantly female (67%) and 47-year-old on average. More than 80% of the dentists used articaine in all age groups. 45% of responders took longer than 60 s to inject a full ampule. Local and systemic side-effects were observed by 82% and 28% of respondents respectively, although the nature and the significance of those were not detailed due to the anonymous nature of the questionnaire. Significantly less local adverse effects were seen for older children (p = 0.04) and among dentists with more years of experience (p = 0.01). Most responders applied topical anaesthetic and half of them waited longer than 60 s before injection. Conclusions Articaine is a widely used local anaesthetic by the studied group of Swiss paediatric dentists regardless of patient’s age. The use of topical anaesthetic before injection is a common practice with good perceived effectiveness

    Microarray analysis of E9.5 reduced folate carrier (RFC1; Slc19a1) knockout embryos reveals altered expression of genes in the cubilin-megalin multiligand endocytic receptor complex

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The reduced folate carrier (<it>RFC1</it>) is an integral membrane protein and facilitative anion exchanger that mediates delivery of 5-methyltetrahydrofolate into mammalian cells. Adequate maternal-fetal transport of folate is necessary for normal embryogenesis. Targeted inactivation of the murine <it>RFC1 </it>gene results in post-implantation embryolethality, but daily folic acid supplementation of pregnant dams prolongs survival of homozygous embryos until mid-gestation. At E10.5 <it>RFC1</it><sup>-/- </sup>embryos are developmentally delayed relative to wildtype littermates, have multiple malformations, including neural tube defects, and die due to failure of chorioallantoic fusion. The mesoderm is sparse and disorganized, and there is a marked absence of erythrocytes in yolk sac blood islands. The identification of alterations in gene expression and signaling pathways involved in the observed dysmorphology following inactivation of RFC1-mediated folate transport are the focus of this investigation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Affymetrix microarray analysis of the relative gene expression profiles in whole E9.5 <it>RFC1</it><sup>-/- </sup>vs. <it>RFC1</it><sup>+/+ </sup>embryos identified 200 known genes that were differentially expressed. Major ontology groups included transcription factors (13.04%), and genes involved in transport functions (ion, lipid, carbohydrate) (11.37%). Genes that code for receptors, ligands and interacting proteins in the cubilin-megalin multiligand endocytic receptor complex accounted for 9.36% of the total, followed closely by several genes involved in hematopoiesis (8.03%). The most highly significant gene network identified by Ingenuityâ„¢ Pathway analysis included 12 genes in the cubilin-megalin multiligand endocytic receptor complex. Altered expression of these genes was validated by quantitative RT-PCR, and immunohistochemical analysis demonstrated that megalin protein expression disappeared from the visceral yolk sac of <it>RFC1</it><sup>-/- </sup>embryos, while cubilin protein was widely misexpressed.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Inactivation of <it>RFC1 </it>impacts the expression of several ligands and interacting proteins in the cubilin-amnionless-megalin complex that are involved in the maternal-fetal transport of folate and other nutrients, lipids and morphogens such as sonic hedgehog (Shh) and retinoids that play critical roles in normal embryogenesis.</p

    Endodontic management of traumatized permanent teeth : a comprehensive review

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    The pulp plays a key role in the treatment of traumatic dental injuries (TDIs) and is strongly associated with the outcome, particularly in severe cases. A correct pulp diagnosis is essential as it forms the basis for developing the appropriate management strategy. However, many TDIs are complex, and their treatment requires a profound knowledge of the physiological and pathological responses of the affected tissues. This comprehensive review will look at the dentine-pulp complex and its interaction with the surrounding tissues following TDIs. The literature up to 2020 was reviewed based on several searches on PubMed and the Cochrane Library using relevant terms. In addition to the recently revised guidelines of the International Association of Dental Traumatology, this article aims to provide background information with a focus on endodontic aspects and to gather evidence on which a clinician can make decisions on the choice of the appropriate endodontic approach for traumatized permanent teeth.Peer reviewe

    Integrated transcriptional profiling and genomic analyses reveal RPN2 and HMGB1 as promising biomarkers in colorectal cancer

