19 research outputs found

    The cultural turn in innovation Studies

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    En la literatura especializada sobre innovaci贸n existe un inter茅s creciente por investigar el papel de la cultura en la din谩mica econ贸mica global. M谩s concretamente, en las actividades de innovaci贸n de las empresas y en los resultados econ贸micos de los pa铆ses y regiones. El an谩lisis de la influencia de la cultura en la innovaci贸n adopta, en esta dimensi贸n cultural de los estudios sobre innovaci贸n, distintas perspectivas seg煤n las escuelas o corrientes principales y, tambi茅n, seg煤n el nivel de an谩lisis de la cultura de la innovaci贸n. En este trabajo se analiza la influencia de la cultura en la innovaci贸n a trav茅s de una revisi贸n de la literatura con el objetivo de avanzar en el dise帽o de un esquema de an谩lisis operativo que permita el estudio sociol贸gico y emp铆rico de la cultura de la innovaci贸n.In the literature on innovation there is a growing interest in investigating the role of culture in global economic dynamism and, more specifically, in the innovation activities of enterprises and economic performance of countries and regions. The analysis of the influence of culture in innovation performance adopted in this cultural dimension of innovation studies occurs from different perspectives and from different levels of analysis. In this paper we analyze the influence of culture in innovation through a literature review in order to lay the foundation for an operational analysis scheme that allows the empirical study of the innovation culture in sociological analysis

    Cultura de la innovaci贸n y microempresa en sistemas regionales de I+D+i : actitudes y comportamientos innovadores en las micropymes de la comunidad aut贸noma de canarias

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    Esta tesis se ocupa de estudiar la influencia de la cultura en la actividad econ贸mica y en las din谩micas de innovaci贸n de Canarias, en el marco de su sistema regional de innovaci贸n (SRI), atendiendo especialmente al caso de las microempresas. Con este fin, se aspira a situar la cultura de la innovaci贸n como elemento explicativo de las capacidades y los resultados de innovaci贸n en las Islas Canarias, para lo que se realiza un an谩lisis detallado de los componentes de su SRI y de sus caracter铆sticas socioecon贸micas. En este an谩lisis las microempresas reciben una especial atenci贸n como agentes econ贸micos principales de una econom铆a eminentemente de servicios, caracterizada por su dependencia del sector tur铆stico, alejada de los principales mercados y de los centros de producci贸n y distribuci贸n de referencia, a lo que se une una marcada fragmentaci贸n territorial

    Key issues on innovation, culture and institutions: implications for SMEs and micro firms

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    This Special Issue is devoted to studying the role of cultural aspects in the innovation dynamics of small firms within the context of their territorial environments. Cultural elements are viewed as strategic assets because of their capacity to enhance small firms' action and to provide opportunities to compete in the knowledge economy. Innovation studies use a variety of approaches and definitions for studying how the symbolic aspects of social reality shape innovation. In this Guest Editorial, our aim is to help clarify this topic of research. Departing from the contributions of this Special Issue, we use analytical definitions of values, norms, cognitive repertoires and institutions as layers of the cultural domain that can be present both in firms and in the surrounding innovation system. We describe important mechanisms related to innovation processes in SMEs and micro firms. The 10 selected articles provide an intellectual map of current research and investigate different angles of cultural dynamics based on cases in Spain, Portugal, Belarus and the U.K. Based on the findings from these articles, we believe that cultural elements can be integrated and recombined by innovation policies as an essential component of local and regional development.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    From R&D to Innovation: An Evolution of Public Policy in the Canary Islands?

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    Los bajos resultados en I+D+i en Canarias, si se los compara con las medias nacionales y europeas, pueden explicarse a trav茅s de un an谩lisis institucional de su sistema de innovaci贸n. En este art铆culo se realiza un diagn贸stico del sistema regional de I+D+i de Canarias desde una perspectiva sociol贸gica. Se trata de explicar las barreras institucionales a la innovaci贸n en una regi贸n caracterizada por la terciarizaci贸n de la econom铆a con escasa implantaci贸n industrial, compuesta principalmente de microempresas. Se argumenta que las microempresas, como agente innovador potencial, tienen un limitado acceso a los recursos p煤blicos para la I+D+i en las Islas, por lo que se aboga por una reorientaci贸n de las pol铆ticas p煤blicas.The low innovation performance in the Canary Islands, in comparison with national and European scores, can be explained by an institutional analysis of the regional innovation system. In this paper, a sociological approach of such an analysis is presented with the aim of identifying the institutional barriers to innovation in a region with a dependent service economy with little industrial roots, that is mainly composed by micro firms. It is argued that micro firms, as a potential innovative agent, have limited access to public resources for research, development and innovation. Therefore, a reorientation of public policies is suggested

