477 research outputs found

    Study shows effect of surface preparations on improving thermionic emission

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    Specimen thermionic emitters were electropolished and electroetched to study the effect of surface preparations on improving thermionic emission. The best technique found was to electropolish the annealed rhenium surface and then electroetch it. The effect of electroetching was to remove other crystal planes faster than basal planes

    Check list of birds of East Africa and Uganda

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    Applied thermionic research First quarterly progress report, 25 Jun. - 25 Sep. 1965

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    Cesium vapor thermionic converters - use of argon with inert gas additive

    Sleeping sickness: with special reference to its occurrence in Uganda and the remedial measures instituted

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    A haemo -parasitic disease with secondary changes in the lymphatic and central nervous systems, terminating in coma and death and due to the presence in the blood, gland juice and cerebrospinal fluid of the Trypanosoma Gambiense. This disease, known for several years in the Congo as Sleeping Sickness, or Negro lethargy, was attributed to various causes, by some to a miasm arising from the infected locality, by others to contagion from eating from a common bowl, etc. Natives of Uganda also firmly believe that it is conveyo,i by sexual coitus from an infected to a sound person, and this view has also been put forward as a contributory cause by Professor Robert Koch and receives colour from analogy to the "mal du dour:ino" of horses. This, however, is, I feel sure, an error, as on carefully investigating this point in my recent researches in Uganda, I failed entirely to find a single case in support, which could stand close examination. Invariably other possibilities of infection were admitted. As regards Prof. Koch's statements, dici they not come from so eminent an authority one would brush them aside, but the possible fallacies were so many that the statement cannot be seriously taken. To indicate only two, Koch had to rely on native interpreters and entirely on native statements as to their movements. Anyone with the least experience of trying to get information through interpreters will be aware of the difficulties attending, especially when dealing with sexual matters, and native statements at best are notoriously unreliable, as a native almost invariably attempts to give a pleasing answer, and one which he thinks is expected. Secondly, Prof. Koch states that the Baziba women he saw said they had never left their country to accompany their husbands. While this may be true of those particular ones, which I doubt, I know as a fact that numbers of Baziha women were with their men folk who were rubber cutters in the Sesse group of islands,where, as I shall show later, the possibilities and probabilities of infection were enormous, owing to the peculiar distribution of the carrier, Glossina Palpalis. A subsidiary consider_' ation is the fact that sexual impotence in both sexes is a very early symptom, as will be dealt with later

    Applied thermionic research Quarterly progress report, 25 Jan. - 25 Mar. 1965

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    Cesium fluoride and argon plasma additive effects in thermionic converter

    Thermionic research program Final report, Jun. 1965 - Jun. 1966

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    Experimental research on thermionic energy conversio

    Thermionic research program, volume I Final report

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    Design, fabrication, calibration, instrumentation, and operation of test converter to generate parameters in thermionic converter operatio

    Effect of hot water immersion on acute physiological responses following resistance exercise

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    Purpose: Hot water immersion (HWI) is a strategy theorised to enhance exercise recovery. However, the acute physiological responses to HWI following resistance exercise are yet to be determined. Methods: The effect of HWI on intramuscular temperature (IMT), muscle function, muscle soreness and blood markers of muscle cell disruption and inflammatory processes after resistance exercise was assessed. Sixteen resistance trained males performed resistance exercise, followed by either 10 min HWI at 40°C or 10 min passive recovery (PAS). Results: Post-intervention, the increase in IMT at all depths was greater for HWI compared to PAS, however this difference had disappeared by 1 h post at depths of 1 and 2 cm, and by 2 h post at a depth of 3 cm. There were no differences between groups for muscle function, muscle soreness or any blood markers. Conclusion: These results suggest that HWI is a viable means of heat therapy to support a greater IMT following resistance exercise. Recovery of muscle function and muscle soreness is independent of acute changes in IMT associated with HWI