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    Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a heterogeneous disease that is associated with a gradual accumulation of genetic and epigenetic alterations. Among all CRC stages, stage II tumors are highly heterogeneous with a high relapse rate in about 20-25 % of stage II CRC patients following surgery. Thus, a comprehensive analysis of gene signatures to identify aggressive and metastatic phenotypes in stage II CRC is desired for a more accurate disease classification and outcome prediction. By utilizing a Cancer Array, containing 440 oncogenes and tumor suppressors to profile mRNA expression, we identified a larger number of differentially expressed genes in poorly differentiated stage II colorectal adenocarcinoma tissues, compared to their matched normal tissues. Ontology and Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA) indicated that these genes are involved in functional mechanisms associated with several transcription factors. Genomic alterations of these genes were also investigated through The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) database, utilizing 195 published CRC specimens. The percentage of genomic alterations in these genes was ranked based on their mRNA expression, copy number variations and mutations. This data was further combined with published microarray studies from a large set of CRC tumors classified based on prognostic features. This led to the identification of eight candidate genes including RPN2, HMGB1, AARS, IGFBP3, STAT1, HYOU1, NQO1 and PEA15 that were associated with the progressive phenotype. In particular, RPN2 and HMGB1 displayed a higher genomic alteration frequency in CRC, compared to eight other major solid cancers. Immunohistochemistry was performed on additional 78 stage I-IV CRC samples, where RPN2 protein immunostaining exhibited a significant association with stage III/IV tumors, distant metastasis, and poor differentiation, indicating that RPN2 expression is associated with poor prognosis. Further, our study revealed significant transcriptional regulatory mechanisms, networks and gene signatures, underlying CRC malignant progression and phenotype warranting future clinical investigations.published_or_final_versio

    Associations between intraoperative hypotension, duration of surgery and postoperative myocardial injury after noncardiac surgery: a retrospective single-centre cohort study

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    Background: Studies of intraoperative hypotension typically specify a blood pressure threshold associated with adverse outcomes. Such thresholds are likely to be study-biased, investigator-biased, or both. We hypothesised that a newly developed modelling method without a threshold, which is biologically more plausible than a threshold-based approach, would reveal a continuous association between exposure to intraoperative hypotension and adverse outcomes. Methods: Single-centre, retrospective cohort study of subjects ≥60 yr old undergoing noncardiac surgery. We modelled intraoperative hypotension using three different approaches: (1) unweighted, (2) weighted for degree of hypotension (depth), and (3) weighted for duration of hypotension. The primary outcome was myocardial injury, defined as elevated troponin I (>60 ng L−1) measured during the first 3 days after surgery. The associations between the three models, postoperative myocardial injury, and mortality (secondary outcome) were reported as penalised adjusted odds ratios (ORs) scaled between the 75th and 25th percentiles. Results: Myocardial injury occurred in 1812/15 452 (12%) procedures, with 554/15 452 (3.6%) procedures resulting in death before discharge from hospital. The unweighted lower blood pressure measure (OR: 0.26, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.12–0.53) and the depth-weighted measure (OR: 4.4, 95% CI: 2.6–7.4) were associated with myocardial injury. The duration-weighted measure was not associated with myocardial injury (OR: 0.89, 95% CI: 0.61–1.3). The unweighted measure (OR 0.08, 95% CI: 0.01–0.40) and the depth-weighted measure (OR: 12, 95% CI, 3.8–35) were associated with in-hospital mortality, but not the duration-weighted measure (OR: 1.3, 95% CI: 0.53–3.0). Conclusions: Intraoperative hypotension appears to have a graded association with postoperative myocardial injury and mortality, with depth appearing to contribute more than duration

    European Society of Endodontology position statement : endodontic management of traumatized permanent teeth

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    This position statement represents a consensus of an expert committee convened by the European Society of Endodontology (ESE) on the endodontic management of traumatized permanent teeth. A recent comprehensive review with detailed background information provides the basis for this position statement (Krastl et al. 2021, International Endodontic Journal, ). The statement is based on current scienti?c evidence as well as the expertise of the committee. Complementing the recently revised guidelines of the International Association of Dental Traumatology, this position statement aims to provide clinical guidance for the choice of the appropriate endodontic approach for traumatized permanent teeth. Given the dynamic nature of research in this area, this position statement will be updated at appropriate intervals.Peer reviewe
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