    Innovaci贸n, cultura y tama帽o: la microempresa en una regi贸n ultraperif茅rica

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    The analysis of innovation activities, attitudes, beliefs and behaviours of micro companies has few precedents in innovation studies, although this group represents over 95% of all businesses in Spain and the European Union. This paper presents the empirical results of a study on innovation in micro firms, which aims to identify and explain the factors that most affect their ability to innovate, based on the approach of the Triple Helix. Among these factors, next stand out: human, social and relational capital, the ability to absorb foreign knowledge and the existence of an innovative culture that facilitates the attitudes, beliefs and opportunities necessary to innovate in collaborative environments with multiple relationships and interactions. The analysis is completed with a characterization of micro companies, attending to the weight of these factors and some of the innovation barriers that were identified.El an谩lisis de las actividades, actitudes, creencias y comportamientos innovadores en las microempresas tiene pocos antecedentes en los estudios sobre la innovaci贸n, a pesar de que este colectivo representa a m谩s del 95% del tejido empresarial en Espa帽a y en el entorno europeo. En este trabajo se presentan los resultados emp铆ricos de un estudio sobre la innovaci贸n en microempresas, que trata de identificar y explicar los factores que m谩s inciden en su capacidad innovadora, bas谩ndose en el enfoque de la Triple H茅lice. Entre los factores destacan el capital humano, social y relacional, la capacidad de absorci贸n de conocimientos ajenos, as铆 como la existencia de una cultura innovadora que facilita las actitudes, creencias y oportunidades necesarias para innovar en entornos colaborativos con m煤ltiples relaciones e interacciones. El an谩lisis se ha completado con una caracterizaci贸n de las microempresas en funci贸n del peso de estos factores y las barreras a la innovaci贸n identificadas

    The regional distribution of the human resources policies in Spain

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    En este trabajo se estudia el impacto de la pol铆tica de recursos humanos sobre el territorio, atendiendo tanto a su distribuci贸n regional como a la influencia que ejerce la caracterizaci贸n del personal investigador. De hecho, la pol铆tica de recursos humanos incide en los territorios, definiendo su capacidad de creaci贸n de ciencia y tecnolog铆a. Adem谩s, el n煤mero de investigadores y el tipo de formaci贸n recibida delimitan el sistema de I+D+I. Este trabajo se adentra en estas cuestiones con la intenci贸n de definir y analizar algunos aspectos del sistema de I+D+I en Espa帽a.In this work it is studied the impact of the human resources policies on the territory, attending both to the regional distribution and to the influence of the investigation group. In fact, the human resources policies affect the territory defining its capacity to create science and technology. In addition to this, the number of investigators and the kind of training received delimit the I+D+I system. This work goes into these questions intending to define and analize some aspects of the I+D+I system in Spain

    Digital futures challenge-based learning in Higher Education in Europe: The DIFUCH Erasmus+ Project

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    Within DIFUCH, we are developing innovative challenge-based pedagogies, tools and platforms for the virtual delivery of a joint programme within a groundbreaking-breaking and flexible academic structure in Europe. This Erasmus+ project is focused on delivering new multi-disciplinary, transnational, cross-sectional future skills-orientated modules and learning pathways that address societal challenges. In this paper, we present the current work of DIFUCH to develop an innovative programme underpinned by Challenge Based Learning (CBL) that addresses local and global societal challenges and strengthens interactions between education, research, and external stakeholders for a positive effect on our communities. This project facilitates the improvement of learning outcomes vis-脿-vis university learners' perception of social responsibility, their ability to deal with complex societal challenges from social and economic stability to global warming, their ability to put knowledge into practice, team building and communications skills.This work has been supported by Erasmus Plus KA2 within the project 2021-1-PT01-KA220-HED-000023536.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Innovaci贸n, cultura y tama帽o: la microempresa en una regi贸n ultraperif茅rica

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    The analysis of innovation activities, attitudes, beliefs and behaviours of micro companies has few precedents in innovation studies, although this group represents over 95% of all businesses in Spain and the European Union. This paper presents the empirical results of a study on innovation in micro firms, which aims to identify and explain the factors that most affect their ability to innovate, based on the approach of the Triple Helix. Among these factors, next stand out: human, social and relational capital, the ability to absorb foreign knowledge and the existence of an innovative culture that facilitates the attitudes, beliefs and opportunities necessary to innovate in collaborative environments with multiple relationships and interactions. The analysis is completed with a characterization of micro companies, attending to the weight of these factors and some of the innovation barriers that were identified.<br><br>El an谩lisis de las actividades, actitudes, creencias y comportamientos innovadores en las microempresas tiene pocos antecedentes en los estudios sobre la innovaci贸n, a pesar de que este colectivo representa a m谩s del 95% del tejido empresarial en Espa帽a y en el entorno europeo. En este trabajo se presentan los resultados emp铆ricos de un estudio sobre la innovaci贸n en microempresas, que trata de identificar y explicar los factores que m谩s inciden en su capacidad innovadora, bas谩ndose en el enfoque de la Triple H茅lice. Entre los factores destacan el capital humano, social y relacional, la capacidad de absorci贸n de conocimientos ajenos, as铆 como la existencia de una cultura innovadora que facilita las actitudes, creencias y oportunidades necesarias para innovar en entornos colaborativos con m煤ltiples relaciones e interacciones. El an谩lisis se ha completado con una caracterizaci贸n de las microempresas en funci贸n del peso de estos factores y las barreras a la innovaci贸n identificadas

    Digitale geletterdheid en inclusie: Proeftuin digitale toegankelijke zorg DLC

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    Pitch vanuit de Digital Literacy Coalition bij de bijeenkomst van het Sprong project Health Tech in Societ