157 research outputs found

    An adaptive, real-time cadence algorithm for unconstrained sensor placement

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    This paper evaluates a new and adaptive real-time cadence detection algorithm (CDA) for unconstrained sensor placement during walking and running. Conventional correlation procedures, dependent on sensor position and orientation, may alternately detect either steps or strides and consequently suffer from false negatives or positives. To overcome this limitation, the CDA validates correlation peaks as strides using the Sylvester's criterion (SC). This paper compares the CDA with conventional correlation methods.22 volunteers completed 7 different circuits (approx. 140 m) at three gaits-speeds: walking (1.5 m s- 1), running (3.4 m s- 1), and sprinting (5.2 and 5.7 m s- 1), disturbed by various gait-related activities. The algorithm was simultaneously evaluated for 10 different sensor positions. Reference strides were obtained from a foot sensor using a dedicated offline algorithm.The described algorithm resulted in consistent numbers of true positives (85.6-100.0%) and false positives (0.0-2.9%) and showed to be consistently accurate for cadence feedback across all circuits, subjects and sensors (mean ± SD: 98.9 ± 0.2%), compared to conventional cross-correlation (87.3 ± 13.5%), biased (73.0 ± 16.2) and unbiased (82.2 ± 20.6) autocorrelation procedures.This study shows that the SC significantly improves cadence detection, resulting in robust results for various gaits, subjects and sensor positions

    Complexity Reduction of Polymorphic Sequences (CRoPS™): A Novel Approach for Large-Scale Polymorphism Discovery in Complex Genomes

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    Application of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) is revolutionizing human bio-medical research. However, discovery of polymorphisms in low polymorphic species is still a challenging and costly endeavor, despite widespread availability of Sanger sequencing technology. We present CRoPS™ as a novel approach for polymorphism discovery by combining the power of reproducible genome complexity reduction of AFLP® with Genome Sequencer (GS) 20/GS FLX next-generation sequencing technology. With CRoPS, hundreds-of-thousands of sequence reads derived from complexity-reduced genome sequences of two or more samples are processed and mined for SNPs using a fully-automated bioinformatics pipeline. We show that over 75% of putative maize SNPs discovered using CRoPS are successfully converted to SNPWave® assays, confirming them to be true SNPs derived from unique (single-copy) genome sequences. By using CRoPS, polymorphism discovery will become affordable in organisms with high levels of repetitive DNA in the genome and/or low levels of polymorphism in the (breeding) germplasm without the need for prior sequence information

    Технология извлечения структур знаний с использованием аппарата расширенных семантических сетей

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    В статье рассматривается задача извлечения из текстов естественного языка структур знаний: информационных объектов («именованных сущностей»), их свойств, связей и фактов участия в действиях. Для этих целей разработан инструментарий: язык представления знаний (расширенные семантические сети – РСС) и их обработки (язык преобразования структур – ДЕКЛ). На этой основе созданы технологии, которые обладают следующими особенностями. Из текстов извлекаются не отдельные объекты (именованные сущности), а структуры знаний, представляющие связи объектов и их участие в действиях и событиях. Для извлечения структур знаний разработан уникальный семантико-ориентированный лингвистический процессор (ЛП), осуществляющий глубинный анализ текстов ЕЯ и выявляющий десятки типов объектов вместе с их структурами. Процессор ЛП управляется лингвистическими знаниями, представляющими собой декларативные структуры и обеспечивающие быструю настройку ЛП на предметную область и язык. Основой лингвистических знаний являются правила, обладающие высокой степенью избирательности при выявлении объектов («сущностей»), средствами устранения коллизий при их применении. Это позволяет минимизировать шумы и потери.У статті розглядається задача знайдення у текстах природної мови структур знань: інформаційних об’єктів («іменованих сутностей»), їх якостей зв’язків і фактів участі у діях. Для цих цілей розроблений інструментарій: мова представлення знань (розширені семантичні мережі – РСМ) та їх обробки (мова перетворення структур – ДЕКЛ). На цій основі створені технології, що мають наступні особливості. З тестів виділяються не окремі об’єкти (іменовані сутності), а структури знань, що представляють зв’язки об’єктів та їх участь у діях та подіях. З метою виділення структур знань розроблений винятковий семантико-орієнтований лінгвістичний процесор (ЛП), що здійснює глибинний аналіз текстів ЕЯ та виявляє десятки типів об’єктів разом з їх структурами. Процесор ЛП керується лінгвістичними знаннями, які представляють собою декларативні структури та забезпечують швидке настроювання ЛП на предметну сферу та мову. Основою лінгвістичних знань є правила, що мають високий ступінь вибірковості при виявленні об’єктів («сутностей»), засобами усунення колізій при їхньому використанні. Це дозволяє мінімізувати шуми та втрати.The paper is devoted to the extracting of knowledge structures from the natural language texts, i.e. information objects (“Named Entities”), their features, relationships, and participation in the actions and events. For this purpose, the language used for knowledge representation (extended semantic networks/ESN) and tools for processing (language for structure conversion LSC) are considered. On this base, the new technologies are proposed. These technologies have the following features: extraction from the texts of knowledge structures that represent the links of named entities and their participation in actions and events. For the knowledge extraction the unique semantic-oriented language processor (LP) are designed. Processor LP provides the deep analysis of NL-texts and revealing set of objects together with their structures. Processor LP is controlled by the linguistic knowledge, which are declarative structures (on ESN) and which provides the quick tuning of LP on subject area and language, both Russian and English

    Monitoringplan Deltaprogramma Waddengebied : advies voor het toekostbestendig maken van het monitoringsysteem voor waterveilidheid in het Waddengebied

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    Het Waddengebied krijgt de komende eeuw te maken met klimaatverandering. Naarmate de zeespiegel verder stijgt, vraagt het intergetijdengebied van de Waddenzee meer zand en onttrekt dat naar verwachting aan de buitendelta’s en de eilandkusten. Het is dan de vraag of het meegroeivermogen van het gebied voldoende is om de zeespiegelstijging bij te houden

    High-Throughput Detection of Induced Mutations and Natural Variation Using KeyPoint™ Technology

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    Reverse genetics approaches rely on the detection of sequence alterations in target genes to identify allelic variants among mutant or natural populations. Current (pre-) screening methods such as TILLING and EcoTILLING are based on the detection of single base mismatches in heteroduplexes using endonucleases such as CEL 1. However, there are drawbacks in the use of endonucleases due to their relatively poor cleavage efficiency and exonuclease activity. Moreover, pre-screening methods do not reveal information about the nature of sequence changes and their possible impact on gene function. We present KeyPoint™ technology, a high-throughput mutation/polymorphism discovery technique based on massive parallel sequencing of target genes amplified from mutant or natural populations. KeyPoint combines multi-dimensional pooling of large numbers of individual DNA samples and the use of sample identification tags (“sample barcoding”) with next-generation sequencing technology. We show the power of KeyPoint by identifying two mutants in the tomato eIF4E gene based on screening more than 3000 M2 families in a single GS FLX sequencing run, and discovery of six haplotypes of tomato eIF4E gene by re-sequencing three amplicons in a subset of 92 tomato lines from the EU-SOL core collection. We propose KeyPoint technology as a broadly applicable amplicon sequencing approach to screen mutant populations or germplasm collections for identification of (novel) allelic variation in a high-throughput fashion

    Platelet Function in Stored Heparinised Autologous Blood Is Not Superior to in Patient Platelet Function during Routine Cardiopulmonary Bypass

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    Background: In cardiac surgery, cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) and unfractionated heparin have negative effects on blood platelet function. In acute normovolemic haemodilution autologous unfractionated heparinised blood is stored ex-vivo and retransfused at the end of the procedure to reduce (allogeneic) transfusion requirements. In this observational study we assessed whether platelet function is better preserved in ex vivo stored autologous blood compared to platelet function in the patient during CPB. Methodology/Principal Finding: We measured platelet aggregation responses pre-CPB, 5 min after the start of CPB, at the end of CPB, and after unfractionated heparin reversal, using multiple electrode aggregometry (MultiplateH) with adenosine diphosphate (ADP), thrombin receptor activating peptide (TRAP) and ristocetin activated test cells. We compared blood samples taken from the patient with samples taken from 100 ml ex-vivo stored blood, which we took to mimick blood storage during normovolemic haemodilution. Platelet function declined both in ex-vivo stored blood as well as in blood taken from the patient. At the end of CPB there were no differences in platelet aggregation responses between samples from the ex vivo stored blood and the patient. Conclusion/Significance: Ex vivo preservation of autologous blood in unfractionated heparin does not seem to b

    Sequence-Based Genotyping for Marker Discovery and Co-Dominant Scoring in Germplasm and Populations

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    Conventional marker-based genotyping platforms are widely available, but not without their limitations. In this context, we developed Sequence-Based Genotyping (SBG), a technology for simultaneous marker discovery and co-dominant scoring, using next-generation sequencing. SBG offers users several advantages including a generic sample preparation method, a highly robust genome complexity reduction strategy to facilitate de novo marker discovery across entire genomes, and a uniform bioinformatics workflow strategy to achieve genotyping goals tailored to individual species, regardless of the availability of a reference sequence. The most distinguishing features of this technology are the ability to genotype any population structure, regardless whether parental data is included, and the ability to co-dominantly score SNP markers segregating in populations. To demonstrate the capabilities of SBG, we performed marker discovery and genotyping in Arabidopsis thaliana and lettuce, two plant species of diverse genetic complexity and backgrounds. Initially we obtained 1,409 SNPs for arabidopsis, and 5,583 SNPs for lettuce. Further filtering of the SNP dataset produced over 1,000 high quality SNP markers for each species. We obtained a genotyping rate of 201.2 genotypes/SNP and 58.3 genotypes/SNP for arabidopsis (n = 222 samples) and lettuce (n = 87 samples), respectively. Linkage mapping using these SNPs resulted in stable map configurations. We have therefore shown that the SBG approach presented provides users with the utmost flexibility in garnering high quality markers that can be directly used for genotyping and downstream applications. Until advances and costs will allow for routine whole-genome sequencing of populations, we expect that sequence-based genotyping technologies such as SBG will be essential for genotyping of model and non-model genomes alike

    A hybrid BAC physical map of potato: a framework for sequencing a heterozygous genome

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Potato is the world's third most important food crop, yet cultivar improvement and genomic research in general remain difficult because of the heterozygous and tetraploid nature of its genome. The development of physical map resources that can facilitate genomic analyses in potato has so far been very limited. Here we present the methods of construction and the general statistics of the first two genome-wide BAC physical maps of potato, which were made from the heterozygous diploid clone RH89-039-16 (RH).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>First, a gel electrophoresis-based physical map was made by AFLP fingerprinting of 64478 BAC clones, which were aligned into 4150 contigs with an estimated total length of 1361 Mb. Screening of BAC pools, followed by the KeyMaps <it>in silico </it>anchoring procedure, identified 1725 AFLP markers in the physical map, and 1252 BAC contigs were anchored the ultradense potato genetic map. A second, sequence-tag-based physical map was constructed from 65919 whole genome profiling (WGP) BAC fingerprints and these were aligned into 3601 BAC contigs spanning 1396 Mb. The 39733 BAC clones that overlap between both physical maps provided anchors to 1127 contigs in the WGP physical map, and reduced the number of contigs to around 2800 in each map separately. Both physical maps were 1.64 times longer than the 850 Mb potato genome. Genome heterozygosity and incomplete merging of BAC contigs are two factors that can explain this map inflation. The contig information of both physical maps was united in a single table that describes hybrid potato physical map.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The AFLP physical map has already been used by the Potato Genome Sequencing Consortium for sequencing 10% of the heterozygous genome of clone RH on a BAC-by-BAC basis. By layering a new WGP physical map on top of the AFLP physical map, a genetically anchored genome-wide framework of 322434 sequence tags has been created. This reference framework can be used for anchoring and ordering of genomic sequences of clone RH (and other potato genotypes), and opens the possibility to finish sequencing of the RH genome in a more efficient way via high throughput next generation approaches.</p