677 research outputs found

    Assessing peripheral arteries in South African black women with type 2 diabetes mellitus

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    Objectives. To determine the value of ankle and toe blood pressure indices and pedal pulse palpation in the assessment of peripheral arterial disease in subjects with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM).Design. Cross-sectional study.Subjects. A convenience sample of 85 female subjects with type 2 DM underwent a series of peripheral vascular assessments at the diabetes clinic of a community hospital.Outcome measures. Palpation of the pedal pulses, Doppler derived ankle brachial systolic blood pressure indices, photo plethysmographic-derived toe brachial systolic blood pressure indices and antero-posterior radiographs of both feet.Results. Mean values were 1.15 (standard deviation (SD): 0.17) and 0.76 (SD: 0.17) for ankle brachial index (ABI) and toe brachial index (T'Bl) respectively. The differences between the two indices increased from 0.36 (95% confidence interval (CI): 0.32 - 0.41) to 0.58 (95% CI: 0.46- 0.70) depending on whether ABI was less or greater than 1.3. The correlation coefficient for left versus right foot was 0.62 and 0.71 for ABI and TBI respectively. The relationship between ABI and TBI is non-linear with a cut point close to 1.3. Both ABI and TBI were significantly lower in subjects who had both pedal pulses absent on palpation.Conclusions. The relationship between ABI and TBI is linear, below an ABI of 1.3. but with a wide 95% prediction interval. If both pedal pulses are absent the ABI is significantly diminished compared with when both pulses are present, even though not necessarily below 0.9. 

    The health care burden and societal impact of acute otitis media in seven European countries: results of an Internet survey

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    This paper estimates medical resource use, direct costs, and productivity losses and costs (indirect costs) during episodes of acute otitis media (AOM) in young children. A 24-item Internet questionnaire was developed for parents in Belgium (Flanders), France, Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, Spain, and the United Kingdom (UK) to report health care resource use and productivity losses during the most recent episode of AOM in their child, younger than 5 years. The percentage who did not seek medical help for AOM was considerable in The Netherlands (28.3%) and the UK (19.7%). Antibiotic use was high, ranging from 60.8% (Germany) to 87.1% (Italy). Total costs per AOM episode ranged from D 332.00 (The Netherlands) to D 752.49 (UK). Losses in productivity accounted for 61% (France) to 83% (Germany) of the total costs. AOM poses a significant medical and economic burden to society

    A randomized controlled pilot trial of different mobile messaging interventions for problem drinking compared to weekly drink tracking

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    This study was supported by a grant from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) R34AA021502. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Balancing equity and efficiency in the Dutch basic benefits package using the principle of proportional shortfall

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    Economic evaluations are increasingly used to inform decisions regarding the allocation of scarce health care resources. To systematically incorporate societal preferences into these evaluations, quality-adjusted life year gains could be weighted according to some equity principle, the most suitable of which is a matter of frequent debate. While many countries still struggle with equity concerns for priority setting in health care, the Netherlands has reached a broad consensus to use the concept of proportional shortfall. Our study evaluates the concept and its support in the Dutch health care context. We discuss arguments in the Netherlands for using proportional shortfall and difficulties in transitioning from principle to practice. In doing so, we address universal issues leading to a systematic consideration of equity concerns for priority setting in health care. The article thus has relevance to all countries struggling with the formalization of equity concerns for priority setting

    Nocebo Hyperalgesia in Patients With Fibromyalgia and Healthy Controls:An Experimental Investigation of Conditioning and Extinction Processes at Baseline and 1-Month Follow-up

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    Nocebo effects are adverse treatment outcomes that are not ascribed to active treatment components. Potentially, their magnitude might be higher in patients with chronic pain compared to healthy controls since patients likely experience treatment failure more frequently. The current study investigated group differences in the induction and extinction of nocebo effects on pressure pain at baseline (N = 69) and 1-month follow-up (N = 56) in female patients with fibromyalgia and matched healthy controls. Nocebo effects were first experimentally induced via classical conditioning combined with instructions on the pain-increasing function of a sham transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation device, then decreased via extinction. One month later, the same procedures were repeated to explore their stability. Results suggest that nocebo effects were induced in the healthy control group during baseline and follow-up. In the patient group, nocebo effects were only induced during follow-up, without clear group differences. Extinction was only observed during baseline in the healthy control group. Further comparisons of nocebo effects and extinction indicated no significant changes across sessions, possibly suggesting their overall magnitudes were stable over time and across groups. In conclusion, contrary to our expectations, patients with fibromyalgia did not have stronger nocebo hyperalgesia; instead, they might be less responsive to nocebo manipulations than healthy controls. Perspective: The current study is the first to investigate group differences in experimentally manipulated nocebo hyperalgesia between chronic pain and healthy populations at baseline and 1-month follow-up. Since nocebo effects are common in clinical settings, their investigation in different populations is essential to explain and minimize their adverse effects during treatment.</p

    Genome-wide association study in an admixed case series reveals IL12A as a new candidate in Behçet disease

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    The etiology of Behçet's disease (BD) is unknown, but widely considered an excessive T-cell mediated inflammatory response in a genetically susceptible host. Recent genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have shown limited number of novel loci-associations. The rarity and unequal distribution of the disease prevalence amongst different ethnic backgrounds have hampered the use of GWAS in cohorts of mixed ethnicity and sufficient sample size. However, novel statistical approaches have now enabled GWAS in admixed cohorts.We ran a GWAS on 336 BD cases and 5,843 controls. The cases consisted of Western Europeans, Middle Eastern and Turkish individuals. Participants from the Generation R study, a multiethnic birth cohort in Rotterdam, The Netherlands were used as controls. All samples were genotyped and data was combined. Linear regression models were corrected for population stratification using Genomic Principal Components and Linear Mixed Modelling. Meta-analysis was performed on selected results previously published.We identified SNPs associated at genome-wide significant level mapping to the 6p21.33 (HLA) region. In addition to this known signal two potential novel associations on chromosomes 6 and 18 were identified, yet with low minor allele frequencies. Extended meta-analysis reveal a GWS association with the IL12A variant rs17810546 on chromosome 3.We demonstrate that new statistical techniques enable GWAS analyses in a limited sized cohort of mixed ethnicity. After implementation, we confirmed the central role of the HLA region in the disease and identified new regions of interest. Moreover, we validated the association of a variant in the IL2A gene by meta-analysis with previous work. These findings enhance our knowledge of genetic associations and BD, and provide further justification for pursuing collective initiatives in genetic studies given the low prevalence of this and other rare diseases