807 research outputs found

    Report No. 28: Review of Methodologies Applied for the Assessment of Employment and Social Impacts

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    Joint report with ECORYS Netherlands for the DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities of the European Commission, Bonn 2010 (217 pages)

    Het archeologisch onderzoek aan de Oudeweg te Bocholt

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    COPD-derived fibroblasts secrete higher levels of senescence-associated secretory phenotype proteins

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    COPD-derived fibroblasts have increased cellular senescence. Senescent cell accumulation can induce tissue dysfunction by their senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP). We aimed to determine the SASP of senescent fibroblasts and COPD-derived lung fibroblasts, including severe, early-onset (SEO)-COPD. SASP protein secretion was measured after paraquat-induced senescence in lung fibroblasts using Olink Proteomics and compared between (SEO-)COPD-derived and control-derived fibroblasts. We identified 124 SASP proteins of senescent lung fibroblasts, of which 42 were secreted at higher levels by COPD-derived fibroblasts and 35 by SEO-COPD-derived fibroblasts compared with controls. Interestingly, the (SEO-)COPD-associated SASP included proteins involved in chronic inflammation, which may contribute to (SEO-)COPD pathogenesis

    Динамика уровня лептина, модулятора роста TGF-β1 и провоспалительного цитокина IL-1β в системном кровотоке у больных псориазом с избыточной массой тела под влиянием системной терапии ожирения

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    У хворих шкірними формами псоріазу з ожирінням і гіперлептинемією вивчена динаміка рівня цитокінів TGF-β1 і IL-1β під впливом системної терапії ожиріння з використанням акарбози (Глюкобай). Встановлено, що включення в комплексну терапію псоріазу акарбози (Глюкобай) дозволяє статистично значимо знизити гіперлептинемію і рівень прозапального цитокіну IL-1β. Достовірного впливу лікування акарбозою (Глюкобай) на рівень активної форми TGF-β1 у хворих на псоріаз не виявивлено.In patients with cutaneous forms of psoriasis with obesity and hyperleptinemia the dynamics of cytokines TGF-β1 and IL-1β under the influence of systemic treatment of obesity with the use of acarbose (Glyukobay) were studied. It is established that added of acarbose (glyukobay) to complex treatment of psoriasis can significantly reduce hyperleptinemia and the level of pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-1β. There were no significant effect of acarbose treatment (Glyukobay) at the level of the active form of TGF-β1 in patients with psoriasis

    The Sustainability Conundrum of Fishmeal Substitution by Plant Ingredients in Shrimp Feeds

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    Aquaculture is central in meeting expanding global demands for shrimp consumption. Consequently, increasing feed use is mainly responsible for the overall environmental impact of aquaculture production. Significant amounts of fishmeal are included in shrimp diets, causing dependency on finite marine resources. Driven by economic incentives, terrestrial plant ingredients are widely viewed as sustainable alternatives. Incremental fishmeal substitution by plant ingredients in shrimp feed was modeled and effects on marine and terrestrial resources such as fish, land, freshwater, nitrogen, and phosphorus were assessed. We find that complete substitution of 20–30% fishmeal totals could lead to increasing demand for freshwater (up to 63%), land (up to 81%), and phosphorus (up to 83%), while other substitution rates lead to proportionally lower impacts. These findings suggest additional pressures on essential agricultural resources with associated socio-economic and environmental effects as a trade-off to pressures on finite marine resources. Even though the production of shrimp feed (or aquafeed in general) utilizes only a small percentage of the global crop production, the findings indicate that the sustainability of substituting fishmeal by plant ingredients should not be taken for granted, especially since aquaculture has been one of the fastest growing food sectors. Therefore, the importance of utilizing by-products and novel ingredients such as microbial biomass, algae, and insect meals in mitigating the use of marine and terrestrial resources is discussed

    The sustainability conundrum of fishmeal substitution by plant ingredients in shrimp feeds

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    Aquaculture is central in meeting expanding global demands for shrimp consumption. Consequently, increasing feed use is mainly responsible for the overall environmental impact of aquaculture production. Significant amounts of fishmeal are included in shrimp diets, causing dependency on finite marine resources. Driven by economic incentives, terrestrial plant ingredients are widely viewed as sustainable alternatives. Incremental fishmeal substitution by plant ingredients in shrimp feed was modeled and effects on marine and terrestrial resources such as fish, land, freshwater, nitrogen, and phosphorus were assessed. We find that complete substitution of 20–30% fishmeal totals could lead to increasing demand for freshwater (up to 63%), land (up to 81%), and phosphorus (up to 83%), while other substitution rates lead to proportionally lower impacts. These findings suggest additional pressures on essential agricultural resources with associated socio-economic and environmental effects as a trade-off to pressures on finite marine resources. Even though the production of shrimp feed (or aquafeed in general) utilizes only a small percentage of the global crop production, the findings indicate that the sustainability of substituting fishmeal by plant ingredients should not be taken for granted, especially since aquaculture has been one of the fastest growing food sectors. Therefore, the importance of utilizing by-products and novel ingredients such as microbial biomass, algae, and insect meals in mitigating the use of marine and terrestrial resources is discussed