523 research outputs found

    Ultracold atoms in optical lattices

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    Bosonic atoms trapped in an optical lattice at very low temperatures, can be modeled by the Bose-Hubbard model. In this paper, we propose a slave-boson approach for dealing with the Bose-Hubbard model, which enables us to analytically describe the physics of this model at nonzero temperatures. With our approach the phase diagram for this model at nonzero temperatures can be quantified.Comment: 29 pages, 10 figure

    Quantum phases in a resonantly-interacting Bose-Fermi mixture

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    We consider a resonantly-interacting Bose-Fermi mixture of 40^{40}K and 87^{87}Rb atoms in an optical lattice. We show that by using a red-detuned optical lattice the mixture can be accurately described by a generalized Hubbard model for 40^{40}K and 87^{87}Rb atoms, and 40^{40}K-87^{87}Rb molecules. The microscopic parameters of this model are fully determined by the details of the optical lattice and the interspecies Feshbach resonance in the absence of the lattice. We predict a quantum phase transition to occur in this system already at low atomic filling fraction, and present the phase diagram as a function of the temperature and the applied magnetic field.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Theory for Bose-Einstein condensation of light in nano-fabricated semiconductor microcavities

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    We construct a theory for Bose-Einstein condensation of light in nano-fabricated semiconductor microcavities. We model the semiconductor by one conduction and one valence band which consist of electrons and holes that interact via a Coulomb interaction. Moreover, we incorporate screening effects by using a contact interaction with the scattering length for a Yukawa potential and describe in this manner the crossover from exciton gas to electron-hole plasma as we increase the excitation level of the semiconductor. We then show that the dynamics of the light in the microcavities is damped due to the coupling to the semiconductor. Furthermore, we demonstrate that on the electron-hole plasma side of the crossover, which is relevant for the Bose-Einstein condensation of light, this damping can be described by a single dimensionless damping parameter that depends on the external pumping. Hereafter, we propose to probe the superfluidity of light in these nano-fabricated semiconductor microcavities by making use of the differences in the response in the normal or superfluid phase to a sudden rotation of the trap. In particular, we determine frequencies and damping of the scissors modes that are excited in this manner. Moreover, we show that a distinct signature of the dynamical Casimir effect can be observed in the density-density correlations of the excited light fluid

    Mott insulators in an optical lattice with high filling factors

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    We discuss the superfluid to Mott insulator transition of an atomic Bose gas in an optical lattice with high filling factors. We show that also in this multi-band situation, the long-wavelength physics is described by a single-band Bose-Hubbard model. We determine the many-body renormalization of the tunneling and interaction parameters in the effective Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian, and consider the resulting model at nonzero temperatures. We show that in particular for a one or two-dimensional optical lattice, the Mott insulator phase is more difficult to realize than anticipated previously.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, title changed, major restructuring, resubmitted to PR

    On the Role of Penning Ionization in Photoassociation Spectroscopy

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    We study the role of Penning ionization on the photoassociation spectra of He(^3S)-He(^3S). The experimental setup is discussed and experimental results for different intensities of the probe laser are shown. For modelling the experimental results we consider coupled-channel calculations of the crossing of the ground state with the excited state at the Condon point. The coupled-channel calculations are first applied to model systems, where we consider two coupled channels without ionization, two coupled channels with ionization, and three coupled channels, for which only one of the excited states is ionizing. Finally, coupled-channel calculations are applied to photoassociation of He(^3S)-He(^3S) and good agreement is obtained between the model and the experimental results.Comment: 14 pages, 18 figures, submitted to the special issue on Cold Molecules of J. Phys.

    Free fermion antibunching in a degenerate atomic Fermi gas released from an optical lattice

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    Noise in a quantum system is fundamentally governed by the statistics and the many-body state of the underlying particles. Whereas for bosonic particles the correlated noise observed for e.g. photons or bosonic neutral atoms can still be explained within a classical field description with fluctuating phases, the anticorrelations in the detection of fermionic particles have no classical analogue. The observation of such fermionic antibunching is so far scarce and has been confined to electrons and neutrons. Here we report on the first direct observation of antibunching of neutral fermionic atoms. Through an analysis of the atomic shot noise in a set of standard absorption images, of a gas of fermionic 40K atoms released from an optical lattice, we find reduced correlations for distances related to the original spacing of the trapped atoms. The detection of such quantum statistical correlations has allowed us to characterise the ordering and temperature of the Fermi gas in the lattice. Moreover, our findings are an important step towards revealing fundamental fermionic many-body quantum phases in periodic potentials, which are at the focus of current research.Comment: (Nature, in press

    Ultrafast rerouting of light via slow modes in a nanophotonic directional coupler

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    We demonstrate that two coupled photonic-crystal waveguides can route two subsequently arriving light pulses to different output ports even though the pulses are only 3 ps apart. This rerouting of light is due to an ultrafast shift in the transmittance spectrum triggered by the generation of electrons and holes in the Si base material by a femtosecond laser pulse. The use of slow-light modes allows for a coupler length of only 5.2 μm. Since these modes are not directly involved, the 3 ps dead time is solely determined by the duration of the input pulse rather than its transit time through the device.We acknowledge funding through the EU FP6-FET “SPLASH” project. This work is also part of the research program of FOM, which is financially supported by the NWO

    Cross-talk between signaling pathways leading to defense against pathogens and insects

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    In nature, plants interact with a wide range of organisms, some of which are harmful (e.g. pathogens, herbivorous insects), while others are beneficial (e.g. growth-promoting rhizobacteria, mycorrhizal fungi, and predatory enemies of herbivores). During the evolutionary arms race between plants and their attackers, primary and secondary immune responses evolved to recognize common or highly specialized features of microbial pathogens (Chisholm et al., 2006), resulting in sophisticated mechanisms of defense

    Insulator-Superfluid transition of spin-1 bosons in an optical lattice in magnetic field

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    We study the insulator-superfluid transition of spin-1 bosons in an optical lattice in a uniform magnetic field. Based on a mean-field approximation we obtained a zero-temperature phase diagram. We found that depending on the particle number the transition for bosons with antiferromagnetic interaction may occur into different superfluid phases with spins aligned along or opposite to the field direction. This is qualitatively different from the field-free transition for which the mean-field theory predicts a unique (polar) superfluid state for any particle number.Comment: 10 pages, 2 eps figure
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