167 research outputs found

    In Vivo Time- Resolved Microtomography Reveals the Mechanics of the Blowfly Flight Motor

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    Dipteran flies are amongst the smallest and most agile of flying animals. Their wings are driven indirectly by large power muscles, which cause cyclical deformations of the thorax that are amplified through the intricate wing hinge. Asymmetric flight manoeuvres are controlled by 13 pairs of steering muscles acting directly on the wing articulations. Collectively the steering muscles account for <3% of total flight muscle mass, raising the question of how they can modulate the vastly greater output of the power muscles during manoeuvres. Here we present the results of a synchrotron-based study performing micrometre-resolution, time-resolved microtomography on the 145 Hz wingbeat of blowflies. These data represent the first four-dimensional visualizations of an organism's internal movements on sub-millisecond and micrometre scales. This technique allows us to visualize and measure the three-dimensional movements of five of the largest steering muscles, and to place these in the context of the deforming thoracic mechanism that the muscles actuate. Our visualizations show that the steering muscles operate through a diverse range of nonlinear mechanisms, revealing several unexpected features that could not have been identified using any other technique. The tendons of some steering muscles buckle on every wingbeat to accommodate high amplitude movements of the wing hinge. Other steering muscles absorb kinetic energy from an oscillating control linkage, which rotates at low wingbeat amplitude but translates at high wingbeat amplitude. Kinetic energy is distributed differently in these two modes of oscillation, which may play a role in asymmetric power management during flight control. Structural flexibility is known to be important to the aerodynamic efficiency of insect wings, and to the function of their indirect power muscles. We show that it is integral also to the operation of the steering muscles, and so to the functional flexibility of the insect flight motor

    KiDS-450: cosmological parameter constraints from tomographic weak gravitational lensing

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    We present cosmological parameter constraints from a tomographic weak gravitational lensing analysis of ∼450 deg2 of imaging data from the Kilo Degree Survey (KiDS). For a flat Λ cold dark matter (ΛCDM) cosmology with a prior on H0 that encompasses the most recent direct measurements, we find S8≡σ8Ωm/0.3−−−−−−√=0.745±0.039⁠. This result is in good agreement with other low-redshift probes of large-scale structure, including recent cosmic shear results, along with pre-Planck cosmic microwave background constraints. A 2.3σ tension in S8 and ‘substantial discordance’ in the full parameter space is found with respect to the Planck 2015 results. We use shear measurements for nearly 15 million galaxies, determined with a new improved ‘self-calibrating’ version of lensFIT validated using an extensive suite of image simulations. Four-band ugri photometric redshifts are calibrated directly with deep spectroscopic surveys. The redshift calibration is confirmed using two independent techniques based on angular cross-correlations and the properties of the photometric redshift probability distributions. Our covariance matrix is determined using an analytical approach, verified numerically with large mock galaxy catalogues. We account for uncertainties in the modelling of intrinsic galaxy alignments and the impact of baryon feedback on the shape of the non-linear matter power spectrum, in addition to the small residual uncertainties in the shear and redshift calibration. The cosmology analysis was performed blind. Our high-level data products, including shear correlation functions, covariance matrices, redshift distributions, and Monte Carlo Markov chains are available at http://kids.strw.leidenuniv.nl

    Missing Dark Matter in the Local Universe

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    A sample of 11 thousand galaxies with radial velocities V_ LG < 3500 km/s is used to study the features of the local distribution of luminous (stellar) and dark matter within a sphere of radius of around 50 Mpc around us. The average density of matter in this volume, Omega_m,loc=0.08+-0.02, turns out to be much lower than the global cosmic density Omega_m,glob=0.28+-0.03. We discuss three possible explanations of this paradox: 1) galaxy groups and clusters are surrounded by extended dark halos, the major part of the mass of which is located outside their virial radii; 2) the considered local volume of the Universe is not representative, being situated inside a giant void; and 3) the bulk of matter in the Universe is not related to clusters and groups, but is rather distributed between them in the form of massive dark clumps. Some arguments in favor of the latter assumption are presented. Besides the two well-known inconsistencies of modern cosmological models with the observational data: the problem of missing satellites of normal galaxies and the problem of missing baryons, there arises another one - the issue of missing dark matter.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures, 1 table (accepted

    Gravitational lensing analysis of the Kilo-Degree Survey

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    The Kilo-Degree Survey (KiDS) is a multi-band imaging survey designed for cosmological studies from weak lensing and photometric redshifts. It uses the European Southern Observatory VLT Survey Telescope with its wide-field camera OmegaCAM. KiDS images are taken in four filters similar to the Sloan Digital Sky Survey ugri bands. The best seeing time is reserved for deep r-band observations. The median 5σ limiting AB magnitude is 24.9 and the median seeing is below 0.7 arcsec. Initial KiDS observations have concentrated on the Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA) regions near the celestial equator, where extensive, highly complete redshift catalogues are available. A total of 109 survey tiles, 1 square degree each, form the basis of the first set of lensing analyses of halo properties of GAMA galaxies. Nine galaxies per square arcminute enter the lensing analysis, for an effective inverse shear variance of 69 arcmin−2. Accounting for the shape measurement weight, the median redshift of the sources is 0.53. KiDS data processing follows two parallel tracks, one optimized for weak lensing measurement and one for accurate matched-aperture photometry (for photometric redshifts). This technical paper describes the lensing and photometric redshift measurements (including a detailed description of the Gaussian aperture and photometry pipeline), summarizes the data quality and presents extensive tests for systematic errors that might affect the lensing analyses. We also provide first demonstrations of the suitability of the data for cosmological measurements, and describe our blinding procedure for preventing confirmation bias in the scientific analyses. The KiDS catalogues presented in this paper are released to the community through http://kids.strw.leidenuniv.nl

    The first and second data releases of the Kilo-Degree Survey

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    Context. The Kilo-Degree Survey (KiDS) is an optical wide-field imaging survey carried out with the VLT Survey Telescope and the OmegaCAM camera. KiDS will image 1500 square degrees in four filters (ugri), and together with its near-infrared counterpart VIKING will produce deep photometry in nine bands. Designed for weak lensing shape and photometric redshift measurements, its core science driver is mapping the large-scale matter distribution in the Universe back to a redshift of ~0.5. Secondary science cases include galaxy evolution, Milky Way structure, and the detection of high-redshift clusters and quasars. Aims. KiDS is an ESO Public Survey and dedicated to serving the astronomical community with high-quality data products derived from the survey data. Public data releases, the first two of which are presented here, are crucial for enabling independent confirmation of the survey’s scientific value. The achieved data quality and initial scientific utilization are reviewed in order to validate the survey data. Methods. A dedicated pipeline and data management system based on ASTRO-WISE, combined with newly developed masking and source classification tools, is used for the production of the data products described here. Science projects based on these data products and preliminary results are outlined. Results. For 148 survey tiles (≈160 sq.deg.) stacked ugri images have been released, accompanied by weight maps, masks, source lists, and a multi-band source catalogue. Limiting magnitudes are typically 24.3, 25.1, 24.9, 23.8 (5σ in a 2′′ aperture) in ugri, respectively, and the typical r-band PSF size is less than 0.7′′. The photometry prior to global homogenization is stable at the ~2% (4%) level in gri (u) with some outliers due to non-photometric conditions, while the astrometry shows a typical 2D rms of 0.03′′. Early scientific results include the detection of nine high-z QSOs, fifteen candidate strong gravitational lenses, high-quality photometric redshifts and structural parameters for hundreds of thousands of galaxies

    Variable Anisotropic Brain Electrical Conductivities in Epileptogenic Foci

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    Source localization models assume brain electrical conductivities are isotropic at about 0.33 S/m. These assumptions have not been confirmed ex vivo in humans. This study determined bidirectional electrical conductivities from pediatric epilepsy surgery patients. Electrical conductivities perpendicular and parallel to the pial surface of neocortex and subcortical white matter (n = 15) were measured using the 4-electrode technique and compared with clinical variables. Mean (±SD) electrical conductivities were 0.10 ± 0.01 S/m, and varied by 243% from patient to patient. Perpendicular and parallel conductivities differed by 45%, and the larger values were perpendicular to the pial surface in 47% and parallel in 40% of patients. A perpendicular principal axis was associated with normal, while isotropy and parallel principal axes were linked with epileptogenic lesions by MRI. Electrical conductivities were decreased in patients with cortical dysplasia compared with non-dysplasia etiologies. The electrical conductivity values of freshly excised human brain tissues were approximately 30% of assumed values, varied by over 200% from patient to patient, and had erratic anisotropic and isotropic shapes if the MRI showed a lesion. Understanding brain electrical conductivity and ways to non-invasively measure them are probably necessary to enhance the ability to localize EEG sources from epilepsy surgery patients

    Quantitative in vivo receptor binding IV: Detection of muscarinic receptor down-regulation by equilibrium and by tracer kinetic methods

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    Newly-developed methods for estimation of in vivo binding to neurotransmitter receptors should enable the detection and quantification of physiologic or pathologic changes in receptor numbers. In the present study, both equilibrium and kinetic experimental strategies for in vivo muscarinic receptor determination were applied to the detection of receptor changes induced by chronic inhibition of acetylcholinesterase in the rat. Following one week of treatment, in vitro receptor autoradiography utilizing [ 3 H]scopolamine revealed significant losses of muscarinic binding in the cerebral cortex, hippocampus, striatum and in cranial nerve motor nuclei. The in vivo distribution of [ 3 H]scopolamine, following infusion to approach equilibrium binding in the brain, revealed reductions in binding which paralleled the pattern and magnitude of changes detected in vitro. A simplified tracer kinetic estimation following bolus injection of the ligand also detected substantial reductions in forebrain muscarinic receptor binding. These results indicate the feasibility of detecting receptor changes underlying neuropathologic conditions in vivo, and suggest that either equilibrium or kinetic experimental approaches may be extended to clinical research applications with the use of positron or single-photon emission tomography.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/45405/1/11064_2004_Article_BF00965845.pd

    Search For Exotic Tau-decays

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    The Crystal Ball detector at the Doris II storage ring at DESY was used to search for the exotic decay processes tau -&gt; e gamma, tau -&gt; e pi0, tau -&gt; e eta. No signal was observed. We obtained the following 90% CL upper limits on the branching fractions:B(tau -&gt; e gamma)&lt; 2.0x10^(-4),B(tau -&gt; e pi0) &lt; 1.4x10^(-4),B(tau -&gt; e eta) &lt; 2.4x10^(-4)

    Search for high-mass narrow resonances in virtual photon-photon interactions

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    Exclusive production of proton-antiproton pairs in two-photon collisions